♦ SWC Race Narrows Down to Aggies And Texas; May be Decided at Austin May 8, 9 The Southwest Conference race has finally narrowed down to two teams—the Aggies and the Texas Longhorns. Both have lost two games, and are favored to win all the others until their crucial meet ing at Austin May 8 and 9. Before the S.M.U. series with Rice, I had figured that the Owls would give the Ags more trouble than anyone because of a certain pitcher named Jimmy Pendarvis. However, it develops now that Pendarvis is all Coach Cecil Griggs has because the aged Rice mentor has used him in almost every game. For instance, Jimmy was knocked off the mound in the first game with the Mustangs. He came back the following day, but fared no better. He will probably toe the slab again this afternoon when the Owls play the Ags in a one- game stand. Meanwhile, Coach Lil Dimmitt’s nine combined great pitching and hard hitting to swamp the S.M.U. Mustangs Saturday. Charlie Stev enson is still the Ags’ big hope in their championship quarry, and the way this buxom blond has been going, he may be just the answer. The heavy hitting, which had its initial start against S.M.U. at Dallas last month, is still in evidence. The team has averaged more than 15 hits per game, and that’s enough blows to win any kind of a fracas, Texas included. Incidentally, the Steers, too, had a big time this past week-end. Friday afternoon, they pounded Baylor pitchers for a 12-8 win, and the following day Bill Dumke, ace Texas flinger, outdueled Manuel Garcia of the Bears, 2-0, in a ten inning affair. Dumke, who pos sesses one of the best curves in the conference, is an exceptional pitcher when he is right. This year his arm has been troubling him no end, and until this past Saturday he has not bee nable to fare so well against conference competi tion. It looks like everything is clear now for a championship battle be tween Texas and A. & M. as pre dicted by sports experts at the start of the year. The Aggies beat the Longhorns with Charlie Stev enson on the mound, and there is considerable doubt that the Aus tinites can return the favor. Coach Rollins To Take 10 Trackmen To Drake Relays 33rd Annual Meet Will Be Held at Des Moines, Iowa, April 24 and 25 Co'ach J. W. “Dough” Rollins will leave College Station with a squad of ten trackmen tomorrow morning on the 9:53 train for Des Moines, Iowa, where they will take part in the 33rd annual Drake Relays. This is the most important track and field event which is held each year in the nation, and in 1941 more than 2,500 athletes rep resenting 86 colleges and univer sities took part in the relays. Men who will make the trip with Coach Rollins include Roy Bucek, captain of the Aggie track team, who is expected to give plenty of competition in the hur dle events, Albert Ricks, Aggie pole vault ace, Emerick Labus, quarter-miler, Derace Moser, 100- yard dash man, Ken Stallings, also a dash man, Truman Cox, hurdles and quarter-mile, Bill Mitchell, hurdler, and Bama Smith, ace 100- yard dash man. Also making the trip will be Johnny Ziegler who will be entered in the two mile run, and Pete Wat kins, ace Aggie high jumper. Wat kins jumped 6 feet 8 inches in the meet last Saturday, and the exist ing record for the Drake Relays is only 6 feet 6 inches. This rec ord has been standing since 1922 when it was set by Harold Osborne of Illinois. Sports Squibs From Here and There; Jim Newberry Suffers Spike Injury in Sat’s Tilt It looks as if Lady Luck just won’t smile on Jimmy “Ducklegs” Newberry, little Aggie outfielder. . . . Following the Baylor tilt, Jim immediately went to the hospital with the mumps, which, incidental ly kept him out of action until last Wednesday . . . “Duck” start ed the game Saturday, banging out two safeties ... On a forceout at second, Jim, in sliding to sec ond, spiked his leg . . . this will keep him on the sidelines at least another two or three days . . . Notes on some of the batting av erages of the leading Aggie hit ters . . . Sam Porter, by getting four for four Saturday elevated himself to the top of the Aggie batters ... he is hitting a .431 clip . . . next in line is John Scroggin with a .417 average . . . Leo Dan iels has a good chance to grab an outfield all-conference spot if Crushing 18-inch thick concrete and gently cracking egg shells are equally easy for a new two-and-a- half story testing machine in the techonlogical institute of North western University. The University of Wisconsin has become the first school to send three full squadrons of men into the naval air force. he continues his pace ... At the present, Lightnin’ Leo is banging the ball at a .363 clip, while he has yet to make a flaw in his field ing .. . Drink ice-cold Coca-Cola. Taste its delicious goodness. Enjoy the happy after-sense of refreshment it brings. By just this experience of complete refreshment, millions have come to welcome the quality of Coca-Cola—the quality of the real thing. