The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 16, 1942, Image 5

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    Water Carnival Opens Tonight in Natatorium
Brilliant Showing of Fish Track Team
Heightens Prospects for Good Season in ’43
Those up-and-down prognosti
cators in this sports world, who
have certainly had a hard time
this year, may find it easy going
when the 1943 track season rolls
Only one look will be required
and that in the direction of Coach
Rollins squad, which will be
flanked by one of the greatest
freshman teams to come out of
the Southwest Conference in many
a year.
Those fans that viewed the dual
track meet last Saturday will read
ily agree that this sensational
Fish team can almost come to par
with the Aggie varsity. Of course,
there are quite a few events the
Varsity could grab just by experi
ence, but they’d have one heck of
a fight before it was all over.
True, Coach Dough Rollins loses
the biggest part of his team this
year, but with such stars as Larry
Wolfe, Don Frye, “Iraan” Kennem-
er, Jennings Anderson, Ben Stout
and some of the other bright
freshman stars to choose from, the
Aggie track coach will have little
to worry about.
And the thing that makes this
team a great one is the lack of one
individual star. Instead, they have
a flock of them, with one being
high point man in one meet and
another in the other meet. Each
does his share in piling up the
points, and that is one of the rea
sons the Fish have swamped their
opponents in every meet they have
Most of the boys on the team
are under draft age and unless
they decide to lend on the Dean’s
team, you can be sure that Dough
Rollins will not grow any gray
hair for at least another year.
Cecil Ballow^ Fielding Is Big Factor
In Aggie Championship Hopes This Year
The Aggie baseball team is on
top of the heap and certainly most
of the responsibility rests on the
brilliant hurling of Charlie Stev
enson and the heavy slugging of
clean-up man John Scoggin.
But when you do start dishing
out the credit or the orchids to
anyone for the showing of the
team don’t leave out Cecil Ballow,
the sweet fielding shortstop of the
Aggies. His work in the infield
this year has been one of the
main factors in the success of the
Aggie machine. He has saved
many a run with his almost mirac
ulous stops, while his smooth field
ing has broken up morei than one
Ballow was never much of a
hitter but this season he’s having
his best year at the dish. He has
collected 10 blows out of 41 times
at bat, giving him an average of
.244, which is steadily climbing.
Since the S. M. U. game at Dal
las, a couple of weeks ago, Ballow
has slapped out nine hits out of
24 times at bat which is a .375
average. One of his blows missed
clearing the left field wall by a
foot or so.
Today, with the Southwest Con
ference race as close as it is,
Coach Dimmitt puts much respon
sibility upon the shoulders of Bal
low. The shortstop position is one
of the hardest spots on the team
and requires a man who can scoop
up the ball and go places in a
hurry. That requirement more
than befits Cecil Ballow, who, to
day, ranks as one of the best field
ing shortstops in the history of
the Southwest Conference.
Sports Squibs From Here and There; Pete
Watkins Out jumps SWC Record by One Inch
Lanky Pete Watkins, the Aggie
ace high jumper, surprised him
self and Coach Dough Rollins
when he cleared 6 feet, 8% inches
6 Pairs of
$17.50 - $20.00
in his workout Monday afternoon.
. . . That mark eclipses the South
west Conference record by 1 inch
... if his mark and Roy Bucek’s
recent hurdle mark of 23 seconds
can be repeated in the Southwest
Conference meet, the Aggies will
be pretty well set . . . Bill Stages,
former Aggie football player and
coach of Hull-Daisetta High
(See KYLE FIELD, Page 6)
Water Polo
Team Backs
Annual Show
Theme of Fete Is
Victory; Fire Dives,
Aquabatics Featured
The sixth annual Water Carni
val will open tonight at 7:45 in
P. L. Downs, Jr., Natatorium cli
maxing three week’s hard work by
the water polo and swimming
team. The affair is being spon
sored by the water polo team, of
which Ernie Conway is captain.
The carnival will feature “Vic
tory” as a theme and will also be
held Friday and Saturday night.
