* * DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, MAR. 14, 1942 2275 NO. 70 y" Waltons Expect 500 Seniors at Reception [Function Will Be Held In Agronomy Society QueenX^^k Annual Ball; Corps Dance to Be Tonight ^ rex ^ s ^ ome ® on Committee Will Pick Princesses as Escorts For Cotton Pageant Here The Agronomy Society has des ignated a committee to select a queen for the Cotton Pageant Sat urday at T.S.C.W. At the same time the princesses will be select ed by the members of the commit tee who will also act as their es corts. The society has received an invitation to attend the annual Redbud Festival at T.S.C.W. and while attending this function they will select the queen and princess es. Committeemen will be guests at a dinner that night and after the dinner they will go to the festival where they will survey the candidates. Agronomy society members who will make the trip are E. D. Wil- meth (King Cotton), who will choose his queen; Howard Brians, social secretary, and D. W. James, assistant social secretary. Social committee members who will also make the trip are M. L. Brenner, J. C. Ramage, J. B. Tate, W. R. Clark, F. A. Coley and J. A. Villamil. . These men will act as escorts for the princesses in the pageant which will be held this year in Sbisa Hall instead of the gym as has been done in the past. Immediately following the page ant will be the Cotton Ball on the night of May first. Music for the ball will be furnished by the Ag- gieland orchestra. AH and DH Teams To Judge at Stock Show in Ft Worth Contests will be held at the Fat Stock Show in Fort Worth next week in which the Dairy Cattle Judging Team, the Junior Live stock Judging Team and the Dairy Products Judging Team of A. & M. will compete. The Dairy Cattle team which is coached by Professor A. L. Darnell will be made up of the following boys: M. B. Carpenter, W. G. Irwin, D. L. Moore, E. M. Prather, G. E. Roberts, and J. J. Wilhelm. The contest will be held March 16. Students making up the Dairy Products team are J. W. Champ ion, R. E. Hale, J. R. Hollings worth, and J. A. Roming. The team which is coached by associate professor A. V. Moore will com pete against teams from Colorado State University, Southwest Lou isiana Institute, Oklahoma A. & M., Texas Technological College and New Mexico A. & M. Members of the teams will judge butter, milk, ice cream, and Ameri can cheese. The animal husbandry livestock judges who left last week for Fort Worth will compete in the Inter collegiate Livestock Judging con test today. Of the ten men that made the trip, five were selected yesterday for the main contest. Men making the trip are Joe Lem- ley, John Powell, John Wheat, Jay Pumphrey, Heston McBride, Ed Cumbie, Marvin McMillan, Billy Kidd, John Jordan, and Horace Brown. Excellent Weather Favors Engineers For By Jack Hood Another Engineers Regimental Ball is past history on the social calendar, but the Engineers have something to talk about for a long time. The Ball was a big success, with lovely girls from all over the country on the floor of - Sbisa. Aided by the best weather to set in on Aggieland in many days, the Engineers swung out on the smooth waves of Andy Kirk’s Clouds of Joy. The band played music like the dancers wanted, and asked for, it Kirk’s orchestra comes to Aggieland from engage ments at many of the country’s leading night clubs, colleges, and dining halls. Featuring the songs of June Richmond, buxom vocalist, and Pha Terrell, male vocalist, the band is one of the few to bring female features to Aggieland. Mary Lou Williams is the pianist and proved herself more than able to hold down that position. The Kirk band is en route to the west coast to make some mu sical shorts, and after the crops Singer dance tonight, they will continue westward, making several stops before they reach the film capital. When the band is in the eastern states, they broadcast frequently over Columbia, and record for Decca—their “47th Street Jive” sold 45,000 in January. The decorations for the ball were commented on favorably by the dancers. Responsible for the good job of handling preliminaries are: Jimmy Griffith, C. K. Voith, Dick Saunders, Stanley Smith, Bob Wright, J. R. Ball, Steve Kaffer, Edgar Wareing, E. L. McKinney, John McGhee, James Letsos, Jim Hill, Ed Rodgers, Braulio Flowers, C. W. Reagan, Lee Housewright, Ed Tschoepe, D. M. Griffith. The crops dance is looked for ward to by the students with en thusiasm after they heard of the good job turned out by the Kirk crew for the Engineers. The dance will be at the usual time, 9 to 12 p.m. with a scrip of $1.10. Tuxes will be permitted at the corps dance, although the Engineers wore uniforms entirely. Kadet Kapers To Feature Members From Kirk’s Band June Richmond, vocalist with Andy Kirk’s orchestra, has ten tatively promised to appear on the program