Page 4 THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20,1941 Official Notices TO THE HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS: Due to a conflict, the Placement lecture scheduled for next Tuesday evening, Nov ember 18, has been changed to the Elec trical Engineering Lecture Room. Will you please make this change on the announce ment sent to you this morning. Placement Bureau, ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS APPLICATION PHOTOGRAPHS Application size photographs which ac company personnel leaflets are ready for the following seniors. Please call for these at Room 133, Administration Build ing, at your earliest convenience: Alexander, Wayne D. Anderson, Wm. R. Basham, Charles G. Clayton, Judd W. Clepper, Phillip W. Elliot, Jack F. Goins, Wm. C., Jr. Hall, Wm. K. Horton, Ernest L., Jr. Lea, Alfred Manchester, L. L., Jr. Michie, Douglas Neu, John T. Rollins, Henry M. Smither, Jack M. Somerville, George Stearman, Wm. C. Taylor, Jack B. Wagner, Oliver Walvoord, James W. Williams, Gordon W. Wright, James D. Placement Bureau Association of Former Students MEMORANDUM NO. 9: 1. The bonfire will be guarded contin uously by the underclassmen from this date until the Bonfire Yell Practice on Nov ember 26, 1941. ° During the period from 7:00 P. M. organization designated : pe: to 7:00 A. M., the first sergeant of the lated will keep 12 men guarding the bonfire durin: at least g the hours for which his organization is re sponsible. 3. During the period from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. the following day, all of the organizations which guarded the bon fire during the proceeding night will de tail at least 2 men each hour without classes to guard the bonfire. Men who miss meals because of this duty will eat at the early table in their respective mess halls. The early table is set 30 minutes prior to the regular meal formations. 4. Underclassmen scheduled to guard the bonfire any night will be allowed to sleep during the day at any time they desire during the following 2 da; e during the following ‘ " s will guard the following schedule: ays. 5. Organizations will guard the bon fire according Monday night, November 17 7:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M.—A Signal Corps 10:00 P. M. to 1:00 A. M.—B Signal Corps 1:00 A.M. to 4:00 A.M.—HQ Signal Corps 4:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M.—A Chemical Warfare Tuesday, day, November 18 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hour from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Tuesday night, November 18 7:00 P. M. to 10 :00 P. M.—B Chemical Warfare 10 :00 P. M. to 1:00 A. M.—C Chemical 1:00 A.M. to 4:00 A.M.—A and B Engineers 4:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M.—C and D Engineers Wednesday, day, November 19 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hour from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Wednesday night, November 19 7 :00 P. M. to 10 :00 P. M.—E Engineers 10 :00 P. M. to 1:00 A. M.—F Engineers 1:00 A. M. to 4:00 A. M.—I and K Infantry Come In And See The Style Leaders In Rainwear! By ALLIGATOR of course! Top flight smartness, com bined with dependable water proof and water repellent pro tection are yours, with Alli gator. Select from the many handsome styles—nationally famous for their striking good looks and dependability. Alligator Slickers $5.75 to $7.50 Storm Wind Trench Coats $12.50 Samthur Cloth Trench Coats $14.75 Convenient Sfores” College Station Bryan 4:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M.—L and M Infantry Thursday, day, November 20 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hour from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Thursday night, November 20 7:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M.—A Coast Artillery 10:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M.