The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 13, 1941, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1941-
Aggie Tells of Experience as Sailor on Oklahoma in Hawaii
1150 KC
Saturday’s Programs
11:25 a. m.—Life for Wildlife
(U. S. Department of Interior)
11:40 a. m.—Interlude
11:50 a. m.—A Moment for Re
flection (Bryan and College Sta
tion Pastors)
11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier
and Battalion Newscast
12:00 noon—Sign-off.
Sunday’s Programs
8:30 a. m.—Roans Chapel Sing
8:45 a. m.—Classical Music
9:30 a. m.—Sign-off.
Monday’s Programs
11:25 a. m.—Popular Music.
11:40 a. m.—Salute to South
11:25 a. m.—Town Crier and
Battalion Newscast
12:00 noon—Sign-off.
Abilene Club Makes
Plans for Christmas
The Abilene A. & M. club has
completed arrangements for their
Annual Christmas party which
will be held Monday night, De
cember 22 at Charley Blank’s Night
Floating Light
| !§*•■*•
Rivers and harbors are being turned into safe night time landing
lanes for sea planes with rings of floating lights like the one
shown here by Dr. Phillips Thomas, Westinghouse restearch
engineer. Dr. Thomas will be here on the campus Monday
and will deliver a lecture in the Assembly hall at 8 p. m.
Westinghouse Engineer Will Explain
Latest Scientific Devices Monday Night
Buy Your Maid Or Old Lady One Of Our Texas
Ranger Or Aggie Belts. Bill Folds $1.00 & Up.
Loupots Trading Post
J. E. Loupot, ’32
North Gate
Maroon and White
Kyle Field Scenes On Border
$5.00 each
Order Yours Early
“Aggie Economy Center”
Bryan, Texas
Recent developments in scientif
ic research will be explained with
working models and motion pic
tures by Dr. Phillips Thomas,
traveling research engineer of the
Westinghouse Electric and Manu
facturing Co. The meeting will
be held at the Assembly Hall at
8 p. m., Monday, November 15.
Dr. Thomas will shoot midget
whirlwinds from a type of “gun”
that some day may clean the air
of industrial cities by blowing
giant rings of factory smoke high
into the sky.
New floating lights that are be
ing used to convert harbors and
rivers into safe landing lanes for
sea planes and blue lights that
make things look red will be shown.
The speaker will demonstrate
how radio static can be eliminated
by a new coating on powerline in
sulators. A robot device that
“hunts” for fires with an “elec
tric eye” and automatically puts
them out with a stream of water
will illustrate the photo-tube, a
device scientists have put to work
to control elevators, open doors,
look for holes in metal sheeting,
protect factory workers and do
many other odd jobs.
An electromagnetic tester that
helps manufacturers make better
bearings, gears, and pistons by
detecting “burned” spots will also
be displayed by Dr. Thomas.
The meeting will be open to the
public. Engineering and physics
students will be especially inter
ested and they are cordially invit
ed to be present. There will be no
charge for admittance.
Rising Accident
Toll Looms as Real
Menace to Defense
By The Texas State Health Dept.
The Texas State Health Depart
ment has joined the President in
his effort to prevent accidents. The
rising accident toll is a menace to
our national defense program and,
unless checked, can seriously hin
der our efforts.
Dr. George W. Cox, State Health
Officer, says that fatal accidents
are now one of the ten leading
causes of death in Texas. Last
year, over 4,600 Texans died as
a result of accidents. Thousands
more were injured and countless
days were lost from work in non-
fatal accidents.
Motor vehicles led the list of
fatal accidents in Texas, with
1,807 deaths; however, they ac
count for but one-third of the acci
dental deaths. Other leading
causes are: Falls, 675; fires and
burns, 490; and drowning, 267. To
stop this loss, each person must,
of his own accord, make it his re
sponsibility to do all in his power
to prevent accidents on the road,
in the home, and while at work.
Accident prevention must be
practiced all the time to be effec
tive. A person may be careful
while at work all day and then re
lax his caution while driving home
and become involved in an auto
mobile tragedy. Be courteous, be
cautious, be careful and prevent
an accident from happening to you.
Kimsey Saw Duty at Pearl Harbor,
Recalls Naval Experiences While There
Editor’s Note: Of immediate in- We must realize that fleet units
terest to all during the present
war crises is news of the armed
forces of this nation. Here is a
feature story written by an Aggie,
L. R. Kimsey, who has served at
Pearl Harbor and on the battle
ship Oklahoma.
By L. R. Kimsey
Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii,
is situated on the island of Oahu,
second largest in the Hawaiian
group. Often hailed in the past as
“The paradise of the Pacific”
Honolulu is today even more
prominent in the news. Our at
tention is crystallized, not on the
picturesque landscapes of Waikiki,
but centered on grim Pearl Harbor,
and the men-of-war based there.
We have reason to be thankful
for the concentration of U. S.
Army forces at Schofield Bar
racks, and for the far-ranging
PBY bombers winging out over
the Pacific, constantly alert—
alert lest there by a repetition of
the foul attack of last Sunday.
Conditions are far different now
. . . the United States is at war.
