The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 24, 1942, Image 4
THE BATTALION Page 4 Official Notices A. & M. Cadet Corps College Station, Texa: kin Your gratefully ted. preciate as pression acknowledged of sympathy is and deeply ap- C. A. MOORE, CLIFFORD, JR., AND ANN MOORE. Executive Offices MENU ASSISTANTS—The following students will report to Mr. J. C. Hotard at 9 a. m. on Thursday for the purpose of assisting with the arranging of menus for the week following: Robinson, J. F. ; Stengel, L. R. ; Tullis, H. A. ; Yanta, E. W.; Branam, R. O.; Mc Bride, N. G.; Duty, C. 0.; Gainer, H. O.; Smothers, D. D.—D. W. Williams, Head of Department. MESS MANAGEMENT—Mr. Paul Goes- er of the National Livestock and Meat Board, who is now at the Cooks’ and Bak ers’ School at Fort Sam Houston, will be here on Thursday, February 26, to discuss meats. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, the class will meet at 6 and gain at 8 p. m. Mr. Goeser has conducted aga sch ools at many of the important military nps and is entirely familiar with this ibsistence.—D. W. Williams, camps phase of Department of Animal Husbandry. SENIOR INTERVIEWS—Those senh 2 0 shoi in the Faculty Room, Room uors who interview the Humble Oil & Refining Company representatives should attend the Company repre group meeting 211, Administr; ation buildi ung, PI at 9 a. m., lacement Bu- Wednesday, February 25.- reau, Association of Former Students. AGRICULTURAL FACULTY — The meeting of the Agricultural Faculty sched uled for 4:10 today will be postponed.— E. J. Kyle, Dean, School of Agriculture. CHURCH WEEK- ary 22 has b Week” nd -The week of Febru- designated as “Church been the faculty urges students to Stu a Iven excusea absences classes at that period.—F. C. Bolton, Dean. ges student: attend religious services. Students who at tend the morning ser will be given excused absent cla ces by Dr. Truett their from Announcements SCHEDULE OF EVENTS—February 27 •—T Dance, Mess Hall Annex, 9 p. m. to 1 a. m.; February 27—Cattlemen’s Ball, Sbisa Hall, 9 p. m. to 1 a. m.; February 28—A.S.A.E. Barnyard Frolic, Ag. Eng. Display Room, 9 to 12 p. m. PERSONNEL PICTURES—The pictures which accompany the personnel leaflets he following seniors. Please ollowing seniors. Please iom 133, Administration larliest convenience: re ready for th< call for thes' building, at your earliest convenience: Bolton, P. M.; Bryant, J. H.; Carroll, P. M.; Espey, J. T., Jr.; Evans, Travis; Garlitz, H. E.; Grobe, R. B. ; Haggard, C. R.; Hahn, A. A.; Haltom, G. W.; Hasse, H. W., Jr.; Nassauer, Geo. Jr.; Pettigrew, J. M.; Pettit, B. E.; Slack, T. E.; Snow, J. H.; Taylor^ Glenn Jr.; Venner. J. P. MB Jr.; The PERSONNEL LEAFLETS—Printed 'LETS—Printed per ady for the follow sonnel leaflets are ready i ing seniors. Please call for these at Room 133, Administration building, at your earli- DOBBS WITH BLENDING WHIPCORD BAND AND EDGE ^Vhether you’re the class of ’05 or ’45 there’s plenty you can do to keep your appearance trim. Just get -your busy head under a Campus "O.D.”— the official university style in the new Dobbs military color! rrgMwt>«(» Tw# Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan est convenient Bolton, P. —.. >be, H. W., Jr. P. M„ "’r.; Es; :e: M.; Camp, ,. T.; Carroll, r.; Garlitz, H. G. W.; Hasse, , Jr.; Lewis, E. M.; Slack, T. E.; Snow, J. H.; Taylor, Glenn; Venner, J. P.; Williams, O. R., Jr.—Placement Bu reau, Association of Former Students. GOOD NEIGHBOR FILM—Dr. Henry tin Ameri- University ie pict: W. Taylor, in charge of the Latin Amei iversi as, will show colored movie p of Mexico and Guatemala—prim r, can Good Neighbor of Texas, will shov ge of Film: s at the olored ow colored movie pictures and Guatemala—principally :ws and of the people—to the dministration 404 Tuesday morn ing, February 24.