The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 25, 1941, Image 4
v < rt Page 4 THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1941 Official Notices FEBRUARY GRADUATES Candidates for Baccalaureate and Ad vanced Degrees to be conferred in Febru ary, 1942, should now make application for degrees in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. Heaton, Acting Registrar “AGGIES” BEAT THE “LONGHORNS” /• 7 i aiSiai: LIBRARY CHANGES The College Library proposes (1) to substitute for The Chicago Tribune, the new Chicago newspaper, A.M.; (2) to dis continue the subscription to The Phila delphia Inquirer. We shall be glad to con sider any objections, up to December 8.— T. F. Mayo, Librarian. REFRESHMENT SALESMEN All boys who wish to sell refreshments at the Texas U.-A. & M. game report to the entrance between the two gyms on Thursday at 12:30 noon.—Ben Waidhofer, Manager Athletic Concession. Classified SOUTH OF THE BORDER THANKS GIVING—Round trip to Monterrey, Mex ico. Leaving immediately after the game in a ’40 Ford station wagon. Come by 80 Milner Hall. RIDE TO BROWNSVILLE for Thanks giving Holidays. Leaving college after we dehorn the Steers.—Returning Mond: night—1940 Oldsmobile. See Tex Lynn, Milner or write Box 2845, College. iday 101 I - .I . .l.-Ll.l j DRESS UP For THE HOLIDAYS You will want to look your best for the Thanks giving Holidays—So we suggest that you stop in and see our fine assort- m e n t of VARSITY- TOWN SUITS and TOP COATS—you’ll like the smart styling—new fab rics and fine details that only Varsity-Town will give you. SUITS $25 to $40 TOPCOATS $19.50 to $35 rfPdropfl(o “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan WANTED—Ride to Lubbock, Texas or vicinity, leaving immediately after game, Nov. 27. Notify Ross Hardin, Box 4727 or Room 316 Dorm. 11. LOST—Will the Aggie who bought my coupon book (No. 982) in Academic Bldg., just before S. M. U. game pwa^e reiurn GIG ’EM AGGIES We Will Be Here To Supply You With Those GOOD GULF PRODUCTS Before And After The Game GULF Service Station East Gate SPECIAL Mexican Dinners • Enchiladas • Tamales • Order Mexican Rice • Tacos • Chile, Beans, Rice • Tamales with Chile Gravy FRANKLIN’S Airport Road Ik 5 DOWN AND 1 TO GO LET’S GO ARMY KNOCK THOSE TEXAS LONGHORNS LOW AND FOR QUALITY FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES, SELECT FROM Get the Newest in Both Styles on VICTORS PI UFRIRD RECORDS VICTOR RECORDS 50c BLUEBIRD RECORDS 35e “Humpty Dumpty Heart”—Art Jarrett “Somebody Loves Me”—Tommy Dorsey Vocal by Pied Pipers “This Is No Laughing Matter”—Dinah Shore “You Can Depend On Me”—Tony Pastor “Jingle Bells”—Glenn Miller “A Sinner Kissed An Angel”—Tommy Dorsey HASWELL’S November Engineer To be Issued Today Subscribers for the Engineer Magazine can secure their copy in the basement of the Administration building Tuesday night at 7 o’ clock. Those students holding cards entitling them to copies of the magazine will present them at that time. —CHAMPS— (Continued from Page 1) Tom Pickett, who has missed much service because of a twisted knee and bruised ribs is expected to be in condition for service Thurs day. Leo Daniels, having suffered a bruised shoulder, and Derace Moser, with a bad ankle, are both back in good shape. With the re covery of the injured Aggie backs, Norton’s backfield will be hack to its usual strength. Passingest Team The squad has been drilling against the Steers’ ground game which has dealt much misery to previous opponents of the Long horns. New pass plays have been devised and the Aggies are ex pected to live up to the title of “the passingest team,” as given them by many sports writers. LISTEN TO WTAW 1150 KC Bt sure to listen to the Town Crier which is carried on WTAW six days each week, Monday through Saturday at 11:55 a. m. This program in cludes a newscast by staff members of The Battalion. • • « Tuesday’s Program 11:25 a. m.—Excursions in Science 11:40 a. m.—Popular Music 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier and Battalion Newscast 12:00 noon—Sign-off. Wednesday’s Programs 11:25 a. m.—Life for Wildlife (United States Department of In terior) 11:40 a. m.—Diminutive Class ics. 