The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 05, 1942, Image 3

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    The Worm Turns—Aggies Finally Hit
Winning Streak Against Texas University
What a sweet victory that was
Tuesday night at the DeWare
Field House! After continually
suffering defeats administered by
Texas university in various sports
it does seem that the worm has
finally turned. Since that “Kyle
Field disaster” last Thanksgiving,
the wearers of the Maroon and
White have won three of four
games from Texas. They were de
feated in Austin by the Steer cage
team at the start of the year, but
found consolation in the Aggie
swimming team which racked the
^Longhorn tankers for their first
win in 10 years over T. U. And
now, finally, Coach Marty Karow’s
boys deemed it a necessity to con
tinue the procedure set so admir
ably by the swimming team.
Referees Boggless and Kiersky Had Big
Job on Hand in Thursday’s Rough Game
Speaking of the basketball game,
it was one of the roughest of the
season. Twenty-nine fouls were
called, and that certainly didn’t
do Referee Dusty Boggess and
Bob Kiersky any good. Both had
a tremendous job on their hands,
but did as well as could be ex
pected. Brother, when you get a
couple of teams like Texas and
A. & M. on the floor together
you don’t need a referee—you need
a bouncer.
Much of the fans’ booing was
certainly unnecessary but that can
be explained by the fact that the
crowd was tense and excited. Many
times throughout the game, the
multitude of Cadets would boo on
a foul called by the referee, but
would change their tune when
they found out that the foul was
called on a Texas man. It just
goes to show that many of the-
boys don’t know what they’re
shouting about.
The game itself can be summar
ized as an excellent one from the
spectators viewpoint, but a poor
one when it comes down to con
crete basketball. Sure, it was ex
citing and thrilling, but that still
does not give away the fact that
both teams overshot the basket on
numerous occasions, neither could
hold onto the ball when they got
it, and each fouled the other too
much. Either probably would have
been easy prey for Rice or Arkan
sas that night.
Sports Squibs From Here and There; Bill
Henderson Accepts Invitation in AAU Meet
. . . Bill Henderson, Aggie cage
star, has accepted an invitation to
play in the annual Southwestern
Amateur Athletic Union basket
ball tournament held at Dallas . . .
he will play with the Furniture-
men . . . Along with him will be
a couple of ex-Aggies, Jude Smith
Let us serve you
our delicious food
in the “De Luxe
and Tommy Tinker . . . the tour
nament opened last night ... In
commenting on the outcome of the
Southwest Conference football
race, Coach Homer Norton again
puts his finger on Texas university
. . . “Texas had great material in
1941, and even if they did lose
their first two teams, they are
back with another batch of young
sters who can set this league
afire,” Norton added . . . Anyone
desiring to assist the baseball team
in looking after the balls and bats,
see Montgomery, 318 No. 5, or at
the baseball field . . . Harold Cow
ley, senior end on the grid team,
has declared his intentions in com
ing out for baseball ... he in
tends to try out for the outfield . . .
Here’s something on the surpris
ing and bright side . . . Bobby Tay
lor, Coach Art Adamson’s ace
swimmer, has yet to suffer a de
feat in any meet . . . That’s what
I call really going places . . . How
ever, Coach Adamson indicated
that Bob will have to be on his
toes this Saturday when he swims
against Danny Green, one of the
aqua stars on the Dallas Athletic
team . . . J. W. (Smokey) Carden
—a name that bears much watch
ing . . . Last year he was an in
eligible on the baseball team, but
(See KYLE FIELD, Pag* 4)
Ags Meet Flyers in Doubleheader Today
[nlere’s a winner
on every campus!
TjTAVORITE of college men is the oxford cloth
•*- shirt — and leader of the oxfords is Arrow
Gordon Oxford. It comes in the button-down,
regular and wide-spread collar models. Mitoga-
tailored, Gordon will always keep
its fit, for it is labeled Sanforized
(fabric shrinkage less than 1%).
In whites, solids, and fancy pat
terns. Get Arrow Gordon now!
And get some Arrow ties
to go with it!
Wednesday’s Tilt
Postponed Because
Of Dreary Weather
With the game scheduled yes
terday between the Texas Aggies,
coached by Lil Dimmitt, and the
Sheppard Field Flyers, mentored
by Marland Jeffrey, A. & M. ’41,
called off of rain, a doubled head
er is on the calendar for this aft
ernoon at 3:30 p.m. Central War
The Cadet team officially began
working out last Sunday and have
not yet been able to bring out a
well-balanced team this early in
the year. The double-bill this aft
ernoon will be an opportunity to
see the prospects of the team in
John Scoggin, Aggie captain
and catcher, was of late an out
fielder but with the increasing
need of a catcher he was moved
to the backstop position.