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY You trust its quality "To Everybody's Sweefheart- And Each Boys Mom"... CANDY FOR MOTHER’S DAY King’s - - Pangburn’s AGGIELAND PHARMACY Whitman’s Aggies and Rice Fight It Out In Track, Baseball and Tennis Today Battalion Sports TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1942 PAGE 3 Aggie Tracksters and Baseball Team Both Win Handily Saturday Afternoon Thinly Clads Score HO 1 /^ Points; Watkins Betters SWC Mark Big Pete Watkins cleared 6 feet 8 inches in the high jump Satur day as the Aggies ran away with a quadrangular meet A HAIC, L/A.A. High jump—Won by Watkins, A&M, 6 feet 8 inches; second, Ricks, A&M, 6 feet 2 inches; third, Henderson, A&M, 6 feet; fourth, Tomlinson, SMU, 5 feet 9 inches. Shot put—Won by Wilson, Baylor 48 feet 9 inches; second, Henderson, A&M, 45 feet, 6% inches; third, Montgomery, A&M, 44 feet 5 inches; fourth, Johnson, SMU, 39 feet 8 inches. 100-yard dash—Won by Stallings, A&M ; second, Moser A&M; third. Pope, TCU; fourth, Smith, A&M. Time: 9.9. Mile run—Won by McGlothlin, A&M; second, Vajdos, A&M; third, Zeigler, A&M; fourth, Garrett, A&M. Time: 4.29. 220-yard dash—Won by Stallings, A&M; second, Moser, A&M; third, Pope, TCU; fourth, Lineham, SMU. Time: 21.3. 120-yard high hurdles—Won by R. Bucek, A&M; second, Tate, SMU; third, Mitchell, A&M; fourth, Watkins, A&M. Time: 14.7. Pole vault—Won by Ricks, A&M, 12 feet; second, tie between Nye, A&M, and egg, Baylor, 11 feet 8 inches; focrth, Schwarting, Baylor, 10 feet 6 inches. Discuss—Won by F. Bucek, A&M, 130 feet 6 inches; second. Palmer, TCU, 130 feet; third, Cox, A&M, 126 feet 1 inch; fourth, Wilson, Baylor, 123 feet 5 inches. 880-yard run—Won by Vajdos, A&M; second, McGlothlin, A&M; third, Garrett, SWC Standings W L Pet. A. & M 6 2 .750 Texas 5 2 .714 S. M.U 5 4 .556 T. C.U 1 2 .333 Rice 2 5 .286? Baylor 2 6 .250 This week's schedule: Tuesday—A. & M. at Rice; T.C.U. at Baylor. Friday and Saturday—Rice at A. & M.; T.C.U. at Texas; Bay lor at S.M.U. Leading Aggie Batters AB R H Pet. Seay, c 3 12 .667 Porter, lb 51 11 22 .431 Scoggin, c 60 24 25 .417 Peden, 3b 51 14 20 .392 Stevenson, p 29 2 11 .379 Daniels, rf 33 10 12 .363 Rogers, If 59 19 21 .356 Aldrich, c 6 2 2 .333 Glass, 2b 66 16 20 .303 Ballow, ss .....47 17 13 .277 M; 4.4. Time: 440-yard relay-—Won by A&M (Smith, R. Bucek, Moser, Stallings) ; second, SMU; third, TCU; fourth, Baylor. Time, 43.0. Two-mile run—Won by Zeigler, A&M ; second, Elmore, A&M; third, Kofnovec, SMU; fourth, Bibbs, A&M. Time, 10:36.2. Broad jump—Won by Pope, TCU, 22 feet 1 3-4 inches; second, Ricks, A&M, 21 feet. 11% inches; third, Schwarting,,, Baylor, 21 feet 11 inches; fourth, Webb, TCU, 21 feet 1 3-4.. 220-yard low hurdles—Won by Mitchell, &M; second, Tate, SMU; third, Sch- TCU. A&M; second, Tate, SMU ; third, wartz, A&M; fourth, Montgomery, Time: 24.2. Roy Bucek did not compete J ue to meets coming up this week. Mile relay—Won by A&M (McGlothlin, due to meets coming up this wei Mile relay—Won by A&M (M Utley, Brush, Cox) ; second, TCU. Time, 3:33.2. Only two entries. Javelin—Won by Wilson, Baylor, 186 feet 1 inch; second, Watkins, 175 feet 6 inches; third, Webb, TCU, 174 feet 11 inches; fourth, Mangum, SMU, 172 feet 7 inches. INTRAMDRALS By DUB OXFORD Sparked by a desire to win and perfect track weather, the annual intramural track meet was held Sunday. The meet, put on every year by the in- tramural depart- % ment, had a deep spirit of compe- p. tition running all || through it. This . / i meet brought to Ip;:, light one of the prime purposes Jilli of intramural Oxford sports ~ that of having a program whereby non varsity men may participate in varsity sports. The high point men of the meet have not as yet been tabulated but it is significant that Raymond Ter rell of E Field Artillery won both the high jump and the broad jump. FORFEIT DOGHOUSE Class A: 3 CHQ, Softball B Replacement Center, Soft- ball A Replacement Center, Soft- ball I Infantry, Softball Class B A Cavalry, Softball 6 CHQ, Tennis F Replacement Center, Wa ter Polo E Replacement Center, Wa ter Polo A Field Artillery, Tennis K Infantry, Softball B Replacement Center, Soft- ball G Infantry, Water Polo This feat won his organization many place points. Class A In the class A division, F Field Artillery won first place with 23 place points. Running right behind F Battery was E Battery Field with 15 place points for second hole. Third spot went to D Engin eers who had 12 place points. At the end of the meet, B Infantry was holding down fourth place and A C.W.S. placed fifth. In class B, the Artillery again dominated the win column. 