The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 20, 1941, Image 1
' i 1 I “ « i- DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY MORNING, NOV. 20, 1941 Z275 NUMBER 32 T U Editor Apologizes For Breaking New Peace Pact Statements Such As ‘An Aggie Good Is An Aggie Dead’ No More Charged with the violation of the newly made sportsmanship pact, the editors of The Daily Texan, student newspaper of the Texas university, made apologies today to the A. & M. cadet corps. Reference was made . to Tues day’s issue of The Texan which had as its headline, “A Sage Unto His Son Once Said: ‘An Aggie Good is an Aggie Dead’.” Aggie pre-game signs were also mentioned, a misunderstanding had arisen because it was not known by The Texan that these signs are an Aggie Tradition which pre cede all games and not merely the one with the University. The letter of apology read as follows: Editor, The Battalion: In the Texan’s writeup of the intra - school sportsmanship agreement there was a para graph referring to certain signs on the A. & M. campus and a line over our nameplate concerning the Aggies, both of which were not in accord with the spirit of the pact. Let me assure The Battalion and the A. & M. student body that no violation of the agreement was intended and that similar state ments will not appear in the Texan in the future. Jack Howard Editor, Daily Texan The paragraph referred to was one that was carried in an AP dis patch Wednesday morning con cerning the sportsmanship pact. It was: “Perhaps indicative of what is “legal” to the Aggie point of view were brightly painted signs on the A. & M. campus shouting “KILL TEXAS,” “We Knew They Were Yellow,” “Aggies 44, Steers 2,” “Lay Layden Low,” and “Kill Krain’s Kids;” and rouged and lip- sticked freshmen smirking around to other cadets’ amusement.” It’s the usual thing, said one Aggie. R V Initation On Docket for Sunday The all-day festivities which make up the annual practice of welcoming new members into the Ross Volunteers will take place this Sunday in three different lo cations. At 8:30 a. m. on Kyle Field the opening rites of the initation will take place. Following that at 1 o’clock in the animal hus bandry pavilion, new members will be initiated. The day will be climaxed with a formal initiation and banquet at Sbisa Hall. All other members are required to wear the Ross Vol unteer uniform to the formal initi- tions, the new members coming in their number one uniform. The Ross Volunteers, a military and social organization of A. & M. comprised of juniors and seniors taking advanced military science, was organized in 1887. They first were under the name of the Scott Volunteers, but adopted their pres ent name in 1891 after Governor Lawrence Sullivan Ross became president of A. & M. Scholarship Society To Hear Dan Russell At 7:30 Friday Night Dan Russell of the rural sociolo gy department will speak to the Scholarship Honor Society at their regular meeting Friday night, No vember 21, after yell practice. Especially stressed by Jack Tay lor, president of the society, was the importance of this meeting in which a move to sponsor bring ing national honor fraternities on the campus will be discussed. CE Dept Makes Extra Class Room The Civil Engineering Depart ment announced today that the instrument room on the first floor of Nagle hall will be moved to the basement in order to make available an extra class room on the first floor. The alterations are expected to be complete in a few days. Coordination Group Appointed to Solve Mess Hall Problems Eight Students On Committee Will Discuss Thanksgiving Dinner First Members were named today to serve on a committee known as the Mess Hall Committee which will co ordinate the functions of the corps and the functions of the mess halls. The members of the committee who were appointed by Cadet Col- National Defense has reach ed even the mess halls. So don’t be surprised to night when you go to your plate in either Sbisa or Dun can hall and see that there is not any napkin under your glass. There is a shortage of paper napkins and none are available at any warehouse in the South west for immediate delivery. An order has been placed for delivery November 24 and aft er then the situation will be relieved. Random Remarks :By E. M. Rosenthal onel Tom Gillis will meet in J. C. Hotard’s office tonight at 7 p.m. In this first meeting the commit tee will discuss plans for the Thanksgiving dinner to be served next Tuesday. The committee was appointed from the corps headquarters in both the old and new areas and from each regiment. Cadets are asked to go to these men when they have any item which they wish to bring to the attention of the dining hall system. As Hotard stated, “the committee is being formed to give the corps a closer contact with the mess hall.” Members of the committee are Jimmie Dunn, old area corps head quarters; G. H. Guinn, Engineer regiment; Bob Benken, Coast Ar tillery regiment; Guy Johnson, Cavalry regiment; Johnny Harris, Field Artillery regiment; Sam Brown, Infantry regiment; Jimmie Cupples, Composite regiment; and Chipp Routt, new area corps head quarters. Hotard asserts “we want you to know that we are for and