—B Coast Ar tillery 1:00 A. M. to 4 :00 A. M.—C and D Coast Artillery 4 :00 A. M. to 7 :00 A. M.—E and F Coast Artillery Friday, day, November 21 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hoi from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Friday night, November 21 7:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M.—G Coast Artillery 10:00 P. M. to 1:00 A. M.—H Coast Artillery 1:00 A. M. to 4:00 A. M.—A and B Cavalry 4:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M.—C and D Cavalry Saturday, day, November 22 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hour from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Saturday night, November 22 7 :00 P. M. to 10 :00 P. M., Machine Gun Cavalry 10 :00 P. M. to 4 :00 A. M.—1st HQ. and A Field Artillery 4:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M.—B and C Field Artillery Sunday, day, November 23 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hour from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Sunday, night, November 23 7:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M.—2nd HQ Field Artillery 10:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M.—D Field Artillery 1:00 A. M. to 4:00 A. M.—E and F Field Artillery 4:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M.—3rd HQ and G Field Artillery Monday, day, November 24 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hour from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Monday night, November 24 7:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M.—H Field Artillery 10:00 P. M. to 1:00 A. M.—I Field Artillery 1:00 A. M. to 4:00 A. M.—F.A. and Inf. Band 4:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M.—A and B Infantry Tuesday, day, November 25 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hour from 7:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. Tuesday night, November 25 7:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M.—C Infantry 10 :00 P. M. to 1:00 A. M.—D Infantry 1:00 A. M. to 4:00 A. M.—E and F. Infantry 4:00 A. M. to 7:00 A. M.—G and H Infantry Wednesday, day, November 26 Each of the above organizations will detail 2 men without classes per hour from 7:00 A. M. to 7':00 P. M. TOM GILLIS Cadet Colonel Corps Commander 18 Seniors Submit Personnel Records To Ag Placement Bureau The placement bureau of the Former Students Association has announced that 184 students have subhitted their personnel infor mation records to the bureau. E. E. McQuillen, secretary of the Former Students Association, has stated that this figure is much too small. McQuillen also stated that the charge of $4.00 is only an optional fee which is collected only if the applicants desires printed leaflets of the records. No charge is made for filing the information with the placement bureau and every senior is urged to do so. FACULTY DANCE CLUB The next dance will be held in Sbisa Hall on the night of Wednesday, November 19.— G. J. Samuelson. GENERAL ELECTRIC INTERVIEWS Students signed for interviews with rep resentatives of the General Electric Com pany this weekend are reminded to be present at the preliminary 30-minute lec ture by Mr. Boring of the General Electric Company at 8 a. m. Friday morning, E. E. Lecture Room. Interviews have been sched uled following this lecture. ASSOCIATION C OF el FORMER’ STUDENTS COLLEGIATE FFA MEETING The A. & M. Collegiate FFA wil hold its regular meeting tonight in the Animal Industries lecture room after yell practice. FARM EQUIPMENT PICTURE A motion picture showing new deve lopments in farm machinery will be shown at 7:30 tonight in the Agricultural En gineering Lecture room. All agricultural students are invited to be present as guests of the A.S.A.E. Student Branch. LANDSCAPE ART CLUB There will be a meeting of all the stu dents majoring in Landscape Art in the Landscape Art drafting room