The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 03, 1942, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
A & M to Start Daylight Saving February 9
Commanders Hear Reports
On Current School Status
Situation Remains Unchanged; Kyle
Hears Questions of Cadet Commanders
Sunday night the organization commanders met in the C. E. lec
ture room to hear the results of a survey made over the weekend to
determine whether any action might be taken regarding the recent
changes brought about by the executive committee.
Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis told the assembled commanders what had
happened since the last meeting. Colonel Welty, the commandant, met
with the regimental commanders and Dick Hervey, Alden Cathey, Top-
py Pearce and Tom Gillis for a discussion of the situation.
Gillis called on F. M. Law, -1 ’
Aggies’ Effigies
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Above is shown the scene that greeted the students of the new
area Saturday when they fell out for noon meal formation. The
dummies were erected by an Infantry company living in dorm
itory 9 and represents their attempt to portray recent college
regulations. The dummy on the left represents Aggie traditions
being stuck in the back with a knife. —Photo by Jack Jones
TSCW Singers Come to Assembly Hall
Program to Open Show Naming Contest
College Time Schedules
Will Be Set Up One Hour
New Change to Remain in Effect Until
Further Notice by College Officials
Clocks in College Station will be set back one hour at midnight
February 8 when daylight saving time becomes effective. In other
words at midnight the time will again become only 11 p. m., thus
causing midnight February 8 to occur twice within one hour.
Daylight saving time is adopted in most communities to conserve
electric energy, "but since the schedule of students extends from 6:15
a. m. to 11 p. m., at both of which times artificial light is necessary, no
more effective use of daylight would result to the student from start
ing the day an hour earlier at this time of the year, said Dr. T. 0.
Walton, president of the college. *•
president of the board of directors,
for advice; At the same time, Her
vey, Cathey, Luke Moore and J.
O. Alexander were in Houston con
sulting Col. Ike Ashburn, ex-com
mandant of the college.
Meanwhile Vince Hagin, D-FA,
and Deacon Evans, A CAC, travel
ed to Dallas to see Board Member
N. L. Leachman, and ex-Aggies
Andy Rollins and Hop Reynolds.
Dean E. J. Kyle, of the School
of Agriculture, was invited to at
tend the meeting and help decide
what measures might be taken.
Kyle consented to advise the meet
ing acting in the capacity of a
former student rather than as a
No action was taken. When the
meeting was closed, the situation
remained as it was after the action
taken by the Executive Committee
and explained by the commandant.
Organization commanders were in
structed to tell the other seniors
what had happened and that a
meeting of the Senior class is to
be held soon.
Plans to Train
Scouts in Defense
Taking Place Here
Plans for a Boy Scout Emer
gency Service Corps training pro
gram will be made this week
through conference with former
Scouts on the campus and George
Bullock of the regional Boy Scout
office in Dallas. Bullock will be
in Aggieland all this week and
will also and Dan Russell, head of
the Rural Sociology Department,
in formulating plans for the an
nual Scouter’s Training Course to
be held on the campus early in
A special meeting will be held
this afternoon at 5:15 in the As
sembly Hall for all Eagle, Life and
Star Scouts to consider the organ
ization of an Alumni Association.
A meeting of all former Scouts
will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m.
in the Assembly Hall. At these
meetings, Bullock will show the
students who have had Scout
training what they can do for Na
tional Defense.
These meetings are being held
under the sponsorship of the local
Scout council. “It is important that
every student who has been con
nected with Scouting get the latest
information on the Boy Scouts of
America in National defense and
the challenge this advanced prog
ram had for men now in college/”
according to Paul Irick, local coun
cil Executive.
Bill Beck’s Address
Sent to Publications
Office by Parents
Lieut. W. J. (Bill) Back, former
yell leader who quit at mid-term
last year, has sent his address to
his parents at Pecos, Texas, who
have forwarded the address to
A & M in case that his friends here
care to write him. He is stationed
somewhere in the Pacific and his
address is Serial number 0-429904,
U. S. Army Air Corps, care of
post master, San Francisco, Cali
Beck was in the band and was
junior yell leader when he quit to
join the Air Corps. His last visit
to A&M was in October at the
Baylor football game after which
he led the corps in several yells.
