Picking Aggies to Nudge Out Washington State, 7-0, Today; Also Taking SMU and TU The Texas Aggies end their regular season this afternoon at Tacoma, Washington in a battle with the tough Washing ton State Cougars. Coach Homer Norton’s gridsters are re ported to be in top shape for the fray and are due to put up a better exhibition than they did last week. In other season ending games, the Texas Longhorns play host to Coach Tex Oliver’s colorful Oregon eleven and S. M. U. takes on the ever-improving Rice Institute Owls at Dallas. Now as to our picks; A. & M.-WASHINGTON STATE . . . This one will be the toughest tilt of the day. The Cougars are now conceded by most Coast sports writers to be the best team on the Coast, and many regard to day’s game as the “Little Rose Bowl.” They have a heavy line, a good running attack, and just about the best passing attack in the Pacific Conference. However, their main weakness is pass de fense, and unless it is revised, the Aggies will complete many passes. So- it’s the best team on the Coast versus the champion of the South west! We’ll take the Southwest and the Aggies by a 7-0 count! TEXAS-OREGON U. . . . The Texas Longhorns are fresh from their 23-0 triumph over the Texas Aggies, and should be in the same frame of mind for the Coast team. This will be the last game for the senior Bible eleven and they should put up a grand performance be fore the home folks. It’s TU by a 20-7 score. RICE-S.M.U. . . . Here’s another battle that has to be put in the “tough” class. The Mustangs have been somewhat of a disap pointment in this season’s play, having already lost four games, and nothing would please them more than to end their season with a victory. Playing before a home crowd, with Howard Maley, sensational sophomore flinger, in top shape, this corner gives S. M. U. a 17-14 edge. Don’t underrate the Owls either! They are plenty tough and have been improving with each game. However, we just can’t get over, the fact that they still have a weak pass defense. Sports Squibs From Here and There; Cage Squad to Have New Uniforms This Season New uniforms will be inaugurat ed this season by Coach Marty Karow’s basketball team . . . the home uniform is white with a ma roon “V” running in front and back of jersey ... if the team is as colorful as the togs, the cham pionship is in the bag ... at the 00* Coming Soon JOHN KIMBROUGH In ZANE GREY S LONE STAR . "■ opening of the first cage tilt Mon day, the Aggies will also get a chance to view the new improve ments at the DeWare Field House . . . . Besides sporting a new floor, it also has a new roof, new backboards, electric timer, an ( d im proved lighting . . . .all that is need ed now is a new team to win a championship, something which has not been done since 1923 . . . in listing his All-Conference elev en, Coach Dutch Meyer puts the Aggies’ Derace Moser as being close to the top for all-around per formance . . . one thing funny about Dutch’s selection is that nimble-toed Jack Crain of Texas is not even put on the second team. . . . Some of football’s screwy news . . . D. P. Jones, halfback for the Arkansas Razorbacks, carried the ball 58 times for a total net gain of 11 yards! ... As if Duquesne has something to shout about, what (See KYLE FIELD, Page 4) Aggies! There are only 12 more Aggie shopping days until Xmas. See our selection of the most useful things you can give a girl. Wearing Apparel A house coat is a gracious gift to add Glamour to her lei sure. • ROBES of all description • PAJAMAS • GOWNS • PANTIE SETS • HOSIERY—nylon & silk • SLIPS- • COSTUME JEWELRY • PURSES V The Collegiate Shoppe 113 Main Street Battalion Sports DECEMBER 6, 1941 Page 3 Sibley and Ruby Named on Frogs All-Opponent Team Fort Worth, Texas, Dec. 5.