—E. J. Kyle, Dean, School of Agriculture. ICO scenic view class in A' Meetings BATTALION STAFF—There will be a meeting of the Battalion Staff Wednesday night, 7:55 in the Battalion office. All the newspaper staff is urged to be present as in joining well as the staff. new men jrgec inte SPANISH CLUB—There will be a meet ing of the Spanish club Wednesday night at 7:30 in Room 124 of the Academic building. All members and those interest ed in joining are asked to be present. BETTER BUYMANSHIP—The Better Buymanship group will meet Wednesday at 3:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. M. S. Brooks, 206 Duncan street, Bryan, near the Hillcrest grocery store. The topic will be: “Furniture Selection and Arrange- EX-4-H CLUB—There will be a very important called business meeting of the Ex 4-H club tonight at 8:30. Academic building at 8 o’clock. Club keys have arrived and will be available at that time. COLORADO COUNTY CLUB—There will be a meeting of the Colorado County A. & M. club Tuesday in Room 117 Aca demic building at 8 p. m. BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB—There will be an important meeting of the Bra- —' ^ mnty A. & M. club tonight at 8 zoria Coi o’clock in Ri es i oi ng neglect your dues. __ tonight 212, Academic bldg. Pic- may be seen and selec- will be discussed. Please money for the pictures and don’t loom tures of the club may tion of a Duchess will brin at dg. Pic seen and selec- sed. Pie Tuesday night at 8 o’clock in the Academic building. Plans for the election of a Duchess will be discussed. All mem bers be present. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETING— There will be an important meeting of all Christian Scientists Tuesday night at 8 o’clock in the old Mess Hall parlor. Stu dents are especially invited to attend. ADVANCED FLIGHT TRAINING—C. P. T. Secondary course graduates are eli gible for advanced flight training includ ing Cross Country, Instructor Course, and Ferry Pilot ing at 8 toni; neering building where further inform tion will be available.—Howard W. Barlow, Professor and Head, Aeronautical Engi neering Department. MARKETING & FINANCE CLUB—The wear boots. GEOLOGY CLUB—There will be a meet ing of the Geology club at 8:30 p. : Thursday. Dean Brooks will speak. Classified FOR RENT—Small furnished ment. All conveniences. 4-8634. apart- FOR RENT—Nicely furnished bedroom for man. Private entrance and convenient to bath. 306 Kerry St., in College Park. See Q. H. Bernard at Physics Dept. WANTED TO RENT—Garage on or near Campus or in Bryan. Write Box 672, Col lege. LOST—Black Parker fountain pen. Please return to Richard W. Jenkins, Stu dent Activities Office, for reward. —DEFENSE— (Continued From Page 1) Lt. Sam R. Mclnnis, C.W.S.; and Lt. W. L. Surovik, C.W.S. Lt. Ben F. Mattingley, C.W.S., will report here for duty later this week. A detachment of 25 soldiers from Edgewood Arsenal has arrived here to assist in the field work in the school. In private life the students enrolled for the course are lawyers, architects, firemen, policemen, highway patrolmen, school super intendents, and college professors. Major Brayton was formerly pro fessor of inorganic chemistry in the chemistry department here un til he was called to active duty by the army last year. —IRISHMAN— (Continued From Page 1) line bivouacs, and spent many nights in cities which were be ing bombed, the only “bleed” this adventurer had about A. & M. was that the trains kept him awake all night. LISTEN TO WTAW ==1150 KC = Tuesday’s Program 11:25 a. m.—Excursions in Science 11:40 a. m.—Interlude li:55 a. m.—The Town Crier 12:00 noon—Sign-Off Wednesday’s Program 12:25 a. m.—Night Nurse (Nurs ing Council on National De fense) 11:40 a.m. Across the Foot lights 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier 12:00 noon—Sign-Off —DISTRACTIONS— (Continued from Page 8) Haley’s troubles begin. They enlist Ann’s help in keeping Homer in terested in Hawaii rather than Iowa. The Navy Blues Sextet plus Sheridan and Raye provide throughout the story some excel lent musical numbers. They help to slow down the rough-house tac tics somewhat and are not at all uninteresting. It is entertaining nonsense of the first class. —KYLE FIELD— (Continued from Page 3) don’t want to put Lil on