The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1942, Image 2

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The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station,
is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday mornings.
Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates
upon request.
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service,
' Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and
San Francisco.
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1941 Member 1942
Dissociated Gotle6iate Press
E. M. Rosenthal Editor-in-chief
D. C. Thurman Associate Editor
Lee Rogers Associate Editor
Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager
Sports Staff
Mike Haikin Sports Editor
W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor
Mike Mann...... Senior Sports Assistant
Chick Hurst Junior Sports Editor
Russell Chatham Junior Sports Assistant
Circulation Staff
Gene Wilmeth Circulation Manager
F. D. Asbury Junior Assistant
Bill Huber, Joe Stalcup Circulation Assistants
Cedric Landon Senior Assistant
Photography Staff
Jack Jones Staff Photographer
Bob Crane, Ralph Stenzel Assistant Photographers
Phil Crown Assistant Photographer
Thursday’s Staff
Clyde C. Franklin Juinor Managing Editor
Brooks Gofer Junior Editor
Ken Bresnen Junior Editor
Tom Vannoy Junior Editor
W. A. Goforth Assistant Advertising Manager
Calvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, Russell Chatham, Bill
.Fox, Jack Keith, Tom Journeay, W. J. ^Hamilton, Nelson Kar-
bach, Tom Leland, Doug Lancaster, Charles P. McKnight, Keith
Kirk, Weinert Richardson, C. C. Scruggs, Henry H. Vollentine,
Ed Kingery, Edmund Bard, Henry Tillet, Harold Jordon, Fred
Pankay, John May, Lonnie Riley, Jack Hood.
Another Precedent
Tomorrow night the Aggieland orchestra is
going to set a new precedent. Tomorrow
night will be the first time in the history of
any of the present students that any regi
ment has given a regimental ball without
having some “big name” orchestra.
But this fact should not be smirked at.
Perhaps the Infantry boys, even though it
was forced upon them, are the first to wisen
up, the first to realize that it often isn’t the
smartest thing to do to throw hundreds of
dollars away just for several hours of music
by some imported orchestra.
All through the social season the var-
• ious orchestra committes have found it in
creasingly difficult to engage well known
orchestras. Dates have had to be changed,
contracts forgotten, “small time” bands ac
cepted, and one ni^ht stands contracted for.
The ease of a few years back of hiring the
men wanted was no more. Then the climax
came. No orchestras listed by the booking
agents. Infantrymen wailed but then realiz
ed the best had happened.
In all probability Boyd Raeburn will be
the last “big name” man to appear until af
ter the war. Most of the present day band
men are A1 with their draft boards and are
rapidly going to active duty. The few who
remain realize that they are at a premium
and are in a position to demand outrageous
fees. Above this, most of them are located in
the metropolitan areas of the East where
there is a high local demand and can see
little value in coming thousands of miles to
Aggieland for a two night stand.
Yes, the Infantry should be congratulat
ed on their choice of orchestras for Friday
and Saturday night. Their selection should
be realized to be a necessary precedent and
.a logical one.
Germany's Future
If the Allies are victorious, James K. Pollock,
University of Michigan political science pro
fessor, has a realistic plan for a government
to replace Hitler’s that answers the question
“what shall we do with Germany?”
The country should be supervised by an
international governing commission until it
is able to erect a new constitutional structure
that promises to be an improvement on the
Weimar system, Professor Pollock says.
It is a serious mistake to blame the po
litical maladjustments of the years between
the First and Second World wars on neglect
of the economic problem in the peace settle
ment of 1919, he contends. It is equally
wrong now, he warns, to think that if the
economic problem is solved the political prob
lem will look after itself.
Pointing out that when the war is over
Germany will not be able to continue at peace
unless she is organized on a democratic basis,
Professor Pollock blueprints his proposed
plan along democratic lines. The next Ger
man government, he says, should be federal
and not unitary and, if sound experience in
the past is to be followed, it should also be
parliamentary and not presidential in form.
As basic requirements for a new Ger
man parliament, Professor Pollock urges bet
ter methods to encourage and promote genu
ine discussion $nd debate, and an effective
upper house similar to the United States sen
ate that could represent the states while
acting as a stabilizer for the lower house.
Members of this group, he adds, should be
popularly elected in the states and should not
be bureaucratic representatives of state gov
ernments as in the former Reichsrat.—AGP.
Editor’s Note: The article which appear
ed in the April 21 issue of The Battalion un
der the heading “The World Turns On” was
written by Dr. C. C. Doak instead of Dr. R.
W. Steen as printed.
Graduates of military academies and
similar schools ar^ urged by the army to
continue their studies until they have reached
industion age under Selective Service. By at
tending special army schools such graduates
may earn commissions as second lieutenants.
Open Forum
(This letter was received yesterday by Ger
ald King, tfye present commander of B Bat
tery, Coast Artillery. It was written by Mrs.
Hannah Scrivener, the wife of the command
er of B Battery in 1937. It is of course per
sonally directed to the commander of the
battery but it is thought to contain a mes
sage which all Aggies will consider valu
Battery B, Coast Artillery (Anti-Aircraft)
Texas A. & M.,
College Station, Texas.
Dear Sir:
I am sure I am a total stranger to you
but shall take this opportunity to introduce
myself. My husband had the pleasure of
serving as battery commander in your bat
tery in 1937. Today he is with the Army
under the command of General Moore, your
former commandant, as staff communica
tions officer on Corregidor.
I wish to extend to you and your fellow
officers and cadets the challenge these men
have virtually bought with their blood. May
you in your associations with the Army be
as faithful and as fine as those men have
found it.