Tax Stickers for
Cars Still on Sale
At College Station
Allotment Here
Not Effected By
Low Supply of Tags
Federal Motor Vehicle Tax tags
may be purchased at the post of
fice through the month of Febru
ary for $2.09. This new tax has
been levied to provide additional
revenue for the extensive defense
program. Owners of any motor
vehicle, whether it be an automd-
bile, motorcycle or truck, must pur
chase one of these tags before they
can drive on the streets or high
An ample supply of tax tags is
still available at the College Sta
tion post office. Stamps will be is
sued each month at a diminishing
price to those car owners who fail
to purchase them this month.
Another tag will be sold in July
at $5.00 for the second six months
of the year.
loppy Pearce In
Need of a Drummer
With Own Cowhides
They haven’t resorted to a draft
yet but the Aggieland Orchestra
needs a drummer. Max Henry, last
year’s drummer, was drafted and
now they are drafting a recruit.
If you can hammer on the cow
hides see Toppy Pearce, orchestra
leader, in Room 201 Dorm 11 or
report to rehearsal Wednesday
night in Sibsa hall.
Pearce expressed the desire for
a man with a set of drums and
some experience in dance orchestra
work. Nothing fancy, just a drum
mer with his own kettles.
Two outstanding features are
listed on the Town Hall calendar
for this month. On February 11,
the modern choir of TSCW will pre
sent a musical program in Gnion
Hall. Quentin Reynolds will lecture
on his experiences in the war zones
of Europe and Asia on the night
of February 23. Reynolds is a not
ed author of several books and a
radio commentator.
The choir is made up of 35 sel
ected voices with a string trio and
several vocalists for special num
bers. The choir has always been a
favorite with Texas audiences. It
gives many out-of-town concerts
each season and goes on an an
nual spring tour to music centers
in all parts of the state. The choir
was organized 16 years ago and
since that time has presented hun
dreds of programs throughout Tex
as and over many radio stations.
Dr. William E. Jones, director of
music at TSCW and conductor of
the choir, is well-known in the
Southwest as a leader in the de
velopment of music curricula as
well as for producing annually an
outstanding musical organization.
Girls Will Present
Song and Dance Numbers
At Dance Intermission
Twenty-one entertainers from
TSCW, including the 15-piece Ser-
enaders swing band, a trio, two
vocalists, and dancers galore is the
bill of fare announced for the Sat
urday night Assembly Hall free
show this week. Alden Cathey, so
cial secretary of the senior class,
announced also that the TSCW
girls had been given a special in
vitation to give an intermission
program at the Corps Dance to be
given in Sbisa Hall Saturday. Di
rector Toppy Pearce of the Aggie
land Orchestra will lay aside his
baton during intermission and
dance goers will witness the girls
from TSCW in a program of music
and dances.
The Serenaders, an all-student
organization at TSCW, have ap
peared on numerous programs in
North Texas. In addition to the
most popular swing and dance mu
sic they have a number of clever
novelties built around their trio,
vocalists and their dance artists.
Saturday night’s program in the
Assembly Hall will be the third of
a series of free shows conducted
by Richard W. Jenkins and spon
sored by Student Activities. Jen
kins is now contacting outstanding
professional and amateur talent in
Houston and nearby towns for fu-
(See TSCW GIRLS, Page 4)
Adapting his choir to the trends
of the time, Dr. Jones has develop
ed a unique idea with the organiz
ation. Technical features of the
movies, radio, and speech arts
Quentin Reynolds
have been introduced and combined
with music. The choir is present
ed with the continuity popularized
by the radio, with a set designed
Prize of Ten Dollars
Will Be Given to Aggie
For Naming Weekly Show
Aggies will be given a chance
to test their ability in selecting
a suitable name for the Saturday
night free shows being staged in
Assembly hall under the direction
of Richard W. Jenkins. The Stu
dent Activities office has announc
ed a cash prize of $10.00 to the
Aggie submitting the best name
for the shows Which will be giv
en each Saturday night for the re
mainder of this semester.
