The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1942, Image 5

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    Hard-Hitting Diamondeers Meet Owls Friday
Coach Dimmitt’s Nine Hit and Hit Hard
To Bury Owls; No Conference Record Set
. Ole Lil Dimmitt had a club
E-ea, E-ea, oh!
And on his club he had some hitters
E-ea, E-ea, oh!
A home run here, a single there,
Here a hit, there a hit,
Everywhere a basehit—
Ole Lil Dimmitt had a club
E-ea, E-ea, oh!
That and more only signified
Coach Cecil Grigg’s Rice Owls’
feeling toward the hardhitting
Texas Aggie nine, who went on a
real Owl party by slapping out 29
base hits and 26 runs Tuesday
What antidote or reason made
the Aggies hit. so hard will never
be known. Maybe it was just their
heydey to hit, maybe it was Coach
Dimmitt’s grade agreement, or
maybe it was the Rice pitchers
The latter probably would come
nearest the truth than anything
else. The second reason could have
something to do with it. Before
the game, Lil stated that if the
boys would win the game, all
would be treated to the first game
of a double-header between the
Houston Buffs and the Shreveport
Sports. Otherwise, they would
pack up and take the long road
Getting back to the pitcher an
gle, it was easy to see why each
pitch was hit far and wide. Rice’s
ace Jimmy Pendarvis was just an
other kid named Joe to the Cadets
as they murdered almost every
pitch that he threw. The other
hurlers fared no better.
As to Charlie Stevenson and
Smokey Carden, they didn’t espe
cially have too much on the ball.
And why should they? With the
kind of hitting the Cadets were
getting, even Jimmy (Frog) Mont
gomery, manager of the club,
could have earned a letter by
starting and finishing the game.
It might not have been that easy,
but I’m sure Frog would have had
at least a two run advantage with
the game’s end.
Questions pouring in to this writer from many sources
ask if this score is a Southwest Conference record. The an
swer is “No.” In 1936, when Roswell (Little Hig) Higgin
botham went to S.M.U., to inaugurate the Mustangs’ first
year in the baseball league, the Cadets trounced the Ponies,
32-7 in one game, and 28-3 in another. That same year, they
pounded T.C.U. and Rice hard and proper but still lost the
crown to the Longhorns.
But record or no record, that
26-0 score will be good enough
until something better comes
along. And, if Coach Bibb Faulk’s
second-place Texas Longhorns
have any aspirations for a base
ball crown this year, they’d better
move their fence at least 10 feet
back. The Aggies have finally hit
their stride and are closing in fast
on that shining baseball crown.
Sports Squibs From Here and There; Pete
Watkins Has Best High-Jump Mark in U.S.
Tommy O’Brien, sports broad
caster on KRIC, Beaumont station,
and the only sports expert who
picked the Aggies for a football
championship last September, sent
a telegram to H. B. McElroy of
the Publicity Department, stating
that Pete Watkins’ mark of 6 feet
8% inches in the high jump is the
best mark in the United States,
both indoor and outdoor . . . that
is a distinct honor to pay to one
of Southwest Conference’s great
est jumpers . . . He’s off to the
Drake Relays, where he’s expected
to break the 20-year-old high jump
record of 6 feet 6 inches . . .
More notes on the wild Aggie-Rice
game Tuesday . . . the Aggies
(See KYLE FIELD, Page 6)
• • •
LIBBY’S PEARS, No. 2»/ 2 25?
PORK & BEANS, Tall No. 1 — 3 for 25?
DATE-NUT BREAD, 2 for 25?
MONARCH TOMATO JUICE, 2 for ... . 25?
LIGHT CRUST FLOUR, 6 lb. for *35?
• • •
LETTUCE, head 05?
CARROTS, 3 bunches for 10?
CABBAGE, 4 lbs. for ... 10c
WINESAP APPLES, 163 size, dozen ....... 19c
CALIFORNIA LEMONS, 490 size, dozen 12?
Also complete line of Fruits and Vegetables
Save your slips for Cherry Vouchers
WE DELIVER Phone 4-1141
Battalion Sports
THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 ~~ Page 6
And Kimbrough Hits the Jap Left Flank!
Former Aggie Gridsters Of
Past 5 Years Serving in Army
If it is football players that are
needed to win, the war, A. & M.
has supplied the U. S. Army with
a fair to middling squad from
which to pick a team to play out
the schedule.
In response to a request this
past week, Coach Homer Norton
checked back over his lettermen
for the past five years and found
that of the last five teams to rep
resent the Aggies (1937-41) a tot
al of 32 gridsters already are on
active duty with the U. S. Army
and another eight former players
will join those 32 immediately aft
er May 16. In addition, another
five are on duty with the U. S.
Navy to bring the total to 45 in
service off his last five teams who
have played out their eligibility.
