The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 21, 1942, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION •SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, 1942 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-6444. 1941 Member 1942 Associated Golle6iate Press E. M. Rosenthal Acting Editor Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager Sports Staff ■ike Haikin Sports Editor W. F. Oxford.— Assistant Sports Editor Mike Mann Senior Sports Assistant Chick Hurst Junior Sports Editor Circulation Staff Gene Wilmeth Circulation Manager Bill Hauger. Senior Circulation Manager Photography Staff Jack Jones Staff Photographer Bob Crane, Ralph Stenzel Assistant Photographers Phil Crown Assistant Photographer Saturday’s Staff D. C. Thurman Managing Editor Jack Lamberson Assistant Advertising Manager Keith Kirk Junior Editor Reporters Calvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, Russell Chatham, Bill Fox, Jack Keith, Tom Journeay, W. J. Hamilton, Nelson Kar- bach, Tom Leland, Doug Lancaster, Charles P. McKnight, Keith Kirk, Weinert Richardson, C. C. Scruggs, Henry H. Vollentine, Ed Kingery. Edmund Bard, Henry Tillet, Harold Jordon, Fred Pankey, John May, Lonnie Riley, Jack Hood. Something New Added Something new will be added next week, something which should increase the flavor and quality of living at A. & M. At first we will be skeptical. There will be a flavor sam pling occurring on all parts of the campus, and the Aggies, as connoisseurs of human nature, will look for both unpleasant and desirable characteristics. All A. & M. will wonder if this new condiment is going to add to or subtract from the flavor of the Aggie way of life. No doubt after the first few days the Bluejackets arrive on the campus some of us will look on them as strangers invading our sacred territory; some will merely gape in curiosity; but the majority in a short time will recognize the truth. The Bluejackets are in many respects similar to the Aggies. The mean ages of the two groups are about the same. Family backgrounds are similar. Both are in train ing for an immediate military career. And above all, both groups have the common bond of human nature. What we like, they will like. What few curtesies we would ex pect in a similar position, they will expect. The friendly attitude we hope to find at our future posts, they too will sincerely desire here. So if we, as Aggies and men, try to pic ture ourselves in the shoes of the Bluejack ets there is only one thing we will want to do. Treat them as friends who with us are preparing to fight a common foe. Instead of a burden on the campus we will find that they will add color, life and friendship for us all. Private Colleges The prospect of continued success for pri vate colleges in the United States, in the face of the strangling effects of an all-out war situation, has become a frequently-discussed subject in educational circles. Three recent statements by college presidents seem to summarize educational opinion with regard to the outlook for these institutions: Asserting that private colleges have proved a healthy influence on the life of the nation, the Rev. Robert I. Gannon, president of Fordham university, says “it is significant that wherever absolute states have flour ished they have depended for their support upon public, and therefore political, control of all education. Without criticizing or even suspecting any college or university in the country, we can face the fact that the elim ination of privately controlled institutions or even their serious debility, would remove an obstacle from the path of a possible dic tator in the United States.” Dr. William Mather Lewis, president of Lafayette college, expresses a high degree of faith in the private endowed college. “We are constantly reminded,” he points out, “that the pirvately endowed college is not free, that its future is problematical, that in a period of rapidly increasing government domination it may entirely disappear. This counsel of gloom I believe to be entirely without foundation, because the independent institutions train youth to meet the new in dustrial, social and political problems of each epoch. However, if our private colleges insist upon maintaining outmoded curricula, if they are timid and fearful in the face of crises which affect income and attendance, if they lower their standards and admit the unprepared, if they are jealous and suspi cious of each other and do not put the inter ests of higher education above institutional prosperity, then they will, as they should, ultimately cease to function.” Courage to supplant apprehension is called for by Dr. Arnaud C. Marts, president of Bucknell university. He agrees that “the privately endowed college faces some very puzzling problems brought on by war condi tions,” and adds that “every person, every institution, every business, is facing equally puzzling problems'.” He then goes on to ask: “Why should the college be exempt from worry, from readjustments, from sharp sac rifices? It is no time for a college to feel sorry for itself. Rather it is time for it to face its problems squarely, bravely and wish unselfish zeal for maximum service to youth, to freedom and to America.”