DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1942 2275 NUMBER 83 ^ f . " Student General Election to Be in Academic Today Classes Suspended for Halifax Review Ex-Students Attended Annual Homecoming Sunday Entire Corps Entitled To Vote for Various Offices . Batt Editor, Head Yell Leader, Junior, Senior Representatives Posts Elected Polls for the general student election will be open to day from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the rotunda of the Academic building. All students, freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors, are eligible to vote upon presentation of their February registration re ceipts. Officiating at the polls will be members of the Student Election committee and class officers. Votes will be count ed as soon as the polls close in the Corps Headquarters Of fice in Ross Hall. In case a runoff is necessary, it will be First Call Sounded At 10; Khaki Shirts And Trousers Worn Classes will be suspended tomor row at 9:40 a.m. to permit cadets to participate in the review in hon or of Lord Halifax, Ambassador to the United States from Eng land. Halifax will fly here from San Antonio, arriving about 9:30, in order to review the cadet corps. Lord and Lady Halifax are spending their two weeks vacation in Texas, visiting South Texas in dustrial centers and also the King Ranch. Halifax was formerly the Minister of Supplies in England and chief of production. Since be coming Ambassador to the United States, he has gained great re spect in diplomatic circles in Washington. First Call fox the review will be sounded at 10 ;a.m. with assembly art 10:05. Adjutant’s call will then be sounded as soon as the corps is formed. Uniform for the review will be khaki shirts and khaki trousers. Cadet officers may wear breeches and boots. Formation will be line of regi ments in line of battalions in col umn of masses. The order of the units in line are: Band, Infantry Regiment, Field Artillery Regiment, Composite Regiment, Engineer Regiment and Coast Artillery Regiment. Imme diately after Assembly, each Regi ment will move from its place of Assembly to a place where it can march into its position in the re view formation most expediously. New Schedule Of Calls Issued For Rest of Semester Some were in the showers, oth ers were recuperating from a sat isfactory week-end, and some were at their “horizontal engineering” labs when the all-familiar bugle stand echoed forth with first call. It was Sunday evening, if you don’t remember, when the corps just about missed supper as a whole. All that mad rush was caused by the change of the sched ule to fit the new Central War Time. Aggieland lost an hour as they went on the new war time which the nation has adopted to assist the war effort. The present clock time is kept, but the whole sched ule for the college is moved up one hour. So instead of getting up at 7:15 Aggies will “roll out” at 6:15. For the benefit of those who are confused about the new time, the new schedule is given below: (See NEW SCHEDULE, page 4) At the annual luncheon of the ex-student’s association held Sun day, William J. “Bill” Lawson, Secretary of State of Texas, was elected president for the coming year. Lawson served as vice-presi dent of the association last year. “Fireman” as he was called dur ing his college days spent two years at Aggieland. He enrolled in 1920 and stayed until 1922. While here he was in the Air Corps branch of the ROTC, and studied Chemical engineering. Bill saw service on the football reserve team and the freshman squad. With the advent of W. Lee O’Daniel into the Texas political circus, Bill got the bug and was one of his lieutenants. He was Secretary of the State Park Board when he was appointed Secretary of State. In this capacity he serv ed under O’Daniel and was reap pointed by Governor Coke Steven son. Recently Lawson passed the state bar examination and has been admitted to practice. Of in- Place of A&M In War Effort Main Point In D ay J s Program Elections and plans for the com ing year were the business, and the place of A. & M. in the war effort was the dominant note at the ex-students’ spring reunion and homecoming Sunday. This subject was the keynote in most of the activities and speeches. Dick Hervey, president of the senior class was elected a director of the Former Students Associa tion during the meeting. This is the first time that a student has been made a director while still in school. Secretary of State William J. Lawson of Austin was elected president and Jake P. Hamblen of Houston vice president of Associa tion fox the following year. E. E. McQuillen was reelected executive secretary. Tyree L. Bell, retiring president presented plans for the alumni to launch immediately a development fund for the future expansion of facilities of the college. The pro gram, which was adopted unanim ously, providing for the Texas A. & M. College Development Fund, is a program fox the soliciting of funds from former students with which to make an annual