The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1941, Image 1
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 16, 1941 Z275 NUMBER 41 Four Candidates Declared Eligible for Yell Leader Banquet for Employees Of F 25 Years is Friday Night irst South American A&M Club is Formed ' • ■ ■ Ilf 8 ® , wp, I k> The first organized A. & M. club in the history of South America was formed at Lima, Peru, when a group of Aggies was formed in that section gathered to greet Dean E. J. Kyle on his recent South and Central American tour. The picture was taken following a luncheon honoring Dean Kyle at the Lima Country Club. In the group, top row, left to right, Louis Mantilla, Harvard, Sanitary Engineer, Ministry of Public Health, Lima; Dean Kyle; Enrique Coronel Zegarra, ’29, Lima; E. La Rosa, Director School of Engineers, Lima; and Dr. Robinson, ’22, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Bottom row, left to right, E. D. Hopkins, T9, Pan American Sanitary Bureau, stationed at Lima, covering South America; Louis Montero, Director of Agriculture, Lima; N. Lockett, ’03; Carlos Figari, ’22; and Guilermo Bowden, ’22, both of Lima. Yule Customs are Carry-overs Of Early Religious Ceremonies Of College Will Be Guests for Occasion The annual Christmas banquet in honor of the college employees who have been in service for twen ty five years or more will be held Friday night at 6:30 in the banquet room of Sbisa Hall. This banquet is held each year just before the beginning of the Christmas holi days, but had to be postponed last year because of the change in holi days. The honorees for this occasion will be divided into two groups. Last year there were seven em ployees, including two colored ones, who were to be honored. This year there are nine employees who have completed twenty-five years of ser vice to the college. The employees who had complet ed twenty-five years of work last year and who were to be honored then are A. L. Darnell, Professor in the Department of Dairy Hus bandry; M. P. Holleman, Chief Clerk in the Agricultural Experi ment Station; S. C. Hoyle, former editor of College Publications and now Editor Emeritus. R. E. Karper, Agronomist in charge of sorghum investigation for the Agricultural Experiment Station at Substation No. 8 in Lub bock; Dr. E. B. Reynolds, Chief of the Division of Agronomy at the Agricultural Experiment Station; Cable Henry, colored janitor at the college hospital; and Sam Step- toe, a colored field helper in the Department of Entomology. The group of nine employees who have completed twenty-five years of service this year are: Miss Lucy Brogdon, Secretary in the Ag ricultural Extension Service; Dr. F. B. Clark, Head of the Depart ment of Economics; V. L. Cory, Range Botanist of the Agricultural Experiment Station located at Sta tion No. 14 in Sonora, Texas. J. B. Dorman, County Agent of Newton County for the Agricultur al Extension Service located at Newton, Texas; Owen Garrigan, Horseman in the Department of Animal Husbandry; E. A. Miller, Agronomist in the Extension Ser vice. Roland Nunn, Bookkeeper in the Extension Service; M. T. Payne, District Agent for the Extension Service; and Dr. 0. W. Silvey, Head of the Department of Physics. Dr C C Hedges Will Lecture About Science and Warfare Dr. C. C. Hedges will speak on “Science in the Modern War” be fore a meeting of the United Science club to be held on Tues day, December 16, at 7 p.m. in the chemistry lecture room. Dr. Hedges has had recent arsenal training and is on certain defense commit tees. The United Science club is made up of the members of the Biol ogy Club, Pre-Med Society, Entom ology Club, Fish and Game Club, Kream and Kow Klub, Junior Col legiate Chapter, American Vet erinary Medicine Association, Geo logy Club, and the American Chemical society. By L. R. Kimsey A modern battleship can safely be called the most complex mechani cal unit known to man. The dates of nearly all bluejackets on a naval vessel eventually become highly technical in nature. Each man in a ship’s company must know the principle and operation of all intricate installations in his department. On United States Naval ves sels, the ship’s complement of men is divided into divisions, accord ing to the nature of their highly specialized functions. As an ex ample, in the gunnery department Interviews For Engineers Will Be Held Rest of Week Manufacturers of Motors And Aircraft are Seeking Students for Employment Over 300 Engineering students will be interviewed this