Page 4 THE BATTALION -SATUKDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14, 1942 A&M Units to Be Used in Air Raid Training Official Notices fl ‘Down With Japs” to Be Theme Of Sing Song at Game Tonight Commandant's Office GENERAL ORDER NO. 101. With the approval of the PRESIDENT of the COLLEGE! the SCHEDULE OF CALLS issued in GENERAL ORDER NO. 9, cur rent series, is AMENDED as follows, ef fective 1ST CALL RETREAT SATUR DAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1942: Each Saturday and Sunday only 1ST CALL, RETREAT 6:30 P.M. ASSEMBLY 6:33 P.M. RETREAT 6:35 P.M. MESS CALL Immediately after Retreat By order of the COMMANDANT: JOE E. DAVIS, 1st Lt., Infantry, Assistant Commandant The annual basket ball clash be tween A. & M. and Arkansas will introduce a new form of enter tainment for the between-the-hal- ves program at the game. The fans will participate in a group sing song led by Richard Jenkins, direc tor of the Singing Cadets. Mrs. Lil Munnerlyn, composer of “The Twelfth Man,” will ac company the singing at the piano. A new composition by Mrs. Mun nerlyn, entitled “When Uncle Sam Gets Through’ will be sung in ad dition to several other favorite Am erican songs. You’ll want to be well- dressed for the more formal occasions on your Social Cal endar. See our double-breast ed drape model tuxedo . . . it’s correct in every detail and moderately priced at $27.50 Tuxedo Shirts . . . $2.50 to $2.95 Stud and Link Sets . . . $1.00 to $5.00 Tuxedo Ties . . . 50c to $1.00 Cummerbunds . . . $2.95 Tuxedo Shoes .... $6.00 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan OFFICE of the COMMANDANT CIRCULAR NO. 16: 1. In compliance with the request of the committee in charge of the A. S. C. E. DANCE, approved by the Organization Commander concerned, RAMPS A & B of WALTON HALL will be vacated by cadets SATURDAY night, FEBRUARY 14, 1942, in order to provide accommo dations for visiting girls attending the A.S.C.E. DANCE that night. 2. Cadets having guests will be assessed a charge of 50-cents per guest to cov er cost of matrons, maid service, and other incidental, expenses. 3. The Organization Commander is charg ed with the responsibility for seeing that rooms and corridors are left in a neat orderly condition for the reception of guests. 4. Cadets concerned will vacate this area by 2:00 P. M„ FEBRUARY 14; guests will be admitted to the hall at 4:00 P.M. Cadets will be readmitted to the hall at 12:00 noon, FEBRUARY 15, by which time guests must be out of the dormitory. 5. Guests staying in the dormitory must be in not later than 2 :00 A.M., SATUR DAY night. Guests must check in with the matron when they return to the dormitory after the dance. When res ervations have been made for gusets, they will not be permitted to check out until departure for their homes. This will be done with the matron. Escorts wil be held strictly accountable for com pliance with these instructions. 6. Guests will not be permitted to occupy rooms that are not equipped with shades. Cadets making reservations should check with the occupants of the room to ascertain whether or not the room is equipped with shades and if not pro vide shades. 7. Reservations may be made by cadets concerned beginning at 9:00 A.M., FRI DAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1942. By Order of the COMMANDANT JOE E. DAVIS, 1st Lieutenant, Infantry Assistant Commandant Announcements FACULTY DANCE—The next Faculty dance will be held in Sbisa Hall on the night of Thursday, February 19, from 9 until 12, Central War Time. Music will be furnished in the form of popular re cordings. SALE OF ITEMS HELD IN STORAGE —“Unclaimed articles that have been held in storage since June 1941 or longer will be sold at Austin Hall on Saturday, Feb- x-uary 21 during the hours from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Included in these items are stu dent lamps, bookracks, drawing board stands, bicycles, etc.”—W. R. Horsley, Chairman, Student Labor Committee. RED CROSS SCHEDULE February 16 A.M. Volunteers February 16 P.M. Christians; Faith Snuggs Circle February 17 A.M. Presbyterian ; Army February 17 P.M. Episcopal Ladies ; Army. February 18 A.M. Extension Ladies February 18 P.M. Church of Christ. , February 19 A.M. Methodist Ladies. February 19 P.M. Project House Ladies; Lutherans. February 20 A.M. Volunteers. February 20 P.M. Volunteers. SWEATERS IN BY FEBRUARY 16— Mrs. R. S. Miller, Chairman of the Col lege Red Cross knitting section, is asking that all service sweaters. Army and Navy sleeveless sweaters, and the turtle neck sweaters be turned in and ready to ship by February 15. * A TTENTION! Aggielond You are invited to witness the Most Amazing TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION Ever Held In This Locality! A Revolutionary New Principle in Modern Tractor Farming Your eyes will pop wide open when you see the FORD TRACTOR with FERGUSON SYSTEM in action. You won’t believe that any one tractor can do all the things this tractor actually does until you see it per form. It puts to shame and out-maneuvers old-style tractors half again as big—brings a new era of prof itable farming, at surprisingly low cost. Profit By Seeing These Free Demonstrations: Main Agricultural Experiment Station Farm, y 2 Mile West of Campus. Arranged especially for A. & M. Students and Faculty Four Big Days - - - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday FEBRUARY 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 Demonstrations beginning 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. Come