with the boys at all times and would like for them to bring their problems to Twenty-Five Dollars Given Reading Fund Dr. Thomas F. Mayo, college li brarian, announced today that the receipt of contributions from the Brazos county A. & M. Mothers’ Club and the , San Angelo Moth er’s club to the Library Gener al Reading Fund totaling twenty- five dollars. “Twelfth Man,” “Spirit,” “One at a Time”—All three are synony mous with A. & M., yet all three have been claimed by or given to Texas university since September. Up until that dark day on the T. U. calendar when Baylor tied the “perfect machine”, the Forty acre student body started boast ing of their twelfth man. Head lines in the University paper screamed the twelfth man was do ing such and such, but a little digging back in The Battalion files, in fact, a lot of digging way back to 1920, will reveal another pic ture. It was back in 1920 when Texas’ own D. X. Bible was mentor at A. & M. that the team needed another man on the field. Frank Gill, who was in the stands, came out to D. X. Bible and volunteered, and all of the papers in the state hopped on this display of spirit and said A. & M. could always rely on its “Twelfth Man,” those students in the grandstand. Today the name still sticks, and by right of use belongs to no others than the Aggies. And there’s this thing called spir it. Sure, every school is entitled to it, and most schools have some of it, but can any of them deny the Aggies are supreme in this field? They have tried to deny it this year by saying that A. & M. had a false spirit because the “commanding officer” required all cadets to greet the team and dis- 1 play enthusiasm. Every Aggie knows this to be anything but the truth. Our spirit is genuine and real and it doesn’t take a championship team to keep it. Just remember the lean years in the thirties. The Aggies had it then and they have it now. But now the state sports writers have another line, “Aggies steal Texas celebrated slogan of ’one at a time’.” Perhaps, but again do a little reminiscing and you will see things in a different light. All through the campaigns of ’39 and ’40 Homer Norton and the entire team, as well as the A. & M. student body, preached nothing but one at a time. We all knew that a great team was playing on Kyle Field and we all know that bowl games were very profitable. But above this, we all knew thinking of these bowl games would mean disaster so the games were talked of one at a time. This year has been the same way. The team has been playing the games from week to week with perhaps an occasional thought of Turkey Day, but nothing more. It’s been merely “one at a time.” So how can anyone say we’ve stolen a Texas slogan. It was ours in ’39, we kept it in ’40, and we haven’t let go of it since. “Twelfth Man,” “Spirit,” “One at a Time”—they all belong to the Aggies and no one else can claim them for their’s alone. Time for Prayer Is T U Conclusion As 25 Show up for Rally He Did the ‘Unpardonable’ Football Expert of All Time Found; Picked Aggies in Sept By Charlie Babcock When Tommy O’Brien, the sports writer in question, called his “Hud dle Time” last September 26, he committed the unpardonable sin in the journalism profession and picked A. & M. to win the South west Conference championship, ev en before a conference game had been played. So unpardonable was O’Brien’s “sin” that it later turned out that he was the only expert in Ameri ca to select the Aggies as the No. 1 team. Other predictors stated that at the best the Aggies could only be considered as a dark bourse with a slim, outside chance. But not O’Brien. He calmly sta ted that come December the high- riding Cadets would be on the champion’s throne. So it was that on the night of September 26, 1941, history was written. . . or rather spoken, for O’Brien gave his breath-taking announcement over the air waves of radio station KRIC in Beau mont, Texas. To add miracle to feat, O’Brien explained in detail the reasons for the failure of other teams to pro duce a champion and his argu ment has been vindicated in full by each week’s developments. The pro and con of his discussion was based on three points: schedule, material and possible injuries. After telling how Texas would meet their downfall, why the other- teams didnt have the power, O’ Brien concluded his broadcast with the following statement. “Since most everybody likes Texas or S.M.U., since I pick Tex as A. & M. and Bruce Layer likes Baylor, watch somebody like Ar kansas win the title. “But, seriously, as long as sel ections are being made, mine is made, and I stick to it: Texas A. & M. to win the championship of the Southwest Conference.” 