The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 13, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Lectures for Job-Seeking
Kaffer, Rogers
Appointed Junior
Seniors Scheduled at A&M am Fund Members
Placement Bureau
Offers 4 Series Of
Employment Talks
A series of lectures on employ
ment maters designed for seniors
will be offered Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday evenings
of next week under the sponsor
ship of the placement office of the
Association of Former Students.
The lectures have been divided in
to fields of work and outstanding
leaders in those fields have ac
cepted invitations to speak to re
spective groups. Although the lec
tures are primarily for seniors,
junior students and faculty mem
bers will be welcome.
Lecture Schedules
The schedule of lectures is as
follows: agricultural group, Mon
day, 7:30 p. m., chemistry lecture
room; business group, Tuesday,
7:30 p. m., chemistry lecture room;
engineering group, Wednesday,
7:30 p. m., Assetnbly hall; liberal
arts and teaching group, Thursday,
7:30 p. m., chemistry lecture room.
These lectures by fields of work
are follow-ups to the general per
sonnel lecture given at Guion hall
last week by Paul W. Boynton of
the Socony-Vacuum Company, New
York City.
Appearing on the agricultural
program will be Jack Shelton, gen
eral agent, Farm Credit Adminis
tration, Houston, and James M.
Reynolds, regional personnel man
ager, Soil Conservation Service,
Fort Worth. J. Wheeler Barger,
head of the department of market
ing and finance will act as chair
man and Dean E. J. Kyle will make
the opening remarks.
Business Personnel
Headliners f6r the business per
sonnel lecture will be A. Y. Wilson,
manager, Burrougs Adding Ma
chine Company, Houston, and W.
N. Blanton, vice-president and
manager, Houston Chamber of
Commerce. Barger will act as
chairman and T. W. Leland, head
of the department of accounting
and statistics will make the open
ing remarks.
Speaking on the engineering per
sonnel lecture will be R. T. Shiels,
assistant district manegr, Gener
al Electric Company, Dallas, and
R. N. Dyer, personnel supervisor,
Humble Oil and Refining Company,
Houston. M. C. Hughes, head of
the electrical engineering depart
ment will act as chairman and
Dean Gibb Gilchrist will make the
(See EMPLOYMENT, Page 4)
Invitation Group
Chosen by Hervey
Dick Hervey, president of the
senior class, announced Wednesday
that he had appointed the Senior
Invitation Committee, whose duty
it will be to select the style of in
vitation that will be sent out this
May. The members of the commit
tee, as named by Hervey, are Jack
Taylor, chairman, Lee Rice and
Mark Good.
The Southern Engraving Com
pany of Houston, who has handled
the Senior invitations for the past
two years, will present lay-outs
from which the final invitations will
be chosen.
A gigantic inspirational rally,
to be participated in by former
students, faculty, students, college
directors, and administrative offi
cers of A. & M., will be held on the
campus next spring following ap
proval of the board of directors of
a homecoming proposal presented
by officers and directors of the
Association of Former Students.
April 10-11-12 has been set as
the date for the homecoming which
will include class reunions and the
annual meeting of the Association
of Former Students. The event
will supercede the traditional An
nual Ex-Students’ Meeting at com
Climax of the week-end will be
a huge banquet to be attended by
members of the faculty, the Sen
ior Class and visitors. An out
standing speaker will be secured
for this occasion and the affair
is expected to become an annual
Gillis Honors Dead
While silver taps were being play
ed in memory of A. & M.’s 56 war
dead during yesterday’s armistice
day ceremonies, Cadet Colonel
Tom Gillis was placing a wreath
on the monument to these men
at the west gate.
Jubilancy Reigns
But Baylorites Must
Make Tuesday Classes
Baylor students, no matter how
jubilant about the outcome of last
Saturday’s game with the Texas
Longhorns, had to go to classes
Tuesday. The student body was
warned by President Pat Neff that
anyone who did not attend classes
would be indefinitely suspended
from school.
Anyone who wanted to celebrate
the holiday was warned that such
action would terminate his college
career at Baylor or at any other
Audubon Exhibit
Added at Museum
The A. & M. museum this week
announced the addition of a set
of 50 Audubon bird prints portray
ing Texas and Gulf Coast birds
in their native habits to its natural
history exhibits.
These prints are reproductions
of the original 438 appearing in
John James Audubon’s work,,
“Birds of America,” printed in Eng
land about 1838. A collection of
the original prints is worth about
Audubon was bom into the fam
ily of a French naval officer. He
studied drawing in Paris, but his
chief preparation for his work came
from a year on his father’s farm
near Philadelphia. He was the first
man to paint birds in their natural
New Construction
Going on at Hospital
Work is now under way at the
college hospital to add four wards
composed of 28 beds to the present
capacity of 125 beds, Phil G. Nor
ton, assistant college architect,
ktated yesterday.
inspiraitonal rally for all men in
terested and concerned in the wel
fare of A. & M.