at Francis Hall tonight at 7:30 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY There will be a meeting of the student affiliates of the American Chemical so ciety tonight at 7:30 in the Chemistry Lecture room. Dr. Jensen will speak. A.I.Ch.E. MEETING There will be a meeting of the student Chapter of the A.I.Ch.E. tonight at 7:30 in the Physics Lecture room. Mr. F. F. Bishop will give an illustrated lecture on Asphalts. All Chemical Engineering stu dents are urged to attend. QUIT TRYING TO HUNT -’■jaS? HIGHER PRICES THAN THOSE I PAY FOR GOOD SLIDE RULES AND SERGE SHIRTS For I PAY The Highest. I have six pair of Junior Slacks in excellent condition. LOUPOT’S TRADING POST J. E. Loupot, ’32 North Gate "Sure tough. Joe wouldn't give him the afternoon off." There will A.S.C.E. be an A.S.C.E. ting the Thursday night after yell practice in C.E. Lecture room. All C.E. students are urged to attend. FACULTY EXERCISE CLUB The Faculty Exercise .club will meet Thursday afternoon at 5:45 at the big gym. Members will please bring tennis or gym shoes. Volleyball or handball may be played. HILLEL SERVICES Friday evening services for the Jewish boys will be resumed at the old YMCA chapel till further notice. Manny Smith Club President MATH CLUB CONTEST The November problems in the Math. Club Contest will be due by Saturday, November 22 at 12:00. Do not write your name on your solutions. Mr. Lyle will give you an identifying number when you hand the solutions to him. The Liberty County A. & M. Club will meet in Room 117 Academic Building Tues day night after yell practice. Legal Notices CITY COUNCIL PROVISIONS In order to meet the needs of the citizens of College Station, the City Coun cil, at a meeting Thursday, night, decided to keep the city offices open each day, from 8 A. M. to 5 :30 P. M., except Satur day afternoon, and the closing time then will be 2:30 P. M. This will make it possible for anyone to transact business with the city during the noon hour and after 5 P. M. Classified Will pay 50c per hundred for good wire coat hangers.—HOLICK CLEANERS. FOR RENT—Five room house in Col lege Park. Apply at 408 Montclair Street on call 4-4169. LOST—In Waco at Aggie Dance Sunday night, tan handbag containing junior slacks and a few other items. Please notify T. B. Kimbrough. Phone 4-8534. P. H. 14. ROUND TRIP to Dallas— Leaving Col lege Station 9 o’clock Saturday morning; Leaving Dallas 6 o’clock Sunday after noon ; 1939 Oldsmobile with radio and heater. Price $2.00 round trip; $1.00 either way. Also ride to Dallas Tuesday at 10 o’clock next week. See McCullough, 29 Legett or Gillespie, 40 Legett. LA SALLE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Fire Proof R. W. HOWELL, Mgr. Class ’97 Latest Telephone Listings Appearing below is a corrected list of official dormitory telephone numbers up to the date of this publication. As telephones are installed in the future, corrections will be pub lished. Please clip this list to use in future reference. It will be noticed that all dormitory telephone numbers begin with a four as distinguished from those for Bryan which begin with a two. All College Station numbers are preceeded by a number four. Band Third Floor Dorm 11, 4-4534 CWS Company A Top Floor Dorm 2 4-9294 CWS Companies B & C Second Floor Dorm 2 4-1143 Cavalry A Troop Ninth Ramp Law Hall 4-7884 Cavalry B Troop First Floor Fifth Ramp Law Hall 4-7894 Cavalry C Troop Eighth Ramp Second Floor Puryear Hall.. 4-8064 Cavalry D Troop Fifth Ramp Second Floor Puryear Hall.... 4-9774 Cavalry MG Troop Second Ramp Second Floor Puryear Hall 4-9264 Cavalry Headquarters Second Ramp First Floor Law Hall.... 4-7024 Third Corps Headquarters Goodwin Hall 4-9744 Fourth Corps Headquarters Third Floor Dorm 12 4-8954 Coast Artillery A Battery F Ramp Second Floor Hart Hall 4-5864 Coast Artillery B Battery D Ramp Hart Hall 4-7804 Coast Artillery C Battery I