and see this surprising Tractor at work In the interest of increasing war-time farm produc tion these demonstrations are being conducted under the auspices of The Agricultural Engineering Department BULL-STEWART EQUIPMENT CO. Distributors in Texas for Ford Tractors and Ferguson Farm Implements DALLAS SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON You've Got To See It To Believe It! When Uncle Sam Gets Through Oh! there’ll be gaps in the ranks of the Japs When Uncle Sam gets through! And perhaps some brand new maps, when Uncle Sam gets through! And it’ll be “taps” for the dog-gone Japs When Uncle Sam gets through! Oh, there’ll be saps in the land of the Japs, When Uncle Sam gets through! No one raps when America scraps, ’til Uncle Sam gets through! In the air, on land or sea, CARRY ON to Victory! And it’ll be taps for the dog-gone Japs, when Uncle Sam gets through. LISTEN TO WTAW ==1150 KC- - Saturday’s Programs 11:25 a.m.—You Can’t Do Business With Hitler (Office of Emer gency Management). 11:40 a.m.—Musical Interlude. 11:55 a.m.—Town Crier and Bat talion Newscast. 12:00 noon—Sign-off. Sunday’s Programs 8:30 a.m.—The Roan’s Chapel Singers. 8:45 a.m.—Classical Music. 9:30 a.m.—Sign-off. Monday’s Programs 11:25 a.m.—Marvels of Vision (Better Vision Institute). 11:40 a.m.—Salute to South Amer ica. 11:55 a.m.—Town Crier and Bat talion Newscast. 12:00 noon—Sign-off. Meetings COSMOPOLITAN CLUB—The Cosmo politan club will hold its regular meeting Sunday at 4 o’clock in the parlor of the old “Y.” American students are cordially invited to hear talk on Pan-American Conference held at Rio de Janeiro. CAMPUS STUDY CLUB—The Campus Study club will feature Oriental Art at its regular meeting Tuesday at 4 o’clock in the Y.M.C.A. parlors. Mrs. H. A. Du- lan will lead the discussion and Mrs. R. R. Lyle will have an exhibit of prints and flower arrangements.—Mrs. R. O. Berx-y. GENERAL FACULTY MEETING—The regularly scheduled meeting of the Gen eral Faculty will be held in the Chemistry Lecture Room at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb ruary 17.—F. C. Bolton, Dean. HILLEL CLUB—B’nai Brith Day, which is a part of National Brotherhood Week, will be observed by the Hillel club in conjunction with the Bryan B’nai Brith Lodge at a joint meeting to be held Sun day evening at 7:30 o’clock in the lounge room of Sbisa hall. The speaker of the evening will be Dr. I. Manhoff of San Antonio, who will speak on “The Prob lems of Youth in the Present Day Ci’isis.” The meeting is open to the public. Pictures A.S.C.E.—The A.S.C.E. will have its pic ture made Monday at 1:46 on the front steps of the Chem. Bldg. All members please be present. The uniform will be all khaki with boots for seniors and un derclassmen will wear khaki shirts with woolen pants. FORT WORTH MEN—The Fort Worth club picture will be taken Monday in front of Guion hall at 6 o’clock. Seniors wear boots and serge shirts. Juniors wear serge and all others wear No. 2. Church Notices AMERICAN LUTHERAN Congregation —Kurt Hartmann, Pastor—Our divine ser vices are now conducted in the old As sembly Hall on the campus every Sunday night, beginning at 7:30. You are wel come. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, College Station. Rev. R. L. Brown, Pastor; Har vey Hatcher, Education and Music Di rector. Sunday school 10:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11:50 a. m. Baptist Student Officers’ meeting, 2:30 p. m. Life Service Band, 3:30 p. m. Student Choir rehearsal, 4:30 p. m. Training Union, 7:30 p. m. Evening worship, 8 :30 p. m. Paul Brooks Leath, student at the Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, will preach at both worship services. Student prayer meetings each evening at 8:00 at the new Y and at the church. Student social Saturday night at 8:30. Be sure to attend. Classified FOUND—Brown leather key holder con taining car keys. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Room 136 Admin istration Bldg. FOUND—Junior cap and camera in Huntsville cafe. Owner may claim same at Commandant’s office. Room 4. WANTED—Used coat hangers; will buy all you have, 60tf per hundred. Bundle them 26 to the bundle. We will call for same.—Holick Cleaners. FOR SALE—1941 Longhorn in perfect condition. Dial 2-1465 afternoons. —EATS NEEDLES— (Continued from Page 1) needles, drinks a half gallon of water and swallows eight yards of thread. He then proceeds to pull out all 50 needles threaded with the eight yards of thread. He does things with those 350 decks of cards, too. According to Campbell all his cards are stand ard decks and anyone in the aud ience is welcome to try to prove that they are marked or other wise “fixed.” “I wouldn’t give a dime for all the trick decks in the world,” he said. Mysterious Howard likes to show his tricks to doctors and lawyers because they are always properly amazed and confused. His hardest audience to play be fore is ,an audience of 'children. He says that children have such inquisitive minds and are so talk ative during a performance that they refuse to be fooled. As a counter-attack against this, Camp bell has a stock of “sucker tricks” which he uses to turn the tables on those who think they have caught him. One of these is that in which he lets the sucker select a card and hide it back in the deck. Pretending to hunt for the card, the magician hands the wrong card to the suck er. Wrong eh? so then he taps the card (which is face down in the sucker’s hand) and it changes in to the card originally picked. Besides The Mysterious Howard, tonight’s