The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 21, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
NO. 73
Program Released for April 4-5 Festivities
Q M Training
Open Monday
Men Selected Be
Notified When To
Change MS Classes
The training for the newly in
stituted Quartermaster Corps
branch is contemplated to start
next Monday, Lieut. M. E. Speer,
temporary tactical officer for the
unit, said yesterday afternoon.
Men selected for the course
should continue attending their
present military classes, however,
until they are notified to change
by the Military department Lieut.
Speer added.
Jack Cleveland and Curran Gar
rett have had their names added
to the list of those seniors who
are to transfer to the QMC. The
list of Juniors has not been com
pleted and will not be released
until all,of the men have been se
As yet no word has been receiv
ed by the Adjutant for the im
mediate organization of the Ord
nance branch, but Major A. J.
Bennett is of the opinion that of
ficial orders will be received
Kadet Kapers
Cadet Capers will not be
held tonight because its
sponsor, R. W. Jenkins, has
been called to Houston on
account of sickness. Jenkins
states that a bigger and bet
ter program will be present
ed March 28.
Junior Judging
Team Wins Second
A. & M.’s Junior Dairy Cattle
Judging Team won second place
honors in a competition with six
other teams in the Collegiate
Dairy Cattle Judging Contest held
last Monday at the Southwestern
Fat Stock Show in Ft. Worth.
The team, coached by A. L.
Darnell of the Dairy Husbandry
Department, consisted of Doyle
Moore, M. B. Carpenter, George
Roberts, and E. M. Prather. The
team won first in Jerseys and
tied for fifith in Holsteins. Doyle
Moore ranked first in Jerseys;
George Roberts, second; M. B.
Carpenter, fifth. Moore also rank
ed fifth in Holsteins and was
trailing the high point man from
Oklahoma A. & M., by one point.
Cosmopolitan Club
Holds Party Sunday
There will be a joint dance of
the two Cosmopolitan clubs at
Denton on Saturday night, April
11, TSCW members notified Ag
gies today. This promises ta be
the gala spot of the Cosmopolitan
social season, and every effort
should be made by the club mem
bers to attend this coming dance.
Tomorrow afternoon at three
o’clock there will be a party at
the old “Y” chapel with dancing
to the tunes of Xaxier Cugat and
his incomporable Waldorf Astoria
orchestra. All members are urged
to attend, and names will be taken
of those students who intend to
make the trip to Denton on the
Week of April 11. Let’s make this
tea dance tomorrow a success;
bring your girl friends and learn
the rumba.
Biology Club Shows
Educational Films
Three movie films were shown
at the meeting of the Biology club
Thursday night. The films shown
were entitled “First Aid,” “Tuber
culosis” and “Digestion of Foods.”
The films were secured from the
Epri Classroom Films distributor
at Austin.
Lieutenants-To-Be of the Leatherneck Corps
Above we see Aggies swearing into the Marine Corps to go to training school and become Lieuten
ants in Uncle Sams corps of Leathernecks. They are G. A. Adams, Jr., B. S. Dudley, Jr., R. L.
Oliver, E. B. Wheat, W. H. Crump, W. M. Longbotham, J. H. Maher, J. T. Newton, J. P. Passons,
G. A. Rheman, Jr., B. P. Robinson, M. E. Simmons, E. J. Smith, G. L. Tole, J. K. Wells, R. W.
A&M Politics Swing Forward With
Twenty Five Candidates Handshaking
Politics—that human institution
that makes the world go round—
has invaded Aggieland in a big
way. Candidates for all the offices
are covering the campus with
their politician smiles, handshakes
and “vote for me’s”. In fact, they’ll
do everything for you a politician
should except give you a ten cent
cigar and kiss your baby.
It’s still not too late to get in
the middle of the race. Candidates
may file for Junior yell leader
until noon Monday; for Longhorn
Editor, Social Secretary and Town
Hall Manager until March 24 and
for Battalion Editor and junior
representative on the student ac
tivities committee until April 8.
Thus far a total of 25 candidates
have filed for the various offices.
The following is a complete list
of candidates who had filed by
yesterday afternoon. The student
elections committee will meet
Monday for the purpose of certify-
in gthe qualifications of the vari
ous candidates. Ken Bresnen has
filed for Battalion Editor; H. 0.
