The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 24, 1942, Image 3

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By Ike Haikin
Battalion Sports Editor
Potential Sluggers Lacking in Baylor
Series; Pitching and Fielding Are Good
The Texas Aggies opened their
conference baseball season by split
ting a two game series with Bay
lor, and, in doing so brought out
a few strong and weak points.
Before the Cadet diamondeers
have any aspirations for the con
ference crown, they will have to
start hitting. Baylor’s hurlers cer
tainly weren’t the best this con
ference could offer, but still the
boys couldn’t connect with the ball.
Howard Wafer, the big Baylor
flinger who was given such great
accord by the Waco papers, was
as fast as one of Bing Crosby’s
horses. Any good hitting team
would have sent him to the show
ers before the second inning. But
the Aggies didn’t. They garnered
only five blows off his offerings
and a couple of those were of the
scratch variety. Yes, the Dimmitt-
men won, but it was only because
of the brilliant hurling exhibition
of Charlie Stevenson.
The following day the boys
couldn’t hit with men on the sacks.
They left 12 stranded, five in the
last two frames. You can’t win
games by not bringing the men
around the bases, and that proved
to be only too true Saturday. Only
one base hit here and there and
the outcome could have been the
other way.
There are better pitchers in this
conference than were displayed by
Baylor, and, if the Ags hope to
win a few this season they’d bet
ter work hard on their hitting
On the other side of the fence.
Coach Lil Dimmitt’s nine exhibited
an excellent fielding team, with
the combination of Cecil Ballow
and Ira Glass shining in that re
spect. What Ballow lacks in hit
ting, he makes up with his superb
fielding at shortstop. I daresay he
saved two or three runs in the
Baylor series with his brilliant
The pitching, too, showed much
improvement over recent days.
Stevenson showed plenty of stuff,
while Bill Henderson and Johnny
Shuford pitched creditable ball the
following day.
The Cadets do have a fairly
good balanced team, and should
the hitting problem be solved in
their next games, it’s going to be
hard to stop them.
Stevenson Shows Excellent Form Against
Bears; Has Been Training Hard All Season
A definite and interesting ques
tion that the Baylor game did
answer was the case of Charlie
(Bones) Stevenson, ace Aggie
hurler. For three years, Charlie
has been an on and off pitcher—
one who could hurl an excellent
game one day and get slugged out
of the box the next. This -year
Stevenson has settled down to real
business as clearly indicated by
his grand exhibition against Bay
lor Friday. He had all the stuff
one would want of a pitcher, with
his control especially shining in
that respect. For five innings, Bay
lor hit one ball out of the infield
before finally connecting for a
hit in the sixth. Most of Steve’s
pitches were splitting the corner
•of the plate with his fast one puz
zling the Beays throughout the
The Waco exhibition was no ac
cident as Charlie previously show
ed plenty on the ball against Okla-
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College and Bryan
homa university. His ability alone
did not account for his grand work
(See KYLE FIELD, Page 4)
Dimmittmen Prepare to Meet Challenge
Of Texas Longhorns in Crucial Tilt Thurs
MARCH 24, 1942
Page 3
Texas Wins 11th
Consecutive Swim
Crown from Aggies
Aggie Tracksters
Win Second Place
s In Exposition Meet
Taylor Grabs High Point
Man Honors for Evening;
Also Breaks Record in 220
Last Saturday night in P. L.
Downs natatorium the Texas Uni
versity Longhorns splashed their
way to the Southwest Conference
swimming title for the eleventh
consecutive year. For the second
year in a row the Aggies captured
a majority of first places, six to
Texas’ four, but the Longhorns
garnered a wealth of second, third
and fourth places which meant the
deciding points. Total score of the
meet was Texas 83; A. & M. 70;
S.M.U. 16; Baylor 7.
Bobby Taylor of the Aggies hung
up a new Southwest Conference
record of 2:19.4 in the 220 yard
free style, clipping 2.9 seconds off
the old record which he also held.
This was the only record which fell
in this year’s meet, but several
were seriously endangered as the
boys battled it out for the confer
ence crown.
Ravel Papich of Texas had no
difficulty in defending his confer
ence title in the diving since none
of the other contestants could
match his form. As Coach Art Ad
amson had predicted early in the
season, it was this event which
cost the Aggies heavily in ^points
because of lack of experienced
divers on the A. & M. squad.
High point man of the meet for
the second consecutive year was
Bobby Taylor, ace free-styler of
the Aggies. Taylor won the 100
yard, 220 yard, and 440 yard free
style events, reaping a total of
18 of the Aggies’ 70 points. Run
ner-up for high point honors was
Bob Cowling also of the Aggies.
Cowling won the 100 yard breast
stroke, the 100 yard individual
medley relay, and swam on the
winning relay team.
Complete results of the meet
were as follows:
300 yard medley relay—Texas (Hard-
wieke, Tarletori, Aired) ; A. & M. (Lap-
ham, Goodman, Renaud) ; S.M.U. (Wal
lace, Wooten, Ryan). Time: 3:26.5.
