The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 21, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Awards Will Be Given To
Students on Publications
At Banquet in Sbisa Hall
In recognition of the past year’s
work on the student publications,
awards of watches to editors, gold
silver and bronze keys will be giv
en to the members of the Press
Club at its annual banquet in the
annex of Sbisa Hall tomorrow eve
ning at 6:30 o’clock. President T.
0. Walton will make the principal
address at the banquet and Dean
F. C. Bolton will deliver the
awards, Ralph Criswell, president
of the Press Club stated Monday.
Eight seniors who will receive
watches for their work on the stu
dent publications are R. L. Heit-
kamp, E. M. Rosenthal, Mike
Haikin, Ralph Criswell, Jack
Grantham, Billy Davis, Roland
Bing, and Harvey Lynn.
Fourteen gold keys awarded to
graduating seniors who have
Civil Service
Offers Jobs For
Junior Assistants
Seniors or Graduates
Are Eligible to Take
Exams for Positions
The U. S. Civil Service Com
mission has announced examina
tions for college graduates and
senior students in the Junior Pro
fessional Assistant positions.
These positions require no experi
ence, and salaries range from $1,-
440 to $1,800 a year.
The annual examination, an
nounced in January, included a
number of options; the new ex-
ariiination is for all branches of
junior professional and scientific
work, but eligibles are particular
ly desired in the fields of Public
Administration, Business Analysis,
Economics, Home Economics,
Library Science, and Mathematics
through Calculus.
Applicants must have completed
a four-year college course, or be
enrolled in the last semester or
the last quarter of the senior year.
Application forms may be had at
any first or second class post of
Skilled workers, architects, en
gineers and draftsmen are needed
for employment at the Panama
Canal. These jobs, along with
many more, pay $1.48 to $1.52 per
hour. Other jobs open, such as
Naval Architects, Marine Engin
eers, Chief Engineering Drafts
man, etc., pay from $239.58 to
$333.33 per month. Appointees
will be furnished free transporta
tion to the Canal. Maximum age
limit is 55 years, and applicants
must be citizens of the United
States and must be able to furnish
proof thereof.
worked on the newspaper staff for
three years will be given to E.
M. Rosenthal, Bill Hauger, D. C.
Thurman, Lee Rogers, Murray
Evans and Tom Gillis. Pete Tum-
linson and Sid Lord will receive
keys for their work on The Bat
talion magazine. Roland Bing and
Billy Davis and Ed Douglass will
be awarded keys for their three
years on the Agriculturist and En
gineer staffs.
Gold keys for members of the
Longhorn staff will be given to J.
C. Grantham and J. B. Hancock.
Silver keys will be awarded to
all members of the publications
staff who have worked for two
years. Bronze keys will be given
to those students who have been
on the staff for one year.
After the banquet an election of
officers for next year will be held
in the parlor of Sbisa Hall. This
year’s officers are Ralph Criswell,
president; Tom Gillis, vice-presi
dent; and Ed Gordon, secretary.
Contributors to the editorial
page have been invited to attend
the banquet. A complete list of
the contributors and staff mem
bers of the publications will be
printed at a later date.
Jackson, Durell
And Willeford Win
In Science Contest
The winning of two gold medals
and an honorable mention for pa
pers read in the contest held by
the United Science Clubs of A. &
M. have been announced. Gold
medals were awarded to Albert W.
Jackson, of the Entomology Club
for his paper on “Chermid Leaf
Galls Affecting Yaupon” and to
George Willeford of the Pre-Medic
Society for his paper of “Desicated
Block Plasma; A New Life Line.”
Third place, with honorable men
tion, was given to James S, Dur
ell of the Fish and Game Club
for his paper on “Fall and Winter
Activities of the Mole in East
Two other contests at which pa
pers will be read have been an
nounced. The first will be at the
meeting of the Texas Academy of
Science, which will be held in
Houston on May, 8 and 9. All club
members are invited to attend that
meeting, and manuscripts are in
vited. Manuscripts should be sub
mitted to Dr. C. C. Doak of the
Biology department at once.
The second contest will be at
the regular meeting of the Texas
Academy of Science, which will be
held on the A. & M. campus this
fall, at which representatives from
other colleges will attend.
Mounted Review in Khaki Is at 2 o’CIock
Y to Present Langston Colored Lt Jauer, Ex Aggie
ChoiratGuionTomorrowNight Reminisces and Turns
Gray--and No Wonder
Double entertainment for a sin
gle price awaits Aggies' tomorrow
night in Guion Hall. At this time
the Y.M.C.A. will present the col
ored A Capella Choir from Langs
ton University in Oklahoma.
