The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1942, Image 2

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    Page 2-
The Battalion
-* Agricultural and
College Station,
Tuesday, Thursday
The Battalion, otficial newspaper ox the
hanical College of Texas and the City of
mblished three times weekly, and issued T
Saturday mornings.
Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1870.
Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates
open request.
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service,
Ine., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and
Ban Francisco.
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1941 Member 1942
Dissociated Golle6iate Press
E. M. Rosenthal Acting Editor
Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager
Sports Staff
Hike Haikin Sports Editor
W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor
Mike Mann Senior Sports Assistant
Chick Hurst Junior Sports Editor
Circulation Staff (
Gene Wilmeth.. Circulation Manager
ne WUmeth.. ^Circulation Mana_
F. D. Asbury. 7 Junior Assistant
Bill Huber, Joe Stalcup Circulation Assistants
Cedric Landon Senior Assistant
Photography Staff
Tack Jones Staff Photographer
<Job Crane, Ralph Stenzel Assistant Photographers
Phil Crown Assistant Photographer
Thursday Staff
Clyde C. Franklin Juinor Managing Editor
Tack Hood Junior Editor
Brooks Gofer Junior Editor
Ed Kingery Junior Editor
Robert L. Freeland Assistant Editorial Writer
Jack Lamberson Assistant Advertising Manager
Calvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, Russell Chatham, Bill
Fox, Jack Keith, Tom Journeay, W. J. Hamilton, Nelson Kar-
hach, Tom Leland, Doug Lancaster, Charles P. McKnight, Keith
Kirk, Weinert Richardson, C. C. Scruggs, Henry H. Vollentine,
Ed Kingery. Edmund Bard, Henry Tillet, Harold Jordon, Fred
Pankey, John May, Lonnie Riley, Jack Hood.
Exes Present Opportunitq
The annual ex-students’ meeting this week
end should mean a lot to every A, & M. man
now in school, particularly to the seniors.
Not only will the present students have a
chance to mingle with and meet their pre
decessors but also will hear of a plan which
has long been in the formation, v
For a number of years the Former Stud
ents Association has been preparing plans
for a general program which the alumni,
faculty, board of directors, the student
body, and the families and friends of the
students could follow and participate in. In
general it is a program for the betterment
of A, & M. and the progress of the princi
ples for which Aggieland stands.
Sunday at noon the seniors are going
to be the honor guests of the ex-students
at a banquet in Sbisa Hall. At that time they
will be taken unofficially into the fold of
the exes and told of the general plan which
has been made. It will be an opportunity
which no senior should pass up.
three years, at a time when the employment
market must inevitably be glutted, and at
the same time it would prepare these men
to make the greatest possible contribution
to society.
Increasingly, as the war progresses, we
will find disabled men in ever larger num
bers being returned to civil life. The pro
posed policy, if adopted now, would be of
tremendous benefit to these men and to so
ciety during the progress of the war.
Colleges and universities will need an
opportunity to prepare for the discharge of
their responsibility in carrying out this pro
posed policy, rather than be forced to im
provise plans on short notice at the end of
the war.—Dr. Alonzo F. Myers, chairman,
department of higher education, New York
The people never give up their liberties
but under some delusion.
—Edmund Burke
Man, Your Manners
PRIVATE BUCK .-. By Clyde Lewis
By I. Sherwood
Fingers or Forks: When eating chicken, you
may wonder, particularly if you have been
served a wing or back, whether you should
struggle with your knife and fork, or toss
etiquette aside and take the bones in your
The rule on the proper way to eat chick
en is to satisfy oneself with the portion that
can be procured with the knife and fork; at
a picnic fried chicken may be eaten in the
fingers, but at table, unless you are in the
privacy of the family circle or in the com
pany of an intimate friend, chicken should
be eaten with the knife and fork.
Any foods that can be eaten without
getting the fingers sticky or greasy may be
treated as “finger foods.” The following list
comes under that classification—olives, nuts,
celery, small pickles, radishes, and other raw
vegetables served as a relish; small fresh
fruits, cherries, plums, grapes, whole straw
berries; or larger fruits, such as bananas,
or other fruits which are not too juicy to
quarter, pare, and handle in the fingers
such as apples and pears; breads, crackers,
sandwiches, candies, cookies, nonsticky
cake, potato chips, crisp shoestring potatoes,
and corn on the cob; very dry crisp bacon
might also be eaten with the fingers.
If you cannot eat something—no matter
what it is—without getting it all over your
fingers, you must use your fork and if nec
essary, a knife also! All the rules of man
ners are made to avoid ugliness.
campus disfractioNs
WITH __ Qff
“Those orders must have been wrong, Joe. I haven’t seen hide
nor hair of that cavalry oi^bt we were supposed to follow!”
