Page 2 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, IB published three times weekly from September to June; m- faed Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is pub- ihhed weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Itation, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March t, 1878. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, tne., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone t-5444. 1941 Member 1942 Plssocided Gol!e6iate Press Don Gabriel Editor ■. M. Rosenthal Associate Editor Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager Sports Staff Mike Haikm Sports Editor W. T. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor Xike Mann ' Senior Sports Assistant ferooks Gofer Junior Sports Editor Chick Hurst Junior Sports Editor Circulation Staff Bene Wilmeth ..Circulation Manager Bill Hauger Senior Circulation Assistant F. D. Asbury Junior Assistant SOI Huber, Joe Stalcup - Circulation Assistant Photography Staff Jack Jones Staff Photographer Bob Crane. Ralph Stenzel Assistant Photographers Thursday’s Staff B. M. Rosenthal Acting Managing Editor John Sleeper Advertising Assistant Clyde C. Franklin Junior Editor Tom Yannoy Junior Editor Reportorial Staff Calvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, James R. Dennis, Selig Frank, John M. Holman, W. J. Hamilton, Jr., Tom Howard, Leonard Kimsey, N. W. Karbach, Jack Keith, Tom B. Journeay, Doug Lancaster, Tom Leland, Charles P. McKnight, W. B. Morehouse, Richard F. Quinn, Gordon Sullivan, C. G. Scruggs, Benton Taylor^ The Least We Can Do Loyal and true Americans, men willing to do the utmost for the good of democracy and their country—this has been the light in which A. & M. graduates and students have been looked upon and in which they have looked at themselves since 1876 when Gath- right first swung open its doors. The acid test of 1917 and 1918 proved this to be the full truth. Today another situation has arisen which will again put A. & M. men to the acid test. Little doubt is in anyone’s mind what the result will be. But to be prepared fully for this test in the short time available, to be ready morally, mentally, and physically, some changes have been deemed necessary by the college author ities. These changes may cost the sacrifice of personal pleasures and conveniences, but this is little enough to give up in the face of national emergency. The President of the United States asked that every person build himself up mentally and physically to the fullest ex tent so that the nation as a whole be ready for any eventuality. Our new program and yesterday’s action by the executive com mittee is A. & M.’s answer to this request. There is another reason for this change. A. & M. is considered one of the Nation’s foremost developers of military leaders. Now, our school is expected to continue the deve lopment of officers to an even greater ex tent than it has in the past. Aggies are now supposed to be the finished product, and this goal cannot be attained unless definite changes are made in the military routine of life at Aggieland. Some students may feel the pinch of the sacrifices, but if these men are true Aggies and true Americans they will not complain. No, their action will be the opposite for they know that nothing is too great a sacrifice for the good of the American way of life. THE UNITED STATES IS AT WAR! I know no method to se&are the re peal of bad or obnoxious laws so ef fective as their stringent execution. —Ulysses Grant. Publications Will Carrg On Heartening news to the cadet corps was the action taken Monday by the Student Activi ties Board when it adopted a broad policy of maintaining student publications on a 12 month basis. As the college prepared to enter into a streamlined educational program for the du ration of the war, it became apparent that every effort must be made to insure that college life would continue uninterrupted. The June-October session must be considered by all as a regular session and not a glorified summer school. The Activities Board recognized this fact when is adopted a 12 month policy for all publications. Specific provision was made that The Battalion would continue as a tri weekly publication. Within the past four years, The Battalion has emerged from a weekly paper into a tri-weekly, and the board realized that this policy should be continued. Of vital importance to all members of graduating classes during the emergency was the announcement that each graduating class would have a Longhorn. Eventually this may mean a great deal of readjustment for the yearbook, but the publications office will make every effort to see that every senior will have a Longhorn. Present plans also call for the publica tion of The Battalion Magazine as well as the college’s two technical publications, The Agriculturist and The Engineer. These also have come to play a very important role in student activities on the A. & M. campus. Members of the board should be com mended on their far-sightedness in providing for the continuation of these student activi ties. Something to Read —- Ry Dr. T. F. Mayo ,:=ir= Reading in War Time The most important thing in war time, it seems to me, is to remember that war time will not last forever. Wars are short; history is long. Of course, while it lasts, the war and its demands must take precedence of every thing else. We are in a fight, and in a fight you must win—or else. Fortunately for us, we have a good cause to fight for, and a good chance to win if we