gift to the college for the purpose of get ting things for which money is not at present available, such as scholarships, for building up the library, for providing additional physical education facilities, or, in an emergency, for a lump sum of money. Another plan adopted establish ed the A. & M. Field Force, which is an organization to aid in the solution of college problems, such as those concerned with public re lations, student enrollment, ath letic prospects, the dissemination of correct and timely college in formation, student loan fund coun sel, and placement and employ ment. Both plans are to begin functioning immediately. The annual roll call of former Mrs Frieberger Talks On Sugar Substitutes Mrs. L. D. Frieberger will dis cuss “Sugar Substitutes” at the meeting of the Nutrition Course in the Consolidated School tonight at 7 o’clock. Time of the meeting of the course has been changed to 7 instead of 8 in order to fneet with college changes. Regular meetings will continue on Tuesday and Thursday nights at the new hour of 7, it was an nounced. terest to Aggies is the fact that his daughter will be the Capital City A. & M. Club’s duchess in the Cotton Ball. President Exes W. J. (Bill) Lawson students deceased during the past year was most significant of the present situation. Most numerous on the list this year were those students who graduated after 1933, and practically every name was preceded by a military title of lieu tenant, captain or major. President T. O. Walton, amid Cofer Outlines Policies for Paper For Election Today The main reflection of Aggie land and the outstanding voice of all Aggies is their newspaper, The Battalion. This institution should serve as the means whereby the desires and wants of the student body should be presented. It should portray the news of Aggieland in a quick and concise manner. It should support the cadet corps in whatever they are backing for the benefit of all Aggies. And above all, it should be for Aggies through and through, and the spirit of the men in the corps should be the attitude and the policy of The Battalion. The above views will constitute the policy I shall follow should I be elected in today’s election, and for the betterment of the cadets and the corps as a whole will I work. List of Students Chosen to Talk To High SchoolsPosted About 500 boys have been se lected to go home to visit their high schools, Tom Gillis, cadet colonel, announced yesterday. A list of the boys selected will be posted on a 'bulletin board on the ground floor of Ross Hall. No more than three to any high school have been selected on basis of seniority, scholarship, and activity. To obtain excused absences to visit high schools, cadets selected must obtain passes through the commandant’s office in the regular manner. Passes must be in by 6 p.m. Wednesday, and must state purpose, town visiting and datqs. Upon return to college, cadets must bring passes to the regis trar’s office, and after filling out a written report of his activities on the trip, he will be given ex cused absences for the authorized time. All students on the posted list will attend a banquet in Sbisa Hall at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 16. Mr. Perryman, of the registrar’s office, will be master of cere monies. He will tell students how to get excused absences and how to use descriptive literature of the college, which will be given. Presi dent Walton will deliver a short address, and cadet colonel Tom Gillis will speak. rousing cheers of more than 500 former students, faculty members and seniors, declared, “This is no time for labor’s holiday, capital’s gain or political expediency. It is time for every man to divest him self of selfish purpose and private interest and dedicate his life to the service of our nation at war.” Bresnen States His Proposed Plans For Battalion Next Year A newspaper is founded on re liability. News articles should tell what happened in the simplest, most attractive and accurate man ner. The aim of every editor should be to tell both sides of every story that is printed so that the readers may form unbiased opinions based on these facts. Cold, Hard Facts It is my purpose if I am elected to the editorship of The Battalion, to present cold, hard facts and enough of them so that all Aggies and other readers of this publica tion may know exactly what is happening in this institution and how it affects their interests. Your Paper; Your Servant Fundamentally The Battalion belongs to you, the cadets of A. & M. I plan to publish a paper with these ends in mind: first, to report the news as soon as possi ble after it happens; second, to re port the news accurately; third, and perhaps most important, to keep in mind that a newspaper is the servant of its readers. Insofar as possible all requests and sug gestions will be complied with— all will be appreciated. Conservative Policy If at any time problems affect ing -the corps should arise in which the Battalion must in fairness take an