The general arrangements com
mittee for the event has been set
up and is already functioning. The
committee is composed of D. S.
Buchanan, ’17, Buda, representing
the board of directors; Tyree L.
Bell, T3, Dallas, president of the
Association of Former Students;
Deans Kyle, Marsteller, Brooks, and
Gilchrist; Dr. C. C. Doak, head of
the department of biology; Dick
Hervey, president of the Senior
Class; J. B. Tate, president of the
student agricultural council; Ger
ald R. King, president of the stu
dent engineering council; Roland
Bing; E. E. McQuillen, secretary of
the former students; and E. 1,.
Angell, executive assistant to the
president, who will serve as gen
eral chairman. Additional details
will be made from time to time.
Walton’s Selections
Raises Student Number
On Committee to Four
Steve Kaffer, C Engineers, and
Cullen Rogers, C Infantry, have
been appointed as the two junior
members of the Student Aid Fund
committee, it was announced yes
terday by Dr. T. O. Walton, pres
ident of the college. They will com
plete the committee of four stu
dents and three faculty member's
which administers the student aid
Kaffer is sergeant major of the
cadet corps. Rogers is a wingback
on the football team.
“The committee’s work can now
progress more rapidly for the ben
efit of the Aggies” Cadet Colonel
Tom Gillis,. committee chairman,
At the first of the year, the corps
donated $376.71 to the fund on a
voluntary basis, which was taken
up in each organization and deposi
ted in the Student Activities office.
“This generous spirit of the Ag
gie corps toward helping fellow
students is one of the greatest char
acteristics of an Aggie,” Gillis said.
This money and all other funds now
with the committee will be return
ed to other Aggies who need the
money for medical attention.
The Student Aid Fund is the on
ly fund of its kind in a Southwes
tern College. It is composed of
money collected from the cadets
and used for the benefit of the ca
dets. It is used to make non-interest
bearing loans to Aggies who need
medical attention and are unable to
obtain it. By buying glasses for
cadets, paying for dental work, op
erations, and all forms of medical
aid, many Aggies’ physical con-
tion is improved and many times
fixed so they can remain in school.
Ashton Presents
Illustrated Talk
To Public Nov 19
Dr. John Ashton will give an il
lustrated lecture for the benefit
of the public Wednesday night,
November 19 in the Chemistry
lecture room at 8:00 o’clock. The
lecture is under the sponsorship
of the Rural Sociology Club.
Dr. Ashton has recently return
ed from Central America after a
year’s duty as exchange profes
sor to Nicaragua under Conven
tion for the Promotion of Inter-
American Cultural Relations. Dr.
Ashton will be introduced by Dean
E. J. Kyle, who has also just re
cently returned from South Ameri
Two reels of the film, “Pic
turesque Guatemala,” will be shown
as a pictoral setting for Dr. Ash
ton’s lecture. These sound pic
tures, loaned especially for this
occasion by the Pan-American Un
ion, are descriptive of the Mayan
Indian civilization that inhabits
the western highlands of the Guat
emalan mountains.
Houston Junior
A & M Club Holds
Dance Friday Evening
Friday night the Junior A. & M.
club of Houston will sponsor a
dance at the Elk’s club Ball Room
in Houston. The Aggieland Or
chestra wil play for dancing start
ing at 10 o’clock. Tickets for the
dance may be purchased at George’s
Confectionary for $1.65 per couple.
The Junior A. & M. club of Hous
ton is composed mostly of former
students who are now employed by
the Houston Shipbuilding Corpor
ation. When many exes were called
into active service the club lost
many of its members. At the same
time the Aggies who worked at
the ship building company wanted
to organize a club.
At the suggestion of E. E. Mc
Quillen of the Former Students
Association, the latter group took
over the Junior A. & M. club
Nov. 11-14—Coast Artillery
Nov. 17-20—Engineers
Former Students Designing Gigantic
3 Day Inspirational Rally for Spring
Colonel Welty, Mayor Pickett
Will Review Corps Trip Parade
Bonfire Flames W ill Herald
Aggie Glenn Miller Program
By Clyde C. Franklin
While flames still jut skyward
from the annual pre-Thanksgiv-
ing Day bon fire Glen Miller will
dedicate his 15 minute program ot
November 26 to the A. & M. ca
det corps. Pre-game yell practice
will be held from 7:00 p. m. un
til 9:00 p. m. that night and prompt
ly at 9:00 p. m. the annual bond-
fire dance will be held in Sbisa
Gentle strains of this big band’s
music will drift over the entire
campus as the program will be
piped through the public address
system and to the ears of the
anxious dancers in Sbisa hall.
The entire 15 minutes of the
program will be given over to A.
& M., and the Aggies three favor
ite Glenn Miller recordings will
be played for the listening corps.
These numbers will be “Chatta
nooga Choo-Choo,” “Elmer’s Tune,”
and “Song of the Volga Boatman.”
