The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 14, 1942, Image 2
S' Page 2 THE BATTALION ■SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 1942 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-5444. 1941 Member 1942 (Associated GoUe6iate Press E. M. Rosenthal , Acting Editor Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager Sports Staff Mike Haikin Sports Editor W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor Mike Mann Senior Sports Assistant Chick Hurst Junior Sports Editor Circulation Staff Gene Wilmeth Circulation Manager Bill Hauger Senior Circulation Manager Photography Staff lack Jones , .....Staff Photographer Bob Crane, Ralph Stenzel Assistant Photographers Phil Crown Assistant Photographer Saturday’a Staff Lee Rogers Managing Editor lack Hood Junior Editor Keith Kirk Junior Editor Robert L. Freeland Assistant Editorial Editor Jack Lamberson Assistant Advertising Manager Reporters Calvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, Russell Chatham, Bill Fox, Jack Keith, Tom Journeay, W. J. Hamilton, Nelson Kar- bach, Tom Leland, Doug Lancaster, Charles P. McKnight, Keith Kirk, Weinert Richardson, C. C. Scruggs, Henry H. Vollentine, Ed Kingery. Edmund Bard, Henry Tillet, Harold Jordon, Fred Pankey, John May, Lonnie Riley, Jack Hood. What Conservation Means Conservation is a word heard very often, but few of us realize exactly what it means and what it should mean. We may, in a sudden burst of patriotism, drop the silver paper from a cigarette package into one of the containers, or we may deposit an empty tube that once had tooth paste in it into one of the tin cans in the corner drug seore. But conservation in the true sense of the word means a great deal more. It means con servation of health, property, natural re sources—in fact everything which we know or possess. During times of war conservation is especially important, for we are shut off from many major sources of materials which previously we thought nothing of and took as a matter of fact. Rubber, sugar and hemp are a few of the best known examples of this. We will not have any new tires for civ ilian use for several years after the war, for the plantations must once again be put into production, and as they are captured back from the Japs in the future it is almost certain that they will apply the “scorched- earth” policy even more effectively than did the British in Malaya. We must all strive to make everything we own last as long as possible and to get as much use as is practical from it. Speeds must be reduced on the highways— because of lack of rubber it is estimated that more than 7,000,000 cars will be out of service at the end of this year and 12,000,- 000 more at the end of the coming year. In general we must learn what the word “conserve” means and stands for. Forget the 40 Hour Week Many congressmen are blathering to their constituents about their willingness to main tain the famous 40-hour week, about main taining all of the privileges and social rights that the American workman now enjoys. At present there are strikes and walk outs in large industrial defense plants by these same American workmen who wish to have either the closed shop or to settle a jurisdictional dispute, one of the worst kinds of strikes, for the jurisdictional strike hurts everyone concerned. Shouldn’t a man who is a member of the A. F. of L. be al lowed to work alongside a man who belongs to the C. I. O., in building the things which are necessary for national defense? This is a land of democracy. In times like these when everyone of us should be pulling to gether, why can’t a man in a steel factory. There are several million men in the American Army today who have no 40-hour week and who do not receive time and a half for overtime. In fact, many work 18 and if necessary 24 hours a day for only $21 a month and their food and clothing. If the people of Germany ever heard of the 40-hour week, they certainly have for gotten it now. They are working 64 hours a week and are not getting overtime. The same is true in England and in Australia. Russia certainly doesn’t have the 40-hour week standard. If we are to be able to lick the Axis, we must not continue to have it either. This does not mean that we must perm anently discard all of the social gains that labor has achieved during the past decade, but it does mean that we must set aside many of these gains “for the duration” and six months after the end of the war. The 40-hour week and time and a half for every hour or minute over this must go. The American workman must not be re duced to slavery or anything near it, but the fifty-hour week and time and a half for overtime, with this overtime pay in defense bonds and stamps must come