The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 13, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Keep 'Em Flying
“Revved up” and ready for takeoff at the “West Point of the Air,” this long line of basic training
planes is representative of the mass methods now in use by the Air Corps in its expanded pilot
training program. 30,000 trained military pilots each year is the goal of the program and Ran
dolph Field will train 4500 of them. On December 12, another class of 264 student pilots com
pleted the second phase of the 30 week course at this south Texas field ana will move on to specialized
schools for a final “prepptng up” before receiving commissions as Second Lieutenants in the Air
Corps Reserve. Later, they will go to duty with units of the Air Force Combat Command or will
be reassigned to training centers as flying instructors.
Fifty Brazilian Students Will
Tour Aggieland in Buses Today
File Now
For Junior
Yell Leader
Eligible Juniors
Should File Before
Monday, Dec 15th
No applications for the position
of junior yell leader have been filed
with the Student Activities office
it was announced by Joe Skiles,
director of student activities.
All juniors who are eligible for
this position are encouraged to
record their intentions of running
for the office at once. The dead
line for filing has been set at 3
p. m. Monday, December 15. Skeen
Staley, head yell leader, is anx
ious that a junior yell leader be
elected as soon as possible so that
he may help during the coming
basketball and baseball seasons.
Any classified junior with a
grade point average of at least
1.25 who is now in attendance at
A. & M. for the fifth consecutive
semester and who passed at least
three-fifths of his vtork last semes
ter is eligible to run for election.
In making application for candi
dacy, juniors should have a petition
signed by two hundred seniors,
juniors, and sophomores on file
with the chairman of the Student
Election Committee by Monday
afternoon. Filing fee is 50 cents.
If the candidate should prove ineli
gible or should withdraw, the fee
will be refunded.
The election will be held at a
special meeting of the junior class
Wednesday evening, December 17
The office will be awarded to the
candidate who receives the great
est number of votes.
President To
Address Nation
On Bill of Rights
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
will address the nation December
13 as a part of a one hour “Bill
of Rights Day” broadcast over the
National, Columbia, and Mutual
radio networks between 9 and 10
p. m., E.S.T., according to a bulle
tin issued by the war department.
The first half hour of the pro
gram will be a dramatization of
the meaning of the Bill of Rights
which will be played by outstand
ing screen, stage and radio stars.
Roosevelt will speak for 15 min
utes following a reading of the Bill
of Rights by the former Chief
Justice, Charles E. Hughes.
Official notice of this program
as well as a request that provi- |
sions be made in order that as
many men as possible be afford
ed the opportunity of hearing the
speech have been sent to all
branches of the government’s mili
tary forces by order of the sec
retary of war.
Christmas Songs
To be Sung Sunday
The annual Christmas program,
sponsored by the Senior Class, will
be presented in Guion Hall at 3
p.m. Sunday. Because of the pro
gram there will be no free show,
Dick Hervey, president of the Sen
ior class, announces.
Christmas carols will be sung
by all those in attendance. Fea
ture of the program will be sev
eral Christmas selections sung by
the Singing Cadets, directed by
Richard W. Jenkins.
Everyone, on or off the campus,
including faculty members and
Bryan citizens, are invited to at
tend the gathering which is held
every year to keep up Christmas
Senior Favorite deadline,
Dec. 18
Vanity Fair deadline, Dec. 18.
Club reservations due Dec.
Freshmen may may now have
their picture made for
their class section; ail
other class sections arc
By Doug Lancaster
Fifty students, representing the
colleges and universities of Brazil,
will arrive here at 9:53 this morn
ing. The students will be moved
in two busses and a tour of the
campus will be conducted by Ag
gies. In each bus will be a repre
sentative of the school of agricul
ture, one from the school of engi
neering, one from the school of
veterinary medicine, and one from
the Texas Experiment Station to
aid on the tours. Also an inter
preter will be present since the
Brazilians can only speak Portu
guese and are unable to converse
in English.
Their visit will be of a general
Beaumont Mothers
Contribute Toward
General Reading Fund
Members of the Beaumont A. &
M. Mothers’ Club recently sent a
contribution of $10.00 to the libra
ry general reading fund.
For the past four years, this fund
has been supported by the A. & M.
Mothers Guos. The money is used
by the library to purchase books
and classical records which the stu
dents request.
Furnishing books and records
which could not be otherwise af
forded is not the only benefit de
rived from the library by the fund.
The students feel a personal inter
est in the library by making the
Former Batt Editors
Serve Uncle Sam Now
Hymie Critz, former associate
editor of the Battalion left Fort
Sill early last month for the Phil-
lipines and no doubt was on duty
there when the shooting started.
E. C. (Jeep) Oates, former sports
editor of the Battalion, is still on
duty at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, as
adjutant of the 31st Battalion, Re
placement Center.
Hubert (Hub) Johnston, sports
editor last year, is in Washington,
D. C., attending an adjutant’s
training class.
type, with no long stops. The speak
er of each bus will indicate points
of interest throughout the trip,
and an itinerary written in Portu
guese and a diagram of the college
will be provided each visitor so
that he may follow the route tak
The two buses will meet at the
mess hall at 12:05 so the visitors
may watch the Aggies march in to
the noon meal. The group will then
have luncheon at Sbisa Hall.
