The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 21, 1942, Image 2

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The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural an4
Meehanical College of Texas and the City of College Btatkm,
h published thnee .imefl weekly from September to June, fca
soed Tuesday, Thursday, ano Saturday mornings; and is pub-
Qsbcd weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March S, 1870.
Subscription rate $3 a school year,
a request.
Advertising rates
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service,
be., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and
Sea Francisco.
Office, Room 122, Admin Miration Building. Telephone
1941 Member 1942
(Associated Golle6iate Press
R. M. Rosenthal Aeting Editor
Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager
Sports Staff
Hike Haikin Sports Editor
W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor
Mile* Mann Senior Sports Assistant
Chick Hurst Junior Sports Assistant
Circulation Staff
E. D. WGmeth Circulation Manager
Photography Staff
desk Jones Staff Phohographer
Bob Crane, Ralph Stensel Assistant Photographer
Saturday’s Staff
D. C. Thurman Managing Editor
Keith Kirk Junior Editor
Robert L. Freeland.. Assistant Editorial Writer
Jack Lamberson Assistant Advertising Manager
Reportorial Staff
Tom Leland, Jack Kieth, W. J. Hamilton, Nelson Karback,
Tom Journeay, Leonard Griffin, John May, Bill Fox, Doug
Lancaster, Calvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, Charles P. Mc-
Knight, C. G. Scruggs.
On the Food Front
Consumption of sugar in the United States
in 1941 reached the enormous total of near
ly 8,000,000 tons, at least 1,000,000 tons
more than normal. Reserve stocks, as a con
sequence were seriously reduced.
Shipments of sugar from the Philippine
Islands, ordinarily amounting to 1,000,000
tons have been entirely cut off by the war.
The United States has also promised to make
large stocks of sugar available to the United
Nations, chiefly Great Britain, Canada and
A substantial part of the Cuban crop
must be converted into molasses for the pro
duction of war necessary alcohol. And this
is just what is happening to any number of
American necessary supplies in this critical
We face a reduction of laboring men in
the fields of our nation and a reduction in
import supplies from any number of nations.
Too, we face an increased demand over any
which present supplies will meet. Lack of
machinery necessary to large scale produc
tion cannot be overcome until some of the
metals necessary to produce this machinery
can be turned from the war materials pro
In the effort to overcome these and oth
er difficulties this nation must be prepared
to become more self sufficient when neces
sary and yet prepared to enter world trade
again when the peace comes. Once the war
is over the economic struggle is going to
begin, which may be the worst of the two.
A long train of these practices has at
length unwillingly convinced me that
there is something behind) the throne
greater than the king himself.
—William Pitt
Something to Read
:By Dr. T. F. Mayo:
If one really wants to find out what
makes the wheels of government really go
around, there is no better source than this.
As a political writer of more than a quarter
of a century, the author draws on his actual
experiences in and with political organiza
tions, and shows us how the legal framework
of our governmental organizations, and laws
provide us with a poor description of how a
governmental unit actually works. Mr. Kent
takes us into the cloakroms of legislative
halls, into hotel rooms of delegates to politi
cal conventions, and shows us that in these
behind-the-scenes incidents, the real work
ings of governments in this country of ours
takes place. A course in American Govern
ment and the reading of the Constitution
may try to tell us how the government is
supposed to operate, but this book gives us
the information on how the extra-legal or
ganizations, the political parties, and their
agents have affected in practice, these “sup-
posed-to-be” operations.
ISM by Louis M. Hacker.
The contrasting viewpoints of these two
authors on the development and operation of
our economic organization will give the read
er a good foundation for a critical estimate.
The first one by Mr. Hacker, is a brilliant
and interesting summary of the highlights
of the organizations and factors that have
been the background of our present economic
system. Starting with the origins in English
and Colonial times, the author has done an
excellent job of selecting those things which
are necessary to give the reader a well round
ed knowledge of the economic development
of our country, at least down to the turn of
the 20th century. The second volume is in
reality an antidote to the optimism expressed
in the first one. Mr. Davis has put the so-
called “capitalistic system” on the spot, and
with a brilliant array of facts and quotations,
questioned the results of the “profit motive”
to govern properly the economic system un
der which we live. One may not agree with
the severe and relentless criticism of the
high figures in finance, commerce, and in
dustry, but it does cause one to stop and try
to take stock of the situation. As Mr. J. P.
Wernette in the Harvard Business Review
has put it, “The indictment is sweeping and
savage—. It is liberally buttressed with evi
dence; facts and figures are named. It is of
course, evidence for the prosecution and it is
given boldly. Much argument and certain of
its implications would be weakened if were
subjected to cross examination.” Not only
to the student of economics, but for the gen
eral reader who wishes to be informed on
what has happened, and what is happening
to our economic system, these two books are
very worthwhile, and at the same time, very
easy to read.