18 Percent of Student Body on Dean’s Team; Engineers Lead with 57 Percent Schools of Agriculture, Vet Medicine Show Deficiency Decrease; Others Up Preliminary reports show 1,173 students of a total enrollment of 6,507 students to be deficient in their studies according to the rule stated in the official book of rules and regulations. Percentages of deficiencies in the schools of agriculture and veterinary medicine show a decrease while the schools of arts and sciences and engineering show an increase. The school of engineering has the largest number of students deficient having more than twice as many as any other school. A total of 666 deficient students are-f* registered as taking engineering, with 285 deficient students in the school of agriculture, 175 in the school of arts and sciences, and 47 in the school of veterinary medi cine. Having an enrollment of 20j percent of the entire student body, the school of engineering has 57 percent of those students defic ient in hours. The other schools with their percentages of defic iencies are as follows: agriculture 24 percent; arts and sciences, 15 percent; and veterinary medicine, 4 percent. At this time last year there were 16.4 percent of the enrollment de ficient with 1,039 of 6,353 students deficient. In the school of engineer ing there was a 56 percent defic iency, in the school of agriculture 26 percent, the school of arts and sciences, 12 percent, and the school of veterinary medicine, 6 percent. The higest percent of deficiencies since 1936 was December 1, 1939, with a 20.1 percentage of 5,908 students. Other percent deficiencies are December 1, 1936—19.2 percent, December 1, 1937—16.2, December 1, 1938— 18 percent, Decemberl, 1939—20.1, and November 16, 1940 —16.4 percent. Texas university’s student body, belatedly called the “twelfth man” of Texas university by the Daily Texan, died a mortal death last Monday night. The student body from the Forty Acres are behind their team win, lose, or draw as evidenced by the pep rally held last Monday night. The Daily Texan said, “Last night (Monday) 25 persons and the band showed up. The rally never was staged. It was time for prayer and thought.” Placement Bureau Schedules Speeches Thurs for Teachers The fourth in a series of lectures sponsored by the placement bureau of the Former Students Associa tion will be held Thursday, Nov ember 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the chem istry lecture room. The subject of this program will pertain to liber al arts and teaching. The opening remarks and intro duction of speakers will be made by Dean T. D. Brooks, chairman of the meeting. The first speaker will be J. R. D. Eddy, state director of trade and industrial education, state board for vocational educa tion, Austin. Eddy will speak on “Opportunities in the Teaching' Profession.” The placement bureau will also present L. V. Stockard, assistant superintendent of schools, Dallas. Stockard’s address will be, “What School Administrators and Boards of Education Require in an Appli cant.” Stone Trim Work On New Dorms Completed All the stone trim work on the new dormitories has been set, com pleting all the outside brick work on the buildings. The dormitories are expected to be completed for occupation by the beginning of the second semester in February. As Sportsmanship Pact Was Made History was made when Texas university and A. & M. signed a sportsmanship agreement here Mon day. Led by Dr. J. C. Dolley, chairman of the athletic committee at Texas and Dean E. J. Kyle of A. & M., a group of student leaders from both institutions signed the pact. Sitting from left to right they are: R. B. Pearce, Lt. Col. Corps Staff; Kyle; Dolley; Tom Gillis, Cadet Colonel; Fred Nieman, president of the Texas student body; and Bob Russell, major of the band. Standing left to right: John Seaman, foreman of the Cowboys, pep organization on the Texas campus; Skeen Staley, head yell leader; Richard (Windy) Winn, assistant cheerleader at Texas; Don Gabriel, editor of The Battalion; James Newman, president of the Longhorn Band; Dick Hervey, president of the Senior Class; and Jack Howard, editor of The Daily Texan. Photo by Howard Berry TU Band Leader Speaks to Corps Col. G'eorge E. Hurt, director of the Texas university Longhorn Band, addressed the cadet corps at yell practice Tuesday night speaking in behalf of the student body of Texas university. After being introduced by Skeen Staley, head yell leader, Col. Hurt told the corps that all possible ef forts would be made by the lead ers of the university student body to maintain order on Kyle Field Thanksgiving Day. ASAE Shows Plow Company Films In Ag Eng Lecture Room The A. & M. branch of the A.S. A. E. has arranged for several reels of film on new developments on farm machinery to be presented by the John Deere Plow Com pany, Dallas, in the agricultural engineering lecture room at 7:30 tonight. A special invitation is ex tended to all students in the school of agriculture to be present. Each year the A.S.A.E. branch invites one or more of the leading farm equipment companies to pre sent a program to show what is being done in developing better machinery for the farmer. A num ber of machines will be shown in action, saving labor and cutting down the cost of production for the farmer. Famed Aggie Football Player Dies at Waco J. M. Kendrick, 48, former fam ed Aggie football player, died at his home in Waco following a stroke Sunday night. Born at Waco, he was a lifelong resident of this city. During the first World War he was a student at A. & M. and was commissioned and assigned to the Second Texas Infantry, being one of the star grid players of that regiment. He later was assigned to the 141 In fantry, and when he went overseas he entered the aviation service in France, serving during the time the United States force fought with the allied armies. At the time of his death he was engaged in the oil business. 