The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 04, 1941, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1941 Official Notices FOOPS GROUP The foods group of the College Women’s Social club, will meet at 3 o’clock, Thurs day December 4, at the home of Mrs. R. G. Reeves in the wooded section of College Hills Estates. Mrs. Raymond Reiser is in charge of t*-~ "vogram, Fun and Fancy in the Kitchen. DR. ASHTON TO SPEAK ON SOILS Dr. John Ashton will speak to the Agronomy classes on Soil Conservation at 9 o’clock, Wednesday, December 3 and Thursday, December 4 in Room 304, Agri culture Bldg. He will describe soil types in Central America. Everyone interested is invited. PRE-MEDICAL APTITUDE TEST The special pre-medical aptitude test will be held Friday, December 5, 1941, at 2 p. m. in Room 14, Science hall.—G. E. Potter, Pre-Medical Adviser. PLACEMENT BUREAU Printed personnel leaflets and accom panying application size photographs are ready for the following seniors. Please call for these at Room 133, Administration building, at your earliest convenience: Anderson, W. R. Horton, E. L., Jr. Hudspeth, E. B. Jr. Lea, A. L. McKain, T. J. Michie, D. W. Neu, J. T. Poland, R. L. Powell, R. G. C. G. Aono, S. Basham, Benish, J. Burton, C. C. Clayton, W. J. Clepper, P. W. Copeiand, E. H. Couch, R. W. Dines, J. E. Doughty. E. G. Elliott, J. F. Evans, M. F. Evans, J. G. Giesenschlag, A. Gill, H. W. Goins, W. C. Guilloud, L. H. Hall, W. R. Havlik, M. D. Hearn, W. E. Holliday, j . M. Placement Bureau Association of Former Students Rollins, H. M. Smither, J. M. Somerville, G. H. Stearman, W. C. Stracener, J. R. Sumner, G. C. L. Taylor, J. B. Wagner, O. Walvoord, J. G. Westbrook,' C. H. Williams, G. W. Wolfe, P. J. Wright, J. D. Go WESTERN RIFLE TEAM The Rifle Team will meet in the Phy sics Lecture room immediately after yell practice Thursday night December 4, 194 yell 941. FACULTY EXERCISE CLUB The Faculty Exercise Club meets Thurs day at 5:45 P. M. at the little gym. Volleyball and handball offered. NOTICE There will be an A. S. C. E. meeting Thursday night after yell practice in the C. E. Lecture room. Mr. O. H. Koch of the firm of Koach and Fowler, Consulting Engineers, will speak. All civil engineering students are urged to attend. FACULTY MEETING The regular meeting of the General Faculty will be held at 7:30 p. m. today in the Chemistry Lecture Room. F. C. BOLTON, Dean. FACULTY DANCE CLUB The next Faculty dance will be held on the evening of December 12, Friday, from 9 to 12 in the Annex of Sbisa Hall. SINGING CADETS All singing cadets will report to the steps at the back of the administration building at 5:00 this afternoon to have their picture taken. Appear in number 1 uniform. FARM EQUIPMENT PICTURE A picture on farm tractor and imple ment tires will be shown in the Agricul tural Engineering Lecture room tonight at 7:30. This picture will be shown in connection With the regular A. S. A. E. Student Branch meeting. All students in terested are invited to be present. BATTALION SOPHOMORES All sophomores interested in joining the Battalion staff are invited to come to the Battalion office, Room 122 Administration building any Monday, Wednesday, or Fri day afternoons and talk with the editors. No previous experience is necessary.—Don Gabriel, Editor. ttICKOK BAR-tt See this round-up of style. . . . Hickok BAR-H belts and braces that have the ruggedness of the great open spaces, the flexibility of authentic tooled steerhide. A variety of colors, and patterns surprisingly priced at $1 to $3.50 rilaldrbpefi “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan JARRIN’ JOHN KIMBROUGH In “LONE STAR RANGER” Is Coming To COLLEGE STATION SOON At The CAMPUS Qmipuy 4-1181 TODAY ONLY “CAMPUS CONFESSIONS” Starring Betty Grable Porky Pig — Cartoon — Short LISTEN TO WTAW 1150 KC Bt sure to listen to the Town Crier which is carried on WTAW six days each week, Monday through Saturday at 11:55 a. m. This program in cludes a newscast by staff members of The Battalion. • • • Thursday’s Program 11:25 a. m.