Dittman, Tops
Tops from a military standpoint
it Lt. Henry (Felly) Dittman, ’37,
who already is wearing the Dis
tinguished Flying Cross won in
action against the Japs in the Far
East. Tops from the football angle
are Twice All-Americans Lt. Joe
Routt, ’36 and ’37, and Lt. John
Kimbrough, ’39 and ’40. Marshall
Robnett, All-American in ’40, has
been accepted to become an ensign
in the naval physical education
program. Only missing All-Am
erica player of the past five years
is Joe Boyd, ’39, who has been
married for some time.
Playing for Country
Coaches may talk of building
character in their players but what
better proof is needed than in ad
dition to winning three champion
ships in three of those five^ years,
Coach Norton also turned out this
fine squad of lettermen who now
are playing for their country:
Backs—Lt. Felly Dittman, Ken
Mills, Lt. Bob Nesrsta, Lt. Dick
Vitek, Lt. Bill Conatser, Lt. Mar-
land Jeffrey, Lt. John Kimbrough,
Lt. Jim Thomason, Lt. Fim Wood,
Lt. Joe Rothe, Dennis Andricks,
and Bob Hall all in the U. S.
Army, and Ensign Bill Audish and
“Cotton” Price in the U. S. Navy.
Sam Porter will go into the Navy
after May 16.
Ends—Lt. Herby Smith, Lt. Joe
White, Lt. Bill Duncan, and Lt.
Jack Kimbrough.
Tackles—Lt. Henry Hauser, Lt.
Warren Church, Lt. Chip Routt,
and Leonard Dickey. Martin Ruby
is in the navy and Ernie Pannell
will go on active duty after May
Guards—Lt. Joe Routt, Bill
Minnock, Lt. Charlie Henke, Lt.
Karl Steffens, Lt. Alvin Olbrich,
Lt. Leon Rahn, John Reeves, Ar
my; and Ensign Marshall Robnett
in the Navy.
Centers—Odell Herman, Lt. Eli
Rushing, Lt. Joe Turner, Lt. Tom
my Vaughn, and Lt. Howard Shel
May 16 Commissions
Aggies who’ will be commission
ed on May 16 and go on active
duty as second lieutenants include:
Backs—Marion Pugh, Derace Mos
er, and Marshall Spivey; Ends—
Bill Dawson and Jim Sterling;
Tackles—Zolus Motley; Guards—
Roy Bucek; and Center—Maurice
Of those 45 mentioned, a total
of 25 already have commissions in
the army, another 8 will be com
missioned in May and two hold
naval commissions. Three others
in the navy are working toward
commissions which leaves but sev
en on Coach Norton’s squad who
do not have now or will not have
commissions within the next few
weeks. Some of the army men are
nearing their captaincies and oth
ers their first lieutenancies.
With warm weather here, the
intramural games, using the swim
ming pool, are hitting a new high
in participants.
Not only are the
intramural par
ticipants taking
advantage of the
pool but Coach
Art Adamson re
ports that the
cadet corps as a
whole is institut-
Oxford ing a mass move
ment to the natatorium.
F Field vs B Coast
In class B water polo, F Field
Artillery outplayed B Coast and
won the match 1-0. Making the
only goal of the game was R. O.
Weldon. With A1 Cummings and
W. B. Blocker both making one
each, F Infantry beat the Artillery
Band 2-0. D Field Artilleryman
H. M. Cree made two goals to win
the water polo game for his organ
ization; D Field played I Battery.
E Field Winner
E Field Artillery swamped I In
fancy in a close game by the
tight score of 1-0. G Coast and D
Infantry tied 1-1 with Coast Ar
tilleryman W. L. Sallee making
one goal and Infantryman R. A.
Stewart putting the ball between
the goal post for his organization’s
score. Playing heads-up water po
lo, A Signal Corps beat H Field
Artillery 3-0. Goal makers for the
Class A
Class B
100-yard dash
Low Hurdles .
Shuttle relay .
Shot Put
Broad jump ...
High jump ....
There were 54 out of
67 organ-
izations on the campus that enter
ed in class B field and track ev
ents. While class A was low with
39 organizations entered, this is
an increase over last year’s results
thereby showing an increase in in
terest of the upperclassmen where
intramural events are concerned.
E Field Artillery
Checking up on past records I
found that the class of ’42 in E
Field Artillery has won the intra
mural flag every year they have
been in college. And the way
things look now, they have a pret
ty good chance of repeating.
Navy to Receive
Gate Receipts Of
Rice-A&M Tilt Fri
The U. S. Navy Relief Fund will
receive all the gate receipts of the
Rice-A.&M. baseball game tomor
row afternoon as specifically an
nounced by the Aggie Athletic
Council in its recent meeting.
Homer Norton, head athletic di
rector, announced this past week
that all the proceeds of the: game
will be turned over to the fund
which is headed in Texas by At
torney General Gerald Mann.
