The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1942, Image 4
Page 4- THE BATTALION -THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, 1942 Hitters Have Big Field Day as Aggies Drub Rice Owls to Tune of 26-0 Tues Stevenson Grabs Sixth Win, Homers With Bases Loaded Hitting the horsehide of the ball for 29 hits which went for 41 bases, the Texas Aggie nine shock ed the Rice Owls, and even as tounded themselves when they de feated the Feathered Flock at Houston by the top-heavy and un believable score of 26-0. It was by far the largest score of the season and almost breaks a conference scoring record. Charlie Stevenson and Smokey Carden shared the mound chores for the Cadets, limiting the sur prised Owls to six blows, none of which went for more than singles. Not one Rice man reached third base. 1st Inning—Bang The whole thing started out with the initial frame as the Ca dets began hitting as if they real ly meant business. Cecil Ballow, who garnered himself three blows for the day, took life as Bert Sel- man muffed the peg from the shortstop. Rogers singled him to third, and Ballow scored as Glass pumped a bingle to left. Scoggin walked, but Porter forced Rogers at the plate. Peden’s short single scored Glass, and, with the bases jammed, came the most terrific blow of the game. With the count one and one on him, Charlie Stev enson, the Aggies’ ace pitcher, also proved that he could wield a mean bat when he caught one of Pen- darvis’ pitches and sent it reeling far over the center fielder’s head for an easy home run. A Merry-go-Round From that moment on, it was a merry-go-round, as Coach Lil Dimmitt’s boys hit everything thrown at them. They counted a run in the second, three more in the third, one in the fourth, two in the fifth, and astounded the Rice hurlers and Coach Cecil Grigg by no scoring in the sixth. However, all that was made up quite satisfactorily with the com ing of the seventh frame—an inn ing that will be long remembered by Owl fans and players alike. It was a regular nightmare as the Aggies threw their whole weight into the ordeal by counting 10 runs on 10 hiW. Everybody smack ed the ball to all four corners of the field, with Peden’s circuit blow doing the most damage. Peden and Scoggin Les Peden and John Scoggin led the hitting parade with five blows apiece. Scoggin had five singles, while Peden divided his hits more evenly by banging out a homer, triple, double and a brace of sin gles. Everyone else but Leo Dan iels connected for at least one hit. RICE (0) Colley, 2b Palmer, ss Vogt, rf-p i Leigh, cf-p Barrow, c Sheehan, lf-3b . Selman, Ib-rf . Collura, 3b Pendaryis, p-lb Buvins, If TOTALS A. & M. (26) Ballow, ss Rogers, If Glass, 2b Scoggin, c-cf ... Porter, lb Peden, 3b Stevenson, p-rf Daniels, rf-cf ... Black, cf Carden, p Smith, rf Aldrich, c TOTALS A. & M. Rice Ab R H E Ab R H E ...6 3 3 1 .56 26 29 1 .613 120 (10)12—26 . 000 000 0 00— 0 —DUCHESSES— (Continued from Page 3) ton A. & M. Mothers Club. Zuleika Stanger, Ray J. Foshee, Brazoria County A. & M. Club. Betty Steele, Sam Ed Brown, Tri-State A. & M. Club. Inez Sterling, Glenn McGouirk, Fort Sam Houston A. & M. Club. Sara Stevens, Marvin Grimes, El Paso A. & M. Mothers Club. Betty Taylor, C. B. Marsh, A. & M. Amarillo Mothers Club. Doris Elizabeth Taylor, Lewis Bracey, Capital A. & M. Mothers Club. Jewel Taylor, Edgar Wareing, Navarro County A. & M. Club. Joe Ann Thomas, Earl Voskamp, Colorado County A. & M. Club. Margaret Tillery, Harvey Wal ker, Eastern Panhandle Club. Norma Jean Tubbs, Harry Dil lingham, Ellis County A. & M. Club. Elaine Toler, Durward James, Southern Methodist university. Dorothy Lucille Varisco, Cosmo Guido, Bryan and Brazos County Chamber of Commerce. Winnie Warner, Gustave Carl- sen, The Agronomy Society. Colorful Drake Relays Hold 33rd Annual Meet April 23,25 By Mike Mann Coach “Dough” Rollins, Aggie track mentor, and ten of his squad left yesterday morning to par ticipate in the Drake Relays, April 24 and 25, at Drake university in Des Moines, Iowa. Aggie track- sters have been entered in this feature track and field meet for a number of years. Incidentally, the oldest record in the Drake Relays’ books is the 6 feet 6 inch mark in the high jump left by Harold Osborne of Illinois in 1922. Pete Watkins, Ag gie high jump star, has been con sistently bettering that mark all this year and is expected to pro vide a threat to the 20-year-old record. The defending 120-yard high hurdles champion, Bob Wright of Ohio State, will have stiff com petition in the persons of Roy Bucek of A. & M. and Pete Owens of Howard Payne. History of Relays The Drake Relays came to life 33 years ago when Major John L. Griffith, the head of athletics at Drake university, got the idea of staging a track and field carnival for competitors from schools all over the country. The first relays took place on April 10, 1910, with 82 athletes from three universities and three high schools in attendance. A lusty snow storm was on hand to greet the 100-odd spectators who turned out. In 1911, eight universities, eight colleges and twenty-three high schools sent athletes to the meet ing. A total of 250 performers were present and over 500 hundred spectators were on hand for the second Drake Relays. Year after year, the relays made progress and the number of ath- —RANDOLPH— (Continued from Page 3) Army units. An ex-student of A. & M. and the University of Cin cinnati (Ohio), he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Thompson, El Paso. The rank