The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 23, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Johnson Pays Tribute To
Aggies on Corregidor Isle « Xmuai'reed
General Moore, Major King, Captain Vick
And Alumni Club Celebrate San Jacinto
From The Dallas Morning News
WASHINGTON, April 21. — Representative Luther
Johnson of Corsicana, in whose congressional district Texas
A. & M. College is situated, took the floor in the House to
pay tribute to this school, the largest institution of its kind
in the world and the greatest source of reserve officers for
the United States Army in the entire country.
The present student body, Johnson told the House, is in
excess of 7,000, “all young men-
who are husky, patriotic, red-
blooded Americans, affectionately
referred to as the Aggies.”
“At this time there are two
Major Generals and five Brigadier
Generals in the Army who received
their first military training at
Texas A. & M. College. They are
Major Gen. George F. Moore, who
so brilliantly commanded coast ar
tillery defenses at Corregidor Is
land, the Philippines, and Major
G'en. Ralph Hudson Wooten, Air
Corps. The Brigadier Generals
now in service include Douglas B.
Netherwood, Air Corps; Howard
S. Davidson, Air Corps; John A.
Warden, Quartermaster Corps;
Harry H. Johnson, Air Corps, and
Andrew D. Bruce, tank destroyer
“Three sons of Texas A. & M.
have received high-valor awards
in this war: Capt. James T. Con-
nally, cousin of Senator Tom Con-
nally, received the Distinguished
Service Cross for leading a bornb-
er squadron from Java to Minda
nao in the Philippines, sinking a
Japanese tanker and rescuing
twenty-three stranded American
pilots on the island.
“First Lieut. Henry C. Dittman,
former Aggie football star, re
ceived the Distinguished Service
Cross for leading a squadron over
uncharted air route to the Philip
pines via India. Major Louis Hobbs
was cited for valor for leading an
air mission ip the Philippfyies.
First Lieut. Jonathan Wainwright,
new commander of the Philippines,
replacing Gen. Douglas MacAr-
“General Moore, before leaving
A. & M. to take command at Cor
regidor fortress, selected thirty-
five graduating Aggies out of the
1940 class to precede him to the
Philippines while he was serving
as commandant at Texas A. & M.
All of these Aggies were line of
ficers at Corregidor during the re
cent conflict there.”
Johnson also placed in the Con
gressional Record an article writ
ten by G. Byron Winsted, director
of information at Texas A. & M.
College, and published in the mag
azine Digest, entitled Those Fight-
in’ Texas Aggies.
Completion Nears
On YMCA Work
Work on the new lounge in the
YMCA is nearing completion, and
by the first of next semester, A.
& M. will have a completely mod
ernized lounge and recreation cen
ter. The project is the result of the
work of a committee which con
ceived the plan early this year.
The men responsible in a large
measure for the improvements are
Preston Bolton, chairman of the
committee, Terry Thrift, R. B.
Pearce, Fred Smitham and Cadet
Colonel Tom Gillis.
These men went before the
board of directors with their plan
and the board arranged for a $14,-
000 loan to remodel and add to the
building. To this amount an addi
tional $3,000 was contributed by
the YMCA. .
As the work progressed, the
committee found itself in need of
advice as to interior decoration.
The TSCW Fine Arts, Interior
Decoration class came to their aid
and made a two day trip to College
Station. They submitted several
plans to the committee, who in
turn worked out minor details re
garding durability, because of the
unusual amount of wear the fur
nishings in a boys school receive.
The ping pong tables which
were formerly in the Y lobby, will
be placed in the new basement of
the old Y when it is completed and
in the new Y building. Three tables
will be in each place.
San Jacinto Day
Celebrated by Exes
On Corregidor Isle
While Officers Sang Aggie
WarHymn Subordinates Let
Shells Drop on Japanese
The heavy Japanese attacts on
the fortress of Corregidor did not
stop the Aggie defenders of the
rock from celebrating San Jacinto
Day. During heavy Japanese ar
tillery action, the officers who re
ceived their training at A. & M.
gathered about their commander,
Maj. Gen. George F. Moore, for
mer commandant and also an ex-
Aggie, to sing the famous Aggie
War Hymn and numerous other
Texas songs.
This information was sent by
the Corregidor wireless to the war
department and was then passed
on to Senator Tom Connally. In
Washington, D. C.
Dr. T. O. Walton
President A&M College
War Department today re
ceived radiogram advising
Texas soldiers at Corregidor
celebrating San Jacinto Day.
Corregidor chapter of Alumni
Texas A&M of which Major
Tom Dooley president is par
ticipating. Among those pres
ent General Moore, Major John
King, and Captain Roy Vick
last two of Bryan, Texas.
Please notify their relatives
and friends.
