Aggies Are Ready!, Student Poll Shows By Mike Speer At 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon the A. & M. campus was enjoying its usual quiet, sublime way of life. Then from the airwaves came the almost unbelievable news that Hawaii, Philippine and Wake Islands and many more protectorates of the United States had been the victim of a sur prise invasion by the Imperial Nation of Japan. Idle gossip was immediately changed -to talk of war, as quickly as one might change from one radio station to the other. The “bulP’stopped flowing in the “bull sessions,” all radios were tuned in on news broadcasts crying out the startling events of the past few hours and the A. & M. campus was literally blitzkrieged with the fervent talk of war with Japan. These are the comments and opinions of students typical of those men throughout the campus. David Pinson, C Troop Cav., Junior “I’m not in favor of war with Japan but I am ready to go when called for service. I have been expecting this for quite some time but was greatly surprised when I heard of it.” J. C. Black, E. Inf., Freshman “I’m in favor of war with Japan under the existing circumstances but will not volunteer. However, in the event the age limit should be lowered and I was called I would be willing to go.” Chuck Chalmers, G, F. A., Junior “We’ve been fooling around so long I’m glad things finally came to a head. Now the only thing to do is to “beat the hell out of Japan.” That simple phrase “beat the hell out of Japan” seems to have become the Aggie watch word in the past few hours portraying the sin cere feeling of every cadet. Pete Adams, I Inf., Senior “Although I am strongly in favor of war with Japan now I am sorry to see it happen. I will volunteer immediately if it appears to be the wisest thing to do.” Payson Tucker, 3rd Hdq. F. A., Sophomore “I believe that war with Japan is the best way of entry into World War II. I think it will give us needed experience with an inferior country that should aid us in event of war with Germany. I am not in favor of any war but since it has come we might as well do our best.” Daryl Davenport, A. Signal Corps, Sophomore “I am strongly in favor of war with Japan and the quicker we get going the better I like it. I am ready to go at any time and if volunteers are called for I will volunteer immediately.” M. H. Barrett, B. C.W.S., Freshman “I think that Japan stuck her neck out by declaring war on the United States. I am in favor of war with Japan under present world conditions but intend to wait a while before volunteering for service should volunteers be called for.” The problem of volunteering for service seems to be very prominent in the minds of many stu dents, especially so with those who have no con tracts or are under age. Many are undecided but all seem ready and willing to service active duty if drafted. R. H. Bowden, C, C.W.S., Junior “I feel that this is as good time as any. to enter the war with Japan. I’m strongly in favor of it for I feel that we would have been in it sooner or later anyway. I think that our chances are extremely favorable.” H. N. Mogford, F. Inf., Junior “I am very strongly in favor of war with Japan. I don’t feel that diplomatic relations will settle the disputes between Japan and the United States and that war is the only solution.” J. M. Reiber, C C.A.C., Freshman “I’m all in favor of a declaration of war against Japan and in view of the existing cir cumstance I’m ready to go at any time.” Practically every student contacted is in favor of war with Japan, but “only” under the present conditions. Had relations between the United States and Japan remained purely diplo matic none of them would have been in favor of belligerency between the two nations. H. G. Stevenson, D, C.A.C., Sophomore “I think we should have been at war with Japan a long time ago. I’m really ready to go and think we should be drafted as soon as any one else.” A. W. Sissom, A, Signal Corps, Senior • “I’m not glad that war was declared but now that it has come I feel that the only thing left to do is fight.” G. W. Samsel, D, F. A., Senior “I am very much in favor of war with Japan but I don’t think we should employ our entire fighting strength in combating them. I don’t think that the seniors will be taken before the (See STUDENT SURVEY, Page 4) DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion * * * * 4 * « DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 9, 1941 Z275 NUMBER 38 « * • Facilities of A&M Extended to US Government Walton, Welty Urge Cadets to Continue Studies as Usual “Technicians Necessary as Soldiers In Waging Total War”—Col Welty Wasting no time, the officials of A. & M. made definite statements yesterday concerning the role of the Cadet Corps in the present emergency. Emphasizing the importance of remaining in college until called, President T. O. Walton and Colonel M. D. Welty, commandant, issued statements to The Battalion. “Techni cians as well as soldiers are necessary in waging a total war,” Colonel Welty added. “A. & M. students have a sane attitude in regard to the present crisis,” President Walton explained. Following is the. text of the two messages given shortly after President Roosevelt had delivered his message to Congress and both houses of Congress had taken immediate action. President’s Message Office of the President Texas A. & M. College December 8, 1941 To the Cadet Corps Texas A. & M. College Today the President of the United States has ded icated the entire resources of this nation toward the end of preserving the American way of life. To the cadet corps of Texas A. & M. College a na tional emergency of this character brings forth a grave responsibility. Already