editorial stand, it is my plan to follow a policy of logical, con servative reasoning. Any soap box orator can stand up and harangue an audience which is already in agreement with his ideas. Seldom does he get very far since authori ties will not listen to his ram- blings. If the occasion arises when The Battalion can be of service to you of the corps, I shall pursue this policy to the utmost in striv ing to accomplish what you desire. In short, by a slight reorganiza tion of the staff and its methods, we can afford' a more complete coverage of the news as it hap pens and provide A. & M. with a paper that will again win a First Class rating among the college publications of the nation. If I am elected to this position, The Battalion will be devoted to guiding Aggie opinion, and pro tecting Aggie rights and tradi tions by presenting their side of any questions which may arise. Dick Hervey Chosen For Membership On Board of Directors “That honor roll just read,” Doc tor Walton said, “shows a heavy casualty list of recent graduates. Those are my boys, ydur boys, Texas boys. It is our duty to see to it that no Aggie shall give his life in vain. “In Washington recently I ob served some of our national lead- era waiting hopefully for the citi zens back home to take off the heat. In order that this nation shall not default an obligation, we have the right to demand of our congress to ‘get going,’ or if they lack the patriotism to do the job, to step down and make room for men who will. The citizens are not going to turn the heat off this seventh column of labor racketeers, profiteers and vote-conscious poli ticians until the job is done. “It is the will of the people that our armed forces get the backing they plead for, and it is every man’s patriotic duty to live and act each day 'so he may be able to say each night—T have done my duty to my country, to my fighting men, and to the future genera tions’.” Marion Church, Dallas attorney, declared, “It is our duty at home to see that no Aggie bares his breast to the enemy without the tools to deal out death to that enemy. We’re in a storm, so let’s pray, and fight and back our men on the firing line. When the sun shines again we can chew our tobacco and enjoy ourselves.” Senior Ring Orders Must be in by 15th For Dance Delivery In order to get a senior ring for the senior Ring Dance your order must be in the Registrar’s office by April 15. All orders placed after 5 p. m. on that date will not be received in time for the dance. The ring clerk will be in the Reg istrar’s office only in the morn ings with the exception of April 15; on that date she will be in the office all day, H. L. Heaton, acting Registrar, said. To date 914 rings have been sold, of which 850 have been de livered, compared to 832 rings sold last year at the same date. Forty- eight rings have been sold to ex students, some as far back as 1904, 1913, 1924, 1925 and up to date. Beginning with May 1, 1942, orders for the rings will leave the Registrar’s office only once a month with delivery following first. Rings returned for adjust ment will leave the office on the fifteenth of every month with ap proximately two weeks delivery. If you’re a singer, a dancer, a magician, an acrobat or a musi cian ... in other words if you have a special talent, then this summer may find you on the stage. At least that’s the whole thought about Interstate Theatre’s Varsity Varieties that is currently being put together. Believing that there is a wealth of talent available for the stage and screen and realizing that Tex as has recently supplied the na tion with some of its most prom ising stage, screen and radio stars, Interstate Theatres is organizing a summer show to be made up en tirely of collegiate talent. All Southwest Conference schools, plus North Texas State Teachers College and Texas State College for Women are being in cluded in the plan that will see held Thursday, April 16, in they same place and at the same hours as for the primary election. Voters will scratch out all but one of the names for each office, leaving the name of the person for whom they wish to vote. A copy of the official ballot is as follow: For Battalion Editor: Ken Bresnen D. B. (Brooks) Cofer For Head Yell Leader: Chuck Chalmers Ted O'Leary For Senior Representative on the Student Activities Committee: S. K. Kirk J. C. Denney Bland Harrison For Junior Representative on the Student Activities Committee: Lamar Haines Sid Smith R. O. Thompson Marvin McMillan The candidates for the various ofices wound up their campaigns last night at yell practice with short speeches to the entire corps. As in past Aggie elections, there has been a minimum of ballyhoo, signs and campaign posters. Al though the elections committee authorized candidates to use cloth signs similar to football signs to entice voterfe, few such signs have appeared on the campus. Two Declared Ineligible In its final meeting before the election, the members of the stud ent elections committee and of the