The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 1942, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION Official Notices Announcements RED CROSS SCHEDULE For March 23-27 Tuesday A.M.—Army. P.M.—Army and :opal Ladies Wednesday A.M.—Extension Service La- Episc Ladies, ay A.M.- dies. P.M.—Church of Christ, Baptist. Thursday A.M.—Methodist Ladies. P.M. —Project House Mothers, Church of Christ, Lutherans. Friday—-Volunteers all day. BEGINNING March 24 the Mechanical Engineering Department at jA. & M. Col- legi mei course in Welding for employed in this area. The class will meet three hours per night, two nights per week, for a period of eight weeks, and the enrollment is lim ited to 14 men. There will be an enrollment fee of $2.00 and a material fee of $12.00. Anyone interested may apply for admis- aion at the Mechanical Engineering De partment at A. & M. College.—H. P. Rigsby, Instructor, Mechanical Engineer ing Department. ■> NOTICE TO PATRONS OF THE A. & M. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL We are now taking the school census for the school year 1942-43 and would like for all patrons who have not sent a census blank to the school to please call the Su perintendent’s office or get in contact with one of the teachers of the school so we can see that you get a census blank. We especially urge all parents who have no children in school but whose child will become six years old before September 1st, 1942, to report at the Superintendent’s office so the child might be placed on the census roll for the next year. Some stu dents have graduated and are in college but will still be under '''' ' September 1, 1942. These peop and each mem but will still be under 18 years of age on 42. These people are eligi- i finances. We will appreciate very much any as sistance you san render in helping us have a 100% roll for the year 1942-43. lese people are eligi ble for the census roll and each member ■oil means $22.50 for our achool fii HOUSTON AND HARRIS COUNTY AGGIES—All Houston and Harris county boys are invited to attend a dance spon sored by the Houston A. & M. Mothers’ club at the Texaco Country club on Satur day. The dance will begin at 9:30 p.m. and end at 12:30. MENU ASSISTANTS—The following students will report to Mr. J. C. Hotard at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, March 27, for the ssisting with he week foil .; Cunn' ' ~ K.; SprinkI Yankee, R. D.; Ando, T.; Powell, R. G.; Hagan, V. D.; Thomas, E. W.; Hueske, E. E.—D. W. Willia lay, purpose of assisting with the arranging of menus\ for the week following: Prestridge, B. G.; Cunningham, C. M.; Somerville, G. R.; Sprinkle, C. C.; Thompson, J. W.; R. D.; Ando, T.; Powell, R. "omas, W. Williams. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT APPLICA TIONS AND STUDENT CONCESSION APPLICATIONS—All applications for stu dent employment and for student conces sions must be renewed in person at the Student Employment Office before May 1, 1942. Application renewals will be ac cepted beginning April 1st. Students who fail to renew applications will be drop ped from employment rolls. Any renewals made after May 1st will be considered only as new applications.—W. R. Horsley, Chairman Student Labor Committee. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS—Mar. 26— Baseball game^-Texas University vs. A. & M.—3:30 p.m. March 27—Cavalry Ball, Sbisa Hall—9 p.m. to 1 a.m. March 28— Corps Dance, Sbisa Hall. Classified LOST during A. & M.-Oklahoma base ball game—set of keys on keyring. Fish Kasten, 1-14 Hart. WANTED—Good piano accompanist, two hours weekly. Box 1723 College Station or call Y.M.C.A. Room 14. LOST—Between post office and Mitch ell Hall a Schaeffer fountain pen with engi return to 78 Mitchell, or phone 4-4184. Re ward. FOR RENT—An unfurnished four-room apartment. Hardwood floors. Practically new. Price right. Call S. V. Perritte, 4-8794. FOR RENT—6-room unfurnished upstairs apartment in College Park. Call 4-5454. WANTED TO BUY—A good used bicy cle reasonably priced. Room 206, Petroleum Building. FOR RENT—One two-room furnished apartment, bills paid. Electric refriger ator. $30.00 ; one two-room furnished apart ment, bills paid, $20.00. S. V. Perritte, 4-8794. WANTED—Good used bicycle. Phone 2-2310 or come by 2905 College Road after 5 p. m. FOR MOTHER’S DAY The only gift that only you can give—your photo graph. And how that picture will cheer the days when she is alone with her thoughts! AGGIELAND STUDIO — Photographs of Distinction — ATTENTION SOPHOMORES! It’s Time To Order Those Junior Uniforms For Next Year! UNIFORMS OF DISTINCTION • -By- Uniform Tailor Shop MENDL & HORNAK “North Gate” The Devil Makes a Bargain The poor England farmer, James Craig, right above, listens while the devil, Walter Huston, makes a bargain with him to sell his soul for seven years of prosperity, in a scene from “All That Money Can Buy” at the Campus today and to morrow. It is a double-featured with “Juke Box Jennie.” Consolidated Mothers Club Presents Birch the Magician in Assembly Hall By L. Winstead Continuing their program of sponsoring entertainment that ap peals to the entire community the Consolidated