buckle down and try. Also fortunately for us, we have history on our side: That is, if we should lose, the current of history would be violently diverted from the course which it has been following for three hundred years. If we win, we shall simply be keeping open the channel through which the stream of history can go on flow ing in the same direction, in the direction which for three centuries has been the nor mal one, in the direction of more freedom, a greater degree of equality of opportunity, more decency and kindliness and intelligence in the relations between man and man. There are two great dangers. One is that we may not win; but we are aroused at last, and we can win. The other danger is less obvious: It is that in our intense con centration on winning we may lose sight of what we are fighting for, of the grand his torical tendencies mentioned above: toward more freedom, more social justice, more de cency and kindliness and intelligence. It is to avoid this danger that you are urged to read in war time at least some of the great sober books which most fully express these grand historical tendencies which we are fighting to maintain. For one thing, try re-reading the Four Gospels in the New Testament. After all, the Sermon on the Mount will continue to in fluence human development long after Mein Kampf is enshrined in a historical Chamber of Horrors. And while you have your Bible open, read the Book of Job and Esther and Ruth. Then read one or two of the great novels of the world: Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov is about as great as any of them. Without shutting his eyes to any evil what soever, the author leaves you with a sense of the dignity of man, and of the continuity and upward trend of his history. Even a humorous novel like Fielding’s Tom Jones somehow makes you better satisfied to be long to the same species which includes Mus solini. Somerset Maugham’s Of Human Bond age deals with problems which will interest young men much longer than tanks and Stukas. Praise, like gold and diamonds, otves its value only to its scarcity. —Samuel Johnson The World Turns On By A. F. Chalk It will be interesting to observe the reaction of Congress to the recommendations of the President concerning the pending tax pro gram. Many politicians have expressed be lief that the “feathers must be plucked where it will hurt the least.” This familiar tech nique of political feather plucking is utilized most frequently before an election year, and the present crisis may not cause any mater ial change in this traditional procedure. One of the most violent debates will probably occur when the problem of the sales tax is considered. It is commonly rec ognized that a sales tax is not an equitable form of taxation, because it does not con form to the widely-accepted “ability to pay” principle of taxation. Most congressmen are well aware of this fact, but many of them will be willing to vote for such a tax. These votes will ostensibly be cast for reasons of expediency—the theory being that it is bet ter to use any method which will yield large revenues without causing great political re percussions. The President as expressed op position to a sales tax but it is generally be lieved that he would accept such a measure without anything more than a mild protest. The question arises as to what the sourc es of additional revenue will be if the sales tax is not adopted. The President has sug gested that $2,000,000,000 be raised by in creasing Social Security taxes. The remain ing $7,000,000,000 are, according to his pro posal, to be raised primarily by means of in creases in excess profits taxes, personal in come taxes, and most of the existing excise taxes. This $9,000,000,000 tax program will ap pear to be very severe, but the fact is that it should not be looked upon as a final tax measure. With an estimated deficit of $33,- 000,000,000 for the coming fiscal year (as suming the pending $9,000,000,000 tax bill is enacted) it can readily be seen that taxes are likely to go even higher in the near fu ture. Within a relatively short period of time, we will likely utilize more fully the excess profits tax and most of the excise taxes. The need for additional revenue will be so great that a general sales tax will have an excel lent chance of being adopted for the duration of the war. In addition to these tax increases, there will very likely be instituted a form of forced savings comparable to that used in England. We should make every effort to try to curtail the vastly increased purchas ing power of the people, because the supply of consumer goods is diminishing at a rapid pace. The only alternative is to permit a rapid rise in the general price level. THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1942 Kollegiate Kaleidoscope METHU5ELAHV^% IT WOULD TAKE 503 v YEARS' TOR ONE PERSON TO COMPLETE ALL OF THE V COURSES NOW BEING OFFERED BY YALE UNIVERSITY/ .^CKSHOf There are more PART TIME STUDENTS' ENROLLED AT NEW YORK UNIVERSITY THAN THERE ARE FULLTIME STUDENTS'AT ANY OTHER COLLEGE, EXCEPTING CALIFORNIA / BACKWASH BY Charlie Babcock An agitation resulting from aoma action or occurranea."