The World Turns On
caps diMM
Cupr IV41, King Features Syndicate, hu . World right* iv*t\cv1
“Nothing new to report, sir, except your watch stopped
about three minutes ago!”'
Tex Lynn
Outstanding among the distrac
tions on the campus this week-end
is the corps danc^! in Sbisa Hall at
9 o’clock tonight with music sup
plied in more than ample style by
Toppy Pearce and his Aggieland
Orchestra. The usual admission
price will prevail.
At Guion Hall today Richard Ar-
len and Eva Gabor are playing in
“FORCED LANDING.” It is a tale
of an American pilot who gets
mixed up in the governmental
squabbles of an island in the Pa
cific. While engaging in a few
aerial gunbattles and being cap
tured by rebels and generally keep
ing everything stirred up, Arlen
manages to fall in love with Eva
Gabor, daughter of one of the
island’s chiefs.
War-torn London is the scene of
at the Campus tomorrow and Mon
day. Don Ameche is an American
correspondent who tries to get
stories by the censors about the
war. Joan Bennett is a member of
the censor service who keeps him
from sending news to the world.
Ameche is in love with Joan and
while trying to get his stories
checked, he concentrates on the ro
mantic angle. It seems however
that the love affair is more im
portant than the news story wait
ing to be sent to American papers.
The film is very timely, but it
seems to fall a little flat in spots.
Dial 4-1181
:By Dr. R. W. Steen:
Your Club and Mine
At A & M the numerous clubs take the place
of the fraternities to which students at
other universities belong. Here the student
has the opportunity of meeting fellow stud
ents who have the same interests and they
form a place for the mutual exchange of
Many of the larger clubs can bring in
noted speakers, who can give the student
many valuably ideas, stimulate his thoughts,
and impart much to his general education.
The smaller clubs have entertaining pro
grams, and these add much to the enjoyment
of life at A & M for the average student.
At the first of each semester, attendance
to the various clubs is rather large, but as
the semester wears along, many drop out
either because they lose interest, don’t care
to pay their dues, or “just have something
else to do.” One of the most striking ex
amples of this was at the last meeting of
the Cosmopolitan Club, this last Sunday.
At the first meeting of the year, there were
approximately 35 students present and sev
eral members of the faculty, whereas at the
last meeting, besides the club officers, there
were only four other students present, and
about 20 members of the faculty present.
Can it be that if members of the faculty con
sider it worth their while to attend, that the
meeting holds nothing for the student? Un
fortunately this has been the case at many
of the recent club meetings. Even the
Economics club, one of the strongest organi
zations on the campus, had a drop in attend
ance at the last meeting.
The officers of the various clubs on the
campus have to do a great deal of work for
the club, to get speakers, plan entertain
ments, etc. It is disheartening to these offi
cers to come to the meeting with a well pre
pared program, and find only a handful of
students. Sometimes the expenses of the
speakers have to be paid. Refreshments cost
money. There are other outlays which the
club officers must make, and which are to
be met by dues collected. If the students
paid no dues, these programs wouldn’t be
To help boost the value of the clubs by
contributing your efforts benefits all con
cerned. So let’s all do the work, and attend
dub meetings regularly and pay our dues on
time and cheerfully. It’ll pay dividends in
the long run.
The approach of spring is doubtless bringing
with it sleepless nights for statesmen in
Vichy, Madrid and Libson. No statesman in
any one of these capitals can read the fu
ture with any degree of certainty, and after
so many months of doubt the suspense must
be terrible. The tortuous course followed by
Vichyfrance is leading her closer and closer
to open alliance with Germany. Spain is quite
sympathetic with the Axis and would be
glad to aid the totalitarian powers if there
was any way of being certain that they
would win. Portugal would like to remain
neutral, but may not be able to.
Recent developments make it more and
more apparent that America and Britain
have very little influence at Vichy. Every
week brings to light new evidence of mili
tary assistance given to Germany by the
French. Americans are inclined to have great
sympathy for France, and to assume that
she really wants to aid the Allies but is too
much under the control of Germany to do
so. This may be true of the average French
man, but it seems not to be true of the gen
tlemen at Vichy.
Petain was never a great admirer of the
English, while Darlan has great hatred for
them. It should also be remembered that
Laval, Darlan and others have openly and
willingly taken their stands with the Ger
mans. They are for the Axis for the very
good reason that their political future de
pends upon the outcome of the war. If Ger
many wins they will doubtless be given
places as overstuffed puppets. If Germany
loses they can hope for little in the way of
reward. It is safe to assume, therefore, that
they will give all aid possible to Germany,
and that they will move as fast as they can
force French opinion to let them go.
