The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1942, Image 3

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Ags Crush Ponies, 47-29; Play TCU Tonight
By fllike Haikin
Battalion Sports Editor
It’s Sports’ Day Today! Let’s All Turn
Out on Kyle Field and Help Out the T Club
This afternoon on Kyle Field, the
T Club Association will hold its an
nual Sports Day affair, featuring
a regulation football game between
the Regulars and Reserves, plus
an interesting relay track meet be
tween the Freshmen and the Var
Pete Henry, president of the T
Club, has been working hard to
make today’s Sports Day a real at
traction for the fans at Aggieland,
and it is only fair that all of us
should respond and attend this
gala affair. As of years past, the
annual Sports’ Day, which had its
christening only six years ago, was
a most successful enterprise, with
the Cadet Corps and Aggie patrons
responding admirably.
So come on all you sports fans!
Take time out this afternoon from
2:30 until 5:30 and give the “T”
Club a deserved helping hand by
attending their show. Besides do
ing a worthy deed, you probably
will get your last chance to view
Coach Homer Norton’s touted ’42
eleven, which already is threaten
ing to make the fruits of victory
Coach Hub McQuillan, Former Ag Mentor, To
Receive Welcome at DeWare House Tonight
It’ll be home-coming for the dur
able Hub McQuillan tonight, when
he brings his tough and doughty
Horned Frogs of T.C.U. to battle
Coach Marty Karow’s Aggie five
in a feature basketball attraction
at the DeWare Field House.
This is the first time that Mc
Quillan has faced his former pu
pils. Since leaving Aggieland last
year, Hub really has set the South
west Conference race afire by put
ting out the surprise team of the
year. The Frogs are still in the
thick of the race, and are expected
to make it tough for the Arkansas
Razorbacks or the Rice Owls be
fore the year is out. Tonight, Hub
McQuillan, the former likable Ag
gie coach, will be on the other side
of the fence, but Aggie fans still
welcome and salute him for his
great showing with an inexperi
enced team this year. Here’s to you
Hub! May your future years at
T.C.U. hold forth nothing but fame
and glory!
Sports Squibs From Here and There; Spike
White’s Sports’ Show Is Attraction Tonight
* . . Spike White, assistant intra
mural director, will be the feature
of the between-half show tonight
... he will present a sports’ array
of badminton, pingpong, and other
relatively new intramural sports
. . . Charlie DeWare, former Aggie
freshman coach, is really having
a good time as a buck private at
Camp Wolters . . . All he has to
do is take orders from Second Lieu
tenants James Thomason, Howard
Shelton, Jack Kimbrough, Odell
Herman, Tommy Vaughn, Henry
Hauser, Joe Routt, and other for
mer Aggies who are commissioned
in Uncle Sam’s Army . . . Some
fun for Charlie, especially since he
used to work the daylights out of
some of the boys mentioned . . .
however, DeWare may well attain
(See KYLE FIELD, Page 4)
Sixth Annual Sports’Day
To be Held at 2:30 Today
Football Game
And Track Meet
Featured by T Club
A regulation gridiron tilt and
an exhibition relay track meet be
tween the Fish and the Varsity
will constitute the feature attrac
tion of the sixth annual Sports Day
affair, sponsored by the T Club
held today. The festivities will
get under way at 2:30, Central
War Time, with the admission of
25 cents for students and 50 cents
for adults. All proceeds will go to
the T Club.
Sprint and Mile Relays,
First on the program will be
the sprint and mile relays between
the Fish and Varsity track teams.
Coach Dough Rollins thinly clads
are reported to have their best
team in seven years, while the
Freshmen are known to have the
best Fish relay team that has hit
this school in many years.
Following the track events,
Coach Homer Norton will proceed
to introduce the White (A Squad)
and the Maroon (B Squad) play
ers and all the Aggie coaches. A
race to find out the fastest man
on the team will then be conducted
with the guards running first, etc.
The winners of their respective
positions will then race.
Go On Field
After completing the prelimin
aries, the gridsters will then take
on to the field and demonstrate a
kicking and passing drill adding
the different fundamentals that
they have studied during their
spring training sessions.
The climax to the Sports’ Day
program will be a regulation foot
ball game between the Regulars
and the Reserves, which is sched
uled to commence at 3:30.
FEBRUARY 21, 1942
TRACK - - - 2:30 P. M. - - - Freshmen vs. Varsity
Sprint and Mile Relays
FOOTBALL - - - 3:00 P. M. - - - Varsity
Introduction of players and coaches
B Squad, the MAROON TEAM
A Squad, the WHITE TEAM
50 yard dash
Guards, Tackles, Ends, Centers, and Backs.
Winners of above races—50 yard dash
Kicking and Passing Drill
1942 Formations and mechanics of a few plays
3:30—Football Game: WHITES vs. MAROONS
Instructional periods for wrest
ling have been designated by the
intramural department. The periods
are as follows:
Tuesday, Feb. 24, 9 to 10 p.m.
Thursday, Feb. 26, 9 to 10 p.m.
These instructional periods are
open to fish and
upperclassmen of
the school who
have signed up
for wrestling. But
credit will be
given to fresh
men who come
down provided
they are entered
in wrestling. The
Oxford instructions will
Blues in the Night
Moonlight Cocktail
Shrine of St. Cecilia
Deep in the Heart of Texas
White Cliffs of Dover
String of Pearls
Take the A Train
Someone’s Rocking My Dream Boat
Record Sale
Will Last ’til All Records Are Sold
Complete sell-out of entire stock of records! Come early while stock is complete.
“Keep To Your Right at the North Gate and You Can’t Go Wrong”
be given in the big gym by Mr.
Intramural wrestling will begin
the night of March 5 and the usual
number of grunts and groans will
be emitted from DeWare Field
house when this program gets
under way.