Kadet Kapers will also be filled with the usual good fun and entertainment. Plenty of song sheets will be available fox all who attend. —REGISTRATION— (Continued from Page 1) full schedule Monday, as the doors will be open until 9 p.m., he said. Cadets with advanced R.O.T.C. contracts do not have to register, it was announced by the military department. Sergeant Beck, of that department, said that approx imately 400 of the 1064 cadets who have contracts at present would have been affected by the new reg istration. Senior students, selected by Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis, will handle the student registration. They will be assisted by employ ees of the registrars office. A. Mitchell, retired head of the En gineering drawing department, will have charge of the civilian registration. No questionnaires will be given registrants Monday nor will they be required to undergo any physi cal examinations at the time, Gen eral J. Watt Page, State Selective Service Director has said. Only nine questions will have to be answered by the registrants. They must give information about their identity, place of residence, and mailing address. Also the reg istrant will be required to list his telephone number, age, date and place of birth, and the name and address of the person who will al ways know his address, and his employer’s name and address if he is working. LOUPOT AN AGGIE TRADITION Broadway Babes Mickey Rooney and his mus ical partner, Judy Garland are to appear in the current pro duction, “Babes on Broadway” at Guion Hall next Tuesday and Wednesday. Sugar Rationing May Be Disguised Blessing; Consumption Is High Rationing of cane sugar may prove to be a blessing in disguise. Specialists for the A. & M. Ex tension Service say Americans use too much sugar for their health. During the last half century sugar consumption has jumped from 10 pounds to between 75 and 100 pounds per person per year. The average consumption in England is 24 pounds. The same is true in Germany, while the average Jap anese uses only eight pounds. flnstniction of Civilians Will Begin on February 24 Courses Will Cover Ten Day Period; Only Selected Group to Get Training The ficilities of A. & M. will be used by the War Depart ment beginning February 23 for advanced training of selec ted civilians in protection against air raids, it was announced by Dr. T. O. Walton, who completed negotiations several days ago with Colonel George J. B. Fisher, Chemical Warfare Ser- vice. -f- * The college War Department Civilian Defense School will be operated in conjunction with the training program of the United States Office of Civilian Defense, Dr. Walton explained, and the Chemical Warfare Service has been directed to organize and con duct the school at selected col leges and universities where neces sary facilities can be made avail able to the War Department with out interference with the normal educational activities of the insti tutions. 50 to 75 in Classes Classes will include 50 to 75 students selected by state Civilian Defense Directors. Certification of students for the course is left solely with state directors, and no voluntary enrollees will be ac cepted at the school, it was ex plained. The courses will run for 10 days each, a new course beginning each alternate Monday morning. The faculty and staff of the school will include six officers and 25 en listed men in the Chemical War fare Service, provided by the War Department. College Provides Housing The college will provide housing and meals for students, faculty and staff and classroom and storage space. The students will be housed in the Employees Dormitory of the college near the main post- office. One of the campus project houses will be utilized to house the staff of the school. Officers probably will be housed in one of the vacated campus residences; and all attaches of the school will take meals in the college dining halls. Registration for the first class will be held from 1 to 5 p. m. Sun day, February 22nd, and classes will begin Monday, February 23. The first class is scheduled to be graduated on the afternoon of Wednesday, March 4, and the sec ond class of trainees will be reg istered Sunday, March 8. Local Meetings Planned The second Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each two-week period is reserved for the appear ance of the faculty of the school at local meetings, to conduct local control center exercises and to in struct civilians in the various phases of chemical warfare defense methods. Among the subjects included in the 10-day curriculum are: Mili tary Defense and Civilian Protec tion, Civilian Defense Organiza tion, Tactics of Aerial Bombing,. Aircraft Warning Service, Effects of Aerial Bombardment, Explos ive Munitions and Bomb Disposal; and many others such as war gases, first aid, etc. Safe Driving Course Progressing With 45 Participants Dr. C. C. Hedges, chairman of the College Defense Council, re ports that the Safe Driving and Trouble Shooting course for Wom en is progressing fine with 45 women taking the course. The course is made up of two sections. Bryan, College Station and Nava- sota are represented in the groups. « George's Confectionery Which Way Did He Go? George’s CONFECTIONERY Of Course When your friends are down for the week-end, or at any time dur ing the week, the place to go for— )r Smokes GEORGE’S It is not too late to buy Valentine Candy. Buy a box this morn ing and take it with you as you go to see your girl... KING’S CHOCOLATES Eats, Drinks Beautifully Wrapped Valentine Box