—The Army Aviation Cadets Are on the Air (War De partment) 11:40 a. m.—Music From Many Lands. 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier and Battalion Newscast ■ 12:00 noon—Sign-off. Friday’s Programs 11:25 a. m.—Federal Music Pro gram (Works Projects Adminis tration) 11:40 a. m.—Music From Many Lands. 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier and Battalion Newscast. 12:00 noon—Sign-off. 4:30 - 5:30 p. m.—THE AGGIE CLAMBAKE. FRIDAY & SATURDAY ^ Shop girl gets millionaire^^ I in — with ANNE SHIRLEY'JAMES fRMG» CHARLES COBURN RKO RADIO Picture Also News — Merrie Melodie — Stranger Than Fiction Showing 1941 A. & M. vs. Rice Football Game —BOWL GAME— (Continued from Page 1) to stand in the way of A. & M. and the Rose Bowl. It was be yond his power, however, to can cel the game. “Tacoma has been red hot for the game since A. & M. won the Southwest Conference title, and ever since the Washington State team became the best on the Pacif ic coast. Never had an intersec tional game in the state of Wash ington created as much interest as this one. That made it far more difficult to try to cancel the game . . . After working on the mater for many hours, the task was found to be impossible.” Bruce Layer, sports editor of the Houston Post, brought forth the same report as Jinx Tucker in the former’s daily column, “Sports of the Day,” in Tuesday’s Post. Layer said, in reference to post season games,” December 6 date with Washington State at Tacoma, Washington, cost the Texas Aggies a chance to face Oregon State in the Rose Bowl New Year’s Day. “Texas A. & M. was in the mid dle of the Rose Bowl picture this year, but there was a little con tract for a tilt with W. S. at Tacoma and efforts to cancel out of the contest failed. “When that happened the Aggies faded from the Pasadena setup . . Washington State defeated the the Rose Bowl host team and will be meeting the club Oregon State tried to get for the Pasadena at traction. “So Saturday afternoon, in far away Washington, I’ll be watching the “Little Rose Bowl” game of 1941.” Aggies Water Polo Team To Play Texas U Team in Gregory Pool The Texas Aggie Water Polo team will meet the Texas un iversity Longhorn water polo team in Austin Friday night for the sec ond time this year. The Aggies met the Longhorns on Aggie ground and beat them 18-1. Water polo team captain Ernie Con way says that the squad is ready and will attempt to make the score even greater. The game will be played in Greg ory Gym pool and scoring for the Aggies will be led by Happy Mc Kee, who is high score man for the water polo squad so far. Coach Adamson has indicated that he will take the regular squad which includes such stellar play ers as Fred Renaud, Bob Taylor, Bob Cowling and Bob Lapham. Game time is 8 o’clock. Crypt-0-Quiz —BACKWASH— (Continued from page 2) “Over in Havana, Cuba, there is a statue in one of the many plazas, and this par ticular piece of statuary is de voted to the memory of a man who killed himself. He set as the objetcive of his life the amassing of a fortune of twenty-five millions of dollars. The first twenty he accumulat ed in due time but further than that he could not go. In great mental distress and embar rassment because he could gain a fortune of only twenty mil lion dollars instead of the coveted twenty-five, he hang ed himself. “Our loss last Thursday, bringing hurt as it did to all of us, is not nearly so im portant as our reaction to that