week be ginning Tuesday and lasting through Thursday by representa tives of several large manufactur ing companies from all over the na tion. Throughout Tuesday the Boeing Aircraft Company, represented by Sitan of Seattle, Washington, and a representative of the Texas Em ployment Service, will interview all engineering students interested in obtaining a job with Boeing Air craft. This is the first time a rep resentative of Boeing Aircraft has appeared on the campus to inter view students. Wednesday the General Motors Corporation, represented by J. C. Elhany of Detroit, Michigan, will interview all prospective gradu ates in Electrical Engineering, Me chanical engineering and Industrial Engineering. This is also the first time a representative of Gener al Motors has interviewed students for employment. Thursday will be devoted to a program to be presented by West- inghouse Electric Manufacturing Company who will be represented by a group of three men headed by J. H. Belknap, manager of techni cal employment. Beginning at nine a.m. a group meeting of all stu dents interested will be held in the Electrical Engineering lecture room. Following this the students will be interviewed privately. These interviews were made pos sible by the efforts of the place ment office of the Former Students Association. Authoress Writes About Agriculture Eleanor A. King, authoress of national fame, is here at A. & M. gathering material for her next book which will present the story of agriculture. It will be directed, as Miss King said, “To all those people who are moving back to the land, and yet know so little about farming.” While at A. & M., Miss King is conferring with Dr. T. O. Walton, Director A. B. Conner of the Ag ricultural Experiment Station, Di rector H. H. Williamson of the Ex tension Service, Dean E. J. Kyle, of the school of agriculture, B. F. Vance, administrative officer of the Texas AAA office, Miss Mil dred Horton, state home demons tration agent, and a number of research and Extension Service workers. Miss King’s latest book, “Bible Plants for American Gardens,” was published by Macmillan and Co., and the book she is now working on will also be published by Mac millan . of a ship, we find a separate di vision of Firecontrolmen, and se lected men from the numbered di vision also functioning under direc tion of the gunnery department. Thus in the gunnery department, we find men with the following ratings: Firecontrolman, Torpedo man, Gunner’s Mate, Boatswain's Mate, and Aviation Ordnanceman. Perhaps of all these ratings, landsmen in general and Aggies in particular are most interested in the strictly “Ordnance ratings” of Gunner’s Mate and Firecontrolman. Heretofore, naval strategists have regarded the ship only as a means By P. L. Downs, Jr. Christmas really means, “Christ the gift to men, women, and chil dren.” To the English people we owe the word Christmas—Christ Mass—a religious ceremony cele brating the birth of Christ. December 25 is the accepted date of the birth of Christ as He was born at midnight on Christmas Eve. Do you know why Santa Claus comes down the chimney at Christ mas time instead of coming through the window? It is attributed to an Old English custom of sweeping down the chimney at New Year so good luck could enter. It is to the Hollanders that we owe the custom of hanging up our stockings. They placed their wooden shoes before the large fire place, but we Americans substitut ed stockings because wooden shoes wouldn’t stretch. The holly wreath that we hang in our homes was copied from the English who believed the holly leaves represented the thorns Christ wore upon the cross, while the little red berries were the drops of His blood. The giving of Christmas pre sents brings out the thought— “Peace on Earth, good will toward men.” It was General W. B. Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, who was once asked the question if he were solicited to leave a mes sage to the world what would it be. He wrote only one word and of getting the guns in a position where they may be used effective ly. The degree of effectiveness attained then depends on the train ing and discipline of “The men be hind the guns.” Modern naval guns are trained, elevated, and fired by electrical impulse. It is the duty of Firecontrolmen to keep these vital electrical circuits and receiving instruments in a good state of adjustment and repair. Men in the firecontrol division man battle sations at gun direc tors, rangefiends, in the plotting