Another tune will be played and
dedicated to the Aggies but the
band in keeping with its policy of
not' playing any school songs will
not be able to play either of the
school’s theme songs.
During the program a survey
of Aggie life around the campus
will be given and the scenes typi
cal of the occasion will be narrated
while they are actually in progress
on the campus.
Special arrangements are being
made so that the program may be
sent by wire from Houston or
Dallas and will be amplified and
sent out over the loud * speaker
system but not over station
Miller’s reception came about
through the impetus of the public
ity department and the sponsors
of his program when they asked
for information regarding when
such a program could be arrang
ed for the student body. The
Thanksgiving date was accepted as
“the” date for the program.
J Frank Dobie
Reviews Latest
Book This Evening
Reviewing his latest book, “The
Longhorns,” J. Frank Dobie, Tex
as folk-lore author, will speak at
7:30 tonight at the Stephen F. Aus
tin High School Auditorium in Bry-
. The Evening Study Club is
presenting Dobie who will also tell
how he came to write the book.
Dobie is a Professor of English
Literature at Texas university and
is known particularly through his
knowledge and portrayal of Texas
history and folk lore.
He is secretary and editor for
the Texas Folk-Lore Society and
has compiled and edited their an
nual publications since 1922.
Among his books are, “A Vanquero
of the Brush Country,” “Corona
do’s Children,” “Tales of the Mus
tangs,” and “The Longhorns.”
Choose 3 Faculty
Members as Sponsors
In a special meeting Tuesday
night the A. & M. Cryptography
club voted to ask three faculty
members to become co-sponsors of
the club in place of K. E. Elm-
quist, who is leaving November
15. Those selected were Capt. W.
S. McCulley of the military depart
ment and H. L. Kidd and George
Bechtel of the English depart
ment. All three have accepted the
Elmquist, who was the organizer
of the club, has been called to
Washington, D. C., to work with
other crytography experts in the
war department. Members of the
club presented him a gift in ap
preciation of his work with the
Meeting nights have been chang
ed from the 1st and 3rd Tues
days to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of each month.
A & M Impresses
Colonel Boles By
Display of Spirit
Colonel W. J. Boles, new sen
ior instructor of Field Artillery,
said that there were three things
that impressed him most about A.
& M. He was particularly impres
sed by the manliness and enthus
iasm of the student body, the ex
cellence of the Field Artillery, and
last but not least, the great Ag
gie football team. He pointed out
that he had heard of A. & M. all
of his life and had always wanted
to come here.
He also commented on the high
quality of the reserve officers
trained by this institution. He said
that they had the ability to take
hold under adverse circumstances
in an efficient manner without ask
ing many questions.
Colonel Boles was stationed at |
San Antonio as Assistant Chief
of Staff of the Military Intelligence
staff. Prior to that he was sen
ior artillery instructor of the Tex
as National Guard in 1939. Col
onel Boles went overseas and
fought in France in the last war
with Colonel McIntyre as a soldier
of the same regiment.
Trains Leave at 7:20, Arrive In
Houston at 9:10; Parade Starts at 10
Being reviewed by Colonel Maurice D. Welty, commandant and
P.M.S.&T., and Mayor Neal Pickett, mayor of Houston, two trainloads
of Aggies will march down Main Street in Houston Saturday when
they make their second corps trip of the year and see the Aggie-Owl
football game that afternoon.
Troops will march from their respective assembly areas to the
station at 6:50 a. m. The first section will leave at 7:20 a. m. and will
include the band, the corps staff, the Infantry Regiment, the Field
-f Artillery Rigement, and the Com-
Annual Dairvman’s
Short Courses To
Start November 17
The seventh annual Dairyman’s
Short Course will opened at A.
& M. November 17 and continue
through November 19 and will be
under the direction of Professor
A. L. Darnell, of the dairy hus
bandry department.
The faculty for the course will
be composed of members of the
college staff, scientists from the
Experiment Station, the Extension
Service, and leaders in the field
of dairying.
Among the noted leaders who
will speak are D. T. Simons, Amer
ican Jersey Cattle Club, and Dr.
L. R. Noyes, Bureau of Animal
Industry, U. S. D. A.
On the final afternoon the dairy
herds at the college will be classi
fied by officials of the Holstein-
Friesian Association of America,
and the American Jersey Cattle
All phases of the dairy industry
will be covered during the three-
day meeting, Professor Darnell has
Kyle Tells Corps
Agronomy Dept
Names ’41 Contest
Crops Judging Team
Students chosen to represent A.
& M. at the International Inter-
Collegiate Crops judging contests
November 24-29 were announced
recently by the Agronomy Depart
ment. Those selected were: Earl
Butler, Felix Collard, Glenn McGou-
irk and Howard Warner.
The first contest will be held in
Kansas City on November 24 and
from there the team will go to Chi
cago to compete in the second con
test. “Our prospects for placing
first are better than ever before,”
Professor R. C. Potts of the Agron
omy department stated.
Last year’s