Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1942)
4' 1 !Z!2 Page 4 THE BATTALION Official Notices Executive Offices OPPORTUNITY AWARDS—Interes student sure reminded that the Associati of Former Students is now receiving ap plications for Opportunity Awards. As recentl; student loans will be on to time limitations it is necessary that the period for receiving applications for funds to be used for the summer term be closed April 18.—Association of Former Students. Ipportunity Award recently announced in The Battalion all student loans will be on this basis. Due Classified LOST—A "Bennet Record” gold case watch. Finder please return to Don Houk, No. 87, Puryear for reward. 5-room of Woman of the Year -SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1942 LOST—In March, an Argus candid cam era with black case. Reward. Call Miss Stevens, 4-8274. FOR SALE—One awning 8 feet long, kitchen Stevens, $7.50. In excellent condition. Also kitchen ” ’ for $7.50. Call Miss linoleum 4-8274. State Farm Insurance Companies offer Auto, Life and Fire policies.— low cost Auto, Lille and hire policies.— S. D. Snyder, Local Agent. Phone 2-2629. Box 1556, College Station. RADIO REPAIRS THE STUDENT CO-OP DODBS FLANUL FELT r < For spring and summer there’s nothing smarter than a Dobhs Flanul Felt Cross Country. Wear it the spring season through •—in the summer alter nate it with your straws. It’s always comfortahle. $ 5 00 (iTSldrep^ College and Bryan WANTED—Ride to Washington. D. C.. or vicinity, May 16. H. S. Martin, Dorm 11, 103. Phone 4-4534. FOR RENT—5-room house unfurnished. Across from Grant’s Filling Station. Call 4-8514. Ask for I^rank Visoskj. LOST—Campaign hat with Senior hat cord. Standard Hat Works sweat band. E. A. Sterling, 318 No. 6. FOR SALE: One pair ffunior pants, sizei; waist 32", length 34". Brand new Stetson campaign hat, size 6%. See Hud son, 17 Milner. LOST—Black bill fold containing five dollar bill, coupon book, and identification cards. Please return to Bracy, 411 No. 5. Announcements ATTENTION CLUB TREASURERS—If you haven’t paid for your Longhorn pic ture, come by the Student. Activities Of fice at once and attend to it. These pay ments are past due.—Joe Skiles, Manager. THE PRESIDENT’S OFFICE is holding a package of maps prepared by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Will the De partment ordering these maps please call for them. THE SOPHOMORE Student Dairy Cat tle Judging Contest will be held at the barn Saturday morning beginning at 8:00. All Sophomore students who have taken Dairy Husbandry 202 this year are eli gible. Students competing will be excused from classes. Meetings ST. THOMAS CHAPEL (Episcopal) Rev. Roscoe Hauser, Jr., Chaplain 8:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m. Church School. Coffee Club and Discussion Class. 10:45 a. m. Morning Prayer and ser mon by the Rev. Gordon Reese. The Army and Navy Prayer Books will be distributed at the 10:45 a. m. Service by the Rev. Mr. Reese. He will also be the leader at the Discussion Class on this day. CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Minister “Has God Forgotten Us?” will be the sermon theme Sunday morning at 10:45; “Signs” the subjeet at 8 p. m. All are in vited to these services as well as to the Bible classes at 9:45 a. m. Sunday and the prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Wednesday. You will be most welcome. A. & M. METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION James Carlin, Pastor-Director Eugene Braekney, Associate Director Richard Jenkins, Director of Music Sunday, April 19: 9 :50 a.m., The Church School, Mr. J. G. Gay, Supt. 11 a.m.. Morning Service of Worship. Mr. Braekney is to preach. 8 p.m., Wesley Fellowship and Evening Service. A good delegation of Aggies is to at tend the Spring Camp of the Methodist Student Movement, Southeast Texas Area, at Camp Sterling on Trinity Bay, Satur day and Sunday. Mr. Carlin is Conference preacher at the Sunday morning service. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m„ Choir Rehearsal. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH College Station Rev. R. L. Brown, Pastor Harvey Hatcher, Education-Music Director Sunday School 9 :45 a. m. Morning Worship Service 10:50 a. m. Rev. Harrold C. Diggs of the Bowery Mission, New York City, will speak. B.S.U. Council meeting 1:30 p.m. Training Union 7:00 p.m. Evening worship service 8:00 p.m. Rev erend Diggs will speak. 2 Bi-Swing BLOUSES $20.00 and up LOUPOT’S YOUR HAIR CUT THE WAY YOU LIKE IT . . . AT JONES BARBER SHOP 114 South Main - - - - Bryan DOUBLE PROTECTION ... (1) Moths destroyed. Thorough Dry Cleaning destroys moth life. (2) Garments protected. Your clean garments returned sealed in moth seal bags are safe from moths until bag is opened. PATRONIZE OUR AGENTS COURTESY CLEANERS ■'-'x '%i W Aggies Bring Your Date To George’s For The Best EATS AND DRINKS G&OYg&S Confectionery In New “Y” -RIFLE TEAM- (Continued from Page 3) ing the trip. He will use his own equipment which he has had with him in all matches since he started shooting in competition 11 years ago. Except for matches similar to the one to be fired this week-end the Rifle Team has closed its season. The undefeated Rice In stitute R.O.T.C. Rifle Team lost to the Cadets last week by a mar gin of 137 points. The Aggies also defeated the Austin Rifle & Pis tol Club by 327 points and the Montana State University team by 65 points. In 12 weeks of record firing the Aggies shot against 56 schools and defeated 38 of them for an ex cellent average of 73%. The Fish team won eight of nine