Luther A. Johnson MC
addition to General Moore, the of
ficers in the fort who are ex-Ag-
gies number thirty-five.
In a statement delivered on the
Senate floor Tuesday, Senator
Connally paid this tribute to the
Aggies of the “beleaguered island
“The war department has just,
advised me of receipt of a cable
from General Wainwright in com
mand of Corregidor fortress in the
Philippines advising that Texas
boys from Corregidor celebrated
San Jacinto day with appropriate
exercises and Texas songs.
“The group included General
George F. Moore, chief of artil
lery. The cable also informed us
there is a Corregidor chapter of
the alumni association of Texas
A. & M.
“It must stir every Texan’s
(See SAN JACINTO, Page 6)
Dr Walton Gives
Address at Press
Eight Seniors Receive
Watches as Awards For
Functions on Publications
With President T. O. Walton
bringing the principal address, the
members of the Press Club held
their annual banquet last night in
the annex of Sbisa Hall. Awards
were given to those members of
the club who have served on the
staffs of the student publications
for the past year. Dean F. C. Bol
ton presented the awards, and
Ralph Criswell, president of the
club, was the toastmaster.
Eight seniors received watches
for their work on the publications.
R. L. Heitkamp, E. M. Rosenthal,
Mike Haikin, Ralph Criswell, Jack
Grantham, Billy Davis, Roland
Bing, and Harvey Lynn were the
seniors who received these watch
es. Also fourteen seniors were giv
en gold keys for three years serv
ice. Silver keys were awarded to
all members of the publications
staff who worked for two years,
and bronze keys were given to
those who had been on the staff
for one year.
Guests for the banquet were the
columnists who contributed to the
Battalion. Also members of the
Student Activities Committee,
Dean and Mrs. Bolton, Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Angell, and Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Williams attended the
club’s banquet.
After the banquet an election of
officers was held for the coming
A A U P Climaxes
Activities Tuesday
With Annual Meal
Special Tribute Paid By
Dr Abbott to Dean Jones
For Scientific Endeavors
Climaxing the activities of the
A. & M. Chapter of the American
Association of University Profes
sors was the annual banquet held
Tuesday evening and featuring
the address of Dean E. N. Jones of
Baylor on “What’s in a Curricul
Special tribute was paid to Dean
Jones by Dr. John Paul Abbott,
president of the chapter, and by
Dean F. C. Bolton congratulating
him on his outstanding achieve
ments in scientific and administra
tive endeavors at Baylor Univer
sity and honoring him as presi
dent-elect of the College of Arts
and Industries at Kingsville.
Other highlights of the banquet
besides Dean Jones’ address were
musical recordings of Southern
folksongs by Professor Owens of
the English department and violin
numbers of Mrs. C. H. Groneman.
A representation of nine or more
professors were present from Bay
lor University.
Infantrymen Dance Tomorrow
To Strains by Aggieland Orchestra
Aggieland Orchestra
Pictured above is Toppy Pierce’s Aggieland Band who will play
for the Infantry Ball tomorrow night when the regiment swings
out in their annual dance.
Color Variation Is Theme Of
Architecture Student Lounge
The wall is red!
Brick-red, at that. And the ceil
ing is pearl-grey. Another wall is
yellow—maybe canary-yellow/ The
finishing touch is that pea-green
wall and the red columns—yes,
brick-red, too. That’s the story of
the colors in the lounge the stu
dents in the Architecture depart
ment are finishing.
Colors aren’t all that it takes to
tell the story of this lounge—the
only one of its kind on this or
any other campus. After having
talked about it for several years,
the students and profs decided to
Tank Destroyer
Unit Stages Small
Review for Aggies
Displaying more of the power of
the United States Army, a com
pany from the newly organized
tank destroyer battalion which is
located at Temple performed for
the cadet corps Tuesday afternoon
after the review. The company
was inspected by all Aggies as
well as visitors who wanted to
learn more about the newest unit,
of the armed forces.
A tank destroyer company is
composed of two platoons with
each one containing four 75 mm
guns mounted on trucks. Also in
the company there is a platoon
37 mm guns. All guns are mobile
in order to meet the opposition of
the tank. The other part of the
company is made up of headquar
ters and maintenance sections.
Boyd Raeburn Returns to A&M,
Plays Two Straight in Calendar
By Ken Bresnen
Boyd Raeburn scores a double
this year when he comes to the
campus two weeks in a row to play
for the Junior Prom and the Sen
ior Ring Dance and Final Ball. On
May 8, Raeburn and his band of
troubadors will arrive at A. & M.
for the second engagement in as
many years to furnish the sweet
and swing for the Juniors as they
feast and dance.
