The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 10, 1942, Image 2

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Page 2
71ie Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station,
h published three times weekly from September to June, ifc-
*ued Tuesday, Thursday, ano Saturday mornings; and is pub-
lashed weekly from June through August.
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870.
Subscription rate $3 a school year. Advertising rates
upon request.
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service,
Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and
San Francisco.
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1941 Member 1942
[Associated Colle6iate Press
B. M. Rosenthal Acting Editor
Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager
Sports Staff
Mike Haikin Sports Editor
W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor
Mike Mann Senior Sports Assistant
Chick Hurst Junior Sports Assistant
Circulation Staff
B. D. Wibneth Circulation Manager
Photography Staff
Jack Jones Staff Pbohographer
Bob Crane, Ralph Stenrel Assistant Photographer
Tuesday’s Staff
Lee Rogers Managing Editor
Ken Bresnen Junior Editor
Tom Vannoy Junior Editor
Charles Babcock Junior Editor
Clyde C. Franklin Junior Editor
Robert L. Freeland Assistant Editorial Writer
W. A. Goforth ....*. Assistant Advertising Manager
Reportorial Staff
Calvin Brumley, Kenneth C. Bresnen, Arthur L. Cox, W. J.
Hamilton, Jr., N. W. Karbach, Jack Keith, Tom B. Joumeay,
Tom Ldand, Charles P. McKnight, C. G. Serugsa, John May,
Douglass Lancaster.
An Hour Lost
George is still trying to figure out “which
way did it go.” He is still hazy about that
hour which was ‘lost” yesterday morning.
Particularly in a quandary are those Georges
at A. & M. who are getting up at the same
time yet it is an hour earlier, making 8
o’clock classes at 9 o’clock when it is the
same time they have always made those
classes, and receiving their afternoon mail
earlier in the day though the clock shows
that it is still the same schedule the post
office has always followed. No wonder
George is mixed up.
Of course the explanation is simple—
that is at the time of the explanation—but
just back off a minute and the fog comes
right back. All that happened was that clocks
were turned up an hour at 2 a. m. so that
2 o’clock became 3 o’clock and all of the
intervening time was deferred until six
months after the war. Perhaps this was done
for those mathematicians who are always
trying to prove that two is three or some
other such nonsensical thing.
Perhaps the easiest way for John Pub
lic, or at least George Aggie, to get straight
is to forget the old time system. Don’t say
it’s now 11:30 but actually 10:30. This will
get you more mixed up than ever. People
will ask you what time it is and you won’t
know what to say.
With the process of forgetting the old
clock settings also forget your old schedules.
Concentrate on the new time. Don’t say “my
8 o’clock class” when referring to that sub
ject you have the first thing in the morning;
call it your 9 o’clock class. In time the whole
system will seem as if it has been in all the
But think of poor George after the war.
He is going to have to get all mixed up and
then straight again.
(By the way, George. Which way DID
IT; Go?—Ed.)
■: ; A ■'
One More Change
The regulation army tie for wear with khaki
shirts is khaki colored. Last week a student
at A. & M. wore a khaki tie with his khaki
shirt and asked for comments from the other
students. These approved it unanimously.
The salient points in favor of this regu
lation uniform change are as follows:
1. They do not clash glaringly as does
the black tie with the khaki shirt, but instead
greatly improve the general appearance of
the cadet wearing them.
2. They may be cleaned by the laundry
much better than can the material in the
black tie.
3. They are priced 50 cents for the sta
tic and only 35 cents for the regular tie, a
saving to the cadet.
4. As the ties are lower in price, the ca
det will be more prone to replace them as
they get worn instead of wearing them until
they are nothing but shreds.
5. Those cadets having black ties, as we
all do, may continue to wear them with the
serge or wool shirt.
6. Most of us will immediately go into
the army upon graduation or call of the
draft board, and will have to wear them soon.
So why not start now?
Man, Your Manners
~ : By I. Sherwood —
Henry, never before, had taken Mary to dine
at the famous Van Swank hotel, but he re
membered his manners; he checked his hat
and coat with the check girl, then waited at
the door of the dining room for the usher to
show them to a table. He seated Mary so
that she could face the floor show, then
helped her remove her coat, placing it over
the back of her chair.
After studying the menu, Henry asked
Mary her preference, offering a few sugges
tions, then he gave the order to the waiter.
While they were eating the first course,
a young couple, friends of theirs, stopped at
their table to chat a moment; Henry stood
by his chair during their stay, which wasn’t
long, then seated himself and went on with
his dinner. Between courses they danced,
paying little attention to those about them
since they were not with a party.
After dinner Henry gave the waiter a
generous tip, as is the custom in the better
hotels; he also paid a cover charge included
in his bill, and on his way out he gave the
check girl a small tip.