Wild Rumors Everywhere
Since the attack on Sunday, De
cember 7, by the planes of Imper
ial Japan, one hears no end of
wild rumors, of half-facts, and of
deliberate falsehoods. Some re
port half the fleet sunk, others
that military leaders are incompe
tent, and that United States forces
are doing nothing by way of retal
iation. Such reports are need
less, and are of such a damaging
nature that they should be stop
ped at once.
There is reason to believe that
many such rumors are started by
enemy agents for the sole purpose
of creating confusion. True, our
official sources do admit the grav
ity of the situation, but there is
no need for panic. We have al
together too many “swivelchair
strategists” who will make any
sacrifice for their country as long
as that sacrifice does not go be
yond the talking stage! Criticism
of our naval forces ill-becomes one
who never stepped aboard a man-
of-war, and who doesn’t know the
acrid scent of nitro-powder! If
criticism of the Navy is deserv
ed, it will come in due time from
sources whose judgment is based
on actual military experience.
The Season’s Newest Hits by^
The Nation’s Greatest Bands
There are any number of friends
and relatives on your Christmas
list who will be thiilled |by the
gifts that keep on giving. Come in
and order today!
“The White Cliffs of Dover”
—by Sammy Kaye
“A Sinner Kissed An Angel”’
—Tommy Dorsey
“Solid Sam”—Artie Shaw
List Price
“Everything I Love”—Glenn
“Shepherd Serenade”—Tony
“This Is No Laughing Mat
ter”—Dinah Shore
Also wonderful for Christmas!
Unique new Victor Record MusiCarda—
"Christmas Cards” that hold any Victor
Record you choose. Five verses, gay
colors, space for your signature.
Christmas shopping made easy!
Get great new Victor Musical Master
pieces Catalog—lists world’s best-known,
best-loved music . . . simplifies selec
tion of your Christmas gifts!
The World's Greatest Artists are on
Victor and Bluebird Records
To hear Victor Records at their best,
play them on the new RCA Victrola
•hist price exclusive of excise tax
operating at sea in wartime main
tain a strict radio silence when
ever possible. True, news of the
victory of American ships over
the enemy would be welcome in
deed—but would it not also betray
the position of our ships to the
listening ears of the enemy? Is
it worth the price? Until such
tidings can be divulged with safety,
we must be content /with the
knowledge that all our fleet units,
wherever they may be, have this
terse order: “Seek out the enemy
and destroy him!” You may be
assured that as long as a United
States vessel remains afloat, that
aim shall be relentlessly pursued.
Served at Pearl Harbor
This writer once served a tour cf
duty on the U. S. S. Oklahoma, re
ported sunk in Pearl Harbor by
an aerial torpedo. The U. S. S.
Oklahoma was an old vessel, but
a good fighting craft, and one
that holds an enviable record of
service to her country. Commis
sioned in 1914, she operated out
of Bantry Bay, Ireland against the
Germans in World War I. For a
number of years, she held the fleet
gunnery record for the U. S. Bat
tle Fleet. Modernized in 1928 in
Brooklyn Navy Yard, the Okla
homa lost her old style cage masts
and was fitted with tripod masts,
also regunned throughout. When
hostilities broke out in Spain in
1936, the Oklahoma performed
yeoman service in the evacuation
of American and Spanish refugees
from Bilbao.
Old as she was, the Oklahoma
was a gallant ship. This writer
will never forget the thrill of
seeing the three guns of turret
Four—old Mabel, Becky, and
Agnes—plunge back in a 30-inch
recoil, and of seeing through the
(See OKLAHOMA, page 6)
W. J. Douglas, Jr.
Genera] Insurance
Commerce Bldg
Phone Bryan 2-6605
Texas U Band Honors A&M By-
Playing of Aggie War Hymn
By Nelson Karbach
Will wonders never cease to
happen ! ! ! ! ! The Texas Long
horn band played the Aggie war
hymn three times at he TU-Oregon
game last Saturday — and of
their own free will and accord, too!
When the Longhorn band march
ed on the field during the half, it
immediately began to play “Good
bye to Texas.” They played it
through twice and after they had
finished, it was announced over the
public address system that it had
been played in honor of Cadet Col
onel Tom Gillis, who was in the
stands, because of the fine sports
manship that had been exhibited
by the Aggies at the Turkey Day
game on Kyle Field.
Late in the final quarter, just
as the game was about to end, the.
A. & M.-Washington State score
was announced over the loudspeak
er. From the throats of every tea-
sipper in the stands there arose a
lusty cheer that according to Tom
Gillis was louder than any cheer
they had given for their own team.
As the cheering died down, the
Longhorn band once more swung
into “Recall.” It was said by the
director of the Longhorn band
that he had not given the order
to play “Recall,” but several mem
bers of the band began to play it
spontaneously—just because they
felt like it! ! ! What has happen
ed to the Steers? Did they catch
a little of the Aggie spirit when
they were exposed on Thanksgiv
Morons on Increase,
Colgate Prof States
Hamilton, N. Y., (AGP)—The
United States is changing from a
democracy into a moronocracy, ac
cording to Doctor George H. Esta-
brooks, Colgate university psychol
ogy professor.
Give Dad or your roommate a
gift selected from our complete
Aggie Jewelry — Diamond Rings
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Aggieland Pharmacy
“Keep to your right at the North Gate ,,