disappointment. Let us not get our viewpoint warped— as for me, I am tremendously proud of you boys on the club for the nineteen fine victories you won, giving us a new high in continuous victories for this conference and area. You did a fine job. The college, cadets, officers, faculty, and support ers generally are proud of you and are indebted to you for two succsssive seasons of most exceptional football. That pride and that gratitude surpasses by great extremes our disap pointment of last Thursday’s loss.” There are no regrets. After all, we’ve been on top of the confer ence heap for three successive sea sons, losing only two games during that time . . . And it’s only 51 weeks to Thanksgiving Day, 1942. ON KYLE FIELD COMING SOON John Kimbrough In LONE STAR RANGER Patronize Our Agent In Your Outfit. "At •/z-isesva DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS xnvour’xca.n. CASH & CARRY — D. M. DANSBY, ’37 North Gate -WILLIAMSON— (Continued from Page 3) of 74.4 per cent, an even lower record than last week. WILLIAMSON RATING (Continued from Page 3) Henderson hit the charmed circle on the Collegiate Football News’ eleven . . . Jack Crain, Pete Lay- den, and Malcolm Kutner are the Texas’ contributions to several All- America teams ... If this corner had to take one man from this con ference for the All-American team, Martin Ruby of the Aggies would certainly and unhesitatingly he the choice . . . And don’t forget Dar rell Palmer of T. C. U., either. Presented for the interest of readers of The Battalion by the Cryptography Club. “Y JUZKUH OJ AIEK JQYGU OW AIE RUUK OH, AIEK PYJ- HUK OW AIE QIJU OH.” * * * Solution to Crypt-O-Quiz which appeared in the last issue of The Battalion—“TO BE PREPARED FOR WAR IS ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTUAL MEANS OF PRE SERVING PEACE.”—WASHING TON. —INTRAMURALS— (Continued from Page 3) strong. The click of the ball may be heard constantly which sig nifies that the fellows are put ting in a lot of practice on the sport. Class B Swimming is now in the quarter-finals, and in the game the other night, H Coast outclassed F Field to win 38-10. The Coast boys simply “walked” away with the meet. Intramural Heroics and Hysterics In the class A basketball game between I Replacement Center and A Infantry, which I RC won 23-7, K. Brendle of A Infantry was cautioned that he already had three fouls against him. “Coach” Bert Hill then instructed him to make his “fourth” a good one. Hey, “coach,” that’s not an attitude to take. —REMARKS— (Continued from Page 2) and it was they who said an emphatic “no” to any fight ideas. Surely, by their actions, the Ag gies set a standard for all schools in the conference. No matter how much rivalry exists between two student bodies the place to settle disputes is on the athletic field, not in the stands or on the cam pus. Have You Talked To George McCulloch NO? Then you’d better see him today. He’ll tell you how to ship your baggage home and return—right from your dorm rooms, and save your cash by doing it. Call George at 4-4794. Express Agency Inc. NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Tx~ ARE YOU WORRYING Over That CHRISTMAS Shopping List? ’"J COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Aggieland Pharmacy “Keep to the right at the North Gate” IN APPRECIATION In apreciation of your kind expn of symphathy, which has helped to li: the burden of our sorrow. R. H. McLarn Robert H. McLarn, Jr. ession ighten NOTICE BATTALION CARRIERS There will be a meeting of all Battalion Carriers in the Rotunda of the Academic Building tonight at 7:15. It is imperative that all carriers be there. Wilmeth Classified LOST—Ladies large brown purse in Mess Hall November 26. Contains glasses and small amount of money. Return