the full facilities of the college have been pledged to the President. I feel sure that you share these sentiments and are behind our chief execu tive in whatever course he may lead us. As president of the A. & M. College, I counsel you to render full service to your nation in this great crisis. Let us all remember that it is to the best interests of this country at the present to serve this nation as stu dents. Many members of the cadet corps will eventually gain commissions in the Army of the United States. I congratulate you upon this opportunity to serve your country in this present time of need. Even before the events of the past few hours, the President, the War Department, and administrators of the selective service act have urged you to maintain your positions as students. I urge you, gentlemen, to remain in college and render service to your country in this manner. I feel sure that when your government calls, you will respond for the service where you can serve most effectively. T. O. Walton Commandant’s Message Office of the Commandant Texas A. & M. College I December 8, 1941 To the Cadet Corps Texas A. & M. College Your country today has entered into a state of war with Japan. Most of you have had military ex perience while at A. & M. Without question many of you will enter upon active duty with the Army immediately upon graduation. This is your opportunity to serve your country. I urge each of you to remain in college at the pre sent time. Every American will have a place in this na tion’s defense efforts. At the present, your place in national defense is here at college where you can better prepare yourself for the task ahead. You can rest as sured that when your country needs you, it will call. A. & M. has a great military tradition to maintain. I feel confident that A. & M. men both in the army and in college are again ready to serve their country. M. D. Welty, Colonel, Infantry Commandant and P.M.S. & T. War Developments . . . . December 7, 1941 Cities of Oahu and Honolulu were attacked by Japanese planes. At the same time Pearl Harbor was bombed. Bombs killed 350 men in barracks at Hickam Field, Hawaiian Islands A Japanese battleship was sighted in the vicinity of Pearl Harbor. A United States transport ship laden with lumber was torpedoed 1300 miles west of San Francisco. President Roosevelt called an extraordinary meeting of the cabinet and congressional leaders for 8:30 tonight. All naval leaves were cancelled and the men ordered back to their ships or stations at once. Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that they were mobilized to meet all instances of sabotage. Secretary of War ordered that all military personnel should report to their posts in uniform Monday mornipg. United States naval plane was shot down in a battle over Honolulu. Battleship Oklahoma reported to have been set afire. Residential districts of Honolulu were bombed. Secretary of War ordered that all business organizations engaged in producing deefnse materials should take measures to prevent sabo tage. U. S. S. West Virginia was reported sunk. Blackout ordered in Panama. Wake Island occupied by Japanese troops. Dutch East Indies declared was on Japan. Canada declared war on Japan. December 8, 1941. Congress assembled in the House of Representatives along with the Supreme Court and the presidential cabinet. In a speech of about five hundred words, the President asked for a formal declaration of war. Each congressional body met to vote on the proposed declaration. All through the discussion, cries of “vote” were heard. United States declared that a state of war existed between this coun try and the Empire of Japan! Jap Planes Reported Over San Francisco Fourth Town Hall Program Features Piano Duo Tonight at Eight O’clock Town Hall tonight presents Jacques Fray and Mario Braggiotti in the fourth of the Town Hall series. The program is scheduled to start at 8 o’clock instead of 7 o’clock as was previously an nounced. Fray and Braggiotti pioneered against the flat treatment of two piano music as exemplified in two- piano works of even the greatest composers . . . developed a rich, orchestral treatment of their own. Says transcriber Braggiotti, “to make two pianos sound as one piano is wrongly accepted as the aspiration of a piano-team. Two pianos should always sound like two pianos or else what advan tage outside of extra noise is there to be gained.” They are the first and as yet the only piano-team to present a full evening’s program of original transcriptions. Free to transcribe what they please, their repertoire is widely varied and in some cases very advanced. Fray remembers when they were considered revolu tionary because they played Debussy, Prc-kofieff and DeFalla on the air and were the first to do so. Included on the program will be “Rhapsody in Blue” by George Gershwin, and “Five Caricatures of the Theme of Yankee Doodle” by Mario Braggiotti. They will play eleven selections in all in addi tion to any encores which the corps demands. Both men, In spite of their classical training, are very enthus iastic about swing music. In the recent fracas against swinging the classics, Mario and Jacques, who swung Schubert’s “Serenade” twelve years ago, defended popu larizing the classics on the grounds that the layman who becomes familiar with pianists do not be lieve in being disrespectful of pop ular music. They point out that inasmuch as jigs and waltzes were made immortal by Bach and Chopin, the popular music of today stands an equal chance of under lying the symphonies of tomor row. Kyle to Speak In Assembly Hall On S A Tomorrow at 7:30 Dean E. J. Kyle will speak to the Latin-American Seminar group In the