Rules of the contest as announc
ed by Jenkins are: (1) The con
test is open only to Aggies; (2)
Only one name may be submitted
by each contestant; (3) Entry
forms must be left in the Student
Activities Office or given to Jen
kins not later than 5 p. m. Feb
ruary 10th.
Judges will announce the win
ner on the program to be given
on February 14th. The basis of
the judges’ selection will be orig
inality and suitability of the name
to be applied to the free programs
which have been conducted by
Jenkins the past two Saturday
nights and which are designed
as audience participation programs
coupled with stunts, music, and
novelties by local talent.
Aggies desiring to enter the con
test and who have not participated
(See CONTEST, Page 4)
by the college stagecraft class, and
Beth Masterson of Ada, Oklahoma,
acting as Mistress of Ceremonies.
Even traditional choir robes
have been discarded in favor of
modern evening gowns in an effort
to stress individual personality
and an atmosphere of personal
freedom on the part of each sing
The choir has found its success
in the skillful blend of voices and
the unusual sense of ensemble as
well as in its individual talents.
The high degree to which the sing
ers are trained is evidenced by the
fact that they present the greater
part of their program without a
Reynolds has recently returned
from the three fronts which are
actively opposing the Axis war ma
chine. He is Collier’s Magazine’s
foremost war correspondent and
witnessed the war effort in Brit
ain ,in Russia, and on the Libyan
front. /
He journeyed to Europe shortly
after war was first declared and
covered the French scene until the
Battle of France, retreating be
fore the German onslaught and
Lonely Girl Writes
Box 208 ■ Dr Asbury
Refers Her to Aggies
It was written in a feminine
handwriting and addressed to P.
O. Box 208, College Station, Texas,
from Box 208, College of New Ro
chelle, New Rochelle, New York,
and asked that the boxholder of
208, College Station, Texas, please
write in order to keep the box from
getting so dusty.
The only catch in the affair was
that the renter of box 208, College
Station is S. E. Asbury, chemist at
the experiment station. Because he
feels that being 70 years of age,
he is unable to carry on an ade
quate correspondence with the
freshman student at New Rochelle
who is so desirous of receiving mail
from a Texas Aggie.
Asbury asks that anyone who
wishes write to Box 208, College
of New Rochelle, New Rochelle,
New York, so that mail boxes won’t
be so “eternally dusty and empty.”
The possibility of the senior
class arranging for the tradition
al Mother’s Day ceremonies early
in April prevents a complete an
nouncement of the schedule. If
the Seniors elect to have these
ceremonies, the senior ring dance
will be held on April 3, followed by
a corps dance on April 4, and the
Mother’s Day ceremonies on April
5. If this plan is not followed the
ring dance will be held on May 14
escaping from Bordeaux.
During the Battle of Britain,
Dr W E Jones
Reynolds’ reports have been among
the best to come out of that war
Consequently of February 9
classes scheduled for 8 a. m. will
meet instead at 9 a. m. by the
clock. Lunch hour will be from
one o’clock until two. All college
activities will remain coordinated
with student schedules. Office
hours will be 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. in
(See DAYLIGHT, Page 4)
as voted! by the class recently.
The spring social season will
get into full swing this week-end
with the annual Fish Ball sched
uled for Friday night, followed by
a corps dance on Saturday. Toppy
Pearce and the Agieland Orchestra
are booked for both events this
week, and the corps dance is to be
further enlivened by the intermis
sion appearance of the 15-piece
Serenaders of TSCW plus their
trio, vocalists and dancers.
area. His book, “The Wounded
Don’t Cry,” was a best-seller for
many months and was followed by
"London Diary.”
In Russia he studied the war ef
fort of that embattled nation and
then flew to Cairo by way of Iran,
on the same plane as Ambassa
dors Laurence Steinhardt and Max
im Litvinoff, which was reported
lost, arriving there just as ■ the
British drive into Libya commenced
in November, 1941.
Before proceeding home he spent
four days with the British Army
on the desert, witnessing the ef
fectiveness of American equipment
in its first major test.