Carnival director Art Adamson,
Aggie swimming coach, has indi
cated that 75 minutes of fun and
frolic will be in store for all who
attend the big aquatic show.
The Fire Dive, performed by
Frog Baxter promises to be the
highlight of the carnival. Baxter
will thrill the crowd by diving
from the rafters of the pool with
flaming clothing into water which
has burning gasoline on it. Im
porting U. A. Young and Bland
Schwarting, aquabats from Baylor
university, these famed aquatic
stars will perform on the different
swimming appliances around the
After working with waterproof
batteries, soldering iron, wire and
lights, the illuminated swimming
formations will be in fine shape
for tonight. This is always a spec
tacular swim spectacle and the Ag
gie swimmers have formations
that will be entertaining to all.
This part of the show will be put
on while the pool is in darkness.
A water polo game between the
possible next year’s team and a
team composed of this year’s sen
iors and ex-students will then be
Novelty Acts
Swimming a 100-yard exhibition
race will be the junior national
220-yard champion Fish Griffin
and Bob Cowling, conference 100-
yard breast stroke champion. Be
sides this race, there will be many
acts and especially amusing is the
“night shirt” race. This is a back
stroke relay race and will feature
the varsity versus the fish. The
swimmers will be handicapped in
this race in that they will be at
tired in night shirts and will have
to change them every time a new
man enters the relay.
As a method of introducing the
members of the swimming team,
there will be a demonstration of
the evolution of swimming. This
demonstration will begin at the
dog paddle and progress to the
crawl. The fish team will be intro
duced by novelty swim strokes and
Bob Taylor, record holder, will
demonstrate the free style.
Tickets may be obtained from
any member of the swimming or
water polo team.
Heads Carnival
Art Adamson
Fish Play
Texas Yearlings
At Austin Friday
Forrest to Pitch; Lefty
Byers Hurls Freshmen To
7-3 Win Over Goose Creek
With Lee Forrest, sensational
freshman hurler, slated to be on
the mound, Coach Bill Buchanan’s
still unbeaten Aggie Fish team
journey to Austin to meet the Tex
as Yearlings in a return engage
ment tomorrow afternoon.
The Fish and the Shorthorns
have already played one game,
with the former coming out on the
long end of a 6-5 score. Forrest has
won three of the four Aggie vic
tories. Opposing him will be Ray
Fortune, ace Texas flinger.
Meanwhile, the Fish seemingly
uncovered another pitching ace in
Lefty Byers who hurled five-hit
balls in subduing the Goose Creek
Ganders, 7-3, Tuesday afternoon
at Baytown. This was the first of
ficial time that Byers had pitched
and he came through in fine fash
ion. But for three miscues in the
seventh inning he would have pro
duced a shutout. He struck out nine
men and. walked but four. Only
two of the five hits oft Byers were
solid blows.
The Fish collected eight hits off
the pitching slants of Charlie Stout,
with none of them getting more
than one blow.
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College and Bryan
Aggies Down Fliers, 14-2
Ballow and Rogers
Lead Cadet Attack
With Three Blows
Pounding out seventeen hits, in
cluding a homer over the left field
wall by Les Peden in the sixth,
Coach Lil Dimmitt’s Aggie nine
defeated the 71st Materiel Squad
ron, Ellington Field, 14-2, here
yesterday afternoon.
Lefty Rees started on the mound
for the flyers, but his slanting
curve proved no mystery to the
hard-hitting Cadets. However, he
did strike out 10 men and walked
only four.
Carden Pitches Good
Smokey Carden hurled the dis
tance fox the homelings scatter
ing eight blows to the Ellington
boys. He received grand support
afield and at the plate as Cecil
Ballow and Cullen Rogers led the
slugging melee with three hits
apiece. Ballow also showed up
great at his fielding position com
ing up with some nice plays.
The Aggies opened up in a hur
ry as they sent across three runs
in the opening frame. A walk to
Ballow, hit by Rogers and Scoggin,
and a wild pitch accounted for the
tallies. They added two more in
the third on a double by Glass, a
single by Newberry, and an error
by Tabor, Ellington catcher.