matches. Lieut. C. A. Williams, C. of E., who coached the squad, assisted by Sergeants Coyen and Beatty, are to be complimented for the excellent work they did with the team this year. Despite the handi caps of poor lighting and ventila tion facilities the Aggie Rifle Team may be justly proud of their 1942 season. LET US PLEASE YOU WITH OUR DELUXE HAIRCUTS AND SHAMPOOS WEST PARK BARBER SHOP Next to Madeley’s Pharmacy Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn pose for Artist Kusnet on the set of MGM’s “Woman of the Year,” in which they appear together for the first time. It’s the story of a career girl who marries a sports writer—with exciting results! The show opens at Guion Hall on Monday, April 20. —KAROW- (Continued From Page 1) seasons. Prior to coming to A. & M., Karow served as head base ball coach for one year, and as sistant backfield coach at United States Naval Academy for two years. Joining the Aggie staff in Jan uary, 1938, Karow served as back- field and head baseball coach. When Hub MacQuillan, head basketball mentor here left for T. C. U., Coach Norton immedi ately shifted Karow as head bas ketball coach and gave the base ball duties to Trainer Lil Dim- mitt. U pset Rice His first year as cage mentor produced a team that sprung the biggest upset of the year when it defeated the conference co-champ- ions—the Rice Owls—early this year. His other games were close exciting and provided the sports fans here one of the most thrilling basketball seasons in many a year. Since his coaching career, Marty $as helped develop some of foot ball’s greatest backs such as Dan dy Dick Todd, John Kimbrough, Walemond Price, Jim Thompson, and Marion Pugh—all Aggies, and such stars as Harrison Stafford and Ernie Koy from Texas Uni versity. —CARNIVAL— (Continued from Page 3) ence by diving into flaming waters with clothing soaked with gasoline and ignited. Swimming Team Introduction The swimming team will be in- oduced by having them perform the many different swim strokes from the dogpaddte to the crawl. This, in effect, will be a demon stration of the evolution of swim ming. The Freshman team will be introduced by novelty acts and swim strokes. A water polo game between the members of this year’s senior squad and next year’s possible team will be featured along with the many novelty acts such as the “night shirt” relay. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the water polo or swimming team and at the door of the natatorium. The price of ad mission is 25 cents. -GARDEN CLUB- (Continued From Page 1) 11. Best arrangement of roses. 12. Best line arrangement. Section II Potted Plants. Section III Men’s Division. (Note: Men not required to be Club members.) 1. Best single specimen (Flow er). 2. Best arrangement of garden material. Section IV Novelty class. Section V Vegetables. 1. Best individual vegetable specimen. 2. Best variety of vegetables. Section VI Children’s division. 1. Pre-school age. a. Best arrangement of wild flowers. b. Best miniature arrange ment. 2. Grammar school age. a. Best arrangement of wild flowers. b. Best arrangement for fam ily breakfast table. Section VII Invitational. Rules 1. Grow your own flowers. 2. Only Garden Club members eligible to make entries for com petition. 3. All entries MUST be placed by 1 p. m. 4. Members must make their own arrangements. 5. All exhibits must be left in the show until 7 p. m. and removed by 8 p. m. 6. The committee will not be re sponsible for entries or accessor ies. 7. Members may make only one entry in each classification. 8. Telephone your planned list of entries not later than April 22 to chairmen of entry committee, Mrs. N. M. McGinnis, College Sta tion, (4-7364) and Mrs. J. S. Do- ane, Bryan, (2-8275). 9. Judging to be done by popular ballot; balloting to close for count at 5:30 p. m. 10. If any rule is broken, the entry is automatically disqualified. Judging Scale Color combination, 25; relation of receptacle, 10; proportion and balance, 25; distinction and origin ality, 20; suitability of combin ation of material, 15; condition, 5; total, 100 points. Only 4 PAIR BOOTS Left L O U P O T ’ S A MILLION DOLLAR HAIRCUT AT THE REGULAR PRICE COLLEGE VIEW BARBER SHOP SHINES TONICS Doc Lipscomb! WE CONGRATULATE YOU ON YOUR NEW ULTRA-MODERN STORE BUILDING Now serving the finest drugs, sundries, fountain and fine food service IT IS A PLEASURE FOR US TO BE ABLE TO SERVICE YOJJ WITH CLEAN LINENS L DYERS'FUR 5TORAGE HATTERS #DIAL^fe vvmmmvYYKms’ oreY/easure/orXou IroreIMW for AMERICA We Pay More Than *2,000,000 A WEEK info the U. S. Treasury for the Tax Stamps necessary for one week* s output of Chesterfields Here’s what this would buy for defense in one year: 4,160 105-mm. HOWITZERS or 52,000 COMPLETE FIELD KITCHENS or 115,555 3-PASSENGER COMBAT CARS There’s satisfaction in knowing that the B’V revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam And Chesterfield’s superior blend of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos has everything it takes to satisfy a smoker. It gives you a smoke that is definitely milder, far cooler and lots better-tasting. Get yourself a pack of Chesterfields today. Smoke the cigarette that satisfies. A CHESTERFIELDS follow the flog. On every front you’ll find them giving our fight ing men more pleasure with their milder, better taste. RUTH HAVILAND and SUSAN CLARKE, of the Women Flyers of America. With the alert young women flyers of America who are doing their part in the Na tional Defense picture...It’s Chesterfield. They Satisfy. On the Rations Front Its Chesterfiel Copyright 1942. Liggett & Mm* Tobacco Cou