The most important contributions Vichy
france could make to the Axis at the moment
would be the use of French bases on the Med
iterranean and the use of the French navy.
There is some evidence that the only thing
that has saved the navy up to now is the
belief that the crews might mutiny. That
fear will not halt Laval, Darlan, Petain and
Company for long once they are convinced
that the need of Germany is desperate.
The French navy added to those of Ger
many and Japan and the remnants of the
Italian navy would make a formidable force.
It could play a major role in the battle of
the Mediterranean or in the battle of the At
lantic. The democracies always try to move
with decent respect for the conventions, but
that is often a costly business when dealing
with an unscrupulous foe. Decency aside, it
might be wise to deal with the French fleet
before there is a chance for it to fall into
German hands.
The Chevrotain
In war-torn Malaya is found the
little-known Chevrotain, or Mouse
deer, an animal that for years was
thought to exist only in the minds
of the superstitious inland natives.
On first seeing one of these dim
inutive creatures, one is inclined to
state, as did the country yokel
when he saw a giraffe for the first
time, “There ain’t no such ani-
Amazing as it may seem, these
deer-like creatures stand no more
than ten inches high at the shoul
ders, and scarcely tip the scales
at five pounds, truly a poor meal
for one in the habit of eating the
comparatively meaty White Tail
Deer of Texas. Were a mouse deer
so inclined, it could place all four
feet together on a twenty-five cent
piece without any undue crowding.
Indeed, their legs are so delicate
and frail that they seem scarcely
able to sustain the weight of even
so small an animal—an ordinary
cigarette is perceptibly larger in
girth than the fairy-like legs of
this almost mythical jungle inhabi
Unlike other deer, these Chevro-
tains have no horns, but their den
tition is very similar to that of
true ruminants, in that they have
no upper incisors. They do, how
ever, have two comparatively large
canine teeth that protrude, fang
like, outward and downward from
(Continued from Page 1)
duty will normally be granted to
Reserve Officers newly appointed
from R. O. T. C. units, except to
medical students required to serve
as internes in medical institutions
for qualification to medical prac
tice, and to other students who
require additional time to complete
normal academic courses for de
gree as anticipated at appointment
A delay of not more than 10 days,
however, may be granted at the
discretion of the ordering author
the upper jaw. This rather undeer
like feature led to an age-old belief
that these creatures, when pursued,
could leap upward to catch an
over-hanging limb with these
“tusks,” and would theU hang
there much like a common jungle
fruit found in that section of the
The Malay name for them is
“Pelandok,” and since time im
memorial these mouse deer have
been referred to as the “King of
the Jungle,” probably because of
the animal’s well-known habit of
seeking the most inaccessible
haunts in the jungle for its stamp
ing ground.
It has been supposed that they
have supernatural powers of out
witting their enemies—it is a com
pliment in Malay social circles to
have ones intelligence compared
to that of a Pelandok’s. In true ori
ental philosophy, a Malay will say
that the Pelandok can readily un
seat any adversary, hut only with
a mental thrust. In Malaya, in
stead of being as wise as an owl,
one is as keen as a Pelandok.
(Continued from Page 1)
Leaders can get acquainted with
each other in an informal manner.
Display At The La Salle Hotel, Bryan,
Room 412 /
G. W. ZANDER, Representative
The Mercury Actors
2:10 - 4:45 - 7:20 - 9:55
• • •
• • •
Tuesday and Wednesday
3 Bugs (Bunny
“I Wanted Wings”
(Continued From Page 1)
the rodeo the Club put on here
last fall and should make a good
showing at this rodeo. It is hoped
that the Arizona University and
other colleges will send a team to
the Aggie rodeo here next fall.
Monday night the club heard a
very interesting discussion on auc
tion sales. Principal speakers in
this discussion were Colonel Earl
Gartin, auctioneer; Pete Peterson,
of “The Cattlemen”; Frank Farley,
“Hereford Journal”; Ward Moor
ing, purebred breeder; V. Y. Parr,
and Walter Britton, auctioneer.
Aggies may arrange personal in
terviews with the visiting guest
speakers by calling at the Inter
view Desk in the Y.M.C.A. or by
seeing the individual leader.
Several of the visiting leaders
will room in the dormitories and
eat in the mess halls with the
Gel the Newest in Both Styles on
Benny Goodman
MISS YOU, Dinah Shore
Saturday, February 21
1:00 6:45 8:30
Richard Arlen
Eva Gabor
March of Time... “When Air Raids Strike”
Selected Shorts
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