the spot yet . . . the freshman mile re lay team showed some fast step ping in outpointing the Varsity this past Saturday . . . Larry Wolf, showed much promise . . . Emerick Labus, soph dashman, promises to develop into a great runner . . . Watch him! . . . the guy making all the noise at the Sports’ Day program was G. B. (Silent) Win stead of the Publicity Department . . . Felix Bucek proved that he was the fastest lineman and Cul len Rogers the fastest back in the 50 yard dashes . . . The T Club will put on its benefit show Thurs day . . . the picture is Beau Geste. —GRIDSTERS— (Continued from Page 3) two are Wayne and Felix Bucek plus Johnny Davis and Ed Ogdee, four gridsters who have shown much promise. Last year’s main concern may be one of the strongest points this year. The pivot post, which caused Coach Norton so much worry last year, is led by All-Conference Bill Sibley, Understudy Leonard Hold er, who is one of the most im proved players of the spring ses sion, and A. J. Mercer. And now finally the backs. In dications point to a more potent running attack next fall with an equal emphasis on the aerial at tack. “Lightnin’ ” Leo Daniels has been the sparkplug of the team throughout the spring training. His cocked arm has completed pass after pass while his shifty hips and legs have gained chunks of yardage in scrimmage. Bob Williams, Surprise Surprise of the 30-day train ing period, however, has been the consistent work of diminitive Bobby Williams, who time after time, has broke away for long gains against the Reserves. “Bobby will undoubtedly prove a valuable cog in our plans,” Nor ton stated. “He is the only back on the field who has shown ability to play all four positions. The job of making the Aggies a potent running game rests on the shoulders of Jake Webster, place-kicking artist, and E d Sturcken, 220 lbs. of smashing granite. Webster has taken up where he left off New Year’s day with a running drive and ability that he has not previously shown. Sturcken, hurt most of the spring training period, came into his own last Saturday afternoon when his hurtling drives tore the Reserve line apart. “Strucken may not be the best back on the field,” Norton added, “but I dare say he has more nat ural ability than anyone we) have. He’ll see much action next year.” Fish Backs Outstanding among the fresh men backs have been Vernon Bell- ville and George Wilde, aerial specialists; Jennings Anderson, Dick Haas and Barney Welch, fast stepping gridsters; and Otto Payne and Ed Dusek, line-ramming full backs. Wilde has been expecially brilliant and is expected to be in the thick of things next September. And that’s the story of Norton’s coming team. Barring injuries, draft, or any other unforeseen circumstance, the ‘42 edition of Homer Norton’s cadets is destined to take the place of other Aggie great eleven, and show the same spark, fight, and hustle, so reminiscent of recent championship teams. —LIST— (Continued From Page 1) Field Artillery Band Fischer, A. O., Second Lieuten ant; Webb, J. F., Second Lieuten ant. ^ Infantry Regiment First Lieutenant Anderson, J. W., Captain (Executive); Crews, A. R., First Lieutenant (Adju tant); Brown, R. D., Second Lieu tenant; Penuel, V. B., Second Lieu tenant; MacNab, A. J. Jr., Tech nical Sergeant; Coley, F. A., Sec ond Lieutenant; Ator, D. L., Sec ond Lieutenant; Henley, R. W., Second Lieutenant, Collard, F. G., Second Lieutenant; McGouirk, G. C. , Second Lieutenant. Cavalry Regiment Cline, E. C., First Lieutenant; Jones, J. M., First Lieutenant, as signed as Adjutant; Martin, M. H., First Lieutenant; Barrow, G. R., Second Lieutenant; Dickerson, W. F., Second Lieutenant; Pegues, S. S., is appointed First Lieutenant, Riordan, F. J., Captain; Walton, D. H., First Lieutenant; Garrett, C. L., Second Lieutenant; Ri der, A. M., First Lieutenant; Jones, W. T., Second Lieu tenant; Hart, W. M., First Lieu tenant; Magrane, H. J., First Lieu tenant. Field Artillery Regiment Rogers, L. W., Second Lieuten ant; Sergeant Clemons, H. C., Staff