(See TEXAS WINS, Page 4)
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Sophomores and Seniors
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Class ’32
Texas Captures Title
With 47 Points; Rice
Is Third With 38 Markers
The Aggie track team won sec
ond in the Fort Worth Fat, Stock
track meet Saturday, after giving
Texas University, the perennial
champions, their stiffest compe
tition in years. Led by track cap
tain Roy Bucek, who scored; eight
points, the Aggies piled up a total
of 38 points. Texas led with 47
points and Rice was third with 38.
Close Meet
The meet was even closer than
the final tabulations indicate. With
only two events remaining to be
run—the half mile and the mile
relay—Texas was third only four
and one-half points back. It was
still anybody’s meet. But Mac Um-
stattd of Texas outran Joe Vajdos
of the Aggies for first in the half
mile in the excellent time of one
minute fifty-eight seconds.
Then Rice closed the meet by
winning the mile relay, with Texas
second and A. & M. third.
Bucek Nosed Out
Roy Bucek was nosed out to win
the low hurdles for the Aggies’
only clear first place in the meet.
Pete W&tkins tied for first in
the high jump at six feet four
inches, and Albert Ricks tied for
first in the pole vault with Dave
Small of Texas at 12 feet 6 inches.
One of the most unusual events
of the day was the special 100
meter dash, in which only two
men entered. They were Ken Stall
ings of A. & M., and Howard
Pope of Rice. Though a gold watch
was to be given the winner, most
of the other sprinters were evi
dently too tired to run. Stallings
won easily in the time of 10.9
Aggie Fish Easy Winners
For the second straight year,
the Aggie freshmen completely
dominated the freshman division
of the meet. They piled up 76
points to the Texas freshmen’s 19.
North Texas was third.
Kennemer led the Fish by scor
ing 15 points. He won two firsts,
a second, and a third place. Wolf,
Anderson, Frye, Stout, Compton,
Smolik, and Power were also out
standing in the onslaught.
* A strong north wind hindered
some of the races and after the
first few events, the track became
loose and dusty.
Aggie Fish Open
Season With 7-2 Win
Over Allen Saturday
In the first game of the season,
the Aggie fish baseball team de
feated the Allen Academy Ram
blers 7-2 on Kyle Field Saturday
Strohmeyer hit safely twice in
two times at bat and Hughes got
two hits in three trips to the plate
to lead the Fish batsmen. Hall got
two hits to top the Allen batters.
Only eight innings of the game
were played.
Allen 100 000 01—2 3 3
Fish 420 001 Ox—7 8 4
Batteries: Allen—Reding, Bates
and Polous, Serber. Fish—Forrest,
Fowl, Wallis and Strohmeyer, Sel-
man, Kotzibue.
Aggie Linkers Place
Third in Fort Worth
Exposition Golf Meet
Colonel Frank Anderson’s Aggie
golf team won third place in the
Southwestern Exposition golf meet
held in Fort Worth Saturday. First
place was won by Texas Wesleyan,
and North Texas State Teachers
was second. There were some dozen
teams entered.
Tommy Howell, the Aggies’ ace
golfer, was medalist of the meet,
shooting a 75 for the 18 holes.
A good milk goat can produce
ten times her body weight of milk
in a single lactation period, USDA
research shows.
Batting Practice Is
Stressed Especially
Hard in Mon Drill
The Texas Aggie baseball team
after splitting a two game series
with Baylor last Friday and Sat
urday, open what will probably
prove to be the crucial series of
the conference next Thursday aft
ernoon on Kyle Field when they
play a one game stand with the
Texas University Longhorns.
Weaker this Year
The Longhorns, perennial favor
ites in the conference baseball
race, have one of the weakest
teams in Longhorn history this
year according to Uncle Billy
Disch, veteran Texas baseball
coach. However, notwithstanding
this fact, the Longhorns are still
rated as the team to beat for the
conference championship.
Coach Lil Dimmitt put the Ag
gie baseballers through a long
batting drill yesterday, because in'
the games with Baylor, dark horse
team of the conference race, the
A. & M. batsmen looked ragged
at times. With three days of prac
tice before they meet the Long
horns, however, the Aggies are ex
pected to be much improved in
this department.
Newberry Out
A serious blow to the Aggie
team struck yesterday when Jim
my Newberry, right fielder of the
club, came down with a case of
the mumps. “IdgMnin” Leo Dan
iels will fill in for Newberry at
this position.
The Aggies are working hard in
preparation for Thursday’s game,
spurred on by the memory of last
year’s crucial game in Austin.
None of the boys have forgotten
that 11th inning home run off the
bat of Pete Layden which spelled
disaster for the Aggie title hopes.
Aggie Rally In
Ninth Nipped By
Bears, 4-3, Sat
Glass Leads Cadet Attack
With Three Hits; Miller’s
Base Hit Wins for Baylor
The Texas Aggie baseballers
lost the final game of a two game
series with the Baylor Bears in
Waco Saturday afternoon by a
score of 2-0. An Aggie scoring ral
ly in the ninth inning was stifled
before any serious damage could
be done.