Then after a short hop to the
big city, the band will return the
following Thursday to help the
Senior class make merry at their
annual Ring Turning Ceremonies
and dance. The graduating future
lieutenants will step through the
giant ring to be kissed by their
dates to the rythms of Raeburn’s
Climaxing the school year and
his stay at A. & M., the orchestra
leader will play for the most
crowded dance of the year, the
night fish become upperclassmen
and juniors enter their last year,
the Final Ball.
While on the campus for the
Composite ball last year, Raeburn
commented that the Aggies are
the finest group of men he has
Picnic Held Today
For Ag Engineers
Officers of the Agricultural En
gineers Society urged all Agri
cultural Engineers to be present
for their annual picnic this after
noon at 5 o’clock. Transportation
will be provided for all from the
Agricultural Engineering Building
to the picnic grounds. Besides a
lot of bats and baseballs for base
ball and bootball, there will be
plenty of good food for everybody.
Later in the afternoon awards will
be given to the outstanding Agri
cultural Engineers of this year.
Underclassmen are especially
urged to be present to see the
awards and to realize that the So
ciety has to offer.
ever seen. At the time he said that
he would come back to A. & M.
some day, because he liked the
people here. When he was asked
to play the Final Ball and Senior
Ring Dance this year, he accepted
at once even though it meant the
cancelling of two previous engage
ments to do sor.
“Rythms by Raeburn” featuring
Boyd and his 14 madcaps of swing
and sway are currently featured
over Mutual and other leading
networks. He has just completed
a long engagement at the Chez
Paree in Chicago, and his appear
ances at Aggieland will be part of
a swing through the south during
which Raeburn has contracted
dances and proms at several lead
ing universities.
Town Hall will also feature Rae
burn in a one-hour swing concert
on May 15. This program will be
given in Sbisa Hall prior to the
Final Ball and will be available
to Town Hall patrons on this sea
son’s ticket.
have delicately drawn the fine
lines of art of the past, present
and future grabbed hammers,
nails, sewing - needles, paint brush
es and saws. And—
As the lounge stands today, it
is solely for the leisure and pleas
ure of the students and faculty of
the Architecture department. The
furniture consists of couches, over
stuffed and under-stuffed chairs,
and tables—card tables, serving
tables and just plain tables. Most
of the furniture is of original de
sign, but some of it is reupholster
ed furniture. In the corner that
houses the circular stairway lead
ing to the lounge is a mural of
student life as an architectural
And a red wall.
5th Annual Flower
Show Sponsored By
Gardeners Friday
The fifth annual flower show
sponsored by the A. & M. Garden
club will be held in the rotunda of
the Administration building Fri
day afternoon from 2 to 7 p.m.
The show is expected to give a
representative picture of the flow
ers which are grown around Bryan
and College Station. Local gardens
have always contributed to the
growing of flowers for the inter
ested plant lovers of the club.
Friends of the club and all mem
bers of the club are asked to dis
play any flowers which they may
Members desiring to enter ar
rangements or plants should con
sult the April 18 edition of the
Battalion for the classification
list and rules.
Freshman Corps
Contest Is May 27
Monday, May 27, the annual
Freshman Crops Judging Contest
will take place in the basement of
the Agriculture Building.
The contest, sponsored by the
Agronomy Society, is open to all
freshmen in the school of agricul
ture and is divided into two divis
ions: the judging of farm crops
and the identification of crop va
rieties and weeds found in field
Sophs Seeking
Q M C Contracts
Interviewed Today
Those men who have made ap
plication for advanced contracts in
the Quartermaster Corps and who
are also finishing their basic mili
tary science this semester have
been requested by Captain Lester
Hanks to report to the QMC of
fice at 36 Ross Hall today. Cap
tain Hanks will interview these
men from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and
after 5 p.m.
Culberson, Chapman/*
Brown, Pesek and
Taylor on Committee
Infantrymen will take the
dance floor with their dates
tomorrow night at ten o’clock
as Toppy Pearce and his Ag
gieland Orchestra open th6
annual Infantry Ball to the
strains of the music which
gate returns indicate to be
most popular with the Aggies.
Arrangements for the dance are
being made by a committee of
juniors under the chairmanship of
J. H. McAllister, H Infantry. The
finance committee consists of Mc
Allister, J. R. Fritsch, M Com
pany, K. N. Parker, F Company,
C. G. Henderson, A Company and
J. P. Alford, D Company.
O. L. Culberson, J. T. Chapman,
H. D. Brown, J. T. Pesek and J.
L. Taylor have been in charge of
orchestra arrangements for the
dance, while E. A. (Flash) Gor
don, J. B. Longley, E. E. Jones, J.
R. Adams and R. W. Mulhollan
have been in charge of procure
ment of programs, favors and in
Decorations for Sbisa Hall have
been planned and carried out
under the supervision of R. L.
Hanby, C. R. Barth, A. J. MacNab
and J. L. Standefer.