—ACP. Something to Read Tty Dr. T. F. Mayo~ , Good for Vet Meds (and Others) A good library customer from the vet erinary faculty has obligingly worked out the following list of readable books which will, he thinks, light up his field, either for Vets themselves or for the inquiring out sider: Claud Bernard, Physiologist, by J. M. D. Olmsted. — An eminent physiologist, a great scientist and a noble scholar, Bernard was the first to demonstrate the condition of “tonus” in the vascular system and show the importance of this in maintaining and regu lating blood pressure. He, also, was the first to indicate the presence of hormones in the body. Magic in a Bottle, by M. Silverman. — A book of great interest to the graduate as well as the undergraduate. The author traces the development of some of our most import ant drugs in medicine such as morphine, co caine the sulfonamides and others. A “must” for students in pharmacology. Life and Letter of Dr. William Beau mont, edited by J. S. Meyer.—This physi cian, after trying unsuccessfully to close a gastric fistula, realized the practical know ledge pertaining to the processes of gastric digestion which might be gained from look ing thru this “artificial window.” Interest ing sidelights on medical practice of the area are given. Galileo Galilei, by Harsanyi, Z. — An Italian, destined to be a leader of time, was born on the day of the death of Michelan gelo, died on the day of the birth of Sir Isaac Newton. He was a bridging gap be tween the “Middle Ages” and the “New Science” which he aided in forwarding. He invented the telescope, improved the micro scope, and was a leading astronomer and physicist. Dutch Vet, by A Rootheart.—The act ivities of the Dutch Vet and greater interest to your studies, knowing that you, top, will have many similar cases to treat and sim ilar decisions to make. The story in the background is such as to maintain the in terest of any reader and observer of every day literaturer and life. Quotable Quotes “Basic education, not specialized training, is the best contribution the liberal arts col lege can offer as preparation for either mili tary or civilian life, and this is the ball we must keep our eyes on.” Dr. Strang Lawson, associate professor of English, Colgate uni versity. * * * * “When young people make a choice about drinking a cocktail they do it in a split sec ond and their choices are made under a lot of social pressure. There is seldom fruit or tomato juice on the tray to make their deci sion easier.” W. Roy Berg. The World Turns On ~"By Dr. R. W. Steenrm = The last few weeks have given plenty of evi dence that Democracy does work. A short time ago the members of congress, appar ently engulfed in a wave of patriotism, voted themselves pensions. It may be that this was a patriotic move intended to convince the soldiers in the Philippines that Congress had unlimited faith in the future of the country, but the people of the United States did not accept it in that manner. There was an im mediate, and wide spread, demand that the act be repealed. It took congressmen only a short time to begin having visions of defeat in the coming elections, and the measure was repealed. More recently still the public has become aroused over the apparent fumbling in the war effort. Mass meetings have been held in all parts of the country, and thousands of letters have gone to Washington demand ing of congressmen that the country be giv en more action and less talk. Strikes in de fense industries are difficult to excuse. Just as difficult to excuse are profits of 300 per cent on government contracts. The people have become convinced that we are at war, but congress and the administration are try ing to carry on Washington-as-usual. A short time ago leaders were crying that the people were apathetic. There is no longer any room for such statements. It is time for the lead ership of the country to catch up with the people. « Mr. John Q. Public has become convinced that there has been too much interest in the welfare of the farmer, and the manufactur er, and the laborer, but not nearly enough interest in the welfare of the United States. The public has decided that war is no time for pocket-stuffing, and is demanding action of its government. There is little doubt but that the people will get what they want. Such a thing could not happen in a dic tatorship. There the people are told what to do, when to cheer and how to act. The first evidence of criticism of the government would result in much action on the part of the Gestapo. In a dictatorship there is no way for the public to express itself, nor is there any way for the public to demand efficiency on the part of its leaders. In a democracy, the people follow when the administration moves forward effectively, but let the administra tion falter and the people drive. PRIVATE BUCK By Clyde Lewis COVERING campus distraeiiONs with __ |§T0MWNN0Y (f| Conr 1941, King Features Syndicate, Inc., World rights reserved CWdI. II-?' “Follow me, comedian. The Captain has some very funn) things he wants to say to you!” ANIdlAL ODDITIES BY Tex Lynn Flaunting the idea of obtaining the “never-never” animals to an ardent animal hunter is like wav ing a red flag in front of a bull (even though the physiologist states the bull is color-blind) Col lectors have searched the world’s four corners for rare and exotic fauna — little known animals whose capture and delivery in flates the hunter’s ego as well as his pocketbook. Since the beginning of the twen tieth century, the African jungles have surrendered several spectacu lar and absolutely new. wild ani mal species. One of these is the unbelievable Okapi whose pres ence wasn’t suspected until 1900. Because of the limited distribu tion and the practical impenetra- bilit yof its habitat, this animal has remained as mysterious as the fabled unicorn. The Okapi is an animal that looks as though it were modeled from some left-over giraffe; its color ■ scheme is like something thought up by an interior decor ator in the last throes of a nerv ous breakdown. The general body color is deep liver while the lower parts of the legs are white. Above the