The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 17, 1942, Image 1

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DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
NO. 71
Bluejackets Will Receive Training on A&M Campus
400 Navy Radio Trainees
WiD Arrive Here April 1
Junior Yell Leader Office
Still Open as Six Men File
For Coming Elective Places
We’ll have senior yell leaders,
publications editors, student activ
ities representatives and a town
hall manager, but who’s going to
be a junior yell leader? Twelve
candidates for other offices had
filed their names at the student
activities office by yesterday aft
ernoon—none had filed for the of
fice of junior yell leader. In pre
vious years there have always
been an over-supply of sophomores
applying for the position and the
race has always been a feverish
one. This year should be no ex
ception—the junior yell leader for
the coming two semesters will
still be an important office, even
though the football season doesn’t
begin until the second half of the
The deadline for filing for the
yell leader election is noon tomor
row, March 18. To file for the
position a student must present a
petition signed by 50 seniors, jun
iors or sophomores and pay a 50
cent filing fee. A meeting of the
sophomore class will be held
Thursday night to pick the six
candidates for election by the jun
ior and sophomore classes, March
Six more students have filed for
the other offices in the coming
campus elections. Tommie Pierce,
C Field Artillery, and H. R.
“Bum” Bright, D Coast Artillery,
filed in the race for the social
secretary post. Bill Adkisson, B
Signal Corps, announced for the
Town Hall manager’s office. Ed
A. Gordon, G Infantry, filed for
the editor’s post of the Engineer
magazine. Dave Pinson, C Cavalry,
announced for Agriculturist edi
tor. S. K. Kirk, D Infantry, filed
for the vacated senior representa
tive post on the student activities
Previously Bobby Stephens, In
fantry Band, had filed for social
secretary post. John Lawrence,
First Headquarters Field Artil
lery, announced his candidacy for
the Town Hall manager’s race.
Discussion Group
Will Select Men To
Go to District Meet
The members of the local Inter-
American Affairs Discussion
Group will hold a round table dis-
cussiom in room 316 of the Aca
demic Building Wednesday night
at 8 o’clock for the purpose of
selecting members to go to the
District Conference in Austin on
March 26. The winners of the
District Conference will go to the
Divisional Conference, and the
winners of that will go to Wash
ington for the final round. The
final winner selected in Washing
ton will be given an all-expense
trip to South America by the
Rockefeller Institute.
In the preliminary round, speak
ers will be allowed to talk for
seven minutes, and then will be
questioned by other members of
the round table for two minutes.
The speakers at the table Wed
nesday will be V. M. Schofield,
on “Latin America Can Supply
It,” Harry Cordus on “Rediscov
ery of America by Americans,”
H. Vasques on “From Aztec Canoe
to Pan American Clipper,” and
X. Fernandez on “More than an
Emergency Undertaking.” Walter
Goodman and Maurice Levy will
also talk on topics to be assigned
Barton Appointed
Foulbrood Inspector
J. C. Barton has been appoint
ed Foulbrood Inspector in the
place of C. J. Burgin, who is with
the navy in San Diego. Barton,
who received his B.S. degree in
entomology here . in February,
1941, has been acting as graduate
assistant in the Entomology de
partment here.
Walter Cardwell, D Cavalry, sign
ed up for Agriculturist editor. Sid
Smith and Lamar Haines, both
from the Field Artillery Band, an
nounced for junior representative
on the student activities commit
tee. Ken Bresnen, A Cavalry, filed
for the post of editor of The Bat
talion magazine and newspaper.
The Longhorn editor, social sec
retary and Town Hall manager will
be elected by the members of the
junior class on March 31 after a
meeting of the class on March 30
when the candidates will be in
troduced to the class.
The head yell leader, Battalion
editor, and student representatives
on the activities committees will
be elected at a general election by
the corps on April 14.