Odds ’n Ends
Class A swimming will begin
Monday .... Recreational offi
cers should have their swimming
schedules by now . . . There are
462 Aggies entered in intramural
wrestling . . . This number tops
last year’s tally by 136 men . . .
Spike White is still on the look-out
for men to participate in the
Class A:
Inf Band, Volleyball
2 CHQ, Horseshoes
C Repl. Center, Volleyball
3 Hq FA, Horseshoes
H FA, Horseshoes
C Repl. Center, Horseshoes
1 Repl. Center, Volleyball
Class B:
2 CHQ, Handball
2 CHQ, Aggieminton
C Repl. Center, Aggieminton
“Sports Circus” . . . The For
feit Doghouse is still too large . .
. . E Field Artillery plays G Coast
Artillery for the speedball champ
1942 Track Schedule
Announced by Rollins
J. W. (Dough) Rollins, head track
coach at Texas A. & M., announ
ced his 1942 cinder schedule this
week and it discloses that his
thinly clads wil take part in 10
meets, opening with the Border
Olympics at Laredo on March
6 and close with the Southwest
Conference meet in Dallas on May
The schedule:
March 6—Border Olympics at La
redo, Varsity only.
March 13—San Marcos Teachers
and Sam Houston Teachers at
College Station. Varsity only.
March 21—Fat Stock Show at Fort
Worth. Varsity and freshmen.
March 28—Texas Relays at Aus
tin. Varsity and freshmen
April 2—Texas at College Station.
Varsity only.
Aprill 11—North Texas Aggies
and John Tarleton Plowboys at
College Station. Freshmen only.
April 18—TCU, SMU, and Baylor
at College Station. Varsity only.
April 21—Rice at College Station.
Varsity only.
April 24-25—Drake Relays at Des
Moines, Iowa. Varsity only.
May 2—Rice and Texas at Hous
ton. Varsity and freshmen.
Mhy 8-9—Southwest Conference
Meet at Dallas.
Nine fellowship students are
among 135 Latin Americans en
rolled at Louisiana State univer-
Enrollment figures at the Mich
igan university show an increase
of 150 women over last year, with
787 fewer men students.
Sebeck, SMU Ace, Held To
One Point by Mike Cokinos
Henderson and Bayer Lead Cadet Attack
With 12 Points; Tomlinson Acounts for 17
By Mike Haikin
Battalion Sports Editor
Grabbing a lead at the outset of
the tilt, the Texas Aggies kept in
front all the way as they crush
ed a hapless S.M.U. Mustang five
47-29, at the DeWare Field House.
R. B. Bayer and Bill Hender
son led the Cadet attack with 12
points apiece, but it was the work
of scrapping Mike Cokinos that
turned the trick and won the first
home game of the year .for the
hustling Cadets. His defensive
work in holding the Mustangs’ ace
Johnny Sebeck to one free throw
had much to do in offsetting the
S. M.U. scoring power.
Tomlinson Leads Scorers
While the Aggies were giving
all their time to Sebeck, Tom Tom
linson took the opportunity to
make him some points as he hit
the meshes for 17 points to take
down top scoring honors for the
night. Fifteen of those came in the
first half, when he personally ac
counted for 15 of the 17 Mustang
Tonight, the Aggies will tan
gle with Coach Hub McQuillan’s
T. C.U. Horned Frogs, who are
securely lodged in third place in
the conference standings. Game
time will be 8:30.
Henderson and Tomlinson each
accounted for a field goal and a
free throw as the game was but
a few minutes old. Cokinos and
Jarrett added field goals before
Tomlinson hit the meshes for an
other two points. Then the Aggies
really broke loose. Bayer and Hen
derson hit two field goals and Na
bors and Jarrett hit one apiece
to stretch the Aggie lead to 16-5.
Tomlinson hit the hoop for two
more field goals and Baccus add
ed a free throw to\ close the gap,
but goals by Henderson and Nabors
finally brought the half-time score
at 24-17 in favor of the Cadets.
Aggies Stretch Lead
Welch and Harris hit for two
points apiece as the half opened
to cut the Aggie lead to three
points. However, field goals by
Bayer, Huffman, Cokinos, and an
other by Bayer and a couple by
Jarrett eased the pressure some
what, and from there on the Ag
gies were not even mildly threaten
The game itself was a wild af
fair, with both teams missing in
numerable amount of shots, but
Coach Marty Karow’s Aggies just
outclassed the S. M. U. Ponies with
their ball handling and under the
basket playing.
Twenty-six University of Texas
students, all 6 feet 3 or taller,
have formed a club whose only
qualification is height.
Swimmers Open
Conference Race
Against Texas U
First Home Engagement
For Tankers Scheduled
To Come Off March 20-21
The Texas Aggie swimming
team make their 1942 debut in
the Southwest Conference race to
night at Austin when they meet
the swimmers of Texas university
at Gregory Gym. The Aggies are
coached by Art Adamson while
Tex Robertson is the Longhorn
swimming mentor.
The Cadets have just made a
swimming trip on which they met
tankers from the Dallas Athletic
Club, Alabama Polytechnical, Em
ory University, Georgia Tech, Ten
nessee university, Vanderbilt and
Castle Heights Military Academy.
On this trip the swimmers, led
by Captain Ernie Conway, made
a favorable showing. The final
tallies showed four victories, one
tie, and one defeat for the Cadets.
Bob Taylor and Bob Cowling were
the stars on the first series of
swimming engagements. Neither
of them were defeated during the
entire round of matches.
The Cadet Corps will get its
chance to witness the swimming
team in action in home waters on
March 20-21 when the first South
west Conference swimming meet
takes place in P. L. Downs Nata-
. a*
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