rooms, at switchboards, data (See NAVY, Page 6) signed his name. That word was “others.” Happiness is not seeking pleas ure for ourselves, but doing the necessary things for others. I think we should pause long enough to thank God for living in a Christian country. You know, I believe in prayer. My definition of prayer would be—communicat ing with God for that which we desire—not deserve. Did you know that Mohamme- Drawing the attention of the state to the efforts of the Army Air Corps, and its work in the defense of the United States, Coke R. Ste venson, governor of Texas, pro claimed December 14-20 as “Keep ’Em Flying Week.” The air corps has become increasingly important to the nation since the declaration of war, and its work and the need for still greater effort is being brought before the public in this way. In cooperation with the state and county officials this week has been designated as a period for the corps to direct special atten tion to the air service by a proc lamation issued from the Head- Seniors Mutl Have Pictures In by Thur Seniors are reminded that Thurs day is the last day to turn in Sen ior Favorite and Vanity Fair pic tures for the Longhorn. Pictures may be turned in to J. B. Hancock in room 128 dorm itory 4 or to Jack Grantham in room 118 dormitory 10. Charges for the pictures are $1.50 fo Senior Favorites and $3.00 for Vanity Fair. Gilchrist Leaves For Advisory Meet Gibb Gilchrist, Dean of the school of engineering, left today for Washington, D. C., to attend a regular meeting of the National Advisory Committee on Engineer ing Defense Training of which he is a member. He will return from Washington on December 22. dian, people pray five times daily, but only pray for themselves— never others? Christmas is a good time to pause long enough to take stock of ourselves and really see of what value we have been through the year to our neighbors, city, county, state, and nation. Let us all enter into the Christ mas spirit, love one another, give to those less fortunate than our selves, and try to carry out Christ’s teachings. quarters Corps of Cadets yester day. Proclamation HEADQUARTERS, CORPS OF CADETS 15 December, 1941 Whereas: The United States is now engaged in war with foreign powers after having been the subject of unprovok ed and unwarned attack; and Whereas, The flying forces of this nation will be playing a more vital role in this war than ever before; and Wheras, The attention of the State of Texas has been called to the duties and services to country which the flying forc es are rendering, Now, therefore, to direct the attention of the Corps of Ca dets to this service of its arm ed forces, Be It Proclaimed that the Week of December 14-20 be “Keep ’Em Flying Week” and the Corps of Cadets is urged to cooperate with civil and military authorities in its observance. Tom Gillis Cadet Colonel Similar proclamations have been (See AIR WEEK, Page 6) FIRST SERGEANTS NOTICE The December issue of the Engineer magazine will be issued tomorrow night at 7 p.m. in the basement of the Admin istration building. Navy Bluejackets are Among Most Technically Trained of Men in United States Armed, Forces A & M Will Observe “Keep ’em Flying” Week in Accord With Proclamation Voting in Assembly Hall Is at 7 Tomorrow Night Patterson, O’Connor, Ferguson, O’Leary To Run; Brient Disqualified on Grades A special election committee with Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis as acting chairman announced yesterday that four boys have qualified in all respects to be candidates for junior yell leader. The four who qualified are Pat Patterson, James O’Connor, Ted O’Leary, and George Ferguson. The election, open to juniors only, will be held Wednesday night at seven o’clock in the Assembly Hall. The ballots will be passed out at the door upon entering, and at the end of the meeting they will be taken up at the door. Candidates to Speak Each candidate will be given Welty to Speak At ROA Meeting In Sbisa Tonight All Seniors With Contracts Invited To Attend Banquet Colonel M. D. Welty will address the meeting of the Brazos County Reserve Officers association to night at 7:30 in the banquet room of Sbisa hall. All seniors with con tracts are urged to attend, Wil liam Nash, secretary of the asso ciation, stated. Col. Welty will briefly discuss the value of the ROA and will introduce members of his staff who will be asked to speak to the group if they wish. Captain Howard Badgett wiil talk on reasons for joining the ROA and