student activities committee de clared all those who appear on the ballot as eligible for their respec tive offices. Harold Ivey, I Infan try, was declared ineligible to run for junior representative. Tom (See ELECTION, page 4) Horace Brown Chosen Head of Saddle And Sirloin Club Next Year Horace Brown, H Infantry, was elected president of the Saddle and Sirloin Club for next year last Thursday night at the regu lar club meeting. Ed Rafferty was chosen vice-president; Bob Parker, secretary; Joe Lemley, reporter; Caddo Wright, marshall; Buddy Hahn, treasurer, Vance Carring ton, social secretary and Marvin McMillan, rodeo director. Plans were made for the Cat tlemen’s Ball that is to be held Friday night in the loft of the Agricultural Engineering Building and a number of bright colored shirts and sashes ordered by the club members to be worn to the dance. some fifty Texas collegians in an outstanding stage revue this July. Currently visiting each of these schools is Charlie Freeman, head of all stage activities for the In terstate houses. Mr. Freeman is first making arrangements to au dition all available talent on each campus. From this talent a show will be produced that will play six weeks on the Interstate time and pos sibly be used at some army camps. Those participating will not only receive a salary for their services, but complete expenses of the trip will be paid. Opportunity will also be offered to designers, composers, costumers and publicity men. It is the current plan to provide the show with two publicity directors that will act as advance men for the company. Longley Made Head Press Group 3 Day Convention Held in Dallas; Next Meeting Here Johnny Longley, editor-elect of the Longhorn, was selected by del egates to the Southwestern Journ alism Congress in Dallas last week end to head the student section of the organization for the com ing year. Dr. John AsKton, pro fessor of rural sociology, was elected president of the entire Congress and College Station was selected as the meeting place for next fall’s session. Students from 13 colleges in Texas, Louisiana and Oklahoma attended the three day meeting of the Journalism Congress 1 of which S. M. U. was the host. Those at tending from. A. & M. were Reg gie Smith, Ralph Criswell, Tom Vannoy, K. C. Bresnen, C. A. Hurst, Walter Cardwell, E. A. Gordon, Ed Douglass, Billy Davis and John Longley. Other student officers elected by the delegates were James Farley, Baylor, vice- president and Frances Krauss, L. S. U., secretary. Program of the Journalism Con gress began Thursday night with registration of the delegates at the Baker Hotel. The Student Council of Dallas College enter tained members of the congress that night with a reception and dance on the Peacock Terrace. Fri day morning there were speeches by leading members of the journ alism profession of the Southwest. Highlights of the afternoon pro gram Friday were sectional meet ings and a round table discussion! on “The Effect of the War Upon Journalism Students.” One student from each school expressed his- school’s viewpoint on the subjects Friday night Grove Patterson, edi tor of the Toledo Blade, spoke oik “Newspapers in a Democracy.” To the students present, he said there is no higher calling than journal ism, but don’t expect to get rich.” The opportunity is to be open to any person who is a registered student at any of the above named colleges and universities during the school year of 1941-42. Abso lutely no professional talent will be included in the show. Said Freeman in Dallas Thurs day, “We do not want this to be misunderstood. This is not simply a search for talent, but is rather a plan of our company to offer legitimate opportunity for any young man or woman in school that has exceptional stage, screen, or radio possibilities.” Freeman will visit the A. & M. this week to complete audition ar rangements. Any person interested in being present at these auditions should contact Charlie Tigner at the Campus Theatre at once. Secretary of State Bill Lawson Will Head Exes Association Today is the day! Starting at eight this morning Aggies again will have the privilege of going to the polls to select men who will hold key positions in next year’s political whirlpool as well as all student activities. But, Aggies, when you take this privilege of voting don’t forget to accept the responsibility which goes with it. Remember that you are looking for the strong est candidates, those who will be able to carry out their duties in the best manner possible. Don’t let personali ties and individual feelings check your ballot. Let clear thinking and common sense be the basis for the selec tion. The best men deserve the positions whether they are your best friend’s friend or whether they happen to be on the other side of the fence. SEE THAT THE MEN YOU VOTE FOR ARE THE BEST IN THE FIELD. Batt Editor Candidates List Platforms to Be Followed Interstate Theatres Offer Chance to Students With Talent to Go into Stage Work This Summer