Manfredini Speaks
On Latin Americas
Members of the Marketing and
Finance club and the Latin Ameri
can seniors heard Dr. James M.
Manfredini of the University of
Houston speak on “Latin Ameri
ca and the Economic War.”
Dr. Manfredini is a noted au
thority on Latin American affairs.
He was introduced to a large audi
ence by Harrison Bancroft, vice
president of the Cosmopolitan
club. After the talk questions were
asked by members of the group
and a general discussion was held.
Kunkel and John B. Longley for
Longhorn Editor; E. A. Gordon
and C. H. Wallace for Engineer
Editor and Walter Cardwell and
Dave Pinson are candidates for
the Agricultural Magazine.
Other candidates are: Senior
Representative on the Student ac
tivities committee, S. K. Kirk; Bill
Adkisson, John Lawrence, W. F.
Dreiss and Dwain Treadwell for
Town Hall manager; A. P. Cok-
inos, Bernard Booth, Joe Clai'k,
Flave Pledger, Rodney Brauchle,
W. B. Bulkley, Jack Barton and
Frank LeBus have filed for junior
yell leader; Bobby Stevens, Tom
mie Pierce, “Bum” Bright and
Jack Miller for Social Secretary
and Sid Smith, R. L. Haines and
R. 0. Thompson for junior rep
Ides of March” Grades
Will Be Released Today
“Beware of the ides of March,”
were the warning words of the
soothsayer in Shakespeare’s “Jul
ius Ceasar.”
With but little change, these
words could be altered to fit the
situation faced by all Aggies to
day: “Beware of March 21.”
Behind this warning lies the in
evitable fact that today, each de
partment turns in the mid-semes
ter grades to the registrar’s office.
From here, the reports will be
mailed to each student’s parents.
After that the worries all belong
to the students.
National ASME
Meeting Will Be
Held Next Week
Semi-annual Inspection
Trip for Engineering
Students at Same Time
Junior and senior members of
the A.S.M.E. will get excused ab
sences to attend the national meet
ing of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers which will
be held Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, March 23 to 25, in
Houston. Those attending the
meeting will also make the in
spection trip held semi-annually
by the student engineers.
Senior members will spend Mon
day morning in an inspection tour
of the Hughes Tool Company.
Monday afternoon and Tuesday
morning will be taken up by the
contest of Presentation of Student
Paper Conprisers, competition en
tered into each year by the dif
ferent clubs. The Monday night
program will be on war production
and manufacturing problems.
Many new methods of manufac
ture will be presented at the pro
gram. All day Wednesday will be
spent at the Lone Star Portland
Cement Company and at the Hous
ton Shipyards.
Junior members will make a
trip to the Southern Pacific Rail
road shops while in Houston and
will attend the A.S.M.E. meeting
Monday afternoon and Tuesday
morning. The juniors will come
back Tuesday night; the seniors
will come back Wednesday night.
Instructors who will go along
on the trip are V. M. Faires, A.
V. Brewer, W. E. Long, and C. W.
Crawford, who will be in charge
of the tours.
AAA Will Move
To New Offices
About April 1
Best State Quarters
In United States Will
Adorn Aggie Campus
In the vicinity of April 1st, the
Agricultural Adjustment Admin
istration will move into its new
building located just beyond the
new dormitories.
These quarters are by far the
best state AAA offices in the
United States. The building is an
impressive structure, and is one
the Aggies can be proud to have
adorn their campus.
After six years in the temporary
frame building built for them just
back of Kyle Field by the college,
the AAA staff is looking forward
to occupying their new lodgings.
Much more space will be avail
able, and the office facilities will
be greatly improved.
Fish and Game
Will Give Full
Semester in Field
Eighteen Hours Credit
Planned For Courses In
All Phases of Wildlife
A full semester of field courses
in Mexico this summer will be giv
en by the Fish and Game Depart
ment of A. & M., it was announced
by Dr. William B. Davis, acting
head of instruction.
The proposed course will carry
full eighteen hour credit and will
include work in Ornithology, field
techniques in studying birds, rep
tiles, mammals and plants and
fisheries, including stream sur
The party will leave College
Station June 1 and return in mid-
September, camping and studying
in the various biogeographical
areas of Mexico, including the re
gion south of Mexico City. Stu
dents will have an opportunity to
visit much territory in Mexico and
become better acquainted with the
people, Dr. Davis announced.