Jack Hood
"Backwash: An agitation resulting from *om* action or occurrence.”—Webeter
Dr. Kildare always seems to
come out on the long end of a
deal regardless of the circum
stances. Again Lew Ayres as Dr.
Kildare and Lionel Barrymore as
the inimitable Dr. Gillespie keep
up their work of saving lives by
means of their medical know
ledge. The title of this chapter in
the life of Dr. Kildare is “DR.
showing at Guion Hall today and
tomorrow. To replace Larine Day
who was killed in the last episode,
Ann Ayars is presented as the
feminine lead in the story and she
shows much promise of being a
good one. Picked up by the hos
pital ambulance after she had
been hit in an accident, Miss Ay
ars was brought to the hospital
and Kildare saved her life. Natur
ally if anyone saves your life,
you are grateful to him and this
is the case in this story. She falls
in love with him to show her
gratitude. '
Dr. Kildare does not respond so
readily so that the story might
go on for another eight or ten
On Time Again
Effective Monday morning Aggies will get
up one hour earlier than usual as the college
goes on the new Central War time. It’s
another step by Aggieland in cooperating
with the all out war effort of the nation.
To some Aggies the change will be wel
comed as they will now be able to make con
nections with the rest of the country when
they travel, but most of us will wonder
where that extra hour of sleep has gone
when we hear that all too familiar sound
of reveille.
Coordination of college time with that
of the country will work out better for all
concerned. Most students have never been
accustomed to “nine o’clock” classes and
“one o’clock” dinners, and except for the
sleeping problem the change will be easily
Education for Service Men
Thousands of our young men have had their
education interrupted by the war. This is
only the beginning of an endless stream of
millions of our finest youth who will be
called to military duty at the very time in
their lives when normally they would be in
process of securing an education and train
ing for their chosen life work. These men
are not complaining, but many of them would
like to know what society is going to do
about their problem when the war is ended.
This problem is not just their personal
problem, but society’s problem as well. We
will have great need for trained intelligence
when this war is over, a greater need than
we have ever before had, to aid in the tre
mendous task of transition from a wartime
to a peacetime economy and of solving the
problems of post-war reconstruction.
Let us offer a specific proposal at this
time, in the hope that it may secure enough
public approval and support to insure its
adoption in the near future. The proposal is
that the United States government, through
enactment by congress, guarantee to mem
bers of the armed forces that at the time of
their honorable discharge from military duty
they may resume or enter upon their for
mal education in public or private institu
tions of higher learning, or in other techni
cal and vocational schools, with tuition, fees
and adequate assistance toward living ex
penses paid by the government.
Many thousands of our young men in
the armed forces are disturbed over what
the future will hold for them when they
shall be returned to civilian life. They would
face that future with greater confidence if
they could at this time be assured that they
would be provided with an opportunity to
resume their education.
The adoption of this proposal would
cushion the shock to our economic system
of returning millions of men to civil life, and
would facilitate an orderly demobilization. It
would keep many thousands of men out of
the employment market for one, two, or
Error of opinion may be tolerated where
reason is left free to combat it.
—Thomas Jefferson
From Capital to Campus
ACP’s Jay Richter Reports from Washington
JOBS . . .
For those who are wondering what to do
during a war-time summer vacation, here’s
a suggestion: Check with your postoffice for
tips from your nearest Civil Service field
office on temporary jobs. In addition to what
ever openings might normally appear, there
are reports that offices of “decentralized”
government agencies are short-handed. Hun
dreds of their employers elected to stay be
hind in over-crowded Washington rather
than move into “the field.”
WAR . . .
Look for “reactivation” of CAA train
ing programs in some 100 colleges and uni
versities where the CAA program had been
allowed to lapse. The expanded program for
next year, announced recently by CAA and
the War Department, will require use again
of dormant college facilities, and possibly es
tablishment of new ones, too. Goals are for
an increase of 20,000 in both elementary and
secondary training courses. Men who are ac
cepted will acquire status as enlisted reserves
in the air corps or will, on finishing, serve as
CAA flying instructors.
Signs point to a major Washington ef
fort to sell the University of Iowa’s “Phoe
nix Fund” post-war scholarship plan to all
U. S. colleges. If the idea can be “cleared”
through Treasury department bigwigs, the
Department’s Defense Savings section will
attempt to get a national educators’ com
mittee to back the plan. This committee, in
turn, would attempt to build up well-oiled
organizations in colleges throughout the
country this spring and summer—prepara
tory to a campaign splurge when fall terms
Briefly, the Iowa plan provides that each
student buy a 10-cent Defense Savings
Stamp each week to build up post-war schol
arship funds for students in the armed
Treasury officials consider the plan the
best collegiate stamp-selling idea to date,
and frankly admit they have no suggestions
for improvement. Credit for the original
idea goes to Francis Weaver, first-year law
student at Iowa.