Two lettermen pitchers in the
persons of Charlie Stevenson and
Bill Henderson are bolstered by
the presence of Smokey Carden,
Wendell Acrey and Lefty Shuford.
The probable starting positions
for the Cadets are: Stevenson,
pitcher; Scoggin, catcher; Porter,
first base; Smith, second base;
Glass, third base; Ballow, short
stop; Rogers, left field; Black,
center field; and Daniels, right
Freshmen End
Season With Win
Over Shorthorns
Playing a night cap to the Var
sity game Tuesday night, the Tex
as Aggie Freshman basketball
team downed the Texas university
Yearlings 38-34 and completed
their season. The high point man
of the cage thriller was Aggie
Harry Hope who scored 17 points.
James Woods, Aggie' Fish, proved
to be a good floor man all during
the game, but was ably assisted
by Gordon Moore. The half time
score of the game was: A. & M.
24; Texas Yearlings, 13.
All in all the Aggie Fish had a
fair season. They won three games
and lost five. In numerical order,
the Aggie Fish lost games to the
Texas Yearlings, Rice Slimes, Lee
Junior College, and Tyler Junior
College. The Rice Slime game was
lost by two points and the closest
game, the Tyler Junior College
meeting, was lost by two points
made in the last 15 /econds of the
game. /
The Fish won their games with
Texas Yearlings, Schreiner Insti
tute and Allen Academy.
The team was coached by Mann
ing Smith and according to him,
the boys really “put out,” but
were begun: one in Contracts and
Smith also indicated that Homer
Adams was one of the outstand
ing eager s.
Battalion Sports
MARCH 5, 1942
Page 3
Aggies Close Basketball Season With
Spectacular 4642 Win Over TU Tuesday
Henderson Is High
Point Man for Night
Scoring 22 Markers
The Texas Aggies successfully
closed their basketball season here
Tuesday night by defeating the
University of Texas 46 to 42 in as
rough and tumble a game as has
been seen in DeWare field house.
The game was packed with
rough play, twenty-nine personal
fouls being called, and two Long
horns, Frank Brahaney and John
A. & M. (46)
Jarrett, f
Nabors, f
Henderson, c
Cokinos, g
Bayer, g
Underwood, g
Peden, g
TEXAS (42)
Fitzgerald, g
Watkins, g
Brahany, g
P’ham, g
Sander, c
Kutner, c
Hargis, f
Dillon, f
Hargis going to the showers for
excess fouls.
The Aggies started the fire
works after three minutes of play
when Bill Henderson broke away
and sank one. From then on it'was
all Cadet, the score being tied only
once in the half. The half-time
score gave the Aggies a 17' to 13
Texas got hot at the start of the
second half and at one time com-
Aggie Rifle Team
Defeats N. T. A. C.
At Arlington Sat
The Texas Aggie rifle team met
and defeated the N.T.A.C. sharp
shooters in a match at Arlington
last Saturday. N.T.A.C. was de
feated by a score of 1833 to 1825.
The match was a close affair with
the Aggies holding an eight point
lead at the conclusion.
Bill Filgo, captain of the A. &
M. team, was high point shooter of
the match, closely followed by
Norris Norman, captain of the
N. T.A.C. team. Filgo was high
point for the team last week with
a score of 384.
During the week of February 14
the Aggies shot their way to eight
straight victories and the follow
ing week repeated for eight more.
This brings their wins to 17
Thanks for the extra
'fiver',,, l got some
Arrows like pours!
It’s the smart son
of a smart dad
who buys Arrow
Shirts, for Arrows
are noted for their
authentic style
and long-wearing
qualities. Available in
all the popular collar
models, Mitoga tailored, and
Sanforized - Shrunk (fabric
shrinkage less than 1%). Priced
for a college budget. $2 and $2.50«
'Vx ,
Pick up a few
wrinkle - resistant
Arrow ties, too!
SI and $1.50.
manded a six point lead. The Ag
gies fought back and again tied
the score, Henderson, Jarrett, and
Cokinos sinking field shots.
The game was knotted six times
and the Aggies led eight to Texas’
four. The last tie was at 32 all,
but was broken by Les Peden with
six minutes left and the Aggies
were never headed, although con
stantly threatened.