A meeting of those interested
in the trip will be held in the A.
& M. Animal Industries building
at 5:00 o’clock March 23. Those
unable to attend the meeting
should write Dr. Davis, for com
plete information.
u Hank ,, Newman J 42
Passes Away After
Delicate Operation
Henry Ware “Hank” Newman,
Austin, who graduated in Animal
Husbandry February ’42, passed
away Saturday as the result deli
cate brain operation in Galveston.
Funeral services were held Mon
day afternoon in Austin. Fred
Hohmeyer, A Cavalry; Harold
Hickey, Corps Headquarters;
Richard Elliot, Corps Headquar
ter; Henry Tischler, F RC; Ollie
Livingston, A Infantry; Paul Ste
vens, M Infantry from A. & M.
acted as pallbearers.
Scientific Exhibits Will
Cover Campus on Saturday
Arrangements Made so That Students Will
Not Miss Easter Day Religious Services
Official program for the week-end of April 4-5, includ
ing Engineer’s Day, Agriculture Day and Parents’ Day was
announced yesterday by the committee in charge of arrange
ments. Highlights of the program are the agricultural and
engineering exhibits to be shown on Saturday and the an
nual flower-pinning ceremony on Sunday. The schedule of
events has been arranged so that no student will have to
miss his religious services on Easter Day.
Saturday morning the program will begin with a meet
ing of the State A. & M. Mothers’ Club in the YMCA at
11:00 a.m. Mrs. T. 0. Walton, president of the state club will
"^preside. Saturday afternoon a tea
will be given for all visiting
parents by the Brazos County A.
& M. Mothers’ club.
Personnel Begins
Operation of The
Information Center
Will Cover All
Phases of Defense
And Serve One Million
The recently completed war in
formation center located on the
ground floor of the college library
has now received a complete as
signment of personnel to operate
the information center and is now
ready to go into operation upon
the arrival of necessary equipment
from the U. S. Department of Ed
The center will be able to furn
ish information on all phases of
the national defense program and
the social and economic problems
emerging from the crises. The in
formation bureau will also serve
as a correspondence center for
all the key areas of civilian de
fense in the vicinity.
The information center will un
dertake to organize a committee
for the maintenance of civilian
morale, will organize a compre
hensive War Information bureau
for the benefit of the general pub
lic, and any other duties to con
tribute to the social welfare of the
civilians during the emergency.
A. & M. is one of one hundred
and forty colleges and universi
ties to be asked to act as key
centers of information during the
emergency. The general plan of the
U. S. Department of Education is
to have one such key center for
each millionth population and
major fraction thereof.
Cotton Ball Social
Committee Will Pick
Queen and Her Court
The social committee for the an
nual Cotton Pageant and Ball con
sisting of Howard Brians, Fred
Coley, Milton Brenner, Jewel Ra-
mage, “Bugs” Tate, Jorge Villam-
il, Julio Trigo, and Gene Wilmeth,
will leave Saturday for Denton to
select the Queen of the Cotton
Pageant and nine maids of honor
to serve with her at the annual
The girls will be selected from
the princesses and duchesses at
the annual T.S.C.W. Redbud Fes
tival. The 11th annual Cotton
Pageant will be held May 1 in
Sbisa Hall starting at 8 p.m. The
ball will follow at 10 p.m.
Are You Methodist, Farmer or Play Intramurals?
Then You Are in Majority Accounting Survey Shows
By Clyde C. Franklin
Are you a participant in intra
mural sports, a Methodist, a son
of a rancher or farmer, and leave
the campus 10 or 12 week-ends a
year? If you are you are in the
majority at A. & M. These ques
tions along with 21 others were
recently answered by Professor H.
A. Dulan, and his Machine Ac
counting 311 students, in a campus
poll of opinion conducted in some
what the same manner as the Na
tional Institute of Public Opin
After the information was
gathered from a 10 percent rep
resentative sample of students
taken from the schools of agri
culture and liberal arts, it was
compiled by this class with the
aid of machines furnished the
school by International Business
Machines Corp.
In this survey it was found that
30.42 percent of the students here
are Methodists, 22.09 percent Bap
tist, and 13.32 percent belong to
the Presbyterian church. Only
7.08 percent of the students be
long to no church at all.