The Aggies started off the scor
ing by bringing across an infield
out. Murski, the Baylor catcher,
let a ball get through him and
Peden crossed the plate.
In their half of the second the
Bears came back with two tallies.
Miller, Jennings and Nelson filled
the bases by walks. Murski came
through with a single to score
Miller and Jennings.
The Cadets tied up the score
in the fifth when Newberry took
life on an error and then stole sec
ond. Murski let another ball get
by him and Newberry went to
third from where he scored on
Scoggin’s single.
The Bears pulled a seventh in
ning rally to take the lead. Flow
ers walked but was forced by Ma
rino who moved to second on a
scratch hit by Reeder. Hill ground
ed out and both runners moved
up. Miller came through with a
double to score both Marino and
Reeder. This scoring splurt put
the Bears out in front with a score
of 4-2.
The Aggie ninth-inning bid for
victory was stopped short of ty
ing up the score. Ballow was
passed and went to third on Glass’
long single. Porter followed with
a double to score Ballow. At this
point, Lucas, the Baylor relief
pitcher, settled down and turned
the Aggies away with the tying
and winning runs on base.
Manuel Garcia, who started on
the mound for the Bears, held the
Cadets in check for seven innings
but weakened and was replaced by
Lucas in the eighth.
Glass led the Aggie sluggers
with three singles while Peden
was close behind with a double
and a single. Porter garnered a
double. Jennings and Murski each
got two singles for the Bears.
Newberry, rf-cf ...3 110
Ballow, cf.
Glass, 2b ...
3 10 0
5 0 3 0
Scoggin, c 5 0 10
Porter, lb 4 0 10
Peden, 3b 6 12 0
C. Rogers, If 3 0 0 2
Black, cf 2 0 0 0
Stephenson, rf 0 0 0 0
Carden, p 1 0 0 0
Henderson, p 2 0 0 0
Shuford, p 1 0 0 0
TOTALS 34 3 8 2
The wrestling semi-finals were
held last night and the finals for
both class A and Class B wrest
ling will be held Wednesday night.
This is just a
hint to the wise.
If you want to
see some up to
date collegiate
J? wrestling come
ifei® down to the big
aro- gym tomorrow
night and watch
:|j||||| the “grunters”
and groaners” do
Oxford their stuff.
Here is a list of the matches
held last night and the winners of
these matches will be pitted
against each other Wednesday
night for the intramural wrestling
championship of the school.
Class B—119 pound class
Martin (F Inf.) vs. Carter (B
Martin (F Ithe....cmfwypcmfw
Catt (B Sig.) vs. McCammon
(M Inf.)
129 Pound Gass
Funciella (B Coast) vs Robert
son (2 Hdq. F.A.)
Gunlock (B Sig.) vs Singletary
(G Coast)
139 Pound Class
Garrett (F Coast) vs Rawley
Conger (H Inf.) vs Preeza (I
149 Pound Class
Walker-Jarvis vs Reich-Mat-
Tolleson-Lohn vs Campbell-Hol-
159 Pound Class
Leftwich-Eagleston vs Franka-
Baker-Parish vs Petrofsky-Paul-
Heavy Weights
Demack-Waddle vs Hjarang-
Harwood-Brockle vs Odom-Wil-
Reber-Scott vs Wallingford
Pomerenk vs Ballard-Sorbells
Rehders vs Utesch
Class A
Flowers, ss 4 0 10
Marino, cf : 4 110
Reeder, 8b 3 111
Leinw’ber 0 0 0 0
Hill, rf 4 0 0 0
B. Miller, lb 3 110
Jennings, If 3 12 0
Nelson, 2b 1 0 0 0
Murski, c 4 0 2 0
Garcia, p 3 0 0 0
Lucas, p 1 0 0 0
TOTALS 30 4 8 1
Score by innings:
Aggies 010 010 001—3
Baylor 020 000 20x—4
Patton (A Sig.) vs Bender (A
Barrier (D Cav.) vs Wood (F
Sanchez (Hq. Cav.) vs Riodar
(C Cav.)
Ivey (I Inf.) vs Huddleston (B
Havelka (I RC) vs McLarry (D
Where the matches show four
men participating, the winner of
the match on the left will then
wrestle the winner of the match
on the right.
Odds ’n Ends
Class A and Class B boxing will
begin Thursday . . . Tennis shoes
must be worn for all intramural
games . . . This ruling also in
cludes softball . . . However, rub
ber-soled shoes may be worn in
place of tennis shoes . . . Many
fellows are already working out
for boxing . . . The “Little Yellow
Slip Gang” has no members today.
. . . Keep up the good work, fel
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Twenty-four Texas counties are
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ing to B. F. Vance, administrative
officer in charge of the AAA in
See these while we
still have a good
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