5600 Pounds Of Turkey on Duncan, Sbisa Menu Nov 25 The annual Thanksgiving dinner for the cadet corps will be served in the mess halls next Tuesday night, J. C. Hotard, supervisor of subsistence, announced yesterday. The menu for the dinner will in clude baked turkey and dressing, cranberry sauce, candied yams, lima beans, celery and olives, pumpkin chiffon pie, assorted fruits and nuts, hot rolls and but ter, and coffee and milk. Over 5,600 pounds of turkey have been purchased for the meal. In addition the corps will consume some 3,000 pounds of yams, 800 pounds of limas, 14 crates of cel ery, 12 gallons of olives, 1,800 pumpkin pies, 16 crates of oranges, 24 crates of apples, 1,200 pounds of bananas, 700 pounds of assort ed nuts, and the usual quantities of rolls, butter, coffee, and milk. “The tukeys are a new type of broad-breasted birds insuring a maximum of white meat to the corps,” Hotard said. Fish Go on Full Day Bonfire Duty Until Thanksgiving Underclassmen Arranged In 3 Hour Shifts; 12 Men On During Night Watches The traditional Aggie Thanks giving bonfire is steadily growing for the annual celebration before the A. & M., Texas gridiron clash. From the present until the bonfire yell practice, the bonfire is being carefully guarded at all hours of the day and night. Organizations on the campus will furnish freshmen for bonfire guard duty in three hour shifts all dur ing the night. During this time, from 7:00 p. m. to 7:00 a. m., the first sergeant of each organization designated to guard duty will keep at least 12 men guarding the bon fire. During the day, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p. m., all of the organiza tions which guarded the bonfire during the previous night will de tail at least two men each hour without classes for guard duty. The underclassmen who guarded the bonfire any night are allowed to sleep during the day at any time they desire for the following two days. The bonfire and yell practice will be the biggest display of Ag gie spirit which has been held dur ing the present football season, as is the custom each year. The cel ebration will include speeches by the coaches and senior football players in addition to the procedure of the regular yell practices. Campus Scenes On Student’s Xmas Cards J. T. Lang, A. & M. veterinary medicine student, has designed four distinctive types of Christmas cards for the use of Aggies. These cards are made up of scenes from the campus and college organizations. Lt Col F V M Dyer Appointed Executive At Fort Jackson N C Lieut. Col. Fredric V. M. Dyer, Infantry, a native of Houston, has been named post executive officer of Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Colonel Dyer has served as post adjutant there since last May and went there from A. & M. He served here as associate professor of mil itary science and tactics in the R.O. T.C. unit. Fourth 1st Prize Of Year Won by Rigsby H. P. Rigsby, instructor in the A. & M. mechanical engineering department, has again been award ed first prize of $100 for a paper submitted to the Hobert Arc Weld ing News contest. This was Rigsby’s fourth win ning paper submitted this year. His first three prize winning papers have been published in many trade magazines. Cosmetic Counters Swamped; Effeminate Fish Don Make-Up By Clyde C. Franklin Feminine faces have come to grace the A. & M. campus at last, in mockery of that Austin inhabi tant, Texas U. Since early this week the most daring makeups ever seen on any college campus have been boldly shining forth on the face of every freshman from the North Gate to College Park. Cosmetic counters have seen a definite boost in their sales this week. Although there is plenty of the gentler hues of red and pink left, the flaming red and bloody maroon sticks have hit a nose dive so far as the supply is concerned. Regardless of what some casual onlookers may think, those first year cadets have definite possibil ities as any Georgia peach will tell after she has compared her own complexion with that of one of these males. Acting as though they had long years of experience in the matter of make-up, gently curving lips and curves in their eyebrows that would make the mathematics department’s most technical curve turn another loop. Besides all the pigmentation on the face some ingenious individual thought up the idea of making the female complete with a “bow of ribbon in thy fair locks.” Rang ing from mere whisps of pink string in the coiffure some of the regalia runs into a patriotic red, white, and blue streamer running down the wearers^ shoulders. In addition to what the fish about the campus already finds to do in the morning he must go through the task of making up his mask before attending those eight o’clock classes and taking care of their rosy cheeks before retiring when at long last the bugler un furls taps in the evening. earl “at but t. the »rce y a ipal pair ute- )lled itly lind t of bled full o be jut res- his hie! ) be bat-