Sergeant; Wallace, W. W., First lieutenant; Smith, W. G., Second Lieutenant; Maher, J. H., Sergeant; Watson, H. E., Sergeant; Welch, T. C., Second Lieutenant; Crowder, C. L., Sergeant; Reich, H. D. , Second Lieutenant; Bannister, W. L., Second Lieutenant; Hud dleston, R. H., Sergeant; Small wood, J. P., Sergeant; Buck, T. E., Second Lieutenant. Coast Artillery Regiment Thompson, H. L, Captain (Ad jutant); Marsh, C. B., Major com manding First Battalion; Hansen, H. A., First Lieutenant; Wofford, W. T., First Lieutenant; Titley, R. J., First Lieutenant; Young, C. F., Sergeant; Hicks, R. C., Corp oral; Shipman, S. L., First Lieu tenant; Campbell, D. E., Sergeant; Bailey, B. B., Corporal; Riggins, R. W., Corporal; Hurst, C. A., Sergeant; Swearingen, P. P., Serg eant; Duke, T. A., Sergeant; Mc- Larty, E. C., Sergeant; Barnes, A. D., Corporal; King, J. D., Corp oral; Hollier, R. G., Second Lieu tenant; Berry, O. H., Corporal; Kelly, F. F., Corporal; Collier, J. F., Corporal; Mitchell, V. E., Corporal; Wood, H. B., Corporal; Buniva, R., Corporal; Kipp, E. H., Corporal; Skidmore, H. B., Corp oral; Casey, W. S. J., First Lieu tenant; Weydell, A. T., First Lieu tenant; Langdale, P. B., Sergeant; Parker, W. O., Sergeant. Engineer eRgiment Stephenson, J. F., Major (Exec utive); Sharp, R. H., Second Lieu tenant; Prejean, W. J., Second Lieutenant; McMillin, J. M., Serg eant; Goode, M. G., First Lieu tenant; Wise, F. A., Second Lieu tenant; Reed, L. D., Second Lieu tenant; Ball, J. R., Corporal; Clon- inger, K., First Lieutenant; Evans, A. D., Second Lieutenant; Ware- ing, E. C., Sergeant; McKinney, E. L., Corporal; Letsos, J. N., Sergeant; Eddins, W. N., Sergeant; Warner, I. J., Corporal; Noblitt, J. R., Corporal; Whilden, J. F., Sergeant; Lowrie, N. E., Sergeant. Composite Regiment Connevey, L. H., First Lieuten ant (Supply Officer); Bird, F. S., —TRUITT— (Continued From Page 1) gan Religious Emphasis Week by having guest speakers at their services Sunday. Rev. Caradine R. Hooten, of Dallas, both preached and sang at both worship ser vices of the Methodist Church. Dr. Geo. W. Truett of Dallas preached at the two worship ser vices of the First Baptist Churhch, College Station. These services were the first to be held in the new church building. Rev. J. W. Bill Marshall, Baptist Student Secretary of Texas, and Frank Bounds, of T. W. C. Fort Worth, State B. S. U. president, spent the week-end with the Baptist stud ents on the campus. Marshall showed technicolor movies of his recent trip through Hawaii, Japan and China, Sunday night. Rev. Gordon M. Reese and Rev. -INTRAMURALS— (Continued from Page 3) really try to get down to a game. Lost and Found If you have misplaced' anything lately and dont know where to find it, chances are that you may find it at the intramural office. So far, an inventory of the found articles brings such things to light such articles as purses, FORFEIT DOGHOUSE Class A: FA Band, Volleyball Class B: A Cav, Horseshoes B Repl. Center, Handball rings, books, keys, leather pack ets, shirts, pipes, hair ribbons and clips, (how they got there no one knows) fountain pens and pencils. The found box also contains enough “misplaced” tennis shoes to furnish enough rubber for at least two tires. So “come and get it, Aggies.” Making many more ringers than 1 Headquaters Field, C. C. W. S. won a class B horseshoe match with ease. E. Coast also placed the shoes in the box. Their score was 2 games to I infantry’s one game. B Cavalry proved that they pitch horseshoes as well as play polo. They beat C Replacement Center 2-1. Odds ’n Ends Upperclass Swimming began yesterday . . . Ping Pong will be delayed until the completion of the revamping of the Y.W.C.A. . . . . Class A Speedball finals will be played soon . . . the field will be dry in a day or two. First Lieutenant; King, J. R., Sec ond Lieutenant; McCreary, W. P., Second Lieutenant; Williams, G. M., Corporal; Longley, L., Corpor al; Mitchell, N. I., Corporal; Smith, W. H., Corporal; Hoskins, G. E., First Lieutenant; Forman, J. J., Second