School Mother’s Club is bringing two showings of Birch Magician to the Assembly Hall on Monday, March 30, Mrs. Prank Anderson, president of the club stated yesterday. An outstanding part of the pro gram is that members of the audi ence will be used in many of the illusions. Equipment, scenery and effects valued in excess of $25,000 are carried and will be seen at the assembly hall Monday. Most baffling is the famous Hindu rope trick, which for centur ies has been the most talked of and colorful of all feats of leger demain. An ordinary piece of rope is tossed into the air, it remains rigid, a Hindu boy climbs the rope, and in the twinkling of an eye dis appears. Slicing a beautiful girl into four parts, shooting a live canary into a burning light bulb, walking through a sheet of solid steel, causing a live pony to vanish in mid-air, and many other startling mysteries will be presented by this master magician and company in WANTED—To buy 4-9004, after 6 p. m. a typewriter. Call FOUND—Two keys in College. 126 Ad ministration building. WOULD buy bargain duplex in College Station. $250.00 down and monthly pay ments. Box 132, Bryan, Texas. MODERN ROOM for week-end guests. Two blocks from East Gate. 334 Foster Avenue. Phone 4-4199. LOST—Ladies brown glove between Legett and Y.M.C.A. If found please turn in at “Y” desk. Meetings BETTER BUYMANSHIP—The Better Buymanship group of the College Woman’s Social club will meet at 8 o’clock March 25, at the home of Mrs. Irvin Edwards, 2901 College Road. Mrs. Verle Johni sson t in will talk on “Mrs. Consumer’s Interest Advertising.” Consumer News will also be given. MOTHERS CLUB—Mothers Club of A. & M. College will meet at 3 o’clock March 26, at the home of Mrs. J. E. Marsh. Executive Offices PRESIDENT’S OFFICE—The President’s Office has received a 16 mm. Plastic winding spool (replacement) from the Eastman Kodak Co. Will the person or dering this equipment please for it. JUNIORS Best Appearance — Lasting Comfort Go by College Station Shoe Repair Shop and let D. Cangelosi take your measurements for a pair of Lucchese Boots — they’re guaranteed to fit satisfactorily. MAKERS OF MILITARY BOOTS FOR 59 YEARS i. * * * “The Perfect Ankle Break Boots” Lucchese Boot Shop 101 W. Travis San Antonio V a pot-pourri of thrills and fun. Heading the Birch staff of as sisting artists is Mabel Sperry, hailed by critics as the world’s greatest girl xylophonist. She plays on a special built Marimba xylophone. Tickets are on sale by members of the club, school children of Consolidated School, and at the school, it was been announced. There will be two performances, the matinee at 2:15 p. m. planned for children, and an evening per formance at 7:30 p. m. —QUEEN— (Continued From Page 1) Jerry Heim, sophomores, and Misses Dorothy Dillingham, Marg aret Kirby, Marjory Ann Mon- agham and Mary Louise Williford, freshmen. These girls will wear white dresses in the Cotton Pag- eaent and will carry corsages of red rose buds using a patriotic theme of red, white, and blue. After their arrival the social committee was received in the lob by of Breckenridge hall at TSCW and were taken to dinner by a group of girls there. They were then given tickets to the Redbud festival where they viewed the floor show and picked the sixteen girls out of the 100 represented there. They invited these girls to breakfast the next morning where they had an opportunity to see the girls in street clothes and make their decision as to which one would be the queen. Redbud Dance After the floor show the com mittee attended a dance which was given in the new union building on the TSCW campus. Other guests of the school for this dance were 100 soldiers and 25 British flyers invited from neighboring army camps. Members of the social committee are E. D. (Gene) Wilmeth, king cofton, Howard Brains, social sec retary, D. W. James, assistant so cial secretary, M. L. Brenner, J. C. Ramage, J. B. Tate, W. R. Clark, F. A. Coley and J. A. Villamil. —KYLE FIELD— (Continued from Page 3) so far this year. He has been working hard ever since Septem ber in preparation for this base ball season, even going so far as to by-pass one of his favorite sports—basketball. He’s trained and trained until that former 212 lb. frame of his dwindled down to a mere 178 lbs. The cry “Let’s go Stevenson” may well become a reality for up on his shoulders rest all Aggie hopes for a conference champion ship. ’Tis no wonder that Coach Lil Dimmitt smiles when Charlie Stevenson tosses that curve at op posing batteries. Cheap Fertilizer Bags Exposed by Thornton Five million burlap and cotton bags are being wasted in the Un ited States each year and 600,000 tons of useless matter is being hauled around the country, accord ing to M. K. Thornton, agricultur al chemist for the A. & M. extens ion service. The farmer pays the bill, but the war may stop over night what authorities have been trying to do. Brazos, Grimes County Women Learn About Automobiles in Driving Course -TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1942 Symphonies andSwing Both Please Soldiers Carburetors, pistons, valves, sparkplugs, distributors and other parts of