The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 05, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
< i
Draft Registration Will Be Held in Ad Bldg
Students Need Not Leave
Campus Feb 16 to Sign Up
Fish Hold
Annual Ball
Friday Night
Ag’gieland Plays
For Affair; Corps
Dance Saturday at 9
Highlighting the freshman soc
ial season this year is the annual
Freshman Ball to be held tomor
row night in Sibsa Hall from 9
till 12. Following this occasion a
Corps Dance will be held on Satur
day night.
The Aggieland Orchestra under
the leadership of Toppy Pearce
will furnish the music for both
Two rest rooms have been add
ed to the equipment in Sbisa
hall for the convenience of dance
goers this year. The men’s room
opens onto the vestibule leading
to the lounge in the annex. The
ladies room opens into the lounge
itself. These two rooms are com
plete and will be open for the
Fish Ball Friday night.
dances while Norma Jean Jahn
will furnish the lyrics.
Over 250 girls from T.S.C.W.
will arrive Friday afternoon on
special busses as dates and will
be lodged in Puryear Hall.
Freshmen may obtain permission
from their company commanders
for late passes. Those freshmen
without dates will be expected to
be in within an hour after the
dance is over.
The committee for the dance ap
pointed by Freshman Class Prexy
Louis Bracy, and Vice-President
Ed Boeder, include: Ticket sales,
S. S. Williams; dates, T. W. Laney;
finance, L. G. Manousas; accom
modations, C. G. Yoacum; orches
tra, M. C. McDonald; invitations,
N. E. Whitaker; and dance floor,
G. L. Van Fleet.
Ticket sales for the dance are
booming as already more than
$250 worth of tickets have been
sold and more than 1,500 Aggies
and their dates are expected to be
present. Tickets are $1.10 per
couple or per stag. Tickets may be
obtained before Friday at 5 p.m.
in the new area from Room 108,
Dorm 4 and in thei old area from
G-8, Walton.
Other than freshmen, seniors
will be the only Aggies allowed to
attend as guests of the freshman
Gabriel Goes On
Active Duty With
CAC at Camp Wallace
Don Gabriel, former editor of
The Battalion who graduated in
January, has been called to active
duty with the Coast Artillery
Corps at Camp Wallace near Hous
Gabriel, an economics major, was
editor of the Battalion the first
semester of this term, a major in
the Coast Artillery, and a mem
ber of the Scholarship Honor So
Featured in Saturday Night Program
These beauties from the sister school of the Aggies at Denton will display their musical ability this
week end in College Station when they play for the Saturday night entertainment at the Assembly
Hall. The All Girl Orchestra of TSCW is one of the best in the dance band business today.
Swing You Sinners; TSCW Rivals of Phil
Spitalny Girls to Set Corps Jumping Saturday
By Clyde C. Franklin
TSCW’s all-girl swing orchestra
will be swinging for the first time
here Saturday night at seven on
the stage of the Assembly Hall.
These gals will appear as the at
traction at the free show at that
time. Alden Cathey, social secre
tary of the senior class, states that
they will also appear at intermis
sion at the corps dance Saturday.
Miss Mary Elizabeth Armstrong,
director of the 14 piece orchestra
will present the orchestra’s “Sweet
Swing” music, and they will ac
company vocalists, a violin trio,
and a dancer.
A vocal trio, the “Three Tones,”
composed of Miss Betty Tieman,
Miss Joan Gurley, and Miss Jerry
Smith will sing novelty tunes, and
Miss Dorothy Colquitt will sing
“White Cliffs of Dover.” Miss Pa
tricia Hackett will present a tap
and an acrobatic dance. A novelty
arrangement of “This Is No Laugh
ing Matter” will be played by the
violin trio. Members of the trio
are Miss Hazel Powers, Miss Ro
berta von Gremp, and Miss Arm
Judge Ware Speaks
To Brazos Aggies
Judge A. S. Ware, county co
ordinator for the Citizens Defense
Corps will be the principal speaker
at the regular membership meeting
of the Brazos County A. & M. club
at 7:30 p. m. Thursday at the
Country Club, it was announced
today by P. L. Downs, president.
Judge Ware will speak on train
ing courses for civilian protection,
air raids and first aid. The usual
attendance prize will be given and
reports will be heard from the
membership committee chairman,
J. E. Roberts, and from the ath
letic committee chairman Doc Lip
scomb, and others.