Dish-Water Hands
Are Banished Among
Mess Hall Employees
Dishwashing jobs over
at Sbisa hall will be more effi
ciently and more easily done in the
future than ever before. A new
mechanical dish-washer for the
mess-hall arrived Mojrijlay morning
and will be installed in a short
According to Paul Roderiquez,
in charge of the dishwashing de
partment at Sbisa, the new ma
chine was ordered last summer.
Delivery has been delayed be
cause of defense priorities.
Carl F. Faires
Receives Navy Cross
For Philippine Work
V. M. Faires, professor of me
chanical engineering, received
word this week that his brother,
Lieut. Carl F. Faires, U. S. N.,
had received, the Navy Cross. De
tails of the award are still lack
ing here Professor Faires stated.
Lieut. Faires was one of eigth
officers in Cavite in the Philip
pines who received the awards.
He was at Corregidor shortly aft
er Manila was taken and word
was received here from him by
telegram recently from Tabo in
the Philippines.
Lieut. Faires was a graduate of
the Naval academy in 1932.
Ring Dance
Committees Are
Chosen by Hervey
Committee Members
Should Call by Corps
Headquarters in Future
Members of the various com
mittees in charge of the senior
ring dance and banquet to be held
May 14, were appointed by Dick
Hervey, president of the senior
class, Monday.
The general arrangements com
mittee for the banquet and dance
is made up of Ransom Kenny,
chairman, J. O. Alexander, Luke
Moore, G. W. Hal ton, Max Jor
dan, and George Ogdee.
Hervey asked that each individ
ual member of the committees call
at the corps headquarters office
this afternoon at his own conveni
ence to confer with Hervey.
Bob Russell is chairman of the
committee in charge of procuring
an orchestra for the affair. Shib-
ley Azar and C. B. Marsh are the
other members of the committee.
On the program and favors
committee are Billy Davis, chair
man, Robin Rominger, and Frank
Joe Gibbs is chairman of the
finance committee. Don Walton
and Buddy Ramsel are the other
members of the committee.
Manfredini To
Speak on Latin
America and War
Dr. James M. Manfredini, di
rector of the Latin American In
stitute and instructor in Latin
American studies at the Univer
sity of Houston will speak here
tomorrow evening at 8 in the
physics lecture room. The subject
of his talk will be “Latin America
and the Economic War.”
Dr. Manfredini will be here un
der the sponsorship of the Mar
keting and Finance club and the
Latin American seniors. The club
is under the leadership of the De
partment of Agricultural Econom
ics. As instructor of Latin Amer
ican stores at the University of
Houston, Dr. Manfredini spends
much of his time studying the
economic problems and the needs
of the Latin American people. He
has written many articles relative
to the subject.
Dr. Manfredini is a noted au
thority on Latin American affairs
having studied Latin America ex
tensively while acting as instruc
tor at the University of Houston.
Board Names
Dorms After
Army Chiefs
Moore and Moses
Will be Honored
On Two New Halls
Major Generals Andrew
Moses, retired, and George
F. Moore now in command of
the coast. artillery defenses
of Corregidor Fortress in
the Philippine Islands have
given their names to two of
the four new dormitories un
der construction on the cam
pus. These two ex-Aggies
have been so honored by the
board of directors because of
their outstandng achieve
ments in military fields. Both
are soldiers who have upheld
the fighting tradition of the
corps which is famous the
world over for its spirit.
When Moore graduated in
1908, Moses was commandant and
professor of military science and
tactics. Along with Moore were
graduated two other future gen
erals; John A. Warden and Doug-
les B. Norwood. Howard C.
Davidson was a fish in 1908 and
later graduated from West Point
and is now a brigadier general.
Thus, “Andy” Moses has come
to be known as the “bull who
made generals.”
In the class of 1908 also were
A. B. Whittet, now a ranking
civilian employee in the U. S.
Ordnance department, and the
late Jesse L. Easterwood, naval
flying ace for whom A. & M.’s
airport is named..