The program will begin at 6:45
and will last approximately one
hour. Following the presentation
of songs will be the regular show,
“Woman of the Year”, at no extra
The Langston Choir is composed
Dr E N Jones Guest
At AAUP Banquet
Dr. E. N. Jones, dean of arts
and sciences of Baylor University,
and newly elected president of
Texas A. & L, will be honored at
an annual banquet by the college
and the American Association of
University Professors tonight at
7:00 p. m. in Sbisa Hall. This is
the annual banquet that in the
past has honored President Homer
Rainey of Texas University, Presi
dent Lovett, of Rice, and Dr.
Sutherland of the Hogjj Founda
Dr. Jones will be introduced by
Dean F. ,C. Bolton, at which time
he will speak on the subject
“What’s in a Curriculum.” Other
items on the program will be vio
lin selections by Mrs. C. H. Grone-
man, accompanied b'y Mrs, Ralph
W. Steen at the piano, and the
playing of folk music records col
lected by W. A. Owens, of the
English department.
Tickets cost one dollar each and
may be bought' from Dr. D. B.
Gofer of the English department.
The banquet will be informal.
Summer Town Hall Programs
Include New and Old Features
By Ken Bresnen
John Lawrence, Town Hall man
ager-elect, yesterday announced
the attractions which have already
been booked for the summer
Town Hall series. Season tickets
for all summer performances will
be priced at $1.00 for students and
$2.00 for reserved seats.
Jean Dickinson, operatic soprano
who appeared at A. & M. in the
1940 series, has been reengaged to
sing for the Aggies. On her first
visit to College Station Miss Dick
inson was met with wide acclaim,
winning the hearts of every Aggie
who attended her concert. The
petite little brunette included
semi-popular tunes in her reper
toire along with the usual classics.
The rendition that will linger long
est in the memories of those who
\ttended is the “Donkey Seren
“Romance of Old Mexico” will be
brought to the campus by Colonel
Ricardo de Escamilla, soldier of
fortune, and formerly one of Pan-
cho Villa’s riders. Escamilla’s
company is outfitted in elaborate
costumes which are authentic na
tive dress of the various historical
Mexican periods portrayed. One
dress worn by Greta Rubio, mezzo-
soprano, required 26 ounces of gold
in the making. Her costume in the
role of the “Tehuana Maiden” in
cludes a feather blanket made of
thousands of feathers from every
known Mexican bird.
The program of old Mexico will
include legends, and folk lore and
ancient Indian chants set to music
by the company’s composer. Many
of Escamilla’s experiences have
also been included in the program.
Heralded in the nation’s greatest
newspapers as nothing less than
captivating, the troupe called forth
this remark from Col. R. W. Cham
berlain, F. A., when they appeared
at Camp Shelby, Miss., “Unani
mous in our opinion as to its suc
cess and adaptability for the best
entertainment for troops as well
as elsewhere.”
The rhythm and character of
the songs of the colored race, com
bining joy, superstition, and re
ligion, will be offered to Town
Rail goers by the Jackson Jubilee
Singers. Notable among the mem
bers of this ensemble is John Garth
who played in the largest capitals
of the world following a long stay
on the “Gay White Way” in New
York. Their presentation will in
clude selections from “Show Boat”,
“Hallelujah,” “Green Pastures”
and other famous colored produc
Combining swing, classics, and
concert satire will appear Henry
Scott, star of stage, concert and
radio. According to a recent article
in Time magazine, Scott has played
44% notes per second, outspeed-
ing the renowned Paderewski by
18 notes. After his appearance at
West Point Military Academy, the
following commendation appeared
in the college paper: “Last night
Henry Scott . . . was an unquali
fied success. He is a born show
man and caught the mood of his
audieneg immediately. From the
beginning, every gesture, every
word, had a telling effect.”
In addition to the attractions
offered above, Lawrence announced
that he hopes to be able to add
one or two more features to the
series to complete the bookings.
If a good swing band is available
during the summer, it will be of
fered to Town Hall patrons.
of ten male and eight female
voices. It was organized ten years
ago and has been making tours
throughout the Southwest since
that time. At present the group
is under the direction of H. F.
Ben Schleider Is
Picked to Be Drum
Major of A&M Band
Ben H. Schleider of Brenham
was recently elected head drum
major of the Aggie Band for the
next school year that will start
June 1, Bill Bucy, master sergeant
of the band said Monday. Edwin
Perry of Palestine and Joe Gordon
of Homer, La., were elected as
sistant drum majors in charge of
the Infantry and Field Artillery
Bands, respectively.