to Room 101, Dorm. 5 for reward. CALIFORNIA CHRISTMAS — Round trip in ’40 Ford Station Wagon. Will leave and return when you are ready. Come by Room 80, Milner Hall. LOST—Monday night in Waco, Picked up wrong suitcase. Will party who got mine by mistake contact me No. 402, Dorm. 7 and exchange. George Doshier or Ben Wilson. ROUND TRIP TO DALLAS—This week end. Leaving College 5 o’clock Friday af ternoon ; Leaving Dallas 6 o’clock Sun day afternoon ; 1939 Oldsmobile with Radio and heater. Price $2.00 round trip, $1.00 either way. See McCullough, 29 Legett or Gillespie, 40 Legett. LOST Tuesday, 1940 Port Arthur High School class ring. If found please return to Ivan Schwing, Room 124, No. 10. LOST—Valuable field notebook. Return to 401, A. I. Building. Reward. LOST—Brown ladies hand bag contain ing six dollars and pair of brown gloves. Please return to 401-4. Reward. LOST—Black leather billfold with money and valuable cards. Return to L. M. Le- gatski, C. E. Dept. Reward. Perfect Team 1. Minnesota 99.1 2. Duke 98.1 3. Texas 97.3 4. Texas A. & M. 96.6 5. Notre Dame 96.5 6. Duouesne 95.3 7. Michigan 95.2 8. N avy 95.2 9. Missouri 95.1 10. Miss. State 94.8 11. Fordham 94.6 12. Pennsylvania 94.2 13. Alabama 94.0 14. Tennessee 16. Northwestern 93.7 16. Georgia 93.6 17. T. C. U 18. Vanderbilt 93.3 19. Ohio State 93.0 20. S. M. U 92.8 21. Mississippi 92.6 22. Cornell 92.4 23. Oregon State 92.3 24. Harvard 92.2 25. Washington State 91.9 26. Oklahoma 91.6 27. Army 91.3 28. L. S. U 91.2 29. Oregon 91.1 30. Stanford 91.0 31. Tulane 91.0 32. Santa Clara 90.8 33. Washington (Coast) . 90.7 34. Michigan State 90.2 35. California 90.1 36. Auburn 89.9 87. Wm. & Mary 89.8 38. Dartmouth 89.8 39. Clemson 89.7 40. Colgate 89.5 41. Suracuse 89.4 42. Boston College 89.3 43. Rice 89.2.... 44. Columbia 89.1 45. Tulsa 89.0 48. Baylor 88.6 51. Arkansas 88.3 mm* 8 ■a®«i mm LA SALLE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Fire Proof R. W. HOWELL, Mgr. Class ’97 YOU WILL SHED NO TEARS When You Trade WITH US Any Dissatisfaction Is Always Made Right. LOUPOT’S J. E. Loupot, ’32 North Gate Musical Meanderings : By Murray Evans Jack Teagarden does himself proud in all the musical sequences of “The Birth Of The Blues.” As a matter of fact he is the only one in the cast who looks natural playing a horn. Although Bing Crosby and Brien Donlevy sur pass him infinitely in acting abil ity, still they look about as much at home playing the clarinet and trumpet as Paderewski would swinging the blues. Teagarden builds his library at the rate of four tunes a week. His arranger is a young Negro, Phil Moore, who holds a master’s degree in music and is therefore no duffer when it comes to turning out sparkling arrangements for his now boss’ up- and-coming band. Tommy Tucker’s smooth orches tra started something when it recorder “I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire,” with winsome Amy Arnell doing the vocal. Sales for this particular record are now knocking at the door of half a mil lion. Nickelodeon operators, not being able to secure the record fast enough to replace worn-out ones from so much playing, just turned the record over and used “This Love Of Mine” on the reverse side. And so now this number promises fair to be Tucker’s next smash hit. The people of North Carolina provided for a state system of high er learning in their first consti tution of 1776. Z % NOW — WE HAVE THE NEW Log Log Duplex Decitrig SLIDE RULES Come In And Get Yours Today Student Co-op One Block East North Gate Ph. 4-4114 / gw* No Cramming Necessary! For swell flavor and real chewing fun-the answer is delicious Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum Pause• • • Go refreshed Br\ 0 a5 D COCA-COLA 0 BOlTLi A lNu LA cgM A uainV