The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 09, 1942, Image 1

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    Central War Time Takes Full Effect at Aggieland Monday
See Story Column 4,
DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Former Students Association Meets Here Saturday
George Wald Signed to Appear Friday At i,,'f/itr
Coast Ball With Private Parties Later 8
Will Use Old Time
Hal Collins Class '12
Presents Crazy Radio
Gang Here Friday Noon
Golden Jubilee Class ’92
AttendbyFouf Ex-Students
G'eorge Wald and his orchestra^
will play for the Coast Artillery
Ball tomorrow night in Sbisa hall
from ten until two. After signing
contracts with several other bands
only to have them change their
routes so that they would not be
in College Station, the regiment
finally changed the date of the
ball so that they would have more
time to look for a good band. At
various times it was thought that
A1 Donahue, Bobby Byrne, and
Claude Thornhill would play.
After much deliberation and shop
ping around via the telegraph, the
Coast Artillery was able to secure
Wald’s group for the two week-end
Decorations for this year’s ball
are under the supervision of P. T.
Crown, H CAC, and Jake Billings
ley, E CAC. The theme of the dec
orations is to be along military
lines with coast artillery anti-air
craft defense predominating. If
possible an airplane will be secured
and decorated as an enemy plane
which has been shot down.
The committee in charge of the
ball consists of the following men:
Ed Monteith, H Battery, chairman;
favors and programs, H. R. Bright,
D Battery and R. L. Rix, B Bat
tery; finance, Henry King, B Bat
tery, P. R. Mallory, G Battery, F.
C. Litterst, A Battery, S. R. Baen,
C. Battery, H. R. Bright, D Bat
tery, M. M. Jenkins, E Battery,
Ralph Eads, F Battery, and Ed
Monteith, H Battery.
Following the ball Friday night,
there will be two private parties,
one for the seniors at Franklin’s
and another for the juniors in
Dates of the Coast Artillerymen
will have the use of the first six
ramps of Law hall. Reservations
may be turned in at the command-
George Wald
ant’s office beginning this morn
ing. Troop B and Hq. will vacate
sometime Friday afternoqn so that
the girls may move into the halls.
Everyone attending the dance
will wear the number one uniform,
the dance committee stated. The
dance committee is made up of
J. B. Stewart, C CAC, and C. C.
Carlisle, E CAC.
60,000,000 Year Old Log New Advanced Seniors
Museum Fossil Group Addition Nov? in Ordnance
By John May
A fossil log 60,000,000 years old
was recently discovered in Alba,
Texas and has been brought to
the Museum. The log is now go-
Amateur Photography
Contest Sponsored by
Campus Study Group
An amateur photography con
test has been announced by the
Campus Study club to promote
the interest in photography on the
campus. The contest will be spon
sored by the Campus Study club
and will be judged by Howard
Berry, college photographer. Priz
es will be offered by local mer
chants who sell photographic
equipment, and will consist of
photographic enlargements and
This contest is open only to
amateurs and the pictures should
be entered in the names of the
persons who took the pictures.
The Study Club announces that
all entries will be handled care
fully and may be delivered to Mrs.
G. K. Schoepfle at 206 Suffolk
Ave. or left with Dr. Schoepfle in
the Physics building.
Maintenance Due
Today is the last day that
maintenance may be paid by
students without penalty.
The total amount due at this
time is $34.75 and will cover
board, room and laundry till
May 16 and the end of the
ing through a process of shellac
ing and varnishing which will pre
serve the soft material but It will
soon be put on display.
About two weeks ago Fredrick
Blount, owner of the Consumer’s
Lignite Company, notified the Mu
seum that two large fossil logs
had been encountered in the ex
cavation of their mine. The logs
were actually discovered by Ed
mund Strange, a miner. They were
discovered almost at the cost of
life as one of the logs was in
the roof of the room in which he
was loading lignite. An explosive
charge, set off in the face of the
room to dislodge the fuel, caused
the entire roof to fall in, burying
tools and equipment under tons
of slate.