— Jack Wilson, star of the 1941 Baylor Bears, is the best football player that T. C. U. faced all sea son. That is the opinion of those best qualified to know, the Horned Frog players themselves. Eight of the 10 teams that the Frogs played are represented on the players’ all-opponent choice. In cluded are two each from Baylor, Rice and Texas A. & M.; and one each from Fordham, Tulsa, S. M. U., Indiana, and Texas. With the exception of one man, every Frog cast his vote for C. H. Greene, Tulsa, and Martin Ruby, A. & M., for the tackle posts. Two Aggie players tied in the naming of a captain for the elev en—Bill Sibley, center, and Ruby. The all-opponent team as named by the T. C. U. players: Ends—Jack Russell, Baylor; Jim Lansing, Fordham. Tackles—Martin Ruby, A. & M.; C. G. Greene, Tulsa. Guards—Art Goforth, Rice; Ted Ramsey, S. M. U. Center—Bill Sibley, A. & M. Backs—Jack Wilson, Baylor; Bill Hillenbrand, Indiana; Pete Layden, Texas; Bob Brumley, Rice. INTRAMURALS Class A touch football is moving along nicely and the game schedule will be completed by about Decem ber 10 if the wea ther permits. Im mediately after the completion of touch football, Class A speedball will begin. And all recreational of ficers are remind- Oxford ed that today is the last time that entry cards may be turned in. The December meeting of the R. O.’s will be held in the C.E. lectme room next Tuesday, so hold that FORFEIT DOGHOUSE Class A; 1 CHQ, Basketball 1 CHQ, Handball 5 CHQ, Football A Replacement Center, Foot ball Class B: B CWS, Basketball 3 CHQ, Volleyball F FA, Ping Pong 2 CHQ, Ping Pong D FA, Ping Pong date open. New rulings in speed- ball and other important subjects will be discussed. Intramural Heroics and Hysterics H Replacement Center is still playing basketball, and if you don’t believe me, ask their opponents. They haven’t been beaten yet, and their closest score was 17-7. Con tinuing with the Replacement Cen ters,, I RC is winning all their foot ball games. The perfect way to lose a game by a small score instead of a large score is to call the referee a few choice names. I’ll explain. A player was put out of the game for hacking and on his way out gave the “ref” a piece of his mind. As the score of his team was 0 to the other team’s 13, the ref eree by some calculation ruled that the final score of the game was 1- 0. Moral: Just “cuss out” the ref eree if you don’t want to lose by an enormous score. Dub Sibley, Aggie varsity cen ter, had better watch out. Paul Wolf, 119 pound center for C CW S, played a whale of a game yes terday. . . .Bernie Murray, who weighs in at 135 soaking wet also held down the guard slot very well. . . . Plans are being made for an open handball tournament. Henderson, Jarrett Prominent Cogs of Cage Team; Open Season Against Sam Houston Mon The Texas Aggie basketball team will open its season Mon day night in DeWare Field House against the Sam Houston Teachers. The abilities of the Cadet cagers are definitely unknown and there will be a lot of new boys out for the team this year, in addition to having a new coach in Marty Karow. Henderson to be Missed Captain Jitterbug Henderson will QZ/enderson be missing from the squad until aft er the January 1 Cotton Bowl game since he is a stellar end on the Aggie football squad. Leonard “Slats” Holder and Pete Slaugh ter, who are first year candidates, will also be kept back by the pig skin sport. Henderson is likely to be the key man of the Aggie offense. He has ranked in the top four high scorers for the past two years and is an outstanding play er. Raymond Jarrett, junior college transfer last year and letterman, will be a mainstay in the lineup. He has been in charge of the team while Coach Karow has been tied up with football. A squad- man of last year, Raymond Klutz, has been showing much promise. Other lettermen back from last year are Ralston Bayer, Fred Nabors, and Charlie Stevenson. Sure Starters Henderson, Jarrett, and Klutz are almost sure starters but there will be a battle for the other two places between Nabors, Under wood, Bayers, Stevenson, Huffman, Mike Cokinos, Pennington, Muller, and a number of first year men. Holder and Slaughter will fit in somewhere along the line but un til they get in some practice noth ing can be decided about them. As Henderson will be on his way back from Tacoma, Washing ton, when the season opens Mon day night, he will miss this game but will be on hand for games of December 12-16-17-18-19 against North Texas Teachers here, Phil lips 66 and Texas Tech at Houston, Louisiana State at Baton Rouge, and Centenary at Shreveport on those respective dates. New Coach Marty Karow replaces Hub Me Quillan, cage coach since 1935, who left A. & M. to coach at Texas Christian. Even though this is Karow’s first year in basketball coaching, he is not new at the bus iness, having handled the Univer sity of Texas team and assisted at the United States Naval Acad emy. When asked about