Sophomores Can Get Deferrment By
Signing for Navy V-5 Air Commissions
NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 4.—Many youths now sophomores in
college will be permitted to enlist in Class V-5, U. S. Naval Reserve,
for aviation training to begin after the close of the current school year,
Eighth Naval District headquarters announced today.
The minimum age limit at which
Barlow Addresses
ME, Aero Meet Tonite
Howard Barlow, of the Aeronau
tical Engineering department, will
speak tonight at 7:00 o’clock in the
Chemistry lecture room before a
joint meeting of the ASME and
the Aero club.
His talk, which will be accom
panied and illustrated by slides,
will have as a subject “Modern
American Military Aircraft.” Bar-
low plans to discuss such topics as
firepower, armor protection and
other engineering aspects of vari
ous types of planes.
All mechanical and aeronautical
engineering students are invited
to attend the meeting.
enlistment for naval aviation train
ing can be made was dropped re
cently from 20 to 19. Men so en
listed will not be subject to selec
tive service and will be permitted
to stay in school to complete the
two year college requirement for
admission to the Naval Aviation
Cadet status.
Upon successful completion of
their training, they will be com
missioned as Ensign, U. S. Naval
Cadets must remain unmarried
until appointed as commissioned
officers, but may marry at any
time after acceptance of commis
Miss Sally Maxwell, 10-year-old
mascot of the orchestra, will sing
“Elmer’s Tune.” Miss Maxwell, sis
ter of the string bass player, Miss
Elizabeth Maxwell, is a blond
sixth-grade student from Denton.
Miss Maxwell is the first mascot
the Serenaders have had; she has
been singing with the orchestra
since October.
TSCW’s serenaders now close
each program with “The Star
- along
Military Walk
With Ken Bresnen
Opinion is the queen
of the world.—Pascal
Question of the week: If the pres
ent paper shortage causes the pub
lication of magazines to be limited
to three, what three would you
prefer to continue publication?
Tom Sparks, F Field Art. —
American, Collier’s and Life. Life
is the best picture magazine pub
lished, and I think that picture
magazines have a definite place.
Short stories and fiction always
provide relaxation and entertain
ment which are needed in war time.
Collier’s provides the most enjoy
able reading to be found in this
field. American should be permitted
to continue publication because it
contains a diversified periodical of
interesting features, a picture sec
tion, notes on interesting people
and events and also short stories
and novels.
Bob Moore, A Cavalry—Cosmo
politan, Life and Time. Life is a
new photographic field, and al
though its pictures are somewhat
exaggerated and extreme, they
usually convey the story very well.
Time is a reliable news periodical
which contains items on cinema,
opera, news, politics and other top
ics of current interest. It is recog
nized as being authoritative, and it
is a different field from Life or
I pick Cosmopolitan because it
prints good fiction and not riff
raff. Its authors are generally the
most popular American writers.
This magazine covers a wider field
of fiction than any other magazine,
and reports world events in an in
teresting, narrative form.
Willie White, E Field Art.—In
limiting magazine publicatiop to
three, it would be wise to select
one containing novels and light fic
tion, another of a more serious na
ture telling of world events, and a
third in the scientific field. Ameri
can would fill the bill on a high
class fiction magazine, because the
stories which appear between its
covers are carefully selected on the
basis of style and content. Time is
an excellent, conservative news
“mag” which does not sensation
alize. A magazine in the scientific
field which holds much prominence
is the National Geographic.
Spangled Banner.” They open their
appearances with their theme song
“Campus Shadows” which was
written for them by Miss Lois Pin
son in 1939. The orchestra wears
blue crepe dresses at all appear
Under the direction of Miles A.
Dresskell, faculty supervisor, the
group has programs scheduled in
cities surrounding Denton for the
remainder of the school year.
Members of the orchestra are
Miss Armstrong, Miss Maxwell,
Miss Joy Johnson, Miss Josephine
Arnold, Miss Mary Nell McKitch-
en, Miss Arlyne Haggard, Miss
Mary Jo Pierce, Miss George Goss
Smith, Miss Dorothy Headlee, Miss
Julia Harlan, Miss Jeanne Arnold,
Miss Elizabeth Maxwell, Miss Jan
ice Jolley and Miss Maxine Holt.