Two commandants, two famous
generals, one a pupil of the other
—a brief summary of the reasons
behinds the naming of the new
Telegrams notifying them of the
honor were sent to each of the
two by Dr. T. O. Walton, presi
dent of the college. Said Walton,
“Because of your distinguished
service to your country and your
extensive contributions to Texas
A. & M. college where you served
your tour of duty as professor of
military science and tactics and
commandant, the board of direc
tors, out of appreciation to you
and in recognition of the value of
this service to this institution
and the nation, has named one of
the new dormitories in your hon
Engineers Jive as Kirk Plays
Top left—Pianist of world
fame Mary Lou Williams with
Andy Kirk’s band.
Top right—Kirk’s Clouds of
Lower left—Alden Cathey,
Frances Carlyle, Martha Mae
Lawrence and Don Byron.
—Photo by Phil Crown
Moses and Moore
Gardeners Class
Studies Seedlings
Tuesday session of the National
Defense Gardening and Nutrition
class will be devoted to transplant
ing seedlings to pots or other con
tainers, F. R. Brison of Horticul
ture department has announced.
The meeting will be held in the
basement of the Agriculture build
ing, and will begin at 8 p.m. A
few plants and soil will be pro
vided by the horticulture depart
ment. Those taking the course
should bring clay pots pr used No.
2 tin cans. As much time as nec
essary in actual practice of trans
planting will be taken at Tues
day’s session Brison declared.
More than 45 Bryan and College
Station people are taking the
course. Dr. G. W. Adriance is
Holmes Discusses
Vitamins for Meet
Of Chemical Society
Dr. Harry N. Holmes, president
of the American Chemical Society,
will talk on the subject of Vita
mins and Public Health at the
meeting of the A. and M. Section
on March 18. The meeting will be
held at 9 p.m. in the Chemical
lecture room.
Dr. Holmes, who was the first
to isolate crystalline vitamin A,
will offer a survey of the more
common vitamins, including dis
covery, isolation, structure, and
synthesis. Their relation to certain
diseases and their importance to
public health and national streng
th will be stressed.
Losses of certain vitamins in
storage and in cooking as well as
in over-milling the cereals sug
gests that the natural vitamin
content of bread and some other
foods should be restored by direct
addition of vitamin concentrates.
For example, it is recognized that
vitamin B1 (thiamin chloride)
helps to maintain physical vigor
and morale and it is being so
utilized by warring nations. One
of the effects of the present war
will be to improve the public’s
dietary knowledge.
The special importance of vita
mins to people on invalid diets, to
the millions troubled by food al
lergies, and to workers exposed
to industrial poisons will be dis
Additional Enlisted Men Will Bring Total
Up to 600 Materiel Men and 800 Operators
Making greater advances into the field of training
personnel for the fighting forces of the nation, A. & M.
has secured a new unit for instructing naval rado mater
iel experts and radio operators for the duration of the
war, President T. O. Walton announced yesterday, for the
board of directors.
On April 1 the first contingent of 400 bluejackets
will arrive to begin an intensive training which will be
conducted along the lines of regular college technical work.
These trainees will be under the command of navy
officers who will be detail
ed here for tactical supervision
of military instruction and for
the maintenance of discipline in
the naval unit.
Each 30 days after the arrival
of the first group, an additional
number of enlisted men will be
sent here until a total of 600 mat
eriel men and 800 operators are
in training. This number will be
maintained by replacements as
soon as gaps are left in the ranks
by graduation. Radio operator
courses will last four months;
materiel experts will be fully
trained in three months.
The new unit will be quartered
in the four new dormitories which
are nearing completion in the old
area. A special section will be
designated in Sbisa hall where
the navy men will mess.
Blue uniforms will grace the
campus for the first time in the
66 year history of the college.
During World War I, a Naval S.