tonight at Kadet Kapers. Jenkins, director of the program, has promised other attractions in cluding parts of Andy Kirk’s band billed as The Clouds of Joy. Prob ably Mary Lou Williams, pianist, and Pha Terrell, soloist, will be featured on the program. There will be many othfer en tertaining acts on the program but Jenkins has declined to let his plans be known. This touch of mystery will add spice to the usual Saturday night programs, he said. Colonel Snyder Transfers Hundred To Army Air Corps Applications for transfer of commission to the Air Corps, which were made to Lt. Col. W. M. Snyder the first part of this week by seniors desiring the change, reached a total of 140, it has been announced by the Adjut ant’s office. Selection of 70 men will be made from these applications, who will be allowed to transfer their com missions upon graduation at the end of the present semester to the non-flying department of the Air Corps. Those selected, together with the 30 seniors who have al ready been accepted for transfer, will make up the quota of > 100 men from A. & M. No list of men applying is available. Dr Manfredini to Address Marketing And Finance Club Wednesday Evening Dr. James M. Manfredini, director of the Latin American Institute and instructor in Latin American studies at the University of Houston will speak here next Wednesday. Dr. Manfredini will be here under the sponsorship of the Market ing and Finance club and the Latin American seniors. He will speak on the subject, “Latin America and the Economic War.” Dr. Manfredini -fspends much of his time studying the economic problems and the needs of the Latin American peo ple. He has written many inter- Stevens, Buechner And Frye Represent Fish and Game Club O. Earle Frye, Helmut K. Buech ner, and Joe E. Stevens have quali fied under contest rules to repre sent the A.&M. Fish and Game club at either the annual meeting of the American Society of Mam- malogists in New York City the first week in April or the Seventh North American Wildlife Confer ence which will be held in Toronto, Canada, the second week of April. Runners up in the contest were James L. Robertson, James S. Dur- ell, and Homer Buck. This contest held by the Fish and Game Club corresponds to judging contest held by the other agriculture clubs on the campus. The winners attend national meet ings in the field of their interest and work to become acquainted with leaders and with the best work going on in all parts of the country. Navy Includes AH Non-Technicians In an effort to secure additional junior officers, the Navy today ex panded its program to make jun iors and seniors of accredited non technical colleges eligible for ap pointment as ensigns in the Naval Reserve, it was announced by Eighth Naval District Headquar ters. In the past, only students at tending technical colleges were candidates for probationary com missions. Now, however, majors in any field will be recommended for appointment as ensigns. Qualified applicants will be commissioned immediately and not ordered to active duty until graduation. Upon graduation men will be assigned to duties depending upon the nature of their major in college. All applicants should communi cate with the nearest Naval Re cruiting Station. Chess Team Will Play Baylor Tonight Members of the A. & M. Chess Team will compete against the Baylor University team in an in tercollegiate match tonight at Waco. Members of the team are Henry Owen, Eugene Canfield, Leon Weiner, Perez and Tom Ice land. E. P. Humbert, head of the genetics department is the sponsor of the team. Dr Manfredini esting articles and made numer ous notable addresses relative to the subject. He was scheduled to be here at an earlier date, but his duties pre vented his coming. The address will be in the Physics Lecture Room at 8 o’clock. The Marketing and Finance club is made up of students who are majoring in Marketing and Finance. The club is under the leadership of the Department of Agricultural Economics. Color Scheme Based on School Colors; Students to Wear Number One Uniform Approxmately 500 Seniors are expected Monday night to attend the President’s annual reception for members of the senior class, it was announced today. All seniors are urged to drop in during the evening sometime between 8 and 10 p.m., as this is the only time the President will be able to meet all the seniors. Dick Hervey, president of the senior class, stated that the number one uniform will be correct dress for the occasion. Regimental commanders will introduce each senior to the receiving line. The six regiment commanders are: How ard Brians, Joe Gibbs, Ransom Kenny, Harry Herrington, Lewis Kerchville, and Sam Brown. - ! - Warren Ringgold, Fred Smith- ham, Tom Gillis and Bob Russell will pour the coffee and tea, with Rufus Pearce, Elmo Buehrig, R. D. Brown, Jack Wolfe, Jack