Lieutenant; Rector, J. D., First Lieutenant; Innocenti, A. A., Second Lieutenant; Mikell, F. H„ Corporal. Chemical Warfare Battalion Stubbs, S. G., First Lieutenant; Wilson, L. M., Second Lieutenant; Winchester, J. M., Second Lieuten ant; Franklin, W. C., Sergeant; Yankee, R. D., First Lieutenant; Connell, E. M., Second Lieutenant; Edwards, C. V. Jr., Sergeant; Maz- zara, V. B., Sergeant; Oxford, W. F., Sergeant; Mason, L. M., Serg eant; Rosenberg, R., Sergeant. NOTICE CAPTAINS This is not a command but just a reminder Have you given the order for your Best Drill Medal ? We are the original designers for these medals. They are only $11.00 plus federal tax of $1.10. Send in your order today. No deposit required—two weeks delivery. CALDWELL’S JEWELRY STORE SPECIAL THIS WEEK 50c Per 100 FOR GOOD PAINTED USED HANGERS Turn hooks same direction and tie top and bottom. 25 IN EACH BUNDLE I at Main Plant or Sub-Station CAMPUS CLEANERS Over Exchange Store Near New Dorms ■TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1942 Maintenance Due Before March 5 Students are reminded by the fiscal department that their main tenance will be due next week. The time for paying fees will be from March 2 to March 5, and they must be paid by this latter date to pre vent student’s being dropped from the rolls of the school. The fees paid at this time will total $32.70 and will pay the stud ent’s maintenance up until April 9. The individual items are $6.00 for room rent, $24.15 for board, and $2.55 for laundry. J. Thomas Babgy both of Hous ton are spending each night vis iting the Episcopal students in the dormitories. Rabbi Robert Kahn 11, of Houston, spoke Sunday night to the Hillel Club in the Y. M. C. A. parlor. Services of Religious Emphasis Week will continue throughout Friday of this week. Program in Guion Hall today will begin at 12. Prof. Ewell Porter and his A Cappella from the Stephen F. Austin High School of Bryan will furnish the music preceding the message by Doctor Truett. Mar ion Lyles will play the organ at all the services in Guion Hall. Students should not forget that excused absences from all classes will be granted to all who wish to attend these programs. Aggie Scouts Will Scout Denton Talent Three talent scouts will leave for Denton tomorrow to attend the TSCW annual stunt night and arrange for the best performers to come to A. & M. for a future Kadet Kapers program. Those going are Richard W. Jenkins, director of Kadet Kapers; Tom Gillis, Cadet Colonel; and J. 0. Bartlett, busi ness manager of the Singing Ca dets. The TSCW All-College stunt night is an annual affair in which each of the four classes presents a stunt before an audience of teachers, local citizens and stud ents. The stunts will be judged on the basis of originality, integra tion of story and lyrics, music, de sign in costume and setting and general effectiveness. The winning class will receive a silver loving cup and arrangements will be made to have them perform at Kadet Kapers. A sneak-thief made away with more than $1,000 worth of instru ments from Louisiana State uni versity music school. Dean Arno Nowotny, head of the University of Texas student em ployment bureau places 2,000 un dergraduates in jobs each year. Though it survived the Civil war, the North Carolina university was closed for five years during the reconstruction period. LOUPOT HAS FOR SALE 1 Junior Bi-Swing Blouse 15 Junior Straight Back Blouses $3.00 to $10.00 and 3 pair Senior Boots 1 with 57 shines 1 with whole sole and heel 1 worth $13.50 LOUPOT’S TRADING POST J. E. Loupot Class ’32 PARKER-ASTIN HARDWARE A R r' o IV Tjhe man who went to 90 COLLEGES A recent survey of 90 campuses disclosed that 71.7% of all college men like Arrow Shirts best of all. i £ i ARROW owes its great popularity to its •L*- good-looking collars, its fine fabrics (which are guaranteed not to shrink over 1%), its “Mitoga” figure-fit, its anchored buttons—and so on. We’ve got a big selection of Arrows. Come in and see Hitt, Hull, Gordon, and Sussex today. EXCHANGE STORE V ARROW J