The question asked concerning
athletics showed that 78.37 percent
of the enrollment takes part in
intramural athletics but 16.44 per
cent take part in no sport at all.
Plenty of Singers
Bath taking tenors seem fairly
numerous here as 7.45 percent of
the student body claims to have
a talent for singing. Instrumental-
ly the corps is represented by 24.99
percent of its total individuals but
36.83 percent professes no talent
at all.
An old Aggie tradition says that
Aggies make the 200 mile trip to
Denton to TSCW on week-ends but
newer information disproves this
as the major portion of the corps
goes to Houston on week-ends. In
fact, 20.98 percent go to Houston
as compared to 12.27 to Dallas,
7.92 percent to Austin and 3.56
percent to Denton for week-end
Few Chew and Spit
Only about 0.40 percent of the
corps chews tobacco the statistics
reveal. Over one third of the Ag
gies do not smoke at all.
Because the representative
sample was taken from the schools
of Agriculture and liberal arts,
the information as to the parents
occupation may be slightly in er
ror when applied to the whole
school but the information ob
tained showed that 28 percent of
the parents were engaged in farm
ing or ranching operations.
Careful study of the information
showed that where grades are
concerned students coming from
towns of 2,500 or less had the
highest percentage of low grades,
and the next highest percentage
of low grades came from students
coming from cities of over 50,000
people. Towns falling within the
2,500 to 50,000 population group
showed a fairly constant number
of students in each group o'f
Thirty-two and four-tenths per
cent of the enrollment is fresh
man, 24.8 percent sophomore, 23.6
percent junior and 19.2 percent
Mary Can Type
A higher percentage of students
were found to be able to type than
to take shorthand indicating that
students deem it important to type
for ones self but find it unim
portant to be able to take short
hand unless desiring to work for
someone else. Neither course is
offered here and this information
(See SURVEY, Page 4)
That night Dr. and Mrs. T. O.
Walton will have a reception on
the lawn of their home. The Aggie
Band will play for the occasion. A
special program of Kadet Kapers
will be presented for the benefit
of the parents on the campus, and
it will be followed by the annual
Engineer’s show.
Sunday morning the anual flow
er-pinning ceremony will be the
first event of the day. As in the
past, each company, battery and
troop will form in mass formation
in their company street. At this
time, cadet commissions will be
awarded, best drill medals will be
awarded and watches will be pre
sented organizations commanders.
This ceremony will be followed by
the annual Parent’s Day Review
and a non-denominational Easter
program on Kyle Field.
The program on Kyle Field will
be over by 11 o’clock and all cadets
and parents are encouraged to at
tend their own church for Easter
services of their own denomina-
(See PARENTS’ DAY, Page 4)
Hunter Named
As Medal Winner
Clifford B. Hunter, of Spur,
junior student in cotton marketing
at A. & M. has been named winner
of the rhedal presented annually
by the Texas Cotton Association:
to outstanding student in that
field, according to announcement,
by J. B. Bagley, professor of cot
ton marketing at the college.-
Hunter will be presented the medal
at the thirty-first annual conven
tion of the Texas Cotton Asosci-
ation to be held in Houston March
Selection of the medal winner
is based on grades, which must be
at least a B average for the two-
year period of cotton marketing
study, and on attitude, personal
ity and similar qualities. Hunter
was named winner from a group
of five originally selected by the
50 members of the Cotton Society,
student organization on the cam
pus. Prof. Bagley and J. G. Pow
ers of the cotton marketing de
partment, were final judges.
Holmes Speaks For
Aggie Chemical Club
Dr. Harry N. Holmes, President
of the American Chemical Society,
spoke to the A. & M. section of the
Chemical Society Wednesday night
on the subject Vitamins and Pub
lic Health.
For soldiers, sailors and avia
tors in the service, as well as for
many civilians, actual dietary sup
plements of vitamins or their con
centrates are advisable, Holmes
Although there is no danger of
a food shortage, the problem con
sists of a wise selection of foods
to furnish a well balanced ration
rich in all the important vitamins
and minerals.
Yarbrough Speaks
For Rural Sociology
Dr. Joseph U. Yarbrough, chair
man of the Merit System Council
of Texas, spoke to the Rural So
ciology Club Tuesday on the pos
sibilities of employment m State
welfare organizations. Dr. Yar
brough spoke by request of the
club members before an interested