The logs were 45 feet under
ground and about 750 feet back
into the mine. The lignite, similar
to coal, is mined in rooms and the
two logs were in adjoining rooms.
The position of one of the logs in
the ceiling caused it to fall. The
larger log was some 4 feet in
diameter at the base and about
14 feet of it had been exposed
by the blast.
Last week Dr. S. S. Goldich of
the Geology department and C. J.
Hesse of the Museum drove to
the mine to collect the specimens
and to photograph the specimens
and their surroundings. The larg
est log had to be left, as it was
much too heavy to bring back to
the college but the smaller log,
which had caused the roof to col
lapse, was brought back.
Fossil logs are not uncommon in
Texas but they are usually badly
shattered. These specimens are
well preserved and are therefore
more unusual.
Seventeen seniors who are tak
ing the second year advanced mili
tary science applied for transfer
to the newly-organized Ordnance
Corps unit Monday afternoon, Lt.
U. G. Alexander, temporary senior
instructor announced.
Seven of the transfers were
from the infantry,* one was from
the field artillery, four from the
engineers, and five from the coast
This number filled the quota al
lowed of 50 seniors and 50 juniors
transferred to the ordnance unit.
All cadets who have been trans
ferred and assigned to the Tues
day afternoon class will meet the
class at 2 o’clock this afternoon in
room 108 Academic building. In
struction will get under way at
this time. The text to be used for
the present will be the ordance
field manual.
No ordance officer has been as
signed to the college yet as the
instructor for the unit, Lt. Alex
ander stated.
R J Abbaticchio Jr
To Speak to Eco Club
At the regular meeting of the
Economics Club this Thursday ev
ening, R. J. Abbaticchio, Jr., of
the Federal Bureau of Investiga
tion will be the guest speaker.
Abbaticchio is the special agent in
charge of the Houston office of
the F.B.I., and his speech will be
on some special phase of the work
done by that office.
The meeting will be held at 8
o’clock in the Chemistry lecture
room with the public cordially in
vited to attend.
Beesley, Sauvignet, Altgelt, Ratchford
Expected to Make Reunion of 1892 Class
Annual Reunion and spring meeting of the Association
of Former Students will be held here Saturday, April 11
and 12, with reunions of the classes of 1892, 1897, 1902, 1907,
1912, 1917 and 1922 scheduled. Class reunions of ’27 and
’32 have been called off because of the war.
The Golden anniversary of the class of 1892 is to be cele
brated. Four members of that class are expected to attend.
W. S. Beesley of Dallas, Dr. E. H. Sauvignet of Laredo, and
E. J. Altgelt and W. P. Ratchford of San Antonio.
Registration Saturday
Plans provide a gala week-end
of activities for the ex-students
who will attend the reunions. Reg
istration will take place upon ar
rival at the college Saturday, and
a track meet and baseball game
will provide the afternoon’s en
tertainment. Class parties will be
given Saturday evening.
Sunday morning the annual
meeting of the Association is to
take place in the YMCA chapel,
with election of officers and re
ports of committee meetings held
Saturday night.
Sunday luncheon will be a fea
ture of the reunion, with all for
mer students and the college fac
ulty in attendance and the 1942
Senior Class the invited guests.
The Singing Cadets will provide
To Stay In Newest Dorms
Perhaps the most interesting
sidelight of the meeting is the
fact that the ex-students will stay
in one of the newly-completed
dormitories, and will be the first
to occupy it.
World War II has had much ef
fect on graduates of A. & M, Of
the 11,000 living graduates, more
than one-half are on active duty
with the armed forces of the
United States. Because of this, re
union of the classes of 1927 and
1932 had to be cancelled.