the prospects for a winner, Coach Karow answer ed, “About all I can tell you is that we are going to play 24 games and hope to win our share, but be yond that, anyone’s guess is as good as mine. After I get in more time with the team I may know more about it, but right now— you guess.” Williamson Picks Ags, Steers And Mustangs to Win By Paul B. Williamson Only 15 leading games remain scheduled for the 1941 football sea son. Ten will be played this weekend. The two games that will be fol lowed most widely over the nation Saturday will be Oregon U. in vading Texas U. and the Texas Aggies going to Tacoma against Washington State College. The System takes both Texas teams in these games. On Saturday games include Ari zona over Utah (my, my!); S. M. U. over Rice; Mississippi State over San Francisco in a tentative game that may be called off ,’f the Staters are invited to a bowl; Hardin Simmons over Tempe; and the U.C.L.A. Bruins over South ern California. Christmas Gifts of Jewelry If It’s New Caldwell Has It Aggie jewelry of all kinds and prices less than you’ll find any where else. Let us help you with your gift selections. TIME FROM THE STARS ELGIN * ' tody's 15 Jewel, 10K natural gold filled watch with exqui- site matching bracelet. ^ Terms to Suit Price includes Federal Tax Diamonds — Watches Jewelry Gifts Caldwell’s Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas Moser, Sewell Aerial Duel Expected to Highlight Tilt Weldon Maples in Place of Les Richardson Only Change in Lineup; All in Top Shape Those Fighting Texas Aggies will close their regular grid schedule today when they meet the Washington State College Cougars in the high school stadium in Tacoma, Washington, at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Coast time (4:00 p.m. Central Standard time). This will be the Cadets last game before the New Year’s Day classic in the Cotton Bowl at Dallas against the Crimson Tide. Many football observers believe that this intersectional battle will develop into an aerial’ duel between Derace Moser ancf Leo Daniels of the Aggies and Billy Sewell and Jay Stoves of Washing ton State. Sewell is the kingpin of the WSC attack. The dope books show that last season Sewell bet tered Davy O’Brien’s great 1937 record in all but one department. Stoves, a 200-pound junior, car ries on for Sewell whenever the lat ter is off the field and does a good job, too. The No. 1 quarterback is Bob Kennedy, a fast triple-threat- er who can handle any job in the backfield. The remainder of the backfield is made up by Felix Flet cher and Billy Holmes, right half- backs, Fred Small, Kennedy’s un derstudy at quarter; and Frank Londos and Earl Brenneis at full back. The Cougar’s first string line is Nick Susoeff and Dale Gentry, ends; Joe Beckman and Jim Woody, tackles; Bill Ward and Stan Doep- | ke, guards. At the pivot post will be Bill Remington who usually plays the full game. The -Aggies will be up to full strength as very few players suf- V Stands For VICTORY Just As A. & M. GRILL Stands for the best place to go for Eats, Drinks & games. The backfield will be in prime condition and Tom Pickett will be back in the game in better shape than he has been in several weeks. The starting lineup will be the same as it has been all year. The only likely change will see Weldon Maples playing in place of injured Les Richardson. So, it’ll be Derace Moser at the tailback, Marshall Spivey at wingback and calling signals, Willie Zapalac at the blocking back post and Jake Webster at fullback. In the line it will be sterling and Henderson at ends, Ruby and Wes son at tackles, Sibley at center, and Bucek and Maples at guard, fered injuries in the Thanksgiving ' GANTNER Sport jacks • These Gantner sportjacks assure you smartness, ease and unrivalled wear. These Gantner sweaters feature latest shoulder ideas, non-gaping fronts —and a narrow hip-line. Coats, jackets, slip-ons in a fine assortment of weaves and colors. $1.95 to $7.95 Music. New Waldrop Bldg. North Gate 7 t t r - * *p\ WIMBERLEY STONE DANSBY W.vJTXZ CLQCKIERS BRYAN and COLLEGE - For smarter giving, depend on our carefully selected stock of Aggieland Jewelry— • BRACELETS • LOCKETS • CIGARETTE CASES • COMPACTS • PINS • CAMEOS — With Aggie Seal — also DIAMOND RINGS & WATCHES Aggieland Pharmacy “Keep to the right at the North Gate and you can’t go wrong”