The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 22, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
NBC Will Broadcast Annual Bonfire Yell Practice
Dedication Plans to Honor Former A&M Jj 6 * Sp . eak T s
TU Students Complete for Turkey Day Banqueuf asie
Governor Will
Be Present For
Ag-Longhorn Game
Formal arrangements for the
dedicatory program to be given
Thanksgiving Day on Kyle Field
have been completed, according to
E. L. Angell, executive assistant
to the President.
Purpose of the program will be
to honor former students of Tex
as university and A. & M. who are
now in the armed services of the
United States.
At 1:45 p.m. on the day of the
game, massed colors borne by rep
resentatives of the two schools will
march the length of the field and
come to a halt under the goal posts.
They will be followed to that pos
ition by a party composed of Gov
ernor Coke Stevenson, Comman
dant Maurice D. Welty, Cadet Col
onel Tom Gillis, Texas Student
Body President Fred Nieman, A.
& M. President T. 0. Walton, Tex
as President Homer P. Rainey,
Chairman of A. & M. Board of
Directors, F. M. Law, Chairman of
Texas board of regents Leslie
Waggoner, A. & M. Head Yell
Leader Skeen Staley, and Texas
Head Cheer Leader Dick Knowles.
With the color guard as a back
ground, Walton will introduce the
Governor who will address 40,000
football fans. The Aggie band will
play the national anthem as the
program closes at 2 p.m.
Details conceiming the Govern
or’s visit are indefinite as yet. It
is known that he will arrive about
eleven o’clock Thursday morning
and will be escorted directly to
President Walton’s home. Members
of the A. & M. board of directors
will form a welcoming committee
The party will go to Sbisa Hall
at noon for a Thanksgiving din
ner with Texas senators and their
wives. Immediately following the
banquet the group will go to Kyle
Copeland Wins Trip
To National ME Meet
Gene Copeland, Infantry Band
senior M. E. student, is the winner
of a trip to New York to attend
the annual national meeting of the
A.S.M.E. Copeland was awarded
the trip as a prize for securing the
most new members for the local
chapter of the A.S.M.E.
This is the first year that a
contest of this type has been held
to determine the A. & M. repre
sentatives to the meeting. Run
ner up in the contest was M^ury
Curtis, A CAC. The meeting will
be held from December 1-6. The
A.S.M.E. is an organization of
mechanical engineers in business.
Their meetings are devoted to dis
cussions of current engineering
problems and the presentation of
papers prepared by the members.
Several other seniors plan to
make the trip. The A. & M. dele
gation will be accompanied by C.
W. Crawford and V. M. Faires of
the M. E. department.
A&M Approved
For National AIA
Honor Scholarship
Senior Making Best
Record Will Receive
Scholarship Recognition
Ernest Langford, head of the
department of architecture, an
nounces that A. & M. has been ap
proved to receive the A.I.A. schol
arship medal given annually by
the American Institute of Archi
tects, the professional society of
the nation’s architects.
This medal is given each year to
the graduating senior of architec
ture making the best record in
scholarship and architectural des
ign. Award of this medal constitutes
a recognition of the high standard
of architectural training provided
by the department, and ranks A.
& M. with the other 25 schools in
the United States receiving this
award. Texas university is the only
other school in the southwest elig
ible for the award.
The winner of the medal is sel
ected by the faculty of the archi
tectural department and is recom
mended by it to the A.I.A The a-
ward is made toward the end of
the school year, and the presenta
tion ceremony is to be one of the
features of the department’s spring
Students taking architecture are
eligible to be junior members of
the A.I.A., an organization of more
than 25,000 members, and those
here at A. & M. are affiliated with
the Houston chapter of the nation
al society.
Edward Mullen
To Deliver Sermon
At Espiscopal Church
Rev. Edward G. Mullen, a mis
sionary clergyman of the Episco
pal Church in the Philippine Is
lands and a former student of A.
& M. college, will deliver the 10:45
service at St. Thomas Chapel
Sunday, stated an announcement
by the Rev. Roscoe Hauser, Jr.,
local student chaplain.