Early Vote Shows
Ernest Langford
Elected as Mayor
Lipscomb, Orr, Munson And
Burns Also Receive Offices
As Spring Election Closed
Unofficial results in the general
election for the City of College
Station held yesterday have been
made public. Those men elected are
as follows: Ernest Langford, may
or; S. A. Lipscomb, city secre
tary; J. A. Orr, councilman Ward
1; T. A. Munson and P. W. Burns,
councilmen Ward 2; Lloyd Smith
and W. D. Lloyd, councilmen Ward
3. G. B. Wilcox, councilman from
Ward 1, was incumbent and there
fore election of only one other
councilman from that ward was
These results are unofficial. The
regular meeting of the City Coun
cil will be held Thursday night,
April 16, but a special session will
be called Monday, April 13 to can
vass the votes and swear in the
officers elected. No regular busi
ness will be transacted at this spe
cial meeting.
Annual Slide Rule
No Change in Timepieces
Nine a.m. Classes Begin
At Eight as Before Change
Effective at midnight Sunday,
all divisons of college will begin
their schedules one hour earlier,
according to an announcement by
F. C. Bolton, dean of the college.
In making this change A. & M.
will resume the time calendar
which was in use before the war
time plan was inaugurated.
All classes will begin at 8 a. m.
and last until 5 p. m. The noon
hour will be from 12 noon until
1 p. m., and all schedules of col
lege departments will revert to
“old time.” The new program will
remain in effect until midnight,
September 27, 1942, when the
present system will again come
into use.
Aggies will ont have to worry
about changing watches, as no
readjustment of timepieces is
necessary to accomplish the
change. The college is merely co
ordinating its time schedule with
the time which has been in effect
everywhere else since the switch
to war time. First call will sound
at 6:15 Monday morning, break
fast formation will be at 7:05,
first period classes will begin at
8, and so on to taps at 11 p. im
Students who go to bed at their
accustomed time Sunday night will
lose an hour of sleep, which' wifi
be the only real difference. The
change will be welcomed by- most
Aggies, who have disliked' being
out of step with the rest of the
nation, especially by hitch-hikers
who have lost an hour of traveling
time under the present plan.
War Affects Grades
Little, Heaton Says
Nine of every 100 students are
on the dean ; s team.
Acting Registrar H. L. Heaton
said, “It’s pleasing to note that
the students seem to be holding
their own in spite of the many dis
couraging things in front of them.”
Mid-semester reports snow that
there are a total of 573 students
out of 5,163 on the deficient list.
Half that figure, 303, are Engi
neers. Ag students are second on
the list with 162, while Arts and
Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
students numbered 86 and 22 re
Hal Collins and his Crazy Radio
Gang will be at A. & M. for the
Ex-Students Reunion to be held
April 11 and 12. Friday, April 10,
the Crazy -Radio Gang will broad
cast from WTAW from 12:45 to
1 P. M. If the weather permits,
the program will be broadcast
from the yell practice stand by
Goodwin Hall, otherwise it will be
broadcast from Guion Hall.
Two minutes of the program
will be devoted to information
about the college and the Ex-Stu
dents Reunion. Collins was an Ag
riculture student of the Class of
A&M’s Engineering
Training Program
Is Largest in US
Functions With Almost 200
Instructors Teaching 3,270
At Points All Over State
A. & M.’s expanding Engineer
ing, Science and Management De
fense Training program is among
the largest in America.
With almost 200 instructors
teaching 3,270 off-the-campus Tex
ans in 19 different cities, A. & M.’s
program has grown in less than a
year from a handful of courses on
the campus to 72 courses through
out the state.
Instructors are men with class
room experience drawn directly
from industry. They are men of
extensive practical background in
whatever field of technical train
ing they are called to teach.
Depending on subject matter
courses are given two nights a
week over periods of from six to
16 weeks. Each class lasts two or
three hours and the trainees re
ceive certificates indicating com
Evidence of the vast growth of
the cooperative work of the U. S.
Office of Education and A. & M.
College lies in comparing the 428
enrollment for the 1940-41 fiscal
year and the current 3270. During
the current year 843 certificates
have been issued.
“Our off-the-campus student
body of men and women is grow
ing by leaps and bounds,” J. T. L.