“I believe that the cause is very
worthy and am highly pleased that
our Athletic Council has made it
possible for us to assist in the
drive for funds,” Norton said. “It
comes mighty close to home for
us since Marty Karow, head base
ball coach from 1938 to this year
is now a lieutenant in the U. S.
Navy,” he added.
Class A:
B Coast Artillery, Swim
Signal Corps were C. J. McMor-
die, J. R. Hayden and R. Hanson.
The second tie of yesterday’s
games was between C Coast and
G Field. Each team scored two
Track Participation
Here are the number of men
participating in each event as tab
ulated from the results of the in
tramural track meet Sunday.
The Texas Aggie netmen, coach
ed by Manning Smith, meet the
Rice Institute tennis team here
this afternoon on the Kyle Field
courts. The matches were original
ly scheduled for Tuesday after
noon but it was decided that the
courts were too wet and they were
postponed until this afternoon.
The Cadets recently defeated
the Southern Methodist netters for
the first time in four years; thus
raising themselves in Southwest
Conference tennis.
our old friend Arrow mokes
swell sports shirts
And we’ve pot ’em! Pop in and see. They’re good-
looking, are built for active sports or just looking
pretty in. They have all the advantages of Arrow
tailoring—including the Sanforized label (less than
1% shrinkage). In a phrase, you’ll love ’em!
7 tr
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First of Two - Game Series
To Start at 3:30 o’clock
Lil Dimmitt Again Nominates Charlie
Stevenson to Pitch Against Vaunted Owls
The league-leading Texas Aggies will meet the fifth-
place Rice Institute Owls tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 on
Kyle Field in the first of a two-game series. The second
game will be played Saturday afternoon. The Owls received
a 26-0 drubbing at the hands of the Cadets last Tuesday in
Charlie Steyenson, ace Aggie
righthander, will probably start on
the mound for the Cadets. Steven
son blanked the Southern Metho
dist Mustangs 11-0 on fCylie Field
last ^Saturday and held the Owls
scoreless for the six innings he
was in the game earlier this week.
Stevenson has a string of 15 con
secutive scoreless innings so far.
He also collected two singles and
a four bagger with the*bases. load
ed against Rice.
Start Hitting
The Cadets began the season
with a definite 4 ac k of slugging
power but they have overcome this
weakness and since the SMU game
in Dallas over a month ago the
batting average of every man on
the team has been on the upgrade.
In late games the players have had
little trouble in connecting with
the ball when the runs were need
The Aggie pitching staff has
improved and has been able to baf
fle opposing batters. J. B. “Smok
ey” Carden who was suffering
from a streak of wildness, has
settled down and has had lots of
control with his fast ball lately.
The Cadets continued their reg
ular batting practice after the
Rice game with much vigor de-
Student coupon books will
be good for tomorrow’s game
between the Aggies and the
Rice Owls on Kyle Field.
However, any students wish
ing to contribute to the
Navy War Relief Fund may
do so as they enter either
gate. Boxes will be placed at
each entrance.
Susie Hoogasian, sophomore at
Wayne university, has recorded
150 tales and other bits of folk
lore belonging to Armenia’s past.
Fewer major crimes are com
mitted in China than in other
countries, asserts Frank Ki Chun
Yee, graduate of the University
of California, in his dissertation
for his doctor of philosophy de
In addition to the entire gate
proceeds being turned over to the
Navy, there will also be buckets
at each entrance to collect any
free will offerings the fans may
care to contribute over the price
of their admission.
spite the fact that they hit the de
sired mark in that game.
The probable lineups for to
morrow’s game are: AGGIES: Bal-
low, ss; Rogers, If; Glass, 2b;
Scoggin, c; Porter, lb; Peden, 3b;
Stevenson, p; Daniels, rf; and
Black, cf. OWLS: Colley, 2b; Pal
mer, ss; Voight, rf; Leigh, cf;
Barrow, c; Sheehan, If; Selman,
lb; Collura, 3b; and Pendarvis, p.
Second Hand
Drawing Equipment
and Slide Rules in
Good Condition.
‘One Dozen Roses”
—Harry James
T Pray for You”
—Hal McIntyre
"‘Goodnight Sweetheart”
—Ray Noble
“You’re Too Good for
Good for Nothing Me”
—Harry James
Jtou-'I'X ..pfr
8 '
[Don’t dress down for sports!
TOTS OF MEN shun sports clothes because
V-l they’re afraid of looking like Mrs. Astor’s
pet horse. But “it ain’t necessarily so.”
For instance, Arrow makes sports shirts that
are simple, and very good-looking. You’ll look
swell in them on the golf course, on the lawn,
or in a soft-ball game. And you’ll feel com
fortable in them too because they’re made for
action and made to fit you right—sized like
your other Arrow shirts. Buy some today!