The Rev. Mr. Mullen, for the past
several years, has served as the
Rector of St. Luke’s Church (Fili
pino) in Manila, P. I., and also
as resident Chaplain of St. Luke’s
Hospital, Manila. Prior to his
service in the missionary district
of the Philippine Islands, he spent
some time in the Diocese of
Shanghai, Shankhai, China, and he
is well acquainted with the pres
ent situation in the Far East, hav
ing left there only a few weeks
ago to spend his furlough in
This is the Rev. Mr. Mullen’s
first visit to the campus since
the construction of St. Thomas
Chapel, and to the 10:45 a. m.
service, he will be in charge of
the coffee club and discussion
class which meets at the Chapel,
at which time, he will endeavor to
answer any questions that may
arise concerning the present con
ditions in the Far East.
Aroma of Ripe Fruit Is
From Tenth AnnualHort Show
By W. K. Clark
Just follow the aroma of mellow
apples, sweet cider, and tropical
fruits Monday and Tuesday. Horti
culture seniors and other members
of the Horticulture Society, under
the leadership of T. C. Lambert,
will present their Tenth Annual
Horticultural Show on those days
in the Ag Building.
Unique among the features of
this shqw is a contest among the
valley growers and packers for the
two silver placques being offered
for the best boxes of oranges and
grapefruit. These awards will be
made on the basis of pack, eating
quality, and grade of the fruit.
Then the winning box of grape
fruit will be presented to Gov.
Coke Stevenson during the pre
game celebrations of Turkey Day.
Besides the great variety of
fruits and vegetables assembled
from all the major horticultural
regions of the country, the ever-
popular cider barrel will occupy a
prominent position as one of the
major features.
In the past the shows of the
Horticultural Society have always
been outstanding among the educa
tional exhibits arranged on the
campus. But the senior students
in horticulture never lose sight of
the fact that any profits made from
the sale of the fruit exhibits will
finance an inspection trip either
to California or to Florida.
Good Weather For
Game Probable With
Sunshine, Clear (Sky
If. aching bones and stiff backs
are sure signs of foul weather,
then rest assured that everyone
will be “hep” come next Turkey
Day. Unbelievable as it seems, you
may expect a perfect day for foot
ball next week.
According to members of the
Physics department, who refused
to predict Texas weather, Aggie-
land is now in a low pressure ar
ea. Peterssen’s “Weather Analy
sis and Forecasting” gives an ex
planation of “low” which runs
something like this:
“Low pressure areas usually last
about four days, and are gener
ally followed by a high.” That is
just perfect, for a high means
sunshine, a dry field ,and a clear
blue sky. Throw in that cool, re
freshing November air; and what
more could be wanted. The temper
ature will be about what it is now,
but just in case it’s freezing and
snowing Thursday, remember, pre
dicting weather more than six
hours ahead is, according to Peter-
ssen, “risky busings.”
Williamson Heads
Cotton Committee
H. H. Williamson, College Sta
tion, Director of the Texas Ex
tension Service, will head the “Cot
ton Christmas” committee for this
year. Fifty of the State’s cotton
leaders, retail and wholesale mer
chants are serviflg on the com
mittee, who will make plans to
carry the message on behalf of
cotton to the Texas public.
The 1941 “Cotton Christmas”
committee for Texas was named
by Burris C. Jackson, Hillsboro,
general chairman of the state-wide
cotton committee, sponsors of the
annual event.
“The purpose of the ‘Cotton
Christmas’ movement is to in
crease the consumption of cotton,”
Jackson said, “and that is done
by getting the public to purchase
gifts made from cotton. There are
dozens of highly attractive and
very suitable cotton items in
thousands of Texas stores.”
National Defense requirements
have made a shortage in many
items that have been used for
Christmas gifts in past years,
Jackson pointed out, and it will
actually be a service to the peo
ple to draw their attention to the
availability and lasting qualities of
gifts and goods made from Ameri
can cotton.
Jones Elected
Captain of Pistol
Team at First Meet
At the first meeting of the A. &
M. Pistol Team, W. D. C. Jones
was elected captain, and T. K.
Pierce secretary-treasurer. The
Pistol team was national champion
in 1938 and 1939, but because of
the lack of varsity material did not
.fare so well in 1940. This same
situation exists in 1941, and any
one interested in trying out for the
team is urged to come out.
C D Speed Announces
Contest for Students
Carleton D. Speed Jr., president
of the Houston Geological Society
and former Aggie footballer, has
announced a contest which will be
open to all Aggies enrolled in Geo
logy or Petroleum Engineering. The
Houston Geological Society, the lar
gest in the world, has appointed a
Student Award Committee com
posed of Dr. S. S. Goldich. and
Fritz W. Mueller, co-chairmen;
Harold Vance, head of the Petrol
eum Engineering Department; M.