The afternoon will be spent m
visiting the animal husbandry and
dairy husbandry departments. The
buses will leave at 5:30 for Bryan,
where the students will spend the
night. Religious mass for those
desiring will be held at 7:00 a.m.
Singing Cadets
Will Visit Houston
Immediately following the
Christmas program in Guion Hall
Sunday, the Singing Cadets leave
for Houston where they will make
several appearances before groups
there, Richard W. Jenkins, director
of the Cadets announced Friday.
Upon their arrival the Cadets will
be entertained with an informal re
ception at the First Methodist
Church where they will sing at
7:45 p.m. The Houston A. & M.
Mother’s Club will provide their
lodging for the night.
Monday morning the group will
make a goodwill appearance at the
University of Houston. During the
afternoon they will sing at Lamar
and Stephen F. Austin High
Schools and at the Y.M.C.A. be
fore the Houston A. & M. Mo
ther’s Club. An informal dance for
the Cadets will begin at the Y fol
lowing their appearance there.
Monday night the group will hear
the Messiah presented by the Hous
ton Oratorical Society and the
Houston Symphony Orchestra at
the City Auditorium. After the
program the Cadets will return to
at the St. Joseph’s Chapel in Bry
an by Monsignor J. B. Gleissner.
Sunday morning will be spent
looking over the veterinary med
icine department, the wool scouring
plant, and the agronomy, agricul
tural engineering, and horticulture
departments. The afternoon will be
spent visiting the Texas Experi
ment Station and anything else the
group might like to see. The South
American visitors will leave on the
train at 6:12 tomorrow night.
These Brazilian students have
been in the United States for about
a month, with Iowa State College at
Ames, Iowa, and Louisiana State
University at Baton Rouge also
on the list of institutions of high
er learning to be visited.
Silver Taps Observed
For Jerome Forrest
Groves of G Infantry
Silver taps was observed Thurs
day night for Jerome Forre
Groves, a junior in G Infant...,
who died from injuries received in
an automobile accident between
Bryan and College Station Wed
nesday morning. Groves was 19
years old and a sergeant major in
the infantry.
Companies G, H, and I Infantry
turned out in No. 2 uniform with
campaign hats for the tribute.
Marching from Dormitory 6, where
Groves lived, they stood together
in ranks during silver taps.
Groneman Chosen
Chairman of State
Teachers Committee
Chris H. Groneman, instructor in
the department of industrial edu
cation at A. & M. college, was
elected state chairman of the in
dustrial arts section of the Texas
State Teachers Association at the
recent meeting in Houston of that
In his capacity Groneman will
be responsible for the program
and arrangements for the indus
trial arts section at the 1942 con
Faculty Cooperates With
Selective Service Boards
Work Begun
To Improve
Aggie YMCA
Construction To
Take $17,000 For
Old “Y’s” New Face
Construction work has begun
on improvements for the College
Station Y. M. C. A. with total ex
penditures expected to go over
$17,000 before work is completed,
giving the old “Y” an entirely new
The main lobby of the building
will be converted into two lounges
with glassed in sun parlors at each
end of the building. The present
office will be moved to the north
side of the building and this old
office space will be used for the
ladieis lounge. The ladies lounge
will be complete in every respect
and will allow ample space for
accommodations on all week-ends.
New furnishings and fixtures
will go into the new lounges with
the furnishings for the south
lounge to be paid for out of a fund
collected from the various mothers
clubs. A student committee head
ed by Preston Bolton has already
received $1,300 from the mothers
clubs with much more expected .
New entrances to the game room
in the basement are also being
made. The new doorways will be
under the front steps and the old
west entrance to the basement will
be done away with. This new door
plan will furnish better light, and
ventilation for the basement. En
largement of the basement floor
will also allow room for the ping
pong tables in this section of the
J. G. Gay of the Y. M. C. A.
stated that, work should be com
pleted by February 1. Upon com
pletion of the work, students will
have a first class place for meet
ing their parents or friends at any
Russell, Barger
Lead Sections At
AAAS Dallas Meet
Professor Daniel Russell, head
of the department of rural sociol
ogy; and Professor J. Wheeler Bar
ger, head of the department of
agricultural economics, both at A.
& M. college, will serve as sec
tional chairmen at the meeting of
American Association for the Ad
vancement of Science in Dallas,
December 29 to January 3.
Barger will be in charge of the
program dealing with the agricul
tural and industrial resources of
the Southwest, and Russell will |
serve as chairman of the pro
gram of population problems in the
The Texas Academy of Science,
of which Professor Fred A. Burt,
of the A. & M. geology depart
ment, is secretary, is cooperating
in the arrangements for the Dal
las meeting of the Academy, which
will be attended by scholars from
all parts of the United States.
Many other scientists from the
college staff, and the staffs of the
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Station, the A. & M. Extension
Service and the Texas Forest Ser
vice, all divisions of the college,
will take part in the program.