A. T. C. unit was established at
A. & M. to train men in the tech
nical side of navy life. However,
these men did not wear the navy
uniform, nor did they ever see
active service, because the war
was over before any of the cadets
had finished their training. The
men who will be sent here this
time will not be cadets, but en
listed navy personnel who have
been selected for special training
because of proficiency and apti
tude which they have displayed.
ASME’s Plan
For Houston Trip
Next Monday, Tues
Classes for all juniors will be
suspended next Monday and Tues
day, providing a sufficient num
ber of the class signs up with the
M. E. department to attend the
convention of the American In
stitute of Mechanical Engineers
on those days. The convention is
a meeting of student members of
the ASME from all over the na
tion, and will be held in Houston.
Arrangements for the proposed
suspension of classes for juniors
are being made by the local chap
ter of the ASME. As was announc
ed yesterday, the action will be
taken only if a large number of
juniors signify their intention of
going to Houston for the meetings
of the convention.
National Newspaper
Runs Barger Article
Advertising Age, a national
newspaper of advertising, will run
an article soon on the course in
advertising taught in the Depart
ment of Agricultural Economics,
according to J. Wheeler Barger,
head of the department.
The article was submitted in re
sponse to a request from S. R.
Bernstein, the editor, who stated
that reports had reached him that
the content and procedure in the
A. & M. course were unusual and
“The course as taught by S. M.
McKinnon last term was distinct
ive in a number of respects,” ac
cording to Professor Barger. “A
considerable amount of outside
practice work was afforded in
which the students were en
couraged to submit copy dealing
with the fields of their respect
ive professional interest. A reader-
interest contest in writing adver
tisements was conducted in coop
eration with The Battalion. Lec
tures by speakers engaged in vari
ous phases of the advertising field
were brought in to supplement the
classroom instruction.”
Another Chance
Offered Seniors
To Get Invitations
Orders to Be Taken
From 11 to 6 Today
At Corps Headquarters
Orders for senior commence
ment invitations and calling cards
will be taken in the corps head
quarters office today for the last
time. Dick Hervey, president of
the senior class, stated yesterday.
Orders will be taken from 11
o’clock this morning until 6 this
Hervey emphasized the fact that
today is definitely the last day
that the invitations can be ordered.
The invitations come in three
qualities. The best one is bound in
maroon leather and contains the
names of all the graduates and
all the information concerning the
commencement exercises. The
price of this quality is 50 cents
The second grade is a cardboard
booklet with the same contents
as the best grade and sells for 25
cents each. The third type is a
French fold invitation with the an
nouncement inside selling for 12
These prices are the same as
they were last year. The Southern
Engraving Company, Houston,
holds the contract for the invita
tions and diplomas.
A deposit of five cents each will
be required to place an order for
invitations. The deposit is the
same for all three grades. Orders
for calling cards may be made at
the same time that the invitations
are ordered.
Hillel Club Chooses
Panel Discussion Men
Irvin Blum and E. M. Rosenthal
were chosen by the Hillel Club to
represent A. & M. in regional con
test panel discussion Sunday,.
March 22. Jack Blankfield was
chosen as first alternate by the
club, and Leon Weiner as second
The discussion will be a compe
tition with Hillel Club representa
tives from Texas university. The
winners will go to Chicago to par
ticipate in the national panel dis
cussion. The subject for the panel
is “The Jew and the Post-War
Peace Conference.”
Sory to Speak For
Spanish Club Students
Capt. Gerlach Sony will deliver
an address Wednesday at 8:00
o’clock to a meeting of the Span
ish Club in Room 124 of the Acad
emic Building. His subject will be
“The Military and Economic Po
sition of Latin America with Re
spect to the United States.”
His talk will be especially per
tinent at a time like the present,
when the defense of our neigh
bors to the south is especially im
portant to our own defense. He
will review the military prepara
tions of the countries of Latin
America and the importance of
their economic development to our
own war effort.
Should Herr Hitler or the Japs
decide to try an invasion of the
United States, an attack would
probably be made first in South
America to neutralize the Panama
Cana] and establish airbases there.