T. Halbouty, former Aggie; and
E. L. Earl, also an ex-Aggie. Don
ald Davis of the Pure Oil Co.
was appointed to act in an advis
ory capacity to the committee.
Experiences With
Admiral Byrd in South
Pole Expeditions Given
Charles L. Kessler of Houston
was the guest speaker at the A.S.
M.E. banquet last Thursday night.
Kessler presented a very inter
esting talk consisting of a combin
ation lecture and a train of amus
ing anecdotes of his life and ex
periences with Admiral Richard E.
Kessler told of the preparations
for expeditions, exciting events
that happened during the time on
board ship, and concluded his talk
with stories of the various types of
penguins that were present in Lit
tle America. Kessler mentioned the
fact that the 160-foot wooden ship
was more capable of making the
trip than a large steel vessel, since
the ice could more easily bend and
crush a steel vessel, but a heavy
wooden ship could regain its shape
after straining through masses of
Other guests at the banquet in
cluded Dr. T. O. Walton, president
of the college, Dean Gilchrist of
the engineering school, Dr. F. E.
Giesecke of the mechanical engi
neering department, Dr. Geo.
Summey, head of the English de
partment, W. L. Porter, head of
the Mathematics department, and
H. W. Barlow, head of the aero
nautical engineering department.
Following the conclusion of the
program, plans for the coming A.
S.M.E. dance on December 6th were
discussed. Tickets for the dance will
go on sale immediately following
the Thanksgiving holidays.
Monday Will Be
The Last Bay For
Issuing of Battalion
Students with Batt cards who
have not received their November
issue of the Battalion Magazine
should come by the student publi
cations office not later than Mon
day and get their copy. No maga
zines will be issued after that
day and remaining copies will ei
ther be sold or used in the files.
The December issue of the mag
azine will be issued about Decem
ber 10 and will feature the Christ
mas theme.
Gilchrist Speaks
For ASCE Thursday
Gibb Gilchrist, dean of the school
of engineering, addressed the A.
& M. student chapter of the A. S.
C. E. Thursday night in the C. E.
lecture room.
Before an enthusiastic audience,
Dean Gilchirst spoke of the advan
tages of an engineering career, and
unfolded a new plan whereby grad
uates could continue their educa
tion by means of correspondence
He also stressed the field of air
port construction and maintenance,
comparing this field with the firm
ly established field of highway en
gineering during its growing per
iod of the past thirty years. Con
cluding, he was strong in his state
ment that the essence of leader
ship must be developed more
strongly in the young engineers
of today than ever before.
Livestock Team
Leaves For Chicago
T^.e A. & M. livestock judging
team left yesterday for the In
ternational Livestock Show in
Chicago. Before arriving in Chi
cago they will visit some of the
outstanding stock-farms of the na
tion and will practice judging at
the University of Missouri and
University of Illinois. The trip
was made possible by- receipts of
the rodeo sponsored by the Sad
dle and Sirloin club.
This year’s team is composed
of Tommy Stuart, Jack Cleveland,
Victor Loeffler, W. T. Berry, Gor
don Grote and Jake Hess. They
placed fourth in the contest held
in connection with the American
Royal Livestock Show in Kansas
City this fall. Coaches of the
team are Irwin Edwards and Wil
liam Warren of the Animal hus
bandry department.
Crops Team Will
Enter In National
Judging Contest
McGouirk, Collard,
Warner, Butler Are
Crops Team Members
The A. & M. crops judging team
left last Wednesday to compete
in a national contest in Chicago
November 28 and 29. Members
of the team are Glenn McGouirk,
F. C. Collard, Howard Warner and
C. E. Butler. They are accom
panied and coached by R. C. Potts
of the agronomy department.
Teams from all of the agricul
tural schools in the United States
and many from Canada are expect
ed to enter the contests. These
contests are divided into three
major divisions covering the grad
ing of grain and hay, classing and
stapling of cotton, and the identifi
cation of plants, seeds and diseases
common to them.
The team will make numerous
inspection trips before arriving in
Chicago for the contets. The fed
eral grain laboratory will be vis
ited in Kansas City and the Chica
go Board of Trade and Grain of
fice will be looked over by the
group. They will return to Col
lege Station, December 1.