an automobile are no longer mysteries to 39 Brazos and Grimes County women, for they have just completed a course cov ering the component parts of an automobile and how to fix them. This was the trouble shooting sec tion of the women’s driving course offered under the auspices of the A. & M. National Defense Council, of which Dr. C. C. Hedges is chairman. With Prof. Fred R. Jones, head of the agricultural engineering de partment, in charge, the group met twice a week for three-and-a-half- week period for lecture demon- istrations on the detailed oper ation of the mechanism of an auto mobile and how to recognize and correct motor troubles. The course proved so interesting that often the session extended an hour or so beyond the two-hour period de signated for each class. Discus sions were backed up by actual demonstration in the showrooms where Prof. Jones and his assist ants, Don Christy and F. W. Piek- ert, operated the different type motors and gave a close-up view of what happens when unfavor able conditions exist. A written final examination completed the course. Under the direction of Prof. C. H. Groneman and C. N. Hielscher of the industrial education depart ment, the women had previously completed sixteen hours of study in the driving laws and principles of safe automobile operation. This safe driving section of the driv ing course was opened with a writ ten “Traveler’s Quiz,” which served as a good indicator of what the average driver does not know about proper and safe driving. An actual driver’s test similar to the one given to applicants for driv ers’ licenses, completed that sec tion of the course. Those completing the driver’s course, which is a pre-requisite —TEXAS WINS— (Continued from Page 3) 220 yard free style—Taylor, A. & M.; Johnson, Texas; Kiel, A. & M.; Winters, A. & M.; Ahr, Texas. Time: 2:19.4. 50 yard free style—Seidel, Texas; Mo- Key, A. & M.; Borowiak, Texas; Looney, A. & M.; Loomis, A. & M. Time: 25.4. 100 yard individual medley relay—Cow ling, A. & M.; Beeler, Texas; Smith, Tex as ; Holmgreen, Texas; Conway, A. & M. Fancy piving—Papich, Texas ; Schwart- ing, Baylor; Young, Baylor; Randall, Tex as ; Sharpless, Texas. 100 yard free style—Taylor, A. & M.; Johnson, Texas; McKey, A. & M.; Seidel, Texas; Renaud, A. & M. Time: 55.2. ird back stroke—Smith 100 yard back stroke—Smith, Texas; Hardwicke, Texas; Conway, A. & M.; Borowiak, Texas; Looney, A. & M. Time: 1:11.3. 100 yard breast stroke—Cowling, A. & M.; Montgomery, S.M.U.; Beeler, Texas; Tarleton, Texas; Holmgreen, Texas. Time: 1:07.6. 440 yard free style—Taylor, A. & M_.; Johnson, Texas; Smith, Texas; Beeler, Texas; Kiel, A. & M. Time: 6:18.1. 400 yard free style relay—A. & M. (Mc Key, Cowling, Loomis, Kiel) ; Texas (Bor owiak, Penn, Seidel, Ahr) ; S.M.U. (Hawke, Buddington, Wallace, Boyd). foT ambulance driving, include the following: Mesdames A. D. Adamson, George Bauer, E. H. Clemens, Erv in Conway, Frances Copeland, Ray mond Cowley, Stanley Davis, W. B. Davis, Chris Groneman, E. L. Hunter, A. A. Jakkula, Fred R. Jones, Allen Kraft, V. A. Little, H. B. McElroy, C. I. Miller, J. Fred Smith, Jr., J. H. Todd, Mills P. Walker and J. J. Woolket; and Misses Wren Ansell, Nina Bess Astin, Mary Beth Eskridge, Nina Henry, Margaret Hollingshead, Agnes Jamison, Kathleen King, Christine Lichte, Sara Llewelyn, Janice Mike, Jane Oliver, Cather ine Parker, Mildred Salley, Jean nette Sangster, Katherine Sang- ster, Jane Singletary, Peggy Stu art, Lucille Vick, and Mary Alice Weddington. Civil Service Opens Mechanic Exams The United-States Civil Service Commission is announcing open competitive examinations for the position of Mechanic Learner for a position with the Navy Depart ment, War Department, Air Corps, Signal Corps and the Ordnance Department. The age limit is 16 to 50. COME ON OUT TO UNCLE ED’S # r f ^ You can have a good time for the music is the latest, the floor is good, and the food is the best. Have you tried our deli cious Barbecued Beef? HRDLICKA’S Gay tunes of Old Mexico, the undulant jive of Negro swing bands and symphony concerts all find favor with San Antonio’s thousands of men in khaki, ac cording to local WPA music pro gram directors whose musicians played before 20,000 soldiers dur ing February. San Antonio’s musical units in clude a Mexican Tipica orchestra, specializing in typical Latin-Amer- ican tunes, a symphonic orchestra unit, and a jazz band which pro vides music for dancing at recrea tional centers. During February the three mus ical units played at 24 army en gagements, including a symphony concert during the dedication of a new recreational center, attended by commanding officers of Bexar County military posts and 3,000 men in uniform. You Ask What’s New? This Moccasin Sports Shoe! Sicmion. shoe/ for men The CORONADO The Coronado $6.95 Never did a smarter sports shoe grace spring slacks than this moccasin pattern genuine cream buck with brown calf trim by Edger- ton. Stop in and try it on. WALDROP & CO. “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan CALL TO THE QUALITY & STYLE SP0RTWEAR NECKWEAR SHOES BELTS Dependability and Service THE EXCHANGE STORE An Aggie Institution