The principal duty of the head
drum major is originate forma
tions to be used at the football
games and with the aid of his
assistants, lead and direct the
band. An entirely different forma
tion must be used at each game.
Schleider will replace A. M.
Hinds of Tye, who was head drum
major this year. Hinds’ assistants
for this year were Jack Balagia,
Austin, and Claud Stewart, Waco.
Only junior members of the
band participated in the election.
Like scenes from the script of
a Hollywood thriller are the ex
periences of Lieut. William E.
Jauer, an ex-Aggie, when his plane
crashed in the Sierra _ Nevada
mountains last week.
After the crash Lieut. Jauer and
Sgt. Brown, who was accompany
ing him, tramped through snowy
mountains for 23 hours before
coming to a telephone to call for
After aid was finally obtained
at a forest ranger station and the
men placed in a hospital a posse
discovered that a mountain lion
had followed the pair’s tracks for
Both men are recovering in a
hospital and are expected to be re
leased in a few days.
Ex-Aggie Promoted
In Army Air Corps
Randolph Field.—Corporal Bris-
ter M. Guess, ex-student of A. &
M. College, and son of Mr. and
Mrs. Brister E. Guess of Rogers,
Texas, has just been promoted to
sergeant here at the “West Point
of the Air.” He is a clerk in post
operations—the department which
“keeps books” on all air traffic
other than that of Aviation Cadets.
He attended A. & M. during the
year 1938-39.
Vox Pop Quiz Program Will Broadcast
Over National Hookup from Guion Hall
The Vox Pop Quiz program will
broadcast from the A. & M. cam
pus on May 11 over a nation-wide
hookup. Vox Pop is a quiz pro
gram conducted on the order of
the Mars Candy Company pro
gram of Dr. I. Q. Its perform
ances are given all over the coun
try, especially at the service
camps and stations.
A representative will be sent
here in advance, and he will pick
a group of 100 prospects. These
students will then be narrowed
down to around 10. This group
will then appear on the program
and will receive prizes for their
Vox Pop was originated by
Parks Johnson in Houston and
started on KTRH. Later, after its
initial success, it was taken to
New York and has been there for
the past 9 years. Johnson, who
Grayson Mothers Club
Adds to Library Fund
The Grayson County A. & M.
Mother’s Club has made a gift to.
the Library General Reading Fund,
Dr. T. F. Mayo announced yes
terday. This was a gift of two
dollars and a half for the purpose
of buying books for which funds
are not otherwise available.
Books purchased by the fund are
fiction, non-fiction, and classical
records requested by the students,
general policies being determined
by a Student Committee.
serves as master of ceremonies,
has broadcast his program on a
coast-to-coast chain since then.
The performance will be held in
Guion hall, and the audience will
Tank Destroyer Company to Put On
Exhibit Immediately After Review
At 2 o’clock today the first mounted review of the year
will be held. This review has been scheduled in order to pro
vide an opportunity to practice for the mounted review
to be held April 30 for the annual Federal Inspection.
Classes will be suspended at two o’clock and first call
will be sounded at 2:10. Assembly will follow at 2:15 and
Adjutant’s call will sound as soon as the corps is formed.
The uniform for the review has been designated by the
commandant as Number 2 khaki. Senior cadet officers may
wear boots if they so desire. The memorandum from the
commandant’s office carrying in-"
formation about the review states
that cadets not in proper uniform
will not be allowed to participate
and will be counted as absent.
One Cavalry troop and one bat
tery of Field Artillery will attend
the formation mounted. One bat
tery of Artillery is to review mot
orized. These mounted units will
be designated by the senior in
structor of their respective units.
Following the review by the
corps, a demonstration will be
held by a tank destroyer company
from the newest unit of the army,
the tank destroyer Battalion. All
organizations which review un
der arms will march from the pa
rade ground totheir barracks and
replace their equipment. As soon
as this is done, they will form in
front of their respective dormi
tories and return tothe parade
ground to witness the tank de
stroying demonstration. Units not
upder arms will remain in the vic
inity of the parade ground when
they have passed in review.
The formation will be line of
regiments in line of battalions in
column of masses. The order of the
units in line is as follows: Band,
Infantry, Field Artillery (dis
mounted batteries), Composite Re
giment, Cavalry (less dismounted
troop), Engineers and Coast Art
illery. The order for the mounted
units is mounted Cavalry troop,
horsedrawn Field Artillery bat
tery, and motorized Field Artillery
College Work at T U
Improves During War
AUSTIN— (CAP). —Academic
work of University of Texas tech
nical students—those registered in
the vital defense fields of engineer
ing, chemistry, physics and pre
medical work—is improving since
outbreak of the war, a university
administrator believes.
