The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 27, 1941, Image 5
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1941- Basketball Team Opens Season Dec 8 Six States to Be Covered During The Christmas Holidays The Texas Aggie basketball team will be the “travelingest” squad in the conference. Playing Sam Houston State Teachers here Monday, December 8, as an open er, they take to the road eight days later and play the Phillips 66 Oil ers in Houston. After that the team will cover six states in maintaining their playing schedule. The team will be gone from the state of Texas all during the Christmas holidays and will play such northern teams as Purdue University, Kentucky University, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Washington University and Ore gon State College. This will be the first time an Ag gie basketball team has made such a long trip and Coach Marty Kar- «ow has indicated that he will carry about fifteen men with him. Such a trip will give the Aggie cagers a chance to see how the game is played by top northern teams. At Purdue, winning the Big Ten championship is almost a tradition and the Aggies will have a chance to see how they stack up against the nation’s finest basketball team. THE BATTALION University of North Carolina’s original 1795 faculty of two mem bers waited almost a month until the first student, Hinton James, walked 200 miles to enroll. BEAT TEXAS! After The Game, Come By And Let Us Check Your Car For That Trip Home. Best Of Service AT THE HUMBLE STATION Paul Gregg, Prop. East Gate Aggie Nemesis -Page 5 Dana X Bible, Present Texas Coach, Guided Destiny of A&M for Twelve Years By Chick Hurst (Junior Sports Editor) Dana Xenophon Bible, known to most people affectionately as D.X., brings his Texas Longhorns to College Station today in an attempt to shatter a tradition which he at one time fought valiantly to up hold. For the bald, silent Texas mentor was at one time the brains behind those “Fighting Texas Ag gies.” From 1917 through 1928, with time out one year for service with “Uncle Sam,” he guided the Brooks, TU Sports Editor Gives Texas Edge Over Ags LEAVING SCHOOL? SELL YOUR BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT HERE Best Prices Paid LOUPOT’S North Gate Peter John Layden, the lad who was a thorn in the Cadets’ side all year, will start as fullback for the Steers this afternoon. Layden scored the lone touchdown last Thanksgiving at Memorial Stadium in Austin which throttled the Texas Aggies, 7-0. He also beat the Aggies out for the baseball championship when he hit a home- run to give the Steers a win. ore Ag-Longhorn Statistics Figures intended to be used to dope out the winner of the Texas Aggie-Texas Longhorn game here on Kyle Field Thanksgiving after noon, November 27, don’t mean a thing except to provide fuel for settling arguments. So, for the benefit, of those who figure they can figure the victory from comparative figures—here is the complete season records of all players handling the ball on both the Aggie and Longhorn teams this season: PASS INTERCEPTIONS How to stand out in the line! •\7-ou can outshine the rest of jl the boys in any stag-line by decorating yourself with Arrow Shirts. Arrow Shirts tote the world’s handsomest collars. Arrow learned how to make them by making some 2 billion! Arrow Shirts are cut to fit without bunching or bulging— by Arrow’s exclusive Mitoga design. And they keep their fit to the bitter end . . . they’re Sanfor* ized-Shrunk (fabric shrinkage guaranteed less than 1%.) Come in today and get several! 92 up. 7 t t r"* WlMBERLEY STONE OANSBY W. O TI7 CiOCKlERS COLLEGE and BRYAN Player Sibley Rogers Spivey Roberts Moser Holder F. Bucek Doss Kutner Sanders Matthews J. Crain McKay Mayne Heap Daniels R. parkins Roman M. Williams Pickett Gill Webster Jungmichel Martin Sweeny TEAM TOTALS: School A. & M. A. & M. A. & M. Texas A. & M. A. & M. A. & M. Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas A. & M. Texas A. & M. A. & M. A. & M. Texas A. & M. Texas Texas Texas Texas A. & M. Editor’s Note: At the request of The Bat talion Sports editor, L. W. (Babblin’) Brooks, sports editor of The Daily Texan wrote the following article for the Thanksgiving issue of The Battalion. By L. W. Brooks Daily Texan Sports Editor What a short year it has been since last Thanksgiving Day? The scene has been changed. The prop men are clearing the stage of earlier season engage ments. The audience is filing back in to witness another TEXAS-TEX- AS A. & M. football game. Speaking of changes, there is a definite change in what the sports experts of the nation predicted for this Thanksgiving Day in College Station. Yes, the tables have been turned over and a couple of sup posedly weak Southwest Confer ence sisters dusted the underside off in a heartbreaking manner. “Dream Team” The “dream team” of The Uni versity of Texas comes to College Station with an amazing record. The first six games saw the Long horns rise to heights never be fore achieved by a Steer squad and then fall before the ax in two swift successive Saturdays. The Longhorns fell as many others have done—they fell before indig nant conference members who re fused to be outfought. Yes, the members of the Southwest Con ference refuse to concede victory to anybody, whether it is a squad of American all-stars or one of Hitler’s panzer divisions. It’s not new this year or last year, but much goings-ons have been happening long before pres ent college students ever started to kindergarten. The Southwest Conference underdog is the most dangerous and most likely winner in modern football. Dana’ Bible bring to College Sta tion a defeated football team on the record books, but not a defeat ed team in spirit and determina tion. These thirty-seven Long horns have resigned themselves to one purpose and that is to make an impressive finish. Those men have taken setbacks that you Ag gies can easily understand. They’re human beings just like you were last Thanksgiving. On the Spot The Steers are on the spot. They MUST redeem themselves for the sake of an aroused student spirit —something that the old-timers of Austin shake their heads at and laye pive: Pla vey Henderson Sterling Rogers Sanders J. Crain Simmons Kutner Sweeny Scott Doss Heap Minor Pickett Schwarting Roberts Zapalac West Cowley Webster E. Smith R. Williams Andrews Slaughter Parker Flanagan Layden Martin Roman Field TEAM TOTALS: PASS RECEIVERS School A. & M. A. & M. A. & M. A. & M. Texas Texas A. & M. Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas A. & M. Texas Texas A. & M. Texas A. & M. A. & M. • A. & M. A. & M. A. & M. A. & M. Texas Texas Texas Texas A. & M. Texas Texas A. & M. ' o n or shine, ' he . g^Gale* fme, vrtth ‘‘ 0°°^ r epe«ent KICKOFF RETURNS Team E. Smith J. Crain Matthews Doss Webster Andricks McKay Lobpries Moser Martin Henderson Layden TEAM TOTALS: School A. & M. Texas Texas Texas A. & M. A. & M. Texas Texas A. & M. Texas A. & M. Texas Texas A. & M. Kicks Returned 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 Tarda 28 65 26 61 25 22 22 43 S8 16 13 22 235 126 762 1354 Average 28.0 27.5 26.0 25.6 25.0 22.0 22.0 21.5 19.0 16.0 13.0 11.0 21.3 21.0 Sb*' 8 - 50 -*? Finish Cloth Samthor Sp*c Rom- $U75 $5 75 e t° *29.50- wear i ft vi,* ® & say, “never before in the histoiy of the school has a student body worshiped a Texas football team like they do the Longhorns of 1941.” The University is proud to pre sent its Texas Longhorns of 1941 on the same field with the Texas Aggies of 1941 because the wear ers of the Maroon and White have put on one of the greatest come backs in modern football. Start ing from scratch, Texas A. & M. has built its 1941 team into a well- deserved place, high in the national ratings. But, in the game of football, there must be a winner—especial ly in a Longhorn-Aggie game. A tie would be hard on both schools. People try to settle ties off the field and that is what is com monly known as the impossible. The Texas Longhorns are com ing to College Station with one purpose, as we said before, and that is to prove their worth be fore the students and ex-students of The University of Texas. It has not been the policy of this writer to pick scores and we shy at predicting outcomes of games, but as the sports writers must do, we will step out on that well- known limb. (And I do mean limb after what happened at Waco and Austin recently.) The University of Texas will return to Austin Thursday night and see a brilliantly lit Orange and White Library Tower signi fying victory—victory won by 87 men who, packed with spirit, de termination, and ability, represent ed the never-say-die attitude of Texas students, ex-students, and their coach—Dana Xenephon Bible. football destinies of this institu tion. During that 12-year span, D.X. coached the Aggies to five conference championships, still an all time record for any southwest conference school or coach. Born in Jefferson City, Tenn., he attended high school there and after graduation went to. Carson- Newman College. At Carson-New- man he was an outstanding ath lete and served as captain of foot ball, basketball, and baseball dur ing his attendence there. Bible’s first coaching job was at Brandon Prep, Shelbyville, Tennes- hee, where as was the custom in those days, he played on the team he coached. From here he went to Mississippi college for three years and then coached a year at L.S.U. From L.S.U. he came to A. & M. where he entered upon the 12 year reign which made his name synon- mous with southwest conference football. After leaving A. & M. in 1929 he went to Nebraska, where his teams won six conference cham pionships during his eight years as head coach there. Throughout all his long career as a coach one fact stands out above all others. Every team that has ever taken the field coached by D. X. Bible has always had in stilled into it above all else the spirit of fair play and sportsman ship. There is no better example to this effect than the tribute to him which appeared in the 1929 A. & M. Longhorn. “We of the present student body have at least one great advantage over all Aggies of the future—we have known D. X. Bible, who leaves the college with the class of 1929. For twelve years he has been giv ing to our athletics the tone of his own personality and for twelve years, therefore, our athletics have been improving. “In the first place, we have won under D. X. a far greater number of championships than in any sim ilar period in the past. That is well. We like championships. In the sec ond place, our athletics have to some extent come during these twelve years to be considered as existing for the development of every student as well as for the production of winning teams. That is better. We like democracy in athletics as well as in politics. Whip Texas Gang TRY OUR “AGGIE SPECIAL 55 A DELICIOUS TASTY SANDWICH 15£ In The “Y 55 CASEY’S HISTORICAL THANKSGIVING Many scenes have been written into American History since the first Thanksgiving. Styles and laws have changed. Science, Industry and Mechanization have made great strides in every phase of business and life. Much has been changed, but people remain the same— and today, as generations ago, we need to protect our loved ones against the unforseen future. To us in Amer ica there is still much to be thankful for—the American way of life and the Institution of Life Insurance. Seab oar d LIFE ll\SURAI\CE COMPAMY HOUSTON, TEXAS FORD MUNNERLYN, ’26, Dist. Mgr. College Station Agency Associates: Sidney L. Loveless, ’38 Paul L. Martin, ’39 H. E. Burgess, ’29 bree jpy a Ad- bor, ipal pair ate- )lled ntly ilnd it of bled full o be t at res- his hief 1