Ramp Second Floor Hart Hall.. 4-8344 Coast Artillery D Battery B Ramp Hart Hall 4-5874 Coast Artillery E Battery Second Floor Bizzell Hall 4-9614 Coast Artillery F Battery Second Floor Bizzell Hall 4-7014 Coast Artillery G Battery Fourth Floor Mitchell Hall 4-4184 Coast Artillery H Battery Second Floor Mitchell Hall 4-7864 Engineers A Company H Ramp Second Floor Walton Hall.. 4-4524 Engineers B Company A Ramp Walton Hall 4-8804 Engineers C Company J Ramp Second Floor Walton Hall.... 4-4024 Engineers D Company Post Graduate Hall 4-9634 Engineers E Company F Ramp Walton Hall 4-4594 Engineers F Company C Ramp Second Floor Walton Hall.... 4-9904 Field Artillery First HQ Battery Third, Floor Dorm 10 4-4544 Field Artillery Second HQ Battery Second Floor Dorm 8.... 4-9204 Field Artillery Third HQ Battery Third Floor Dorm 4 4-4214 Field Artillery A Battery First Floor Dorm 10 4-8114 Field Artillery C Battery Fourth Floor Dorm 10 4-9834 Field Artillery D Battery First Floor Dorm 6 4-7874 Field Artillery E Battery First Floor Dorm 8 4-1157 Field Artillery F Battery Third Floor Dorm 6 4-9284 Field Artillery G Battery First Floor Dorm 4 4-8014 Field Artillery H Battery Third Floor Dorm 4 4-8024 Field Artillery I Battery Third Floor Dorm 6 4-9284 Graduate Group Third Floor Milner Hall 4-7944 Graduate Group Fourth Floor Milner Hall 4-7949 ifnfantry A Company Second Floor Dorm 9 4-4224 Infantry B Company First Floor Dorm 9 4-9624 Infantry D Company Second Floor Dorm 7 4-5884 Infantry E Company Fourth Floor Dorm 7 4-4514 Infantry F Company First Floor Dorm 7 4-4234 Infantry G Company Second Floor Dorm 5 4-9319 Infantry H Company First Floor Dorm 5 4-4969 Infantry I Company Fourth Floor Dorm 5 4-4574 Infantry K Company Second Floor Dorm 3 4-4384 Infantry L Company First Floor Dorm 3 4-8074 Infantry M Company Fourth Floor Dorm 3 4-9274 Signal Corps Battalion Third Floor Dorm 1 4-9764 Ex Completes Basic Air School Instruction The second leg of his flying in structions completed at Goodfellow Field, basic flying school at San Angelo, Texas, aviation cadet Jam es Ray Blackburn, ’41, has been ordered to Kelly Field, Texas, where he will enter the final ten months of advanced flight training required to earn the wings of a flying reserve officer in the re- centely re-expanded United States Army Air Corps. Total income of working stu dents at University of Texas last year was $57,000. HEY, HEADING FOR HOME? Start right and easy! Send your luggage round-trip by trusty, low- cost Railway Express, and take your train with peace of mind.We pick-up and deliver, remember, at no extra charge within our reg ular vehicle limits in all cities and principal towns. Y ou merely phone XPRESS ixc. / NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Patronize Our Agent In Your Outfit. ——* DV PVE^FUR3TORAGE HATTERS J X\^CXJ L CASH & CARRY __ D. M. DANSBY, ’37 North Gate —WILLIAMSON— (Continued from Page 3) ed from the first ten by losing to T. C. U. 14-7, the week after Bay lor’s 7-7 tie. Yes, it’s so: the big ger they are the harder they fall. This week’s ratings follow: WILLIAMSON RATINGS PERFECT TEAM 1. Texas A. & M. .. Minnesota Duke Notre Dame Michigan Alabama Duquesne Navy Missouri Pennsylvania Ole Miss Northwestern Fordham T. C. U Tulane Texas Vanderbilt S. M. U Tulsa Cornell Ohio State Harvard Georgia Miss. State Tennessee Washington State Oklahoma Stanford Army Oregon Santa Clara Oregon State Mich. State Washington U. Georgia Tech Columbia Pittsburgh U. C. L. A Boston College South Carolina Detroit Temple California Clemson Penn. State Dartmouth Texas Tech ........ Texas A. & I. .. Oklahoma A. & : L. S. U Rice Baylor Nebraska Arkansas Illinois Denton Teachers Hardin Simmons N. Y. U Centenary Sam Houston .... Texas Wesleyan 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 45. 46. 47. 48. 50. 55. 60. 62. 66. 69. 76. 81. 84. 93. 102. 103. 181. 217. 