Dan Russell Speaks
To Personnel Officers
Dan Russell of rural sociology
department, spoke to a meeting of
the personnel officers at their ban
quet in Sbisa hall Thursday night
on the problems of the freshmen
and the outbreak of war. Lt. Joe
E. Davis asserted that personnel
officers should do everything they
could to keep freshmen in school.
The problems of personnel of
ficers have become three-fold since
the outbreak of war, Russell stat
Daily Grades Will Count As Final
Semester Grades for Drafted Aggies
Reacting as a patriotic cooperator with the national
government, the A. & M. faculty announced this week that
all students who are called to active duty in the United
States’ armed forces will be permitted to allow their daily
grades to the date of leaving college be counted as final
semester grades.
It was further pointed out that students who voluntarily
resign from college for any purpose will not be granted this
-^concession. Consensus of faculty
opinion was that A. & M. students
should not become hysterical and
resign from school but should re
main until needed by the govern
ment. On the other hand, members
of the faculty were quick to com
mend any patriotic action or indi
cation on the part of Aggies.
Law to Lecture
On Business For
Economics Meeting
Meeting in Chemistry
Lecture Room Will Be To
Discuss Business Problems
Text of the entire resolution
passed at the faculty meeting was
as follows:
“Today’s Business Problems”
will be the topic of a speech to
be delivered by Dr. F. M. Law to
members of the Economics club
Monday night in the chemistry lec
ture room at 8 p. m.
Dr. Law, who is chairman of
Eco Speaker
the board of directors of A. & M.,
is president of the First National
Bank of Houston. He has also
served as president of the Ameri
can Banker’s Association.
All students and faculty mem
bers interested in contemporary
business problems are cordially in
vited to attend this meeting.
There will be no admission charge.
“It was moved and carried—
“(1) That the Executive Com
mittee be authorized to permit daily
grades to the date of leaving col
lege to be counted as semester
giades for any student called from
reserve status to active military and
naval duty or called to duty un
der the Selective Service System.
“(2). That in the exercise of
this authority, the Executive Com
mittee is to be guided by the pol
icy that before leaving each student
should complete the courses for
which he is to receive credit as
nearly as is reasonably possible
without interfering with his pat
riotic duty to his country.”
Bracy Requests
Freshmen Place
i i y 1
Date Applications
Dates for the freshman ball will
be provided for all fish who sign
up for them not later than Tues
day, Lewis Bracy, president of
the freshman class, announced to
Fish in the new area, Dormitories
1, 2, 3, and 4, must sign up for
dates in room 427, Dormitory No.
1; those in Dormitories 5, 6, 7, and
8, in room 411 Dormitory 5; and
those in Dormitories 9, 10, 11 and
12, in Room 322 Dormitory 1.
Old area fish may sign pp in
Room 8, Ramp D, or Room 12,
Ramp I, Walton Hall, Rooms 82
or 36, Mitchell Hall, or in Room 1,
Ramp 4, Law Hall.
Effect of Light on Quail Is
Studied by Graduate Biologist
By Bill Morehouse
All you Aggies who have been
loading your shotguns to go quail
hunting in the vicinity of Pfeuffer
hall can shelve those guns.
The three cages at the east en
trance of the hall contain three
quail that are playing the leading
role in an experiment being per
formed by Bryan P. Glass, gradu
ate biology assistant from Baylor,
their preparation for his master’s
The experiment is an investi
gation in sexual photoperiodism,
or, more simply stated, 'the effect
of light on the regulation of the
sexual organs in birds. Glass be
lieves that when the quail have re
ceived the proper amount of light
stimulation, they will reproduce.
Then, the following spring, the
birds will produce the normal gen
eration, thereby producing a sec
ond generation in one year.
If the experiment is a success,
it will assist breeders and farm
owners who wish to stock their
lands for hunting purposes. Then,
too, this process need not be con
fined to the quail family alone, but
might possibly prove of value in
raising other fowl.
Glass began his experiment in
September of this year, and has
gradually increased the light per
iod for the quail until it is now
greater than the length of ordi
nary daylight. This accounts for
the electric light bulbs which may
be seen burning in the cages dur
ing the night.
Early in the experiment, the
birds could not be exposed to the
entire daylight period because it
was too long. To remedy this,
a light-tight box was built equipped
with a self-timer clock which would
turn the flourescent light within
the box on and off at the proper
intervals to give the birds the need
ed light.
Financial aid from the Texas
Academy of Science enabled Glass
to build the box and purchase the
automatic clock. The Academy
said the grant was made in the
belief that the information obtain
ed from the experiment would bo
Yesterday morning, Glass took
his physical examination for en
trance into the U. S. Air Corps
and should he be accepted for
training, the experiment will be
deferred until the completion of
his service.
Presbyterian Choir
To Present Oratorio
‘The Messiah’ Sunday
“The Messiah” will be present
ed by the Presbyterian choir at the
services in Guion Hall beginning
Sunday morning at 10:50 a.m. un
der the direction of Irving M.
Norman Anderson, pastor, will
speak on “The Price of Peace and
a World at War.”
Mrs. H. H. Garretson will be sol
oist and Caroline Mitchell will bo