Dr. J. Alton Burdine, vice presi
dent of the university, says grades
of students in these branches of
study are showing marked im
provement. Many students—par
ticularly men—are devoting more
complete attention to their studies
than before, he declares.
Walton to Address
Brady C of C Members
President T. O. Walton will ad
dress the Brady Chamber of Com
merce tonight on the topic of
education and the war. The occa
sion for the address is the annual
banquet of the organization.
Registrar Sends
15,000 Bulletins
To Possible Fish 1
Enrollment Expected To
Be Approximately 4,000
For First Summer Term
Fifteen thousand pictorial bul
letins are now in the process of
being sent to high school students
in Texas, H. L. Heaton, acting
registrar has announced. Twenty?
four pages of pictures and text
cover aspects of Aggie life from
drill and other classes to parties,
corps dances, balls and athletic
events. Various courses offered by
the college are covered in brief
paragraphs, and a great deal of
space is devoted to the laboratories
of the different departments.
Scenic views about the college
are represented through views of
buildings of the campus, views at
such landmarks as Sully and Kyle
The purpose of this bulletin,
Heaton stated, is to inform June
high school graduates of A. & M.’s
resources as an institution of
learning, so that they might start
in the summer session, at which
about 1000 freshmen are expected
to enter here. This number will
augment an expected total of
4000 students that will attend this
summer, Heaton said.
Federal Inspection
To Be April 29-30
Inspecting officers will be on
the campus Wednesday and Thurs
day, April 29 and 30, to conduct
the annual federal inspection of
the ROTC unit. The inspectors
will attend Military Science class
es on April 29 and the morning of
April 30. While in College Station
the officers will also examine all
government property and materiel
which is used by the college in
military instruction.
Since part of the government
property includes the wool uni
forms issued to students enrolled
in the basic course, the review on
the afternoon of the thirtieth will
probably be in Number 1 wool,
states Maj. A. J. Bennett, adjutant.
As yet the inspecting officers
have not been designated by Corps
Area headquarters.
Eleventh Annual Cotton Ball To
Be Held in Guion Hall on May 1
' By Clyde Franklin
A. & M.’s Agronomy Society
will present its eleventh annual
Cotton Pageant in Guion Hall Fri
day night, May 1, at 8 o’clock.
Heading the ceremonies will be
E. D. (Gene) Wilmeth and his
queen, Miss Ernestine Ashe, a
freshman from T.S.C.W. Along
with the king and queen will be
eight maids to the queen and some
175 duchesses and their escorts
Representing various campus or
ganizations and other outstanding
organizations, schools and colleges
all over Texas.
Over 140 duchesses have already
sent in their blanks stating that
they would be present for the af
fair and others are coming in
This year the pageant is to be
held in Guion Hall although in
the past it has been held in the
Deware Field House and was orig
inally slated this year to be held
in Sbisa Hall.
The stage of Guion Hall is to
be converted into a palatial room
in which will be seated the king
and queen on a pink satin love
seat and grouped around them on
the stage will be the maids to the
queen. The king will be srowned
by one of the dignitaries of the
college and he then will crown his
queen. The king will be crowned
guidance of J. S. Mogford, pro
fessor of Agronomy, who was the
originator of the cotton pageant
and has already successfully con
ducted 10 pageants.
The profit from the Cotton Pag
eant and Cotton Ball goes into a
fund to be used to send three stu
dents on a cotton tour which in
past years has included many for
eign countries but this year will
be confined to the United States
because of present world condi-
highest grades on a series of ex
aminations which are now being
given will be able to make this
tour. The names of the three win
ners will be announced at the Cot
ton Pageant.
Immediately following the pag
eant will be the Cotton Ball to be
held in Sbisa Hall. The entire corps
is invited to this ball and will be
allowed to wear civilian attire as
will the escorts in the Cotton Pag
eant. Escorts were told this year
that they would not be required to
buy any fancy clothes because of
the present war conditions but that
they would preferably wear light
weight wool, linen, or tuxedos if
they did not wish to wear their
dress uniform.
As indicated by the rapidity
with which reserved seat tickets
have been sold there will be a
large crowd present this year to
witness the eleventh annual Cot
ton Pageant, Mogford stated.
Reserved seat tickets are now
available in Room 300 Agriculture
Building in the Agronomy Office
for 50 cents and general admis
sion tickets are on sale at the
same place for 35 cents.