of corporal in the reg ular Army had been reached by Aviation Cadet Donald E. Kemen- do, 21, son of Mrs. R. L. Kemendo, 1220 Bagby Avenue, when he join ed the cadets. He is an ex-student of A. & M. ^ A former tire salesman, Avia tion Cadet William S. Connolly, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Connolly, Whitney, was graduated from A. & M. in 1938 with a de gree in agricultural economics. From 48 cities and crossroad post offices they came, many breaking off college careers which would lead to professions that bring wealth and happiness in the ■way of life they now must defend. Today with reveille cannon’s blast they are up at 6:20 a.m. From then until near midnight sometimes they are busy every minute with drill, muscle-making, muscle-timing athletics, schooling in navigation, in radio, in weath er, in flying powerful 450-horse- power low-wing monoplanes every day. Once they have learned to master these planes alone, they ease into instrument flying, learn how to get out of tight spots, fly in formations. At Randolph the best flying in structors in the world will grade out the men who will be best as flying gun-packing single-motored ships, flying multi-motored bomb- totin’ sky monsters. These cadets will specialize at advanced schools for ten weeks after Randolph— then wings and commissions. Wanda Warren, Trever Whayne, The Agronomy Society. Pauline Webster, Howard War ner, The Agronomy Society. Betty Belvin Westbrook, Jimmy DuBose, The Agronomy Society. Sara Edna Wilkerson, Howard Kingsberry, The Agronomy So ciety. Dorothy Williams, Forrest Arm strong, Throckmorton County A. & M. Club. Cathron Wilson, Lee Hertz, The Agronomy, Society. Wanda Wood, Robert Powell, Texarkana A. & M. Club. Louise Wright, Jimmy Kiel, The Agronomy Society. Lucile Yeager, John M. Law rence^ The Agronomy Society. Thelma Zuber, Russell Cook, Puerto Rico Club. letes entered and schools repre sented gradually increased. In 1915 Purdue and Michigan came from the Western Conference to perform after Nebraska, Minne sota and Wisconsin had entered in 1912, 1913 and 1914. Relays Enlarged In 1922, the Relays were en larged and became a two-day show instead of one. The following year the attendance reached the 10,000 mark. New performers were Notre Dame, Oregon State, Miami and Texas. A brand new stadium greeted the Relay entrants and fans in 1927 when the Drake Stadium was completed. The attendance was now 14,000 with almost 1,500 ath letes participating. The Drake Relays became of age in 1930. Preparation for this twenty-first annual show was be gun months in advance and the Universities of Tulane, Alabama, California at Los Angeles and Ohio State were added to the rap- idly-increasing list of schools send ing competitors. Queen Selected in ’34 The first Drake Relays queen was selected and reigned over the 1934 Relays. Miss Martha Stull of Northwestern university was the first member of the Drake Relays royalty. Just two years later ap proximately 20,000 fans packed the Drake Stadium for the classic affair. In 1941, more than 2,500 ath letes from 86 colleges and univer sities took part in the Relays. Na tional radio networks have given track fans the world over a ring side seat at the Drake classic. It is estimated that over 55,000 athletes have performed at the Drake Relays, one of the top field and track attractions in the na tion, and that well over a quarter of a million persons have traveled many miles to view the track classic. A recent check-up of past entries showed that seventy-odd of the country’s leading universities, 95 colleges, and more than 150 high schools have sent representa tives to perform at these games. Cadet Tracksters Annex 10 of 16 Events To Down Rice in Dual Meet Here Tuesday Duplicating their upset win over the Texas Longhorns a month ago, the Texas Aggie tracksters swept Coach Emmett Brunson’s strong Rice Owl thinly clads, 7514-46%, in a dual meet here Tuesday aft ernoon. Running with more speed and stamina than evei’, the Cadets an nexed ten of the 16 events and counted at least one point in every event but the shot-put. Bucek Leads Sparked by Captain Rby Bucek, who tied for high point honors witl>,. Rice’s captain Harold Hall, the Cadets quickly built up a lead which they never relinquished. Roy beat Bill Cummins’, the Owls’ ace hurdler, handily in each of the hurdle events. However, the biggest surprise of all went to Bucek’s younger broth er Felix, who beat out Jim Deal in the discus. Bucek’s throw was 141 feet, 7 inches, which easily beat Deal’s bid of 139 feet, 4 in ches. Ricks Counts B'/z Close on the heels of the scor ing leaders was Coach Dough Rol lins’ ace pole-vaulter and high jumper, Albert Ricks. Ricks count ed 9)4 points by winning first in the pole vault, second in the broad jump, and tieing for second in the high jump with Christopher, Rice’s main threat in that particular event. Incidentally, Pete Watkins, who easily won the event, quit after hurdling the timber at 6.4. Wat kins cleared the conference record twice this year—once in a work out, and the other time in thq re cent quadrangular meet here. He left with Coach Rollins and 9 oth- See TRACKSTERS, Page 6 Quality Merchandise with STYLE •SPORTWEAR • NECKWEAR •SHOES • • MILITARY WEAR • MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES WE HAVE YOUR EVERY NEED The Exchange Store ( 6 An Aggie Institution” THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS B. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Winston-Salem, North Carolina