You have a grave responsibility before
you and by being a Texas Aggie you will
find an extended welcome from all com
manding officers under whom you will serve.
The Army is very proud of its Aggies and
enumerates them as outstanding officers and
heroes. Before my husband, Captain Willie
Scrivener, was Captain Bob Greer—who has
paid the penalty of war by his own life on
Keep ’em flying, Aggie; keep those col
ors ever floating over these United States.
When you receive your commission as a Lieu
tenant in the U. S. Army this May—remem
ber those Aggies who are serving and have
served on those far-flung battlefields.
We, who are left on the home fronts,
are with you 100 percent. This war will
claim more of the young men of America
but our enemy must and SHALL be stopped.
Remember Greer, Scrivener, Calvert and
all the other boys who have composed those
former graduation lines—now some place
under the deep rocky cavern of mighty Cor
I would like to hear from you, and may
God bless you and all the Aggies of whom
we are all so proud. I know—for I married
Sincerely yours,
“Bukwash: An agitation resulting from notoe action or oecmrenoe.”—Webster
A Hint
Come the summer semester,
things won’t be allowed to drag—
speaking in a social activity way.
Ideas are begin
ning to formu
late with the
general plan of
providing the
Aggies with fa
cilities for fun
and relaxation.
Rumoring a-
round, nothing
definite can be
stated as yet, but in some import
ant cubbyholes, whispers can be
overheard concerning regimental
dances in the summer, open-air
dance pavilion, etc.
• • •
Fightin’ A & M Club
Everybody should know by now
about the Aggie Club on Corregi-
dor Island and the meeting they
had the other night (what’s the
matter; don’t you read the front
page?). Mentioned on the list of
Aggies who belong to the Corregi
dor club was Major Tom Dooley,
head yell leader here in 1934-35.
He is now aide to General Wain-
wright, commander of the Bataan
army before it fell. It seems that
Aggie yell leaders have a habit of
becoming aides to generals. Bodie
Pierce and Buster Keeton hold
down that post also.
On the list of Corregidor Aggies
was Major John King, formerly
Sergeant King of Bryan. Major
(See BACKWASH page 6)
caips distractioNs
||) TOM VANNOY ||)
That epic story of life in the
Near East, “SUEZ,” has been
brought back to the Campus as a
benefit show sponsored by the
Houston A. & M. Club today. Ty
rone Power, Loretta Young and
Annabella are the stars of the
show. You probably will remajn-
ber it and will enjoy seeing it once
A new wrinkle in the large num
ber of stories about the present
war situation features George
Brent, Ilona Massey and Basil
Rathbone with an entertaining
story of spies and their efforts to
sabotage the bomber shipments
from America to Britain. It is
showing at the Campus today and
tomorrow and Saturday.
New codes are continually being
invented to transmit messages un
detected and this time the code is
in music. Ilona Massey sings over
Couples Only ;
Reserve your tables for your party j
NOW for Saturday night j
Bryan ?
/ See Our Stock Before You Get Your
Date a CORSAGE for the Infantry
A Corsage from J. Coulter Smith is like a style set
by Esquire.
On Old College Road Phone 2-6725
Capital to Campus
— Associated College Press—
WASHINGTON—(ACP)—The pressure
of war has prompted the Federal Civil Serv
ice Commission to offer its “Junior Profes
sional Assistant” examination to college peo
ple for the second time this year. In previous
years it has been offered only once—in Janu
Also for the first time, it is open to
every college senior or graduate, regardless
of his major. Each applicant will take the
same two-hour examination, designed to test
his general knowledge and adaptability.
Openings exist in Washington and in “the
The jobs will pay $2,000 unless you in
dicate willingness to take less ($1,440, $1,-
620, or $1,800). Especially sought are those
interested in public administration, business
analysis, economics, home economics, library
spience and mathematics.
Get blanks and details at the post office
or- Civil Service District office. Closing date
for filing is April 27.
* * * 4=
College students with architectural
training are needed by the government in
“Junior Architect” jobs paying $2,000. Sen
iors may apply. No written test is given.
The Civil Service blank to ask for is “Archi-
test, $2,000 to $3,200 a year.”
* * * *
WAR ...
More, than 3,000,000 workers have been
trained by the Nation’s schools in special
technical lines to serve the armed forces and
war industries.
* * * *
Since the report two weeks ago that
9,500 of Norway’s 10,500 teachers had re
signed protest against Nazification of the
Norse schools, 2,000 Norwegian schoolmas
ters have been arrested by the Nazis. Almost
all Norwegian schools are closed.
* * * 4=
Student self-help under NYA may be
come a war casualty unless it can prove it
self a war-time necessity.
When the President asks Congress soon
for funds to operate NYA and CCC during
the coming fiscal year, he will probably sug
gest that the war functions of the two agen
cies be merged, and that their peace-time
functions be scrapped.
NYA Director Aubrey Williams, as well
as several educators, has done a good job
of defending NYA before members of the
Senate Education committee. He told them
that (a) most of the machine tools in NYA
training shops were obtained before priori
ties went into effect, and (b) that a month
before the general newspaper attack against
NYA started the agency had begun inven
tory of its shops for machine tools that might
be turned over to war industries.
Harry Hooker
Hershel Burgess
District Manager
one and on
Neill Marshall
1. Largest paid business for any
agency for any month in our his
2. Largest gain in insurance in force
for any agency for any month.
3. Largest paid business by one man
in any month in our history.
(This record was made by Harry
R. Hooker).
Seaboar d
District Manager