E. L. Angell will speak on “The Students Place In Na tional Defense,” in which he will urge students to stay in school. Refreshments will be served and the secretary states that an effort will be made to let the group go early. tn opportunity to speak to the as sembled group and at the com pletion of this, each junior will scratch out all but his choice for yell leader and will sign his name to the ballot. The one receiving the greatest number of votes will be come the new yell leader. Russel Brient also filed his candidacy, but failed to qualify be cause of a ^..10 grade point aver age. To be eligible, each candidate must have a grade point average of 1.25 or better. Petitions Required Each one also has to have a signed petition listing 200 names, and had to have attended A. & M. for a certain designated number of semesters. The special election committee consisted of Warren Ringgold, Dick Hervey, Austin Nance, Vance Carrington, Edward Roeder, Tom Gillis, Joe Skiles, and Homer L. Heaton. This is the second time in the past two years that a special elec tion had to be called. Last year an election had to be held to replace Bill Beck who joined the air corps. Christmas Trees Available at YMCA Secretary Farly Answers Pledge Of A&M Support to US Printed below is the letter re ceived by Cadet Colonel Tom Gil lis in answer to the telegram sent to the President of the United States pledging the all out sup port of the college during the sec ond World War. The letter was as follows: The White House Washington My dear Colonel Gillis: Permit me, in the President’s name, to thank you for your telegram. The pledges of pat riotic support which have been received from the many, many loyal citizens in all parts of the country, have given the presi dent strength and courage to carry out the will of the Am erican people. For the splendid assurance conveyed in your message he is more appreciative than he can say. Christmas trees for campus or ganization parties are available at the Old Y.M.C.A. this morn ing, M. L. Cushion, secretary of the Y, announces. Groups desiring a tree must send a representative to sign for it at the Y desk. The tree are on the south side of the Y chapel. Cushion requests that the trees be returned as soon as possible af ter each party so that they will be available for the use of other groups. The fifteen trees are furnished by the Y with the cooperation of the college landscape department. This is the third year that the Y has obtained trees for campus fes tivities. Baptist Church Has Yule Program Tonight The First Baptist Church of College Station will hold its an nual Christmas program tonight at 8 o’clock. The program will be “A Service of Candle Lighting and Carols.” It will consist of mus ic by the choir, music by the girl’s ensemble, and a medley of carols on the violin by Aggie John Mous- Very Sincerely yours, Stephen Early Secretary to the President Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis, Corps of Cadets, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas er. The Christmas message will he read from the Scriptures and Rev. R. L. Brown, pastor of the churcn, will speak briefly on the Christ mas theme. All students of the college are invited to attend. Credit is Army of Defense for fFar Against Axis Propaganda By Ken Bresnen Credit, according to Nelson A. Rockefeller, coordinator of inter- American affairs, is the first army of defense against the economic, social and moral disorganization that could soften Latin America to the propaganda of the axis powers. Twenty-one little republics to our south can furnish us with many of the necessities which we will need to carry on the present war. Our purchases of tin and tungsten from Bolivia depend on credit; credit backs our arrangements for taking the entire strategic output of Mexico and Brazil. Great steel industries are being built in Brazil which will permit that country to build its own war equipment and perhaps to help us build ours. Twenty million dollars of United States credit is help ing to build these plants. New types of tropical agricul tural production are being spon sored by American capital. Chem ical and medical substances and especially rubber are receiving United States credit subsidies. However, if hemisphere defense is to function smoothly and ef ficiently, more than credit facili ties for one way sales is needed. Just as our needs for Latin Ameri can raw materials are important, their needs for our manufactured (See CREDIT, Page 6)