The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 04, 1942, Image 3
A.Y MORNING, APRIL 4, 1942- v i % -BATTALION AMUSEMENTS- Page 3 i *-i * ro Razzel Dazzel Stage Shows Open at 7:15 P. M. dns Promises Best et Kapers of Season ivill have the opportun- ng their mothers, dads friends to the “Best” lers show yet presented, V. (Dick) Jenkins pre- this evening’s 7:15 per- mothers and fathers as ig theme of the show in the week-end activities ried out all over the i addition to free enter- n the usual style of audi- picipation singing with led attractions is being for the Assembly Hall })ys wPo are having their ortunity to become ac- with A. & M. and the traditions and customs ^Icome, Jenkins announc- Kapers Saturday night ch has become a “habit” pus bound cadets is ex pected to attract many members of the “boys in blue.” Cal Farley, outstanding business man from Amarillo will bring a three-girl act of dancing and piano playing and Cecil Hunter, former Oklahoma A. & M. All-American to the Kapers stage as features tonight. Hunter , is now a success ful business man in his home town of Kickapoo, Oklahoma. Widely known because of his football achievements while at tending the Okie A. & M., as a cadet, Hunter is noted as one of the best in his field. Also an xylophone player of con siderable note throughout musical circles and an outstanding screen star of love-melody celebrity will be among those presenting laugh ter provoking entertainment. A special song sheet will be dis tributed for the facilitating of (See JENKINS, Page 6) MOVIE GUION HALL SATURDAY 2. P.M. and After Engineers’ Revue The Mightiest of All Musicals ^ZieglUdd Girl” with James Stewart - - Judy Garland Hedy LaMarr - - Lana Turner CARTOON — COMEDY oming Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday By Popular Request HONKY-TONK’ W elcome Parents TO AGGIELAND > ' ..y * AGGIES—Bring your parents by to see that “NEW UNIFORM” you want for next semester. Buy your complete UNIFORM now and pay for it within 4 to 6 Months. NO DOWN PAYMENT “made by” THE LILLEY-AMES COMPANY America’s Leading Uniform Manufacturer Loupofs Trading Post J. E. Loupot, ’32 North Gate J 1 Band Presents Second Concert Sunday Afternoon Harpist Cynthia Lancaster Featured On Guion Hall Program In the second of its spring con- 7 certs tomorrow afternoon, the Ag gie Band will present a concert in Guion Hall at 4:30 o’clock as a part of the Parents’ Day program, Bob Russell, major of the band, an nounced. The featured artist on the concert will be Cynthia Lan caster, who will render a harp solo. The program has been divided into two sections. The second is dedicated to the Ivanhoe Command- ery Knights Templar. Lt. Col. Richard J. Dunn, A.B.A., stated that all Sir Knights and the gen eral public is invited to attend the concert. Six numbers comprise the first section of the program, which will be opened with the National An them. Second will be the march composed by Col. Dunn, “The Ross Volunteers.” “Pique Dame,” an overture by F. von Suppe and the selections “It Happened in Nord- land,” by Herbert, and “Second Hungarian Rhapsody,” by Liszt will be the other numbers per formed by the band in the first section. Miss Cynthia Lancaster, of T. S. C. W. in Denton, will play a harp solo, “The Brook,” by Zabel as the last number of the first portioh of the concert. The first number of the second section dedicated to the Ivanhoe Commandery Knights Templar will be the march, “Knights Tem plar,” by Carter. The remainder of the concert will be made up of “The Crusaders” overture by Buchtel, the march “St. Denis,” by Teike, and “Faith Eternal,” by Buys, a fantasie on the popular hymn, “The Old Rugged Cross.” The last number of the program will be the War March of the Tex as Aggies. Tonight at the reception honor ing visitors here for the Parents’ Day program on the lawn of Pres ident T. 0. Walton’s home, the band will play a short concert. Col. Dunn said that the public is invited to hear the first concert appearance of the Aggie concert band this season tonight. Assisting Col. Dunn in conduct ing the concerts is Tom Slack, stu dent conductor from Amarillo. Kapers Trio Slip Stick Follies of 1942 Claim “Hellzabustin Loose” Engineering: Clubs—With Hair Down, Skirts On—Have Hand in Extravaganza Appearing on Kadet Kapers tonight in a special act of piano play ing and tap dancing is from left to right Miss Gene Farley, Vesta O’dell and Marilyn Cornelius. Miss O’dell, at present a student at W. T. S. T C. at Canyon, is the pianist. First Feminine Member of Aggie Band Plays at 4:30 Cynthia Lancaster, harp soloist with the Aggie Band, is the only feminine member in the history of the band. Although a freshman at TSCW in Denton, she will appear as guest soloist with the band on its Easter concert in Guion Hall tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. Cynthia is a native of College Station and attended the A. & M. Consolidated school. During her senior year in high school, in ad dition to her musical activities, she was chief yell leader of the high school pep squad. She has won a number of first prizes in swimming meets over the state and owns many trophies for equi tation. For the vacation months she has been engaged by summer camps as councellor and teacher of harp. Miss Lancaster’s music educa tion has been under the direction of Lt. Col. R. J. Dunn, director of the Aggie Band, and she was one of the original members of the College Station “Little Symphony’ 1 ’ orchestra organized in 1933. The orchestra placed first in the state meet in Huntsville in 1940. Once upon a time, deep in the* heart of the bright lights and gay life of the big city, a grand show was produced and christened “Hellzapoppin.” Although the sec ond annual Engineer’s Day show is billed as “Slip-Stick Follies of 1942,” another name, “All-Hellza- bustin’-Loose”, has been suggested as an appropriate second. In a nutshell, that’s just what will hap pen Saturday night at Guion Hall, starting at 7:15. And to banish any doubts that may arise, it will be the boys who sweat slide rules, drafting boards and math tables that you will see with their hair down—well, maybe not their hair —and their skirts on. Last year, the first Engineer’s show was so successful that some prominent men wanted to take it to Dallas, Houston, and other large cities in Texas, and this year ev eryone who has watched rehears als proclaim the 1942 version is better than ever. But to get down past the foam, the show is an extravaganza brought about by the combined ef forts of all the Engineering clubs —each has a nact. It packs terrific punch and zing with a touch of the “Hellzapoppin” and war—it (See SLIP STICK, Page 6) amp u s Dial 4-1181 LAST DAY VOTE US IN We Will Vote HIGH PRICES DOWN! LAUTERSTEIN -{ANK*4 million with WILLIAM TRACY JOSEPH SAWYER ELYSE KNOX Also Musical - News - Cartoon PREVIEW TONIGHT SUNDAY - MONDAY A UNIVERSAL PICTURE with OLSEN AND JOHNSON MARTHA RAYE JANE FRAZEE Also News - Information Please Edward Kennedy Centhia Lancaster Only Feminine Member of Aggie Band Greetings — PARENTS Easter G ift Candies Give your best girl a gift of our pure, specially packed Easter Candies. She’ll enjoy their wholesome goodness whether she’s five or fifty! Come in today and choose from our fresh assortment. IT’S THE SWEET WAY TO SAY “HAPPY EASTER” — ALSO — Bring Your Parents In For That Refreshing Drink They Desire. A Wide Selection of Soft Drinks AGGIELAND PHARMACY Keep to the Right at the North Gate