Richard Jenkins, director of the
program series, asserted that the
audience participation feature of
the Saturday programs would be
come a regular feature of the pro
grams. This will be in addition to
the regularly scheduled stunts
each evening.
Hiway Short Course
Scheduled for April 7
The annual Highway Short
Course will be held at A. &
M. college April 7-9, 1942,
according to an anouncement made
here this week by E. L. Angell, as
sistant to the president of the col
Professor J. T. L. McNew, head
of the department of civil engi
neering at the college, will be in
charge of the course which is ex
pected to attract approximately
200 highway engineers.
Which Way Does It Go,
George? Battalion Errs
In Stating Time Change
It’s human to err. Please accept
The Battalion’s apologies for a
vital mistake appearing in the last
issue concerning the new central
war time.
Forget everything that has
been said before—here the official
information and instructions:
At midnight next Sunday night,
America, as well as College Sta
tion, will set its clocks up one hour,
so that time will automatically
become 1 a.m., thereby losing an
hour. The only variation at College
Station is that A. & M., tempor
arily, will also move up its entire
schedule of activities one hour, so
that reveille will be at 7:15 a. m.,
breakfast at 8 a.m., lunch at 1
Sophs Choose
Dates From Pics;
Urged to Sign Now
Sophomores who want dates for
the Sophomore Ball Friday, Feb
ruary 20 are requested by Class
President Bob Phillips to sign up
with a representative of the dance
committee as soon as possible in
order to facilitate the arrange
ments for obtaining the dates from
Representatives in the old area
who should be contacted are H. Q.
Haile, D-6 Walton; Vance Carring
ton, 8-31 Puryear, and Gus Boesch,
G-8 Hart. New area sophomores
should sign up either in Room 313,
Dormitory 8 or in Room 326 Dorm
itory 7.
Contrary to first reports, the
Aggies will choose their dates from
descriptions of the girls which are
expected to arrive this week. Or
iginally it was planned to let the
Denton girls decide with whom they
wished to attend the dance. Soph
omores may select their dates la
ter, but must sign up now, Phillips
Saturday Named
Add, Drop Deadline
Students who intend to add or
drop courses should notice that
the last day for making changes
in current semester schedules is
Saturday. It was previously an
nounced as Monday. Any courses
dropped after this date will be
turned in as bearing the grade of
F. However, courses may be drop
ped before this date with no
Officials have stated that no
courses may be added to sched
ules, because the semester’s work
is so well under way in most clas
ses that it would be futile to at
tempt to catch up with the work
and there would be little chance of
passing the course.
Seniors Call Meet
Again Tonight For
Deciding on Dates
After sixty minutes of debate
last night the senior class, dead
locked in an effort to set a def
inite date for the Senior . Ring
dance, decided to continue the dis
cussion at another meeting tonight
at 7 p.m. in the Assembly Hall.
Less than 150 seniors attended
the meeting which fought to a
standstill on every suggestion
made. Several date changes were
proposed to take precedence over
the dance date chosen by unani
mous vote at a similar meeting two
months ago. Originally the ring
dance was scheduled for May 8.
The January 16 decision reset the
date to Thursday, May 14. The lat
ter date stands unless the meeting
tonight, changes it.
A deadlock resulted from the mo
tion of Band Major Bob Russell
who proposed that the date be set
for Friday, April 3. This plan had
the best reception of any one ad
vanced. Chief disadvantage of the
April 3 date, which was brought
forth by several of the seniors, is
that it falls on Good Friday and
as a result many of the students
and many of their dates would
be unable to attend the dance be
cause of religious beliefs. Anoth
er objection raised to the date was
that it would add an extra expense
to the seniors as they would prob
ably want their dates and family
down at graduation, also.
Suggestions that the dance be
held on other dates were carried
over until tonight’s meeting in or
der to determine what conflicts
in the present schedule they would
cause. An example of these con
flicts is one which would be brought
about if the date were changed to
April 10 as was suggested. In
this case the former students’ home
coming, which will be held April
11, 12 and 13 and will utilize all the
accomodations in the vicinity,
would nullify the seniors’ plan.
Cadet Officers In
Charge; Men With
Contracts Exempt
Official word came from
the registrar’s office yester
day that students will not
have to leave the campus to
register for the draft Febru
ary 16. Those men who have
reached the age of 21 since
the last registration day or
those who are now eligible un
der the new draft law will
be able to sign up at the Ad
ministration building.