—Webstar Cinema Record Capitalizing on a most timely appearance before the public eye, “Sergeant York,” Warners’ bio graphical film of the greatest hero of World War I, is topping all Houston movie records, according to the latest re ports from the ater officials in that city. Sergeant York is now in its sev enth consecutive week in the down- state metropolis, having played three weeks at Babcoab Majestic and then four at the Kirby. It will be held over at least through this week at the Kirby. Setting a record also in the num- owner- her of movie fans who have seen this stirring picturization of the life of a true American, “Ser geant York,” through last Friday night, had played to 99,673 paid admissions. • • • Leg Leather At any rate, anyone knowing the whereabouts of the jacket could restore a freshman’s faith in the human race by returning it to the Fish Huff, F-7 Walton. FOR A GOOD NEAT HAIRCUT Juniors are wondering whether the customary senior boots will be generally accepted as dress wear for four-year men next scho lastic year. Let’s quote the facts. Through Tuesday, nearly two hundred pair of boots had been ordered by pros pective seniors from the two lead ing boot makers, Holick and Luc- chese. That seems to be a strong indi cation that boots will retain their traditional popularity with sen iors. C • • Mailbag You Just Can’t Beat the Y.M.C.A. BARBER SHOP OLD “Y” box day the Our usually empty P. O. produced a letter the other from a certain member of Class of ’45. The fish began his letter with: “In your column in The Battal ion, you are persistently trying to boost Aggie tradition and honesty. COVEFUMG caps disMioNs WITH £$ ||PT0MVANN0Y (^) For something in the upper feaure to be shown at the Campus realm of entertainment don’t miss today. George Sanders and Wendy seeing “THE CHOCOLATE SOL- Barrie play the leading roles in DIER,” at Guion Hall today orchis typical detective story that tomorrow. Nelson Eddy and Rise lacks a punch to make it really Stevens have been starred in one thrilling. of the year’s best musical shows. Brian Donlevy and Maria Montez Miss Stevens makes her debut contribute a Sotuh Sea atmosphere in motion pictures from the stage of the Metropolitan Opera and it to “SOUTH OF THITI” and Brod Crawford makes up the trio. Any seems that this will not be her similarity between this picture and last picture either. She has great the “Road” to Singapore oT Zanzi possibilities as a motion picture bar is probably no mistake. It’s star as well as an outstanding rather pleasing on the eye, and performer in the opera. “THE GAY FALCON,” is Well, here’s another of those ‘ex amples’.” The Aggie goes on with his case by stating that he left his green and white jacket in the auto mobile of a Tyler Aggie while highwaying home Christmas. The freshman had his name on the in side of the jacket and can’t under stand why it hasn’t been returned. Perhaps the Tyler Aggie doesn’t feel obligated to remember the fish’s name, since the fish didn’t remember his. But that isn’t the right attitude. More than likely the Tyler Aggie is like thousands of other cadets—lazy—and just hasn’t taken time out to return WHAT’S SHOWING AT THE CAMPUS Thursday — “THE GAY FALCON,” with George San ders and Wendy Barrie. Friday, Saturday — “SOUTH OF TAHITI,” featuring Brian Donlevy, Brod Crawford, and Maria Montez. AT GUION HALL Thursday, Friday — “THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER,” with Nelson Fddy and Rise Stevens. Saturday, 1:00—“THREE SONS O’ GUNS,” with Wayne Morris and Marjorie Rambeau. Saturday, 6:45, 8:30— “PASTOR HALL,” starring Wilfrid Lawson and Nova Pilbeam. that is about all. In all the other the departments the story falls just a little short of specifications. It will be at the Campus Friday and Saturday. In a sleepy little German town of Altdorf, there is a pastor known as “PASTOR HALL.” When the Nazis came into power in Ger- (See DISTRACTIONS, Page 4) V 4-1181 TODAY ONLY THE GAY FALCON With George Sanders — Wendy Barrie Also Popeye Cartoon, Sports, Popular Science FRIDAY — SATURDAY Also Donald Duck Cartoon — Sport Latest Movietone News PREVUE SAT. NIGHT 11 P. M. SUNDAY — MONDAY DIINKMOTTf SHERI ^ pREST0N F0STER Produced and Directed by rnmiumv Also Information Please — News Popeye Cartoon This Collegiate World :ACP: “Sleep late, and, let the Mer cury Book Service return your ov ernight reserve hooks to any cam pus library before 9 a.m.” That is the appeal being made he two enterprising Brown uni versity students who are setting up a book returning service—for a price, of course. The entrepreneurs, Vincent J. Luca and William P. Saunders, fig ure that many students would ra ther pay a nickel to be sure their books are returned on time than pay the library’s fine of 10 cents for every 15 minutes that a res erve book is overdue. With an average of 450 reserve books on overnight loan during the week, at the Providence, R. I., school, Luca and Saunders can make a maximum of $22.50 a week. Movie GUION HALL THURSDAY & FRIDAY — 3:30 & 6:45 The Chocolate Soldier With Nelson Eddy and Rise Stevens News — “The Flying Bear ,, — Comedy Bullock-Sims SEMI-ANNUAL SALE Begins Today AGGIES In The Face Of Present Price Increases And Limited Production For The Future, We Advise All Aggies To Anticipate Your Next Fall Needs Now. SAVE on Suits & Top Coats Sweaters Aggie Sweat Shirts Aggie Sport Shirts Shirts Pajamas Robes FLORSHEIM SHOE SALE $11 & $12 Oxfords M $10 Oxfords $8.95 FREEMAN SHOE SALE Broken Lots $5.50 & $6 Oxfords TO GO $3.67 Save On Champion Shoes $4.45 & $5 Oxfords $2.67 Save On Gloves Wool And Leather Sport Coats Loafer And Finger Tip Lengths $18.50 Coats $15.00 Coats $11.95 Coats $10.95 Coats $ 9.95 Coats $ 8.95 Coats $ 5.95 Coats $ 5.00 Coats $ 3.95 Coats $13.87 $11.27 $ 8.97 $ 8.27 $ 7.47 _ $ 6.67 _ $ 4.47 _ $ 3.77 _ $ 2.97 POPULAR PRICl CASH CLOTHIERS 1011 MIN AND BOYS