3 Headquarters Field Artillery was first and C Coast Artillery placed second. These teams had 29 and 14 place points each. A Engineers came through with 8 place points for third place. 2 Headquarters Field Artillery placed fourth with a total of 6 place points and the members of D Coast Artillery brought their team in to place fifth. All Recreational Officers are asked to turn in their list of pros pective Departmental Managers to Spike White not later than Wed nesday. Lt Spear Transfers To U of Arizona First Lieut. M. E. Spear has been transferred to the University of Arizona where he will serve as Cavalry instructor in military sci ence and tactics. He will move as soon as he can arrange to have his furniture shipped. STORE YOUR FURS In the Finest, Most Modern FUR STORAGE VAULTS In South Texas located on the fifth floor of W HOUSTON The reliability of The Largest Store in The Largest City in The Largest State assures proper care and the most complet possible protection against ev insurable loss. every Mrs. O. K. Smith Local Representative Phone 4-4714 Pickup date April 22 Stevenson’s Three Hitters Is Too Much For SMU Mustangs The Texas Aggie nine pounded out 11 runs and 13 hits Saturday, and, coupled with Charlie Steven son’s brilliant three-hit perform ance, defeated the S.M.U. Mus tangs, 11-0, and tightened their hold on the Southwest Conference lead. This marked the second white washing Stevenson has given Southwest Conference clubs. His other one was a 2-0 win over Bay lor. Atwell Tessman, Mustang ace SMU (0) Ab R H E Hohl, rf 3 0 0 0 Davis, 2b 4 0 12 *Maley 0 0 0 0 Haggerman, cf 4 0 10 Gonzales, If 3 0 0 0 Sebeck, 3b 4 0 11 Townsley, lb 3 0 0 0 Tessman, p 3 0 0 1 Harris, c 0 0 0 0 Witte, ss 3 0 0 0 Aulenback, c 3 0 0 0 Tinsley, p 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 30 0 3 4 *"Maley run for Davis in 9th. A&M (11) Ab 2 5 5 5 4 4 Stevenson, p 4 Daniels, rf 4 Newberry, cf 3 Black, cf 1 TOTALS Score by innings: Ballow, ss Rogers, if Glass, 2b . Scoggin, c Porter, lb Peden, 3b . Stevenson core SMU A&M 000 000 000— 0 100 301 60x—11 who trimmed the Ags at Dallas, 14-8, last month, was in trouble almost every other inning. The Dimmittmen opened with a tally in the opening frame as Ballow walked, stole second, went to third as Rogers was thrown out on a dropped third strike, and came (See TRACKSTERS, Page 4) Diamondeers Go To Houston For Fray With Owls This afternoon will be quite a busy one for three of the athletic teams of both the Texas Aggies and the Rice Owls. The Aggie net- ters will engage the Houstonites in a tennis match on the home courts here, while Coach “Dough” Rollins’ Aggie tracksters clash with the Owls on Kyle Field at 2:30 o’clock. Meanwhile Coach Lil Dimmitt’s fast stepping Aggie baseball team leaves this morning for Houston where they will meet the Owls in what will be the initial series be tween the two teams during the current season. Charlie Stevenson will be the probable starter on the mound for the Cadets, and he will probably be opposed by Jim Pen darvis, ace hurler of the feathered flock. The Owls are roosting in fifth place in the conference standings at the present date with a record of two wins and five losses to their credit. The Aggies are still in first place in the conference race having won five and lost two. Besides the game today in Houston, the Ag gies and the Owls meet twice more this week, a two game stand Fri day and Saturday here at College Station. Coach Emmett Brunson of the Rice thinly-clads will bring a strong squad up from Houston for the dual meet, and it is expected to be one of the most closely con tested meets of the year. Coach Manning Smith’s Aggie netters have enjoyed one of the best seasons in Aggie tennis his tory, and are expected to furnish plenty of competition for the strong Owl squad in their dual meet this afternoon. University of Michigan students donated 350 pints of blood during a recent campus “blood bank” drive. We Are Making Our Way The Way We Trade LOUPOT’S NOW AND ALWAYS You can depend on us to clean your clothes - - and be assured of the best results that modern methods can afford. Campus Cleaners Over Exchange Store J f|? % ,7c* \ v f 4 Winning Sports on any Campus We have a big variety of Sportswear made by Amer ica’s foremost makers of fine Sportswear. We have them in short sleeves and long, pullovers and button front, knitted ones and cloth ones. See them now. SPORT SHIRTS $1.00 to $3.95 SLACK SUITS $3.65 to $10.00 EXTRA SLACKS $3.95 to $9.50 * ♦ T CLQtfcl&B* College and Bryan