President T. O. Walton and the
deans of the several schools have
been invited to the ball as repre
sentatives of the faculty and also
to act as the official chaperones.
Col. M. D. Welty, commandant,
and other members of the military
department have also' been extend
ed invitations, as ( have various
members of the executive staff
and the sports department.
Pearce has added to the person
nel of his orchestra and will greet
the Infantry regiment with new
arrangements of the latest hit
tunes. The Aggieland is one of the
few orchestras to appear at A. &
M. dances this season successfully.
Alexander Assigned
To Instruct Ordnance
Major Donald D. Alexander,
Ordnance, has been assigned to A.
& M. as the instructor for the
newly formed ordnance branch of
the ROTC. Major Alexander is ex
pected to arrive within a few days
from Abderdeen Proving Ground,
Exercises For
’42 Published
Tom Gillis To Deliver
Valedictory Speech At
Guion Hall Assembly
The program of the Commence
ment Exercises for the class of 41-
42 has beer} issued, and the plans
promise three full days of activ
ity, beginning with the final con
cert of the A. & M. College Band,
Thursday, May 14, and ending
with the Final Review Saturday,
May 16.
Following the band concert on
Thursday, the Senior Ring Dance
and included ceremonies will be
held in Sbisa Hall for the Seniors
and their dates. Friday morning.
May 15, the day’s activities will
begin with the Baccalaureate Ser
mon, rendered this year by Rt.
Rev. Clinton S. Quinn, D. D., Epis
copal Bishop of the Diocese of
Texas, of Houston. Friday after
noon all departments will be open
for inspection.
Beginning with the Commence
ment Processional, the Commence
ment Exercises will be held in
Guion Hall, Friday night, May 15.
For the commencement address,
the arrangement committees have
been fortunate in obtaining Hon.
Sam Rayburn of Texas, Speaker
of the House of Representatives,
Washington, D. C. Following the
commencement address, Cadet Col
onel Tom Gillis will deliver the
Valedictory address, and the con-
feering of degrees will be carried
out by President T. O. Walton.
After the commencement exer
cises, President and Mrs. Walton
will be at home informally to
members of the graduating class
and their guests, former students
and their families, and members
of the faculty and their families.
The Final Ball will be held in
Sbisa Hall beginning at 10 o’clock.
Saturday morning, immediately
following the formal presentation
of reserve commissions by Brig,
Gen. Andrew W. Bruce from the
Tank Destroyer Center, Temple,
r BUT Owens Speaks on Folklore
Before Hillel Group Sunday
“Folk Music of the Southwest”
will be the subject of a talk by
Dr. W. A. (“Bill”) Owens of the
English Department Sunday at
7:30 p.m. The public is invited to
hear the talk, which is sponsored
by the Hillel club at its regular
meeting in the lounge of Sbisa
In addition to telling “tall tales,”
Dr. Owens will play phonograph
recordings from a selection of
numerous records he has collected
throughout the Southwest. They
will consist of folk ballads and the
songs of cowboys, Mexicans, Lou
isiana Cajuns, and negroes, many
of which are known only to spe
cialists. Typical of these are “El
Chino,” a comic song in which a
Mexican imitates the mispronun
ciation of Spanish by a Chinaman;
“Cinq Sous,” a French Cajun song
from Pont Breaux, Louisiana; and
“De Hitler Blues,” which was com
posed by Grey Ghost, a young ne
gro from Navasota, and recorded
by Dr. Owens in June, 1940. In
February of this year it was
broadcast by the British Broad
casting Company from London to
illustrate what is happening to
American music in time of war.
The words of the song are as fol
De Hitler Blues
You talk about Ribbentrop.
You ought to seen him in No-
He got de wuss ole Hitlerism
Of any man in de land.
He say his air fleet is so pow
Ain’t no army can hold de
But I say when the good ole
U. S. comes in,
There won’t be no Hitlerism
nowheres around.
» Don’t worry, people.
After po’ ole Hitler’s gone.
You can just say to yo’self,
“One more overrated matt
done dead and gone.”
After he’s dead and gone,
There’ll be peace in every
But I want to say to you,
You ought to do de best you
For the past five years Owens
has specialized in the collecting
and recording of Southwestern
folk music. At the University of
Iowa he studied under Dr. Edwin
Ford Piper, a specialist in folk
lore. He has lectured before
Texas Folklore Society (for three;
consecutive years), the Times'ClulS
of Iowa City, and various college
groups. On April 16 he spoke be
fore members of the Kentucky
Educational Association at Louis
ville and the next day before the
combined faculty and student body?
of the University of Kansas, his
subject on both occasions being
“The Southwest Sings.” His con
viction is that the folklore and
culture of the Southwest deserves
to be better known to his fellow