to be, or some thing similar to it. If he received his over time pay, and in fact a part of his regular pay in these bonds, he will have the money at a time when he will need it most, a few years after the war’s end. The American workman must buckle down and accept a few hardships so that he may effectively support those who are Something to Read PRIVATE BUCK By Clyde Lewis :By Dr. T. F. Mayo: By T. F. Mayo Escape Through Adventure Under considerable pressure from the more frivolous element among the College Library staff, I suggest the following to anyone who finds everyday reality too boring and har assing these days: Buchan, John—“Yitch Wood”—(Witches and blood in 17th Century Scotland.) Clark, Walter Van Tilburg—“Ox Bow Inci dent”—(Lynching in Long-ago Mon tana. Cowboy story plus.) Kingsley, Charles—“Westward Ho!”—(Eliz abeth pirates and/or Seadogs.) Thomason, John William—“Gone to Texas” (Early lusty days in our own bailiwick.) Stevenson, Robert Louis—“Master of Bal- lantrae”—(18th Century Shoot-’em-up.) Saint Exupery, Antoine—“Night Flight”— (Modern classic about the insides of fly ers.) Page, .^Marco—“Fast Company”—(Hard- boiled detective yarn about a rare-book dealer.) Nordhoff, Charles Bernard and Hall, James Norman — “The Hurricane”; “Men Against the Sea”; “Pitcairns Island”. Mansfield, John—“Dead Ned”—(Sea story about a man who was hanged but didn’t remain so.) Melville, Herman—“Moby Dick” (the great White Whale); “Typee” (The greatest of all American adventure writers.). London, Jack—“The Sea-wolf” (Probably his best.) ■■■ ^ Household, Geoffrey—“Rogue male”—(The gj^g-ing- Cadets SUGGESTED 6/ PUT. STEVE kOLITA 39 BAT. CO. B. ■FORT WOLTERS/ TBX. AMAL ODDITIES BV Tex Lynn “You haven’t hit the target all morning, Private Buck. I’d suggest you fix your bayonet and CHARGE it!” BACKWASH By lack Hood “Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster The Alaskan Fur-Seal the shore, there to remain for the The producer of the fashionable duration of the season spending seal-skin coat, the Alaskan fur- many sleepless nights, and going seal, is one of the most erratic of without food of any kind for over all warm-blooded animals. From three months! These bulls weigh early May until the first week in in the neighborhood of 500 pounds. September it lives on the Priblof Compared to the female of the Islands off Alaska; the rest of the specie, who weigh about 80 pounds, year its home is the broad Pacific, they are gigantic indeed. The maltreated fur-seal has in- As the females come in from the directly caused more human blood- sea, each male strives, with coax- shed than any other wild animal— ing, whistling, roaring, and by at one time four great nations sheer strength of his powerful were embroiled in serious argu- jaws, to add as many females to mentation over this animal. In 1875 his “harem” as possible. These 3.000. 000 seals inhabited the Pri- harems are composed of from 10 blof Islands, but in 1912 the num- to 100 females, the number being her was reduced to a little over directly proportional to the 100.000. It was only through an strength of the bulls, act of Congress that total exter- The “pups” are born 6 to 48 mination of this animal did not hours after the arrival of the occur - mothers, and strange as it sounds, The fur-seal is really not a true the pups have to be taught to swim seal at all; instead of being clumsy or else they would perish in the and helpless on land as are all true sea. seals, it has the nimbleness of a By the end of October practical- goat, often ascending rocky cliffs i y a n the seals have left for warm- 60 feet high just for the joy of e r water and better feeding climbing. In the water, no other grounds farther south. Each year quadruped can surpass this water the fur-seal covers about 8,000 acrobat. miles without once touching land! The fur-seal, from its birth to Often the mothers can be seen its uncertain grave, behaves unlike carrying the sleeping young on any other land-going mammal. The their backs. How the seals manage vanguard of the great aquatic to seep on the water is a mystery, army arrives at the Priblofs a- for they are heavier than water, round the middle of May. The and must necessarily move about, Aggies discovered Norma Jean strongest and largest males are the however slowly, to remain afloat. Jahn’s pic on page^S, surrounded mast ers; each one selects a vant- Until a few years ago Japanese age point on the rookeries near seal-poachers would make periodic " raids on these islands; as the A total of 457 University of on mother seals left as their breeding man who stalked Hitler.) Hough, Emerson—“The Covered Wagon”; Near the top on the Aggie’s list by the Air Corps. Comments con- “54-40 or Fight”—(if you’ve missed