223. (Coast) .100.0 ....98.7 ...98.4 ...98.1 ...96.7 ...96.2 ...95.8 ...95.3 ...95.0 ....94.0 ....93.7 ....93.6 ...93.2 ...93.1 ....93.0 ....92.9 ....92.9 ...92.7 ...92.6 ...92.5 ...92.4 ...92.3 ...92.2 ...92.0 .91.9 ...91.3 ...91.2 ...91.1 ...91.1 ...91.1 ...91.1 ...91.0 ...90.9 ..J0O.7 ...90.6 ...90.6 ...90.6 ...90.6 ...89.5 ...89.0 88.7 ...88.5 ...88.5 ...88.2 ...88.2 ...88.2 ...88.1 ...88.0 ...87.6 ...87.2 ...87.0 ...86.0 ...86.9 ...86.1 ...86,0 ...85.7 ...84.3 ...83.1 ...83.0 ...75.5 ...73.0 ...72.7 Kay Kyser recently took his band to New York and left Ginny Simms on the west coast, there by terminating one of the most beloved associations in the music world. Ginny is being groomed for starring roles in forthcoming RKO productions. To fill Ginny’s place, or try to at least, Kyser has hired two at tractive bits of feminity to handle the vocals. One of them is a tall, striking brunette called Dorothy Dunn, and the other is a reverse type, a cute, co-eddish blonde an swering to Trudy Erwin. One of Kay’s best records of late is “Aft er Tomorrow.” Max Henry, Aggieland’s ace drummer, does a nice job of hide beating on “A Man And His Drums.” That number runs strong ly to drums anyway, with just enough melody interspersed to prevent too much of a good thing in the way of drum over-dosage. Entirely surrounded by his pots and pans, Max goes to work in earnest on the breaks, and before the last bar is reached, has work ed himself to a frenzy and frazzle at the same time. But it leaves Musical Meanderings , By Murray Evans all exponents of jive relaxed and satisfied, and so Max is happy, albeit exhausted. Oftentimes, after such a strenu ous tune, Aggie bandsman Bob Russell sits in for Max while he catches his breath. Bob does all right for himself too. On ballad tunes especially he does himself proud, what with a perfectly steady four-four rhythm beat, the right sort of sock-cymballing for slow melodies, and good brush work. The Aggies brass band’s new march tune by the late George Perfect harks back a bit of some what to an old popular number about ten years ago. Remember “Gee, But It’s Good To See A Friend From Your Home Town”? However, it resembles it just enough to get all the good points and leave the bad, leaving it a very fine tune indeed. Murder Barometer Rises, Business Booms Finding the lust to kill most rampant during boom years, a crim inologist concludes the “murder barometer” is due to rise with bus iness indices. “We found 494 murders were committed in the boom years of 1925-29—only 53 less than the to tal for the 10-year depression period from 1930 through 1939,” he reports. Lunden doesn’t maintain his fig ures are indicative of a national trend, hut statistics compiled by other crime scientists in other sec tions of the nation also have shown more murders during boom years. LET CALDWELL’S HELP YOU With Your Xmas Gifts No Matter How Small Or How Large. We Will Be Glad to Help You CALDWELL’S Jewelry Store - - WANTED - - TWO TICKETS TO THE THANKSGIVING SLAUGHTER (We’re talking about Steers and this ain’t no “Bull”) We’ll pay $1.25 each if they are good seats— Offer good only until sun-down next Saturday, November 22 when prices are scheduled to take another tumble. REMEMBER THE “SLUMP” OF 1939. SELL NOW ROSS TAILORS 209 North Main Bryan 3l Nothing Looks Better THAN WELL GROOMED HAIR For a Truly Neat Haircut Come To AGGIELAND BEAUTY AND BARBER SHOP . * North Gate Across from P. O. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR CLEANLINESS • Get Those Clothes Cleaned And Pressed Before You Leave For the Week-End. We Have An Agent In Most Every Hall CiMPDS CLEANERS Over Exchange Store AGGES - - is tour muroitM COMPLETE? IF IT ISN’T— * Certainly You Will Want To Make It So Before You Go Home For THANKSGIYIM iH Come in and let us fit you with the best. UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP Mendl & Hornak North Gate