They had a nice time, but it had cost
Henry several dollars.
Consideration for those who serve us:
Lack of consideration for those who in any
capacity serve us—whether in restaurants
or hotels, or in public places is always an
evidence of ill breeding as well as selfish
Quotable Quotes
“It is not enough to rejoice that resistance
to offensive fascist propaganda in the Latin
American countries is bringing about a
friendlier attitude toward our Good Will
policy. It is the foundations of brotherhood
that we must establish, and we have made
only moderate progress in that direction.
With the help of a realistic educational ap
proach we hape soon to reach the corner
stone stage, a critical time in any construct
ion project. There is no American problem
of greater significance than our political,
social, cultural and educational relations
with Central and South America. The Latin
American countries are a gold mine from
which our students can derive infinite ben
efit and our statesman decisive advantage
in our program of peace and interracial rec-
oncilliation. By means of research, service
and leadership, our schools and colleges have
it within their power to determine the destiny
and happiness of the western world. Dras
tic revision of our philosophy of education
and the production of a new type of class
room instructor are needed so that geogra
phy, history, literature and the arts can be
given an international flavor and interpre
tation. The campaign for Pan-American
unity is a courageous effort for co-operative
peace, from the successful out come of which
the whole world would sense a social, moral
and spiritual uplift.”—Carrol D. Champlin,
professor of education, Pennsylvania State
college, sets a goal for education in. develop
ment of inter-American good will.
“With the federal government spending mil
lions on inter-American cultural co-operation
and furthering the interchange of hundreds
of American and Latin American intellectual
leaders, Americans must become more in
tensive and more efficient students of for
eign languages. If you want inter-cultural
co-operation, you must meet the other fellow
on his own ground; you must literally ‘speak
his language’.”—Dr. Edwin H. Zeydel, Uni
versity of Cincinnati, urges foreign language
teachers to start a “V” campaign of their
own to restore such courses to their once
popular position.
A sense of duty pursues us ever. It is
omnipresent, like the Deity. If we take
to ourselves the ivings of the morning,
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the
sea, duty performed or duty violated is
still with us, for our happiness or our
misery. If we say the darkness shall
cover us, in the darkness as in the light
our obligations are yet ivith us.
—Daniel Webster
The World Turns On
— By Dr. J. H. Quisenberry =
“An army travels on its belly” and for that
matter, so does every man, woman and child
in civil life. We have been repeatedly warned
of sugar rationing because “sugar makes
alcohol, alcohol makes munitions” and muni
tions blow Japanese battle wagons out of
the sea and yellow birds out of the sky. This
is, of course, provided we have well-fed cour
ageous men to use such munitions.
Fortunately we have large stores of
many essential food items in this country
and our potential capacity for production is
great. However, the spread of the war zones
and the increased shipping losses will make
greater inroads into our surplus and increas
ingly greater demands on our productive
Rationing, not only of sugar, but also
many other dietary essentials, cannot be
postponed indefinitely. Civilians must be
prepared for such measures and the sooner
they are taken the longer our supply lines
can reach. In the meantime, there is much
we can do both in the way of conservation
and in production. National Defense Gardens,
if not justifiable on the basis of economy,
are to be recommended as an added source
of fresh, vitamin loaded foods.
As our A. E. F. increases and our
supply lines extend, greater demands will be
made for dehydrated vegetables and other
foods. These demands can best be met by the
larger producers. If home gardens supply
family needs, greater quantities of such
foods produced by commercial growers will
be available for processing.
Americans are impatient critters and we
are already hearing expressions of impatience
with our lack of offensive in the war with
Japan. Such offensive can only be taken
when we have built up a sufficiently large
striking force and adequate supply lines.
In hastening the time our forces can
safely take the offensive there is much the
civilian population can do other than asking
Congress to give pensions to civilian workers
who helped in the construction of the Pan
ama Canal 30 years ago.
Copr. 1941, King Features Syndicate, Inc.. World rights reserves- I^5“ I l
“I’ll bring these back later, Joe. The Sarge is gettin’ married <
this afternoon'”
BACKWASH Charlie Babcock
“Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster
Just Blood, That’s All! ™ us , ti ”' e wil1 be
7 hmrr lax.A-iv
“And what is A. & M. going to do
to help America win this war?”
Those were the words of Roland
Elliott, national student secre
tary of the YMCA, at an informal
gathering of students and profs
at Cashion Cabin last Friday'
Well, that’s fine. Here we are,
nearly six thous
and military ca
dets, being told
by a “home-
guarded” lectur
er that we’ve got
some sacrifices to
Perhaps Sec-
re t a r y Elliott
should be infor-
Babcock med as to what
A. & M. is doing to support Un
cle Sam at this very minute. He
probably doesn’t know that the
corps has had to give up a tremen
dous amount of personal time in
the interest of its country, that the
cadets have sacrificed tradition
and principle for America, that
thousands of young American
youths are preparing themselves
at College Station for the “big
Days are numerous in which Ag
gies have been asked to make fin
ancial contributions to aid the
cause. We could continue indefin
However, the point is that A. &
M. students have done all this but
still stand ready with other efforts
for their country.