Texas fell six points behind with
five minutes left, but closed it to
two at the three minues. Mike Co-
Game Marred With
Rough Play as 29
Fouls Are Called
kinos came through again and
saved the margin.
The Aggies showed a hustling
brand of ball that almost com
pletely envolved Texas throughout
the game. Every man on the team
played heads-up ball, consistently
stealing the ball and breaking up
scoring plays. Cockinos particu
larly proved to be a thorn in
Texas’ side in that respect.
Henderson, with 22 points, was
high man for the Aggies, followed
by Jarrett and Nabors, with 8
and 7 markers respectively. Hargis
grabbed scoring honors for thre
Longhorns with 14 points followed
by Sander with 10 points and Fitz
gerald with 9.
Here’s more
dope about intra
mural boxing.
Boxing will start
immediately aft
er the completion
of wrestling. It
is estimated that
wrestling will
last about three
weeks. The pro
cedure for enter- OwUrd
ing boxing will be similar to that
of wrestling. Any man may weigh-
in between the hours of 9 a.m.
and 7 p.m. from Thursday, March
5, until Thursday night, March 19.
Men may report any time during
this period, but in order for a man
to enter in a particular weight, he
must make that weight before he
will be entered. Be sure and have
your men check their weights in
the near future to ascertain the
class they may enter. Don’t forget
to get the hospital approval of an
entrant. The approval must also
be in by March 19. The Intra-
Class A:
E Field Artillery, Horseshoes
H Field Artillery, Swimming
D Replacement Center,
Infantry Band, Horseshoes
D Replacement Center,
B Signal Corps, Horseshoes
E Engineers, Swimming
Class B: *
2 CHQ, Horseshoes
F Field Artillery, Horseshoes
I Infantry, Handball
mural Department discourages a
boy’s losing weight to get into a
lighter weight so counsel your men
concerning this.
Because of decreased facilities
for ping pong, a unit will be rep
resented by a three man team in
this event . . . otherwise, the con
tests will be staged according to
the rule book . . .If you have not
already received your other two
balls and bats, they may be re
ceived at the Intramural office . . .
Wrestling began last night and
some spectacular “hand holding”
was shown . . . honest, these in
tramural wrestlers are good!
A Horseshoes
B CWS, 2; A Cavalry, 0
Gwin and Ramsden
Represent A. & M.
George H. Gwin, Baytown, and
Harold D. Ramsden, Galveston,
will represent A. & M. at the Stu
dent Conference of the Southwest
Student Branches of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers,
in tryouts which were held last
Saturday afternoon.
This Conference will be held in
Houston, concurrently with the
National Spring Meeting of the
'senior Society, which will be at
tended by prominent engineers
from various parts of the country.
Gwin’s subject is “The Engineer
and the Coming Peace”; Ramsden’s
subject is “The Sea Otter.” Fifty
dollars is the first prize.
K Infantry, 2; B Engineers, 1
I Infantry, 2; F Replacement Cen
ter, 1
B Handball
M Infantry, 3; E Coast, 0
F Coast, 2; H Field, 1
D Infantry, 2; C CWS, 1
A CWS, 2; 2nd Hd. Field, 1
G Coast, 2; A Field, 1
Track Team
Leaves Today
For Laredo Meet
The Texas Aggie track team,
coached by “Dough” Rollins leaves
at 8:00 a. m. today for Laredo to
participate in the Border Olym
pics Friday.
The team is captained by Roy
Bucek, ace hurdler, who was
Southwest Conference champion in
the 120-yard high hurdles and the
220-yard low hurdles events last
year. Incidentally, Bucek also took
firsts in both of these matches in
the Border Olympics of 1941.
Albert Ricks is also an import
ant cog in the Cadet track ma
chine. Ricks is an expert jumper
and will be entered in both the
high jump and the pole vault. Pete
Watkins will be in the high jump
with Ricks and the former will
also be flipping the javelin for the
The men who are making the
trip with Coach Rollins are: Carle-
ton Brush, Roy and Felix Bucek,
Pete Henry, Jimmy Knight, E. V.
Lodus, J. M. McLaughlin, A. C.
Ricks, J. Spaulding, R. K. Utley,
J. M. Vajdos, Pete Watkins and
Johnny Zigler.
Henderson, Jarrett
And Nabors Complete
Basketball Eligibility
The Aggie basketball team will
suffer only three losses from grad
uation this year. Captain Bill Hen
derson, Raymond Jarrett, and
Fred Nabors, all completed their
eligibility with the Texas game
Tuesday night.
Henderson, however, still has an
other year of eligibility left for
baseball and football.
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