of favorite entertainers, are the cerning Norma’s talents began to these, somehow, don’t go on doing SO.) Singing Cadets. The organization, flow, ranging from “Mmmmmm” Holmes, Wilfred Jay—“Battle Stations”— comprised of over 100 hard-work- to nose-holding. Some were of the ‘/T 1 ^U 0 . ccl10 1CL / ulccu “*s , A \ , • -vr i j . . . . . „ Wisconsin co-eds have enrolled m grounds m search of food on the (Adventure m our Navy, here and now.) mg Aggies, has made many con- opinion that Miss Jahn “puts on” a defense f j rst aid course Highet, Helen Maclnnes—“Above Suspicion” cert tours over the state, and their too much on the bandstand, others ’ — (Thoroughly entertaining in a civil- reception is always the same, liked it, but nearly all agreed she With 35 defense courses costing ized way, and pretty breathless also. In- warm and friendly—the people is lovely and luscious, if not lyri- nearly $300,000 already completed, side Nazi Germany.) have come to know the boys as cal. Many wouldn’t comment; only Dean W. R. Woolrich of the Uni- Hawkins, Anthony Hope—“Rupert of Kent- something more than an ordinary pat the Aggieland Orch on the versity of Texas engineering col- zan”—(A good old warhorse about irn- glee club. This year, ably directed back for trying to provide us with lege declares the “job for Texas aginary Balkan broils.) by Richard W. Jenkins, they have a female vocalist. industry has just been started.” Haines, William Wister—“High Tension”: made two trips—-the first to Hous- Tension”; made two trips- “Slim”—(Hardboiled thriller about tele-'’ ton, where they sang for The First This Collegiate World ‘ phone maintenance men.) Methodist Church, University of Forester, Cecil Scott—“To the Indies”— Houston, A. & M. Mothers Club, (Age of discovery in the Carribean.) and several high schools; and, the Forester, Cecil Scott—“Captain Horatio second, through Conroe, Beau- Hornblower”—(Adventure on the high mont, Orange, and Huntsville seas in Napoleon’s time.) (they ate one of their best meals Edmonds, Walter Dumaux—“Drums Along in the prison at Huntsville, enter- Camp figures his occupation has Homer P. Rainey of Texas the Mohawk”—(Indian warfare during tained by inmates). received the wrong listing in the university is touring cancer hos- ACP: the American Revolution.) The World Turns On :By Dr. R. W. Steen: Recently, the Singing Cadets telephone directory. pitals of the east and midwest to have again been honored; they It a -d started with this mysteri- obtain information for a state can- have been chosen in a group of open sea, the poachers would shoot all that came within gun shot. Not only did this kill the mothers but indirectly the pups too, for their very lives were dependent on tha mother’s milk. With the Pacific war at such a fever-pitch, there is no telling where the enemy will strike next, and if it is Alaska, the fur-seal will take its place among the ever growing ranks of extinct animals. Qampus ous telephone call: “Got any cab- cer research project. the Of 80 seniors in the Louisiana State university school of medi- the running '-/auins '• tne professor ex- c i ne who are eligible for commis- with the Cadets are 17 clubs in the Texas Tech ’ s Prof - Truman sion in the army, navy or public central section of the. U. S.-ex- claimed. “You must have the wrong health service, 65 have applied for The collapse of Allied, or more accurately tending from Illinois down 140 glee clubs to compete in Fred inquired a voice over Waring’s Pleasure Time National w ^’ e - Glee Club Contest. In the running “Cabins?” the Texas Tech’s Dial 4-1181 LAST DAY number.” Dutch, resistance in Java has brought the through Texas, and" including T.'u! “ Aain,t Pacific war to the door of Australia. The Tj o TT Japanese are now gathering their strength are to / be ' run ' off wit h the use of for an invasion of that continent, and the recordin ^ each club Australians, British and Americans are do- three—one tune of Warinxr’s “ = at S time ^ha,* justifies a few wiU make ? heir recor / s M * arch 26> /SleSe on the campus, with the finals industries will need 55j0 oo addi tional workers in the next few ‘down un notes on that country which lies der. Australia is the smallest of the conti nents or ing on whether you wish to call it a conti nent or an island. The country has an area of 2,974,581 square miles, which makes it tinental United States. It has a population of about 7,000,000, most of whom are Brit ish in origin. There are, however, some Asi atics and some persons from European countries. There are, in addition, about 60,000 aborigines. Australia is a dominion in the British Empire, and has therefore complete control • • • over its own affairs. The government is fed- WacL Jino eral in character