Tay lor, Alden Cathey, and Skeen Staley assisting. • The affair is held annually at the home of President Walton in honor of the graduating class so that the school officials can per sonally meet the seniors. Mrs. Walton stated that the dining room will be decorated in the school colors, maroon and white. Seniors May Take Patches off Shirts For Rest of Semester Seniors no longer have to wear the R.O.T.C. insignia on their shirts according to an announce ment by the Military Department. The reason being that when Ag gies enter the army it will not be desirable to have the dark trace that is left by patches. The only restrictions are that the insignia must be worn on shirts for any official occasion and for Federal inspection. Also all blouses must have a patch as in the past. This privilege applies only to seniors and underclassmen are cautioned against wearing shirts without patches. Thedford and Kirk Receive Army Wings Delong Made Ensign Two more ex-Aggies are to re ceive their silver wings and gold bars from the Army Air Corps advanced flying schools. Marshall F. Thedford, ’41, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thedford of Tyler, is a member of a class of aviation cadets to be graduated soon from the Air Corps Advanced Flying School at Stockton, Cali fornia. Cadet Thedford received his primary and basic training at Cal-Aero Academy, Ontario, Cali fornia, having graduated from A. & M. in 1941, majoring in Agri culture. One of the two student officers in the Texas contingent of the class to graduate at Ellington Field in a few weeks is Second Lieutenant Paul A. Kirk, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kirk, San An tonio. Lieutenant Kirk graduated in 1940, receiving a BS degree in engineering. Its Really Not So Bad Students Find That College Library With 93,000Books Is the Center of Information By Keith Kirk Some of the boys think it is a place where good Aggies don’t hang around; many only go there to read the Esquire or Life—the case in point, is the College Li brary. Even though television is | only a step ahead and the latest war news can be had with a flick of the finger, some of the most potent information available may be obtained at the library. With its 93,000 books and many employees everyone is welcome and the “wat er is fine” when one gets to know his way around the place. Thous ands of dollars worth of books are available at our call. Not Medicine, at All Why don’t Aggies read more? Several boys think that the library is medicine and they want no part of it. Others had the same idea un til a few successive doses of the same were taken with no apparent ill effects. The head of the library as well as numerous instructors and professors have been trying to solve the Aggie non-library participation attitude for months. Our college library contains a wealth of books of all kinds in cluding some of the latest fiction hits such as, “I was a Nazi Flyer” by Leske and “Tallyho” by Dona hue. Incidentally, the use of the library has picked up a great deal since hostilities began on a whole sale basis in Europe. But why stop with fiction books? One can get books dealing with almost any subject under the sun by merely calling for them at the second floor loan desk. More Visit Music Room Since the beginning of this se mester there has been a marked increase in the number of students visiting the Browsing Room and the music room. For those stu dents who like classical music, the Campus Leaders And Grange Heads Hold Discussions Agricultural Needs And Problems Subject Of Various Meetings A. S. Goss, National Grange Master, and Harold Gaudrapp, Texas Grange Master, were vis itors on the Aggie campus Thurs day and Friday to lead discussions with campus leaders on present- day agricultural policies. A pic ture of the problems confronting those interested in agriculture was presented to the group attending the meeting by Goss. Attending the meeting Friday morning were: T. O. Walton, pres ident of the college; G. B. Win stead of the publicity office; Ide P. Trotter and Luther Jones of the department of agriculture, and Fred Rennels of the AAA. Those present at the meeting as repre sentatives of the Agricultural Ex periment Station were: C. H. Mc Dowell, G. E. Adams, E. O. Siecke, C. A. Price, R. R. Lancaster, Ruth Thompson and Onah Jacks. The National Grange has been instrumental in obtaining favor able legislation for agriculturists in many instances since its organ ization. The Texas Grange per forms a similar function; for Tex as farmers. Goss emphasized in his talk here that the place of ag riculture in our every day life is even more important than ever be fore during wartime. Five More Men in Race For Positions John Lawrence For Town Hall Manager; Deadline is March 30 Five men filed for student of fices Friday. The men are Bobby