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier and Battalion Newscast 12:00 noon—Sign-off. BACKWASH (Continued from Page 2) of more than a score of excellent signs. Judges Tom Gillis and Her- vey stated that pennants for the Texas game were the best of the year as a whole. So outstanding was the Band flag that it, will also be awarded ten silver dollars by Loupot as being' the best sign of the year. Presentation of this gift will be made at the same time as the weekly prize. ON KYLE HELD (Continued from Page 3) the Aggie confidence for the Thanksgiving game ... it carried number of quotes by the Aggie coaches and players such as a quote by Coach Norton, “We’ve got the Texas game in the bag.” . Another such quote was by Bill Henderson who was supposed to say, “Those monkeys from T. U. don’t have a chance . . . they better bring their Life magazine along to read at the half” . . If Austin and the University think they can demoralize the Aggies with such tripe as put out by the Austin Daily Tribune they are sadly mistaken As far as we know, Mr. Curt Bishop, in all prob ability, has not even seen the in side of College Station and yet he had his article datelined, “College Station, Tex. . . . There’s some thing fishy going on here . . . Again we say ..“REMEMBER T. U. AND 1940.” STAR OF THE WEEK DE PARTMENT ... To Presto John ston, triple-threat star of the S. M. U. Mustangs, whose great ex hibition last Saturday afternoon' against the Baylor Bears, netted the Ponies a 14-0 victory. Rosborough Is Texas’ Hort Representative Texas will be represented at the national conference of growers of vegetables for canning by Dewey C. Atwood of Edinburg and J. F. Rosborough, horticulturist, of the Extension Service. FOR A FINE TURKEY DINNER EAT THANKSGIVING DINNER HERE MRS. PARKHILL’S DINING ROOM By Gulf Station East Gate —BOWL GAME— (Continued from Page 3) games until the remainder of the schedule has been played. In the event the Cadets play in a post-season game this year they will set somewhat of a record in that the Aggies will make it three consecutive games on New Year’s Day. it to R. N. Brennan, P. H. 13. FOR SALE—Half price, slightly used 4-piece blonde maple bedroom suite. Call 28579 evenings. HELP WANTED—Aggie with afternoons free to work. Also someone who can paint display signs fairly well.. Preferably man with 2 or 3 more years here.—Campus Theatre. vyui'iu—in Agricmt Building, bunch of keys, leather jacket. 2 wool jackets. Owner call FOUND—In Agricultural Engineering i,— leather jacket. 2 Agr. Engr. Dept. LOST—1 yellow gold Gruen wrist watch. H. E. Harper engraved on back. Please return to 76 Mitchell. Will the Aggie who took a Firestone bicycle by mistake Saturday afternoon from big gym please return same and leave at Y. M. C. A. for Frank Holling- shead. Thanks. FOUND—A fountain pen on steps of Y. M. C. A. after yell practice, Nov. 14. See M. Y. Cashion, Y. M. C. A. office. LOST—Campaign hat with band hat- cord. Return to R. B. Williamson, Room 227, No. 11. Reward. Football Ushers To Meet at Pool at 5:30 Art Adamson has requested that all football ushers working for the first time Thanksgiving Day will meet with him at the swimming pool at 5:10 p. m. today. All ushers will report to the stadium at 11:00 a. m. Thursday. Students are asked to get their visitors’ tickets before entering the mess hall. —DISTRACTIONS— (Continued from page 2) decides he thinks a bit of her too. So we have the framework cf “A Yank in the R. A. F.” To make it more interesting, the producers have put in some the action that has been taking place in the con flict on the other side of the At lantic. It all helps to make the story better and better. Crypt-0-Quiz “TG BGOXLMFXGM BG DGHP- EXWZX TEPTRL ITRL MAX UXLM BGMXKXLM”—YKTGDE- BG. * * * Solution to Crypt-O-Quiz which appeared in the last issue of the Battalion—“A Cryptogram is a system of writing in cipher.” % LUKE’S Thanksgiving Table Treats Cranberries, 1 lb. Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs. Apples, 1 doz. Oranges, 1 doz. Lettuce, each Celery, large Avocados, each Pumpkin, No. 2 1 /2 LUKE’S GROCERY WE DELIVER PHONE 4-1141 l* O/// our way... 7* ’ Chesterfield A World Champion Rodeo Rider EDDIE CURTIS Qut on the range it’s “Howdy pardner, have a Chesterfield' That's true Western hospitality. For bringing smokers together, giving them exactly what they want, Chesterfield’s RIGHT COMBINATION of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos is right at the top. There is more downright pleasure in Chesterfield’s COOL MILDNESS and BETTER taste than in anything else you ever smoked. Make your next pack Chesterfield Ik \ Copyright 1941, Liccxtt & Mtebs Tobacco Co.