The procedure for the registra
tion will be handled in a fashion
similar to that held last year. Sen
ior cadet officers will be in charge
with employees of the Registrar’s
office assisting.
Must Sign During Off Period
The registration will start at 8
a.m. and continue through the day.
Students will not be allowed to cut
class to sign up but must do so on
one of their off periods. Those men
who do not have an off period may
make other arrangements, H. L.
Heaton said.
Employees of the college and
other residents of College Station
will register with A. Mitchell, re
tired head of the engineering
drawing department.
Contract Students Exempt
As was the case last year, stud
ents with advanced military con
tracts are exempt from the regis
This draft calls for the regis
tration of all male citizens who
were born before December 31,
1921, and who will not be over
45 years old on February 16.
Those officers who are to act as
registrar’s will be given instruc
tions in registration at a meeting
to. be held in the faculty room of
the Administration building at 4
p.m. February 13. Other instruc
tions concerning the draft will be
carried in The Battalion soon.
Around 1,727 students are ex
pected to register in the registrar’s
office records show. About 505
of these were 21 years old after
the last registration and 1,222 are
20 years old.
Ten Dollar Prize Lures Names
For WhatchamacallitProgram
“Aggiezapoppin” or “Jenk’s
New Kinks” may be the name of
the free shows given in the Assem
bly Hall on Saturday nights. These
two names were submitted the first
day as prospective titles by Billy
Davis and Keith Kirk.
This contest is sponsored by the
Exciting Adventure Tales to Be Told
At Special Assembly of Juniors, Seniors
War Speaker
Excused Absences
Given to Students
Who Miss Classes
Breath-taking tales of life in
European prison camps and the
educational progress being accom
plished there will be the subject of
an address by Roland Elliott, exe
cutive secretary of the national
student’s committee of the YMCA,
in Guion hall Friday morning at
11 o’clock.
Seniors and juniors who attend
the program will be given excus
ed absences from their classes at
that hour.
Elliott, an international figure
of some importance, arrived in the
United States by Clipper ship from
Europe Saturday, January 24, af
ter a two-month visit to the con
tinental war zone, particularly war
prison camps.
Local YMCA officials heard of
Elliott’s proposed lecture tour af
ter his arrival and decided to
schedule him on his trip through
Texas. He will arrive at College
Station at 9:53 a.m. Friday from
Houston and will be a guest of M.
Speaker Returned
From European War
Zone Two Weeks Ago
L. Cushion, general secretary of
the local YMCA, that night at ti
party at Cushion Cabins, continu
ing his lecture jaunt on Saturday
morning by proceeding to Prairie
View State college.
Sponsors of Elliott’s European
“invasion” are the World Student
Service Fund and the World’s
Student Christian Federation, who
jointly pooled their resources to
send him as their ambassador. As
the ambassador, he visited Swiss,
French and Spanish internment
camps, talked with religious and
political leaders, observed the lives
of people, spoke with individuals
and authorities in refugee camps
and consulted certain leaders
about prisoner-of-war aid
A. & M. stands as one stopover
on Elliott’s 60-day tour of forty
American colleges and universit
Student Activities office and a $10
prize will be given to the Aggie
naming the show.
Rules of the contest are: (1) the
contest is open only to Aggies;
(2) only one name may be submit
ted by each contestant; (3) entry
forms must be left in the Student
Activities office or given to Rich
ard W. Jenkins, director of the
shows, not later than 5 p. m., Feb.
The programs are audience par
ticipation programs coupled with
stunts, music, and novelties by lo
cal talent. It is suggested that con
testants visit the programs before
sending in names.
Daily Texan
Announces Winners
Of Cactus Vanity Fair
The Daily Texan, daily news
paper of TU, announced that King
Vidor, Hollywood director, has fin
ally chosen the ten most beauti
ful girls to be included in the Van
ity Fair section of the Cactus,
TU’s year book.
The winners are Kay Abernathy
of Dallas, Rocky Alexander of Wa
co, Margaret Neil Carlisle of Wax-
ahachie, Connie Eversburg of Hous
ton, Nell Jack of Dallas, Lillian
Schwartzenburg of Austin, Mary
Frances Seago of Brownsville, Sid
ney Stifft of Little Rock, Ark.,
Gloria Jane Warner of Austin, and
Florence Woodfin of Houston .