Reynolds himself was a minor
casualty of this campaign. While
taking refuge in a shallow trench
he was dive-bombed and slightly
wounded in the legs by flying
shrapnel and stone.
He was commentator for such
motion pictures as “One Day in
Soviet Russia” and “London Can
Take It.” His story is compre
hensive and he is able to offer first
hand information on the war in
England, Russia, the Near East and
Northern Africa.
Singing Cadets
Make Second Tour
Starting Thursday
Seven Appearances To
Be Given Throughout
Eastern Part of State
The Singing Cadets will put
away their schoolbooks the latter
part of this week when they make
their second trip of the year.
Scheduled to leave Thursday morn
ing, the cadets under the direction
of Richard Jenkins will sing before
several highschools and colleges in
southeast Texas.
The first stop on the trip is
Beaumont where the cadets will
perform before South Park High
School at 2:15 Thursday afternoon.
Thursday evening they will sing at
the City Auditorium under the
auspices of the A. & M. Mothers
Club and Ex-Aggie club in Beau
After the performance Thursday
evening, the two above organiza
tions will entertain the Aggies
at the Ice Palace, and furnish
lodging for the cadets.
Friday morning the cadets will
go to Orange, Texas, to give two
concerts at 9:00 and 9:30 for
Orange High School.
Leaving Orange the Aggies will
go to Huntsville to sing before the
high school at 3:00 and the prison
at 5:00 p.m. Then after a concert
at the Sam Houston State Teach
ers College in the evening, they
will be given informal entertain
ment by the teachers college.
Andy Kirk Signed
For Engineer Ball
Andy Kirk and his Clouds of Joy
have been signed to play for the
Engineer’s Ball on March 13. Hav
ing completed 18 weeks at the
Famous Door in New York, Kirk
and his band recently moved to the
Grand Terrace in Chicago where he
broadcasts nightly over the Colum
bia Broadcasting System.
Kirk’s fifteen piece band features
Mary Lou Williams, pianist and
composer, and June Richmond, vo
calist. Called on of the ace col
ored bands in the business, Kirk
and his ensemble are breaking all
records for the sale of recordings.
His “Forty-Seventh Street Jive”
reached 45,000 sales in one month.
Mason in Research
Work in Wisconsin
Curtis L. Mason of the A. &M.
class of ’40, had accepted a re
search assistantship in plant phy-
sioogy and pathology at the uni
versal of Wisconsin, where he will
also work toward his P.D. degree.
His work there is to consist of a
bio-chemical study on the dipping
quality of Irish potatoes.
Mason began his work in biology
here when he was employed in the
Experiment Station in work deal
ing with cotton root rot. He also
received his B. S. degree in agron
omy here and completed the annual
cotton study tour.
Jack Grantham Quits
School for Air Corps
Jack C. Grantham, A Artillery,
who was Advertising Manager for
the Longhorn has resigned that
position in order to join the Army
Air Corps.
Grantham is an economics major
and a member of the Economics
Social Calendar
Feb. 6 __J. Fish Ball
Feb. 7 Corps Dance
Feb. 13 Architects Ball
Feb. 14 A. S. C. E. Ball
Feb. 20 Sophomore Ball
Feb. 21 - Corps Dance
Feb. 27 T-Club Dance
Feb. 28 Barnyard Frolic
March 6 Field Artillery Ball
March 7 Corps Dance
March 13 ... Engineers Ball
March 14 Corps Dance
March 20 Coast Artillery Ball
March 21 Corps Dance
March 27 Cavalry Ball
March 28 Corps Dance
April 10 1 ... Cattlemen’s Ball
April 11 Hillel Club Dance
April 17 Composite Regiment Dance
April 18 ..r..__ Corps Dance
April 24 Infantry Ball
April 25 Corps Dance
May 1 Cotton Pageant & Ball
May 2 Corps Dance
May 2 Dairy Day
May 9 1 Engineer’s Day
May 15 Final Ball
Note: The Junior Prom will be held on either May 8th
or May 14th.
Music and War News on the Way
Modern Girl Choir and Quentin Reynolds Featured
On Town Hall Programs During Month of February
Activities Committee Announces New
Social Calendar for Spring Season