Stephens, Infantry band, Social Secretary; John Lawrence, First Headquarters Field Artillery, Town Hall Manager; Walter Card- well, D Cavalry, Agriculturist Ed itor; R. L. Haines, Field Artillery Band, Junior Representative on the Student Activities Committee; and Sidney Smith, Field Artillery Band, Junior Representative on the Student Activities Committee. Stephens comes from Gilmer, Texas, and is majoring in aero nautical engineering. Lawrence, who is from Bryan, is a liberal arts student majoring in economics. Walter Cardwell is from Luling and is majoring in animal hus bandry. R. L. Haines of Bryan is ma joring in agricultural administra tion and Sidney Smith, Bryan, is majoring in chemical engineering. The three men listed from Bry an all live with their outfit here on the campus. Ken Bresnen, candidate for Bat talion Editor, filed his application several days ago. The minimum grade point re quirement for the above offices is, Battalion Editor, Editor of Ag riculturist, Town Hall Manager and Junior Representative on Stu dent Activities Committee, 1.25, and for Social Secretary 1.0. A deadline for filing notice of candidacy with the Student Activi ties Committee is March 30. music room will furnish many hours of educational entertain ment. The Browsing room has an in teresting history. At first it was use das a meeting place for vari ous student clubs but the room became so crowded that it was j converted into an all-fiction book room. Now there are hundreds of purely fiction books together with 1000 non-fiction books. Life and Esquire Increasing numbers of students find the magazine room an inter esting place to look around dur- (See LIBRARY, Page 4) Holmes Explains Vitamins in Health Dr. Harry N. Holmes, President of the American Chemical Socie ty, will talk on the subject of Vita mins and Public Health at the meeting of the A. & M. section Wednesday, March 18, at 9 p.m. in the Chemistry lecture room, Dr. G. S. Fraps, state chemist an nounced yesterday. Dr. Holmes, who was the first to isolate crystalline vitamin A, will offer a survey of the more common vitamins, including dis covery, isolation, structure, and synthesis stressing their relation to certain diseases and their im portance to public health and na tional strength. Losses of certain vitamins in storage and in cook ing as well as in over-milling cereals suggests that the natural vitamin content of bread and some other foods should be restored by the direct addition of vitamin con centrates. For example, it is rec ognized that vitamin B1 (thiamin chloride) helps to maintain vigor and morale and it is being so utilized by warring nations. One of the effects of the present war will be to improve the public’s dietary knowledge. The special importance of vita mins to people on invalid diets, to the millions troubled by food al lergies and to workers exposed to industrial poisons will be discuss ed. Eight Aggies Get Flight Commissions Uncle Sam’s gigantic Air Corps military pilot hopper, headquarters at Randolph Field, March 16, with intensifying regularity grinds out its third wartime class of flying officers and first class of staff sergeant-pilots from four Gulf Coast Advanced Schools, which in clude eight men from A. & M. With “Wings” on their chests and grim determination in their hearts, the following men can look back at thirty weeks of the most intensive training the fighting warriors of any air arm in the world ever received: Lieut. Leonard T. Glaser, San Antonio, Texas, ’37- 41, (Kelly Field); Lieut. Bernard E. Ludeman, Marysville, Texas, ’37- 41, (Kelly Field); Lieut. Lee Mc Clendon, Fort Worth, Texas, ’40- 41, (Kelly Field); Lieut. Fred L. Rennels, Jr., Bryan, Texas, ’37-41, B.S., (Brooks Field); Lieut. J. T. Riggins, Pittsburg, Texas, (Brooks Field); Lieut. William G. Thomas, Elbert, Texas, '37-41, (Brooks Field; Lieut. E. B. Travis, Goose Creek, Texas, ’39-41, (Brooks Field); Lieut. Raymond F. Watson, Marshall, Texas, ’38-41, (Brooks .Field). Fighter-flier experts all, these men—who will end what began at Pearl Harbor on December 7— were given the final stamp of mili tary approval at the three oldest and one of the newest of the Gulf Coast advanced pilot training schools. Dairy Cattle Will Be Shown at Ag Exhibits Dairy cattle from the college herd will be shown on Agricul ture Day, April 4, by members of the Kream and Kow Klub at the annual dairy cattle show which has been planned for this year to fit into the general theme of the day. History Profs Speak In Texas Army Camps Members of the faculty of the department of history of A. & M» have launched a series of lectures in army camps in this area at the request of the U. S, Army Public Relations office. Dr. S. R. Gam mon, head of the department of history and V. K. Sugareff already have addressed enlisted men at Camp Wallace and Fort Crockett.