McNew, A. && M.’s institutional
representative, said, “and ours is
(See TRAINING, Page 4)
English Contest To
Be Held April 30
English Contest examina
tion will be held this year in the
Library classroom at 8 p.m., April
30, Dr. George Summey, head of
the English dept, announced to
day. The exam will include a voc
abulary test, a short theme, and
questions on the course the stud
ent is now taking. Further infor
mation concerning the contests
will be posted in the Academic
building by April 15.
, . io
' J
Contest Announced
. The M. E. Department has an
nounced the place for this year’s
Slide Rule Contest as Room 303,
M. E. Building, and the time as
April 18 at 2:30 p.m. The contest
is open to Engineering students
with no college work prior to June
1, 1941, and having grades of “A”
or “B” in M. E. 101.
The material covered in this
contest will be on the functions of
the slide rule and the prizes offer
ed by the M. E. Department will
ho two Log Log Decitrig slide
Rising Band Fixes Signature;
Waldos Orchestra Signed by Coast After
Many Larger Name Band Signing Attempts
“Trials and Tribulations” have
certainly been the theme song of
Ed Montieth, H C.A.C., the junior
in charge of securing an orchestra
for the Coast Artillery Ball. Or
chestra after orchestra, contract
after contract, everything has
blown up in his face despite his
efforts to secure a name band for
the Ball.
Starting from the first head
ache, A1 Donahue was the orches
tra to be signed up. The contract
had been signed and the 50 per
cent down payment had been made,
then on January 19, the contract
had to be broken as Donahue had
accepted an engagement on the
Coast. Montieth then went through
other possibilities, then there was
plenty of time for this, and Bobby
Byrne was signed up. On Feb
ruary 17 this contract had to be
forgotten as Byrne postponed all
engagements due to illness in the
More orchestras were wired as
to the possibilities of their appear
ances, among these -were Claude
Thornhill, Sonny Dunham, Herbie
Kay, Ted Weems and others.
Claude Thornhill was then sched
uled to play for the Ball. Montieth
was breathing easier now but,
then, on March 11, Thornhill was
heard from and another engage
ment was broken, as picture com
mittments and Eastern bookings
prevented him from making the
As the time for the Ball was
rapidly approaching and as no or-
All graduating seniors who do
not hold advance contracts and are
not enrolled in military science
now have the opportunity to be
appointed to the candidates class
of the Marine Corps and eventual
ly receive a commission as a sec
ond lieutenant, according to word
received by the Placement Bureau
from the Marine recruiting office
chestra had been secured, the date
had to be changed from March 20
to April 10 to allow more time.
This time Henry Busse and others
were contacted but to no avail. It
was then that it was decided to
secure an up-and-coming young
orchestra instead of one already a
big name band.
After carefully considering sev
eral of the younger orchestras,
one was finally selected—that of
George Wald and his orchestra
in Dallas.
There are vacancies for men
who are not more than twenty six
and a half years of age and are"
graduating or have graduated.
Such men are advised to contact
Major O’Leary of the Marine re
cruiting office in Dallas or Cap
tain Taft of the same office in San
with “Music As New As Tomor
row.” Wald has recently been on
the Fitch Band Wagon where he
was noticed as an up-and-coming
young orchestra leader. He has
just completed engagements at
the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago,
the Lookout House in Covington,
Ky., the Kentucky Derby in Lou
isville, the Schroeder Hotel in
Milwaukee, and at other equally
noted night clubs, hotels, and ball
Wald, “Young Mr. Rhythm,” be
lieves that versatility is the key
note of his music. His orchestra
plays basically soft music with a
strong melodic line. Featured is
the singing of the maestro, who
was a famous vocalist and varsity
football player at U.S.C. before
organizing his band. They are,
also, in the opinion of Raoul & Eva
Reyes, who dance with Xavier
Cugat’s Orchestra, “the finest
North American band for rhumbas
and congas.” Wald and his boys
are all expert rhumba instructors
and often get off the stand 'to in
struct members of their audiences.
Non Contract Graduating Seniors Not In
Military Science Can Get Commission