Assembly Hall tomorrow night. The subject of the talk, whcih wdl begin at 7:30, will be based on Dean Kyle’s research and findings dur ing his recent tour through South America. Tickets to Cotton Bowl Available For Students at Y Des Date Tickets on Sale December 17; Students Limited to one Ticket Tickets for the New Year’s Cot ton Bowl game are now available at the Y. M. C. A. resk. Student tickets are $1.65 with a coupon book. All juniors and seniors with military contracts may purchase these tickets by drawing against their January military science checks. Date tickets are not available at $2.50 but will be put on sale at $1.65 on December 17. Any juniors or seniors who wish to obtain tickets by drawing against their military science checks may do so by obtaining a promissory note from the senior instructor. Each student is limited to one student ticket, one date ticket and two others. No date tickets will be sold unless bought with a stu dent ticket. Prices for the other tickets are $2.50, $4.40, and $6.50. War-time Volunteers Boost Enlistments At Bryan Recruiting Post Reports from around the nation that activity around the various army and navy recruiting stations had increased considerably was also true at the Bryan recruiting office according to Sgt. C. G. Janney, who is in charge of the station at the Bryan Court House. Janney said that by noon Monday 12 applicants had signed papers and that three of these were for duty as flying cadets. His usual quota of applications has been from six to eight per week. In order to accomodate the an ticipated rush all recruiting stations will open an hour earlier and close an hour later than previously. The new time is from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Only one Aggie was among the group who requested affidavits yesterday. Eco Club to Have F M Law as Speaker At Meeting on Dec 15 F. M. Law, A. & M. Board of Di rectors member, will speak before the Economics Club on “Typical American Business Problems” Monday, December 15. Law is president of the First National Bank of Houston and is a former president of the Ameri can Bankers Association. P. A. Nutter, sponsor of the Eco nomics Club, announces that the public is invited to attend the lec ture which will be held in the chem- J istry lecture room. Pledge of Support Sent To k Roosevelt Following Meet Meeting in an extraordinary session yes terday at 3 p.m., the Academic Council of the college unanimously adopted a resolution ex tending all facilities of the college to the na tional government in this present war crisis. All the research, extension, and instruc tional facilities of A. & M. were placed at the disposal of the President of the United States. Individually and collectively the faculty pled ged itself to support to the utmost the policies of the Federal government in the present emergency. Immediately after the outbreak of hostilities the col lege moved to render its aid in the crisis. T. O. Walton, president, called a special meeting of the executive committee of the college and presented to them a survey of what aid A. & M. might offer. At that time college officials agreed to reaffirm the stand of the college in national defense. An immediate meeting of the Academic Council was scheduled and the offer of A. & M. aid was immediately adopted by that group. Faculty Resolution The Congress of the United States has declared a state of war to exist; The Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas is a land-grant institution, established under an act of Congress in 1862, among the major purposes is the prep aration of men for military service and technical pur suits ; The conditions of modern warfare demand techni cally trained men both in the military service and in practically every other activity supporting military op erations ; The College is the largest producer of reserve of ficers in the Nation with thousands of its graduates, and a considerable number of its faculty, already on active military duty, with other thousands of its grad uates engaged in technical activities essential to the successful waging of a total war, and with 4842 of its students enrolled in the Reserve Officers Training Corps preparing themselves that they may render more ef fective military service to their country; THEREFORE, we the Faculty of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, in conformity with the action of the Board of Directors, again tender to the Federal Government all the research, extension and in structional facilities at this College and we hereby, in dividually and collectively, pledge our utmost support to the policies of the Federal Government in this emer gency. We stand ready to carry out the policies of gov ernmental agencies in whatever respect we can render the most effective service. Over a year ago A. & M. first offered its services to the nation in the interests of national defense. Yesterday’s action reaffirmed this previous action. Throughout the past few months A. & M. has been offering defense courses in all parts of the state. “This action will enable this institution to do the job which is expected of it in this time of national emergency,” Walton explained. Immediately after the adoption of the resolution, a copy was telegraphed to President Roosevelt in Washington. In addressing the council prior to its adoption of the resolution, Dr. Walton stressed the need for A. & M. to do its share in the present war. “This is a renewal of our pledge to the President of the United States of our support,” Walton said. “A. & M. men stand ready to respond to the needs of the nation,” a statement made by Walton seemed to keynote the desire of the college to do its utmost.