and is copied in part after vv ^ e coming up late in May, or the first the largest of the islands, depend- a Ju t ”- p Tlfftl m °" ths : trimmings. The boys have one more trip tory at Iowa State college. about 50,000 square miles smaller than con- bl ^ ed thl , s A cha P ter of A1 P ha Omega Al- 04^4-^^ T4 L™ « ^— ending at T. S. C. W. April 23. p ba; honor medical society, recent- Prior to that they will appear on jy was installed at Wayne univer- Town Hall (they are cooking up a gity. aticsT and “somrpersons ^fr^m^ non-British “ uple f acts f ? r the P r °e raai >- Some 500 students of Louisiana Those two performances and— State university have dropped well, they won’t make predictions, their studies to enter the nation’s but New York is a nice town. armed services. m m ^ The federal government is spend ing $5,800,000 on college ROTC for the year ending June 30, 1942. that of the United States. The capital is This one tops last years’ gold- State , ! * p , pr “ pl ' i “ tions p ?li de T f i 1 Canberra. This is a new city located in a fish eatiag fad. la Friday’s Hous- p “ ° p^b “gT ° federal district. It was planned completely ton Post under the head “U. of P ^ r - nnn before any construction was begun. It is to- Texas Eats Don’t Lika Bach”: Not Fraternity buy 1,000 000 i u J ..j. U. T4 • i suits yearly; soronty women buy day a beautiful, but isolated, city. Its isola- that it makes much difference, p * vpar tion is due to the fact that it was built be- b ut the rats in an old building 0 ’ of th f co y ur y ' in mu yond the settled area so as to be nearer the at the University of Texas a P - seum appr e n ti C eship offered in the center of population m the future. The gov- par e nt iy don’t like Bach. Music United States is given at tb e W is- ernment buildings m Canberra were opened Professor Peter Hansen reports consin un i V er S ity. in 1927. No person can own land in Can- that rats devoured a volume of berra. Title is retained by the government Beethoven but left Bach strictely and individuals may lease land for specified alone .. # my! my! wha t those boys periods. No lease can be for a longer period won > t tb j nk of next ; . than 99 years. As soon as the latest issue of The Australians take an active interest Life Mag hit the newss tand, the in their government, and by American stan- dards a remarkably large percentage of them Tb currpnt f edera i bude-et for vote. The number voting in an election usual- a tae "conohi" ly approximates fifty per cent of the total extension wort is ^9,000,000. population. This may be due in part to the fact that a voter who fails to vote without Endowment and ifts for re . a valid excuse must pay a fine of $10. The search 3 c<mt of the government has been quite liberal m its TT . ^ , . labor policies, while social legislation of the U-wenaty of Pittsbarghs mcome. old age pension variety is an old story in Australia. y their commissions. The federal government’s civil ian pilot training program for the current fiscal year is costing $25,000,000. A recent tabulation reveals there are seven osteopathic fraternities in the United States. Edwin G. Pike, chemistry grad uate of the Wisconsin university, is the sixth member of his family to attend Wisconsin. _ ^ . Farthest outpost of the Minne- Construction is starting on an , . . ,, , . . , , sota university is a weather sta- agricultural engineering labora- this 4850—Camp Tru man?” Dr. Camp looked himself up in . the phone book, where he was list- ed right along with Camps Dixie, jy, Texas, and Comfort. Dean W. R. Woolrich of the BETTY GRABIE*VICTOR MATURE CAROLE LANDIS HAIRD CRE6AR NEWS ■ Also MUSICAL — CARTOON PREVIEW TONIGHT SUNDAY - MONDAY tion in Tucson, Ariz. Also Porky Pig Cartoon News — Sport MOVIE GUION HALL fighting on the seven seas and five contin ents. The workman of France did not, and if he were asked now, we all know what his answer would be to the question. He would say “I didn’t realize it was too late.” If we do not labour to produce and to preserve the “American way of life” in one form or another we, too, may become slaves as have so many other workmen who didn’t realize until too late that they couldn’t “eat their cake and have it too.” Announcing the Arrival of New r SPRING SHOES Lewis Shoe Store Bryan and Lauterstein’s North Gate DON’T MISS IMPORTANT NEWS Because Your Radio Isn’t Working Well. For Radio Repair Service THE RADIO SHOP Front of Post Office BRYAN SATURDAY 2 p.m., 7:30 and 9:00 William Powell — Jean Arthur THE EX MRS. BRADFORD COMEDY n ■ Also MARCH OF TIME “WHEN AIR RAIDS STRIKE” COMING Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday “DESIGH FOR SCANDAL” \ i r-Jl # b ('■ * y* *J K * - ) H .. *. k * (/* I ♦' i > M t . I • j \ \k * ■ Vs ♦ <