Let that simmer a while, Mr. El
liott, and if you aren’t satisfied,
come back and we’ll show you the
honor roll call of the battlefield.
That’s the mark of real service
and sacrifice.
• • •
Schedule Changes
Inqueries have been numerous as
to what local theaters and Radio
Station WTAW have done to meet
with the new Central War Time
and its resulting effect on College
WTAW is continuing its daily
broadcast from 11:25 a.m. to 12
non regardless of college changes.
Guion Hall and Campus theater
are adjusting their film showings
to conform with the delayed sch
edules of students and local res-
dents. That means that all pre-
• • •
Singing Cadets Back
Singing Cadets came home Sat
urday with many tales about sun
ny, south Texas and its hospital
Seems that all had a fine time
in Beaumont. Former A. & M.
students in that city provided a
riotous round of entertainment for
the glee club.
, The Cadets also appeared in Or
ange and Huntsville, but as for the
beautiful females, the cadets will
tell you there is no discernible dif
ference between the communities.
More than 60 per cent of stu
dents work at the Texas univer
Tuesday, Wednesday—
LOVE,” featuring Charles
Boyer and Margaret Sulla-
van. Also “SON OF KONG,”
with Robert Armstrong and
Helen Mack.
Tuesday, Wednesday—
“DIVE BOMBER,” starring
Errol Flynn and Fred Mac-
Dial 4-1181
Today and Tomorrow
Announces Opening
College Medical
Phone 4-1198
Dr. T. T. Walton
(Office Hours)
A.M. P.M.
7:30-9:00 7:30-9:00
(Except Wed.)
Dr. L. O. Wilkerson
(Office Hours)
1:00-2:00 P.M.
(Except Thursday)
campus distracras
If you want to see one of the
best epics of flying in the armed
forces of these United States ever
made, then by all means go to
Guion Hall today or tomorrow aft
ernoon and see “DIVE BOMBER.”
We promise you that it will be
time well spent seeing Errol Flynn
and Fred MacMurray doing their
bit to show the armed might of the
Naval Air Service. It is timely, in
formative, and most entertaining.
Filmed in technicolor, the story
tells of a long-standing feud be
tween Fred, a flight officer in the
service, and Errol, a surgeon in the
NAS. Flynn becomes interested in
research of the causes and effects
of high-altitude sickness in pilots.
He is transferred to carry on his
research, and he and MacMurray
struggle for the affections of
Alexis Smith, a newcomer to the
screen who shows very positive
qualifications of becoming one of
the top members of the profession.
A large portion of the show was
made on location at the Naval Sta
tion in San Diego with the full co
operation of the Navy. The skill
ful photography, especially the
scenes in the air is extraordinarily
good. It is a really fine picture
that will remain in your memory
for a long time to come.
The number one lover of the
screen, Charles Boyer, and Mar
garet Sullavan are co-starred in a
romantic comedy at the Campus
today and tomorrow entitled “AP
reason for the title is that Miss
Sullavan is a doctor, and Boyer as
serts that he must have an appoint
ment every time he wishes to see
her even though she is his wife.
Boyer is a strict romanticist, and
his wife eyes love with a profes
sional view. They live in separate
apartments and matters grow
steadily worse. It is romance and
comedy blended well to produce an
entertaining motion picture.
Over Exchange Store In New Y
DIAL 4-5114
Joel English, Mgr.
To Our Customers and Other Friends:
This bank has enlisted for the duration of the war with
the United States Treasury, in the important work of dis
tributing United States Defense Bonds and Savings Stamps.
There are two reasons why we are going to do everything we
can to stimulate the distribution of Bonds and Stamps to our
customers and to the public:
1. Their sale is important to the Government for
the successful prosecution of the war.
2. These securities are a sound investment that
should appeal to every careful investor quite
apart from the patriotic motive.
As Americans, we urge the purchase of these securities
by everyone who can buy, even if the purchase must be made
from a small monthly income. As bankers, we unhesitatingly
recommend these Bonds and Stamps as the safest investment
in which you could put your money, one of the few types of
securities available to investors which will not depreciate in
market value.
We will be pleased to accept orders for the purchase of
Bonds and Stamps at regular intervals, charging accounts of
customers with specified amount and holding these securities
for delivery at your convenience.
Let us all do our part.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
k: r
Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 10 and 11
3:30 and 6:45
IN magnificent technicolor
-o- Cartoon l