Poultry Team
Goes To Chicago
Early Sunday morning the Poul
try Husbandry Judging team will
leave College Station for the Inter
national Livestock Exposition to
be held in Chicago on November
29. On the way to and from Chi
cago they will visit several agri
cultural colleges in Oklahoma,
Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois,
and Missouri. While in Missouri
they will do some practice judg
ing under the careful eye of their
Coach Alex G. Warren.
While in Chicago the team will
visit the Mercantile Market, the
largest manufacturer’s exhibit hall
in the world, and the Chicago Board
of Trade. They will compete with
fifteen other teams at the Exposi
tion the following Saturday, fol
lowed that night by a banquet at
the Chicago Hotel.
Those making the ten-day trip
will be W. E. Ballman, Edward M.
Schuyler, R. K. Whitfill, and War
ren, who is replacing E. D. Par
nell, acting head of the Poultry
Dept, during the absence of Prof-
B’Nai Brith Will
Show Sound Picture
“I Want a Job,” a sound motion
picture sponsored by the B’Nai
Brith Vocational Office, will be
held at the lounge room of Sbisa
Hall Sunday at 7:30 p. m. The
film will be explained by Seymour
Lieberman, lawyer of Houston. He
will also direct a discussion on vo
cational subjects after the movie
is shown-
Eight National Radio Programs
Dedicated To Aggies Next Week
Bill Stern and the National Broadcasting Company will present a
thirty minute broadcast from the steps of Goodwin Hall next Wednes
day night at the annual bonfire yell practice. This depiction of the
Aggie Spirit and the pageantry that goes with the burning of the
bonfire will be carried from coast to coast and around the world by
short wave through the facilities of N.B.C. This will be one of the
eight national programs in two days devoted to the Aggies.
N.B.C. is running this program on their own time as a special
news feature. The program will
not have a commercial sponsor. Bill
Stern, N.B.C. sports caster, will di
rect the program and interview
many people who are closely con
nected with A. & M. General Geo.
F. Moore, one of the commanding
officers in the Philippines and for
mer commandant at A. & M. will be
interviewed via short wave by Bill
From the yelling cadet corps be
fore which he interviews Dr. T. O.
Walton, president of the college.
Stern will switch the microphone to
the Singing Cadets in Guion Hall.
“The Spirit of Aggieland,” “The
Aggie War Hymn” and “The Twel
fth Man” will be sung by the corps
during the course of the program.
Sophomores To
Have Longhorn
Pictures Made
Junior Deadline Moved
To Thanksgiving; Sophs
May Have Pictures Now
Sophomores may now have their
1941 Longhorn pictures made,
Rusty Heitkamp, Longhorn Editor
announced today. Because of the
small number of sophomores who
have had their pictures in the
past there will be no deadline set
for separate organizations but the
pictures will be taken of the class
as a whole.
Juniors may have their pictures
taken any time before Thanksgiv
ing, Heitkamp stated. The dead
line was extended in order that
some of the juniors who had been
unable to get their pictures in still
have a chance.
There will be a deadline set for
the sophomores as soon as the jun
ior pictures have been completed.
Sophomores are requested to have
their pictures taken as soon as they
can in order that the rush just be
fore the deadline may be avoided,
Heitkamp advised.
A1 Nelson Will
Speak Before The
Cosmopolitan Club
The Cosmopolitan club will hold
its third meeting of the year Sun
day afternoon at three o’clock in
the chapel of the old “Y.”
Dr. A. B. Nelson of the His
tory department will talk on the
historical phases of Latin America.
His talk will be the second of a
series by which the club hopes
to make relations between the
countries of Latin America and the
United States more thoroughly
understood and appreciated.
Other features of the program
will be songs by Richard Jenkins,
director of the Singing Cadets, and
Student Activities
Committee Meets Mon
The Student Activities Com
mittee will meet Monday afternoon,
November 25th, at 2 o'clock in
Dean Bolton’s office.
Topics before the meeting for
discussion will be requests for
dances, consideration of allocations
and general business of the commit
Governor Coke Stevenson will
speak from Austin. Dr. F. M. Law,
Chairman of the Board of Direc
tors, will be interviewed by Stern
following the governor’s brief talk.