Finally Score
Carden held the flyers score
less for three stanzas but they
finally got to him in the third.
Hits by Evans, Ritter and Kileen,
and an error by Scoggin let in two
runs. From there on, Smokey was
tough as a boot and Ellington
never seriously threatened.
The Cadets, however, kept up
their onslaught throughout thei
fray as they hit Rees left and
right. They added three in the
fourth, oue each in the fifth, sixth
and seventh, and wound up then-
scoring of the day by slapping out
three runs on four blows, includ
ing Ballow’s triple against the left
field wall, in the eighth inning.
Score by Innings:
Materiel ....000 200 000— 2 8 7
A. & M 302 311 13x—14 17 1
Batteries: Rees, Harney and
Tabor; Carden and Aldrich.
•Page 6
Dewey Hoke, the tabulator of all
records in the intramural depart
ment has just finished the compila
tion of all the standings of both
class A and class B boxing. He has
enumerated both the place points
and the standing. In class B there
were 240 men entered and class A
boasted 146 entrants.
Here are the standings and place
points of the top 25 organizations:
Class A
B Engineers —
MG Cavalry —
B Coast Artillery —
B Signal Corps —
C C.W.S. —
A Infantry —
D Infantry —
C Field Artillery —
Class B
Organ. Points
Hdq. Cavalry 30
B Coast Artillery 17.5
Organ. Points
D Field Artillery 17.5
E Field Artillery 30
3 Hq. Field Art.
E Coast Artillery 20
L Infantry
1.6 '
H Field Artillery 15
D Engineers
I Infantry
H Coast Artillery
I Field Artillery
I Infantry
C Cavalry
A Field Artillery
D Cavalry
E Field Artillery
3 Hq. Field Art.
F Coast Artillery
A Signal Corps
M Infantry
B Engineers
E Infantry
E Coast Artillery
G Infantry
Infantry Band
M Infantry
H Field Artillery
F Field Artillery
C Infantry
Hq. Cavalry
D Infantry
D Repl. Center
G Infantry
B Field Artillery
Don’t Neglect Your Appearance
By Neglecting Your Clothes
Let us clean and press them for the
Composite Ball
Campus Cleaners
Over the Exchange Store New Y
Tracksters In
Quadrangular Meet
Here Sat Afternoon
Coach Dough Rollins’ Aggie
track team goes back to action
for the first time Saturday after
noon since its sensational upset
win over the Texas Longhorns in
a dual meet some two weeks ago.
A quadrangular meet between
the Aggies, T.C.U., S.M.U., and
Baylor will be the highlight of the
affair that afternoon.
The Cadets are in the peak of
condition, with the possible excep
tion of Jimmy Knight and Em-
erick Labus, Rollins’ ace dash and
relay men. Their workouts have
been exceptional in the past week
with two Southwest Conference
records taking a tumble.
Baylor’s main bid for victory
will be in Jack Wilson, football
star, who is entered in almost ev
ery field event. His specialty is
the shot put and that’s where Bay
lor hopes to pick up at least five
points. S. M. U., so far is un
proven, since the whole track squad
is made up of 10 men. T. C. U.,
likewise, have not accomplished
anything of brilliance this year.
Captain Roy Bucek, Pete Wat
kins, Albert Ricks, Joe Vadjos,
Ken Stallings, Bill Mitchell, Bill
Henderson and Johnny Ziegler are
expected to be the point makers
for the Aggies. Bucek has been
especially great in his workouts,
tieing Freddy Wolcott’s record in
the 220 low hurdles last Saturday.
Tennis Team
Meets Sam Houston
Here This Afternoon
Coach Manning Smith’s fastly
improving tennis team will meet
the Sam Houston State Teachers’
College in a regulation match here
this afternoon.
The Aggie netters are having
one of their better seasons this
year. Xavier Fernandez, A1 Krez-
dorn, and Bill Marshall haye been
the sparkplugs of the team.
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