The Federal Register points out that
Stockton Junior college and Modesto Junior
college in California have moved to Carson
City, Nev., “by reason of the emergency
existing in California caused by the present
state of war.”
Maryland’s Hood college, in relaxing its
rules to permit married girls to attend school,
observed that the move is an effrot to adjust
“to situations arising from the war emer
“Young Mr. Rhythm”
It was a close call for the Coast
hoys, but they finally landed a
band. George Wald & company,
billed as “Young Mr. Rhythm” and
his “Music As New As Tomorrow,”
should turn out a couple of good
hops, coming from such places as
the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago;
Lookout House in Covington, Ken
tucky; and the Fitch Band Wagon.
The band features the singing of
its young maestro, and plays ba
sically soft music with a strong
melodic line—muted brass and
oboe lead.
Wald is a native Californian . . .
his father was a dairyman, and
his mother, a former star of the
Budapest Opera ... he has attend
ed some choice shools over the
country—he was kicked out of
WmiV Point for repeatedly singing
on parade . . . his greatest ambi
tion is still to be a surggon, but
the spotlight got in his eyes when
he won a “pop” singing contest at
the Coconut Grove in Hollywood.
. . . George’s pre-med skill once
enabled him to save the life of an
Ohio farmer when stranded in a
raging flood. The farmer had
broken an arm and was bleeding
to death from a neck cut—he later
named a baby girl “Georgianna”
after George.
If any of you have the urge to
learn to rhumba or conga, here’s
your chance . . . every member of
the band has been trained to in
struct . . . they will vacate the
bandstand to teach, leaving just
enough fnen to carry the melody
and rhythm . . . they are initially
a “sweet-swing” outfit, but Raoul
and Eva Reyes, famous dancers
with Xavier Cugat, say that
Wald’s is the finest North Amer
ican band for rhumbas and congas.
• • •
Backwash Error
According to Clarence Baker,
L O U P O T ’ S
The Little Place
A Big Saving
Thursday and Friday
4:30 and 7:45
^ ^ -
the answer... in
Dr. Kildare's most
Directed by W. S. VAN DYKE II
NOTE:—Beginning today our Newsreel comes to us only
one day old. It is flown from New York Tuesday and plays
Wednesday in Waxahachie—It is then sent to us for
Thursday and Friday.
chapters about the love affairs of
Lew Ayres and Ann Ayars. The
only hitch in the plan is that last
week Lew Ayres boarded a train
in Los Angeles to go to a camp
for conscientious objectors to war
that is located in Oregon.
Only 3 Pairs of Boots
Left . . . Better Rush!
$12.50 and up
Dial 4-1181
class of 1898, of Waco, the state
ment that General George F.
Moore was the only graduate to
come back to the campus as an
army officer to command the mili
tary institution, etc., is an error.
A letter from Mr. Baker says,
“We all love General Moore and
are proud of him as an px-Aggie.
However, the late Colonel C. C.
Todd graduated in the class of
1898 and was commissioned in the
army during the Spanish Ameri
can war. Lieut. Todd was wound
ed in the Philippines and placed
on the retired list. In that capacity
he came to A. & M. as command
ant. In 1917 Col. Todd was ordered
to active duty and after the Ar
mistice was ordered to A. & M.
on active duty as P.M.S.&T. and
commandant. He was ordered to
the Philippines in 1925, command
ed the 30th Infantry and, after
that tour of foreign service, was
v (See BACKWASH, Page 4)
Thursday, Friday — “Dr.
Kildare’s Victory,” featur
ing Lew Ayres and Lionel
Thursday — “St. Louis
Blues,” with Dorothy La-
mour and Lloyd Nolan. Ben
efit Kream and Kow Klub.
Friday, Saturday—“Pacif
ic Blackout,” starring Rob
ert Preston and Martha
■ PHONE 2-8879
Thurs. - Fri. - Sat.
Preview 11 P. M.
Saturday Night
Also Shown
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
All-Day Benefit Show, Kream
and Kow Klub of A. & M.
Paramount presents
L.H..1 > .b.b. . a t.■
“$21-a-Day Once a Month”
News — Community Sing — Short
On Alert...
the Task Force of the
Telephone army!
Wherever the call, a mechanized army of
more than 27,000 Bell telephone trucks
stands ready. Each has a skilled crew . . .
armed with hand tools and power equip
ment designed especially for the job to be
done. They are ready and efficient and can
be mobilized anywhere, anytime.
This is just one way the Bell System is
prepared to keep lines open and ready for
war-time service — no matter when
or where the test may come.
* ’N.
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