Coach Homer Norton and several
of the Aggie football players will
give the radio listeners of the na
tion their feelings about the Tur
key Day game with Texas univers
ity^ on Kyle Field.
Glenn Miller will salute the Ag
gies on his program the same night
by playing the three Miller record
ings most popular with the Aggies.
The entire fifteen minutes of his
program will be devoted to A.&M.
Miller’s program will be broadcast
to the dancers in Sbisa Hall over
the mess hall sound system.
Thursday night the Uncle Wal
ter’s Dog House program will be
given over to the revelries and
heartbreaks arising from the trad
itional Thanksgiving Dhy battle be
tween the Aggies and the Long
Play by play descriptions of the
gridiron clash will be carried by
N.B.C., Bill Stern announcing, the
Mutual Broadcasting System, and
the Texas Quality Network.
Lloyd Gregory of Houston will
give a resume of the game on his
sports review after the game.
Biology Club Has
Selected New Key
At its regular meeting Thurs
day night, the Biology club decid
ed to adopt a club key, Bob Craw
ford, president of the club, an
nounced yesterday. “This is the
first time in its history that the
club has had such a symbol for
its members,” Crawford stated.
Program of the meeting consist
ed of a talk on “Vegetation of
Pike’s Peak” by John J. Sperry of
the biology department. The talk
was illustrated by natural color
slides which were taken by Sperry
when he was research assistant
of the Carneigie Institute of Wash-
Grade Rank of Organizations
Made by Number on Deans Team
Amidst the furore of the past
weekend the fact that midterm
grades were announced was al
most forgotten. Such a thing did
happen and many an Aggie breath
ed a sigh of relief as they missed
the Dean’s team.
The field artillery rolled right
along in the mater of grades. The
top three scholastic organizations
on the campus were members of
the Field Artillery regiment. Bat
teries I, H, and A finished in that
order. The standing of the various
organizations was based upon the
percentage of cadets passing less
than ten hours.
Top Ten Organizations
The top ten organizations on the
campus were: 1. I Field Artillery;
2. H Field Artillery, 3. A Field Ar
tillery, 4. 6 CHQ, 5. F CAC, 6.
C Chemical Warfare Service, 7.
B Engineers, 8. 2 HQ Field Ar
tillery, 9. B Field Artillery, 19.
No attempt was made to rate the
regiments on a scholastic basis, but
the Field Artillery came up with
five organizations in the first ten.
Complete campus ratings for the
Field Artillery regiment are: 1.
I Battery, 2. H Battery, 3. A Bat
tery, 8. 2 HQ Battery, 9. B Bat
tery, 13. 1 HQ Battery, 20. G Bat
tery, 29. C Battery, 37 E Battery,
44. D Battery, 50. 3 HQ Battery,
and 58. F Battery. ’
Coast Artillery Ratings
F Battery CAC lead their regi
ment in scholastic ratings with a
rank of fith on the campus. Other
CAC organizations ranked as fol
lows: 10. C CAC; 12. G CAC; 15.
H CAC, 33. E CAC; 42. A CAC;
51. B CAC; and 53. D CAC.
Ratings in the Infantry regiment
showed that B Company led in the
regiment with a rating of 11 on the
campus. Other ratings were: 18. F
Company, 19. I Company, 22. D
Company, 24. L Infantry, 28. G In
fantry, 32. A Infantry, 43. H In
fantry, 46. C Infantry, 47. K Infan
try, 49. M Infantry.
Composite Regiment
In the Composite regiment, C
Chemical Warfare placed sixth on
the campus. Others were: 17. A
Chemical Warfare, 21. B Chemical
Warfare, 25. B Signal Corps, 34. A
Signal Corps, and 57. Hq. Signal
Corps. The infantry band and
field artillery band placed 26th and
40th respectively.
B Company Engineers lead the
Engineers regiment by placing
seventh on the campus. The other
engineer companies placed as fol
lows: 27. F Company, 36. C Com
pany, 45. F Company, 48. A Com
pany, 55. D Company. In the Cav
alry regiment, the ratings were: 14.
MG Cavalry, 30. HQ Cavalry, 39.
D Cavalry, 41. B Cavalry, 51. A
Following 6th Corps Headquart
ers in fourth place were: 31. 1
CHQ, 35. 2 CHQ, 38. 4 CHQ; 54. 5
CHQ, and 56. 3 CHQ.