knees and hocks the white is striped with lines of autumn red, and fine lines of white cover the thighs and lower parts of the rump. Small skin-covered horns are found on the head between two abnormally large ears, and to top it all, this little-known and less understood animal has a fourteen inch tongue that is used to clean out its ears or to flick off an oc casional fly that may alight on its withers. Another highly-prized rarity is the teddy bear-like Giant Panda from the upland regions of inter ior China. Its playful antics makes it a much-sought for pet in zoo logical parks—its never-ending repertoire lead one to believe that it was trained to perform them all for the benefit of the gawking public. The Panda, until recently, was erroneously classed in the bear family; now, however it has been put in its proper category— with the raccoon—an ignominious let-down for such a celebrity. The Giant Forest Hog of Kenya province is the largest of all wild swine, standing a good three and a half feet high at the shoulders. It is said to be capable of disem- bowling one’s horse with a speed and agility unbelievable in so Valentine Goes to Beaumont Substation James H. Valentine, of the Class of ’39, has been appointed Plant Physiologist at the Beaumont sub station of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Service for the dura tion of the war to take the place of Dr. C. E. Minarik, who has been called into army service. Val entine received his B.S. degree in agronomy here in 1939, and re ceived his M.S. degree in agron omy and plant physiology in 1941. Up to the time of his ap pointment he worked in the De partment of Agronomy as grad uate assistant. slumsy an appearing animal. The combination of huge carving tusks, a broad, warty face, two crafty eyes gives this animal a visage of utter brutality. The animal is completely black, from its glossy, bristly coat and skin to the mocous membrane and small, beady eyes. Time and again this animal has been hunted by professional and amateur alike, and always the hunter returns with the same story, “too much speed, skill, and brute cunning packed in one animal for any ten men to cope with”—this animal will live to hunt and kill another day. There is not one chance in a thousand of any Zoological park exhibiting a 20 foot sea elephant from the South Georgia Islands, a 12 foot African Bull Elephant, nor a 20 foot crocodile, but the mere possibility of the existence of such animals is all that is need ed to send a red-blooded adven turer hot on their trail. You don’t know how much fun you have missed out on if you haven’t ever dropped in at the As sembly Hall some Saturday night at 7 and see some of those cre ations as arranged by Richard Jenkins, the Singing Cadets versa tile leader. Once every year or so the pro ducers make a picture that re mains in our memory for longer after the hit has gone than any other. It is one that usually wins all the top awards for the year, a truly super-motion picture. Such a picture is “HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY.” There isn’t anything that can be said about the show that isn’t com plimentary. The actors never get out of character. The tone is uni form all the way through. It is the story of a boy’s life in a Welsh mining town with all the know ledge that experiences in the world can bring to a young lad. Roddy McDowell plays the part of “Huw” Morgan, the young Welshman around whom the story revolves. His father Gwilym Mor gan, played by Donald Crisp, and his brothers work in a coal mine. Maureen O’Hara is Morgan’s only daughter. Walter Pidgeon continues his great acting as Mr. Gruffydd, the village pastor. The mother of the Morgan family is Sara Allgood. She slaves and battles for her group as the heart of the family. The motion picture was made from Richard Llwellyn’s famous novel. It has been head by more than one million and a half read ers and translated into four lang uages. The film version of the book will be at the Campus to morrow and Monday. Action is the keynote of (See DISTRACTIONS, Page 4) yjampm Dial 4-1181 LAST DAY CESAR ROMERO CAROLE LANDIS MILTON BERLE Also “What’s Happening in Argentina” PLUTO CARTOON - MUSICAL Midnight Preview Tonight Sunday and Monday HOW GREEN WAS MY • mm m -m m .wtmm BICYCLE REPAIRS STUDENT CO-OP Phone 4-4114 1 Block Right at North Gate Hk? Starring WALTER PIDGEON MAUREEN O’HARA Academy Award Picture Also Musical with Ted Lewis and Orchestra — Cartoon WHAT’S SHOWING AT GUION HALL Saturday — “NORTH WEST MOUNTED PO LICE”, starring Gary Coop er and Madeline Carroll. Monday — “SMILING GHOST”, with Wayne Mor ris and Brenda Marshall. AT THE CAMPUS Saturday—“A GENTLE MAN AT HEART”, with Cesar Romero and Carole Landis. Saturday prevue, Sunday, Monday — “HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY,” fea turing Walter Pidgeon, Mau reen O’Hara, and Donald Crisp. W. J. Douglas, Jr. INSURANCE AGENCY Rooms 18-20, Commerce Bldg. Bryan, Texas Ph. 2-6605 MOVIE GUION HALL Saturday, March 21 2 P.M., 7:30 and 9:00 p 0 ran>o un, presen!* GMO COOPER MADELEINE CARROLL gSoorrd foster lon m, NEVER BEFORE A PICTURE LIKE IT! ^ CECIL B. DeMille’s Y NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE in Technicolor! o’tSVbi CECIL B. DeMILLE MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON COMEDY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday “SMILING GHOST” ATTENTION AGGIES! Go to College Station Shoe Repair Shop, North Gate, and let D. Cange- losi take your measurements for a pair of boots with permanent best ap pearance and lasting foot comfort. MR. LUCCHESE GUARANTEES A SATISFACTORY FIT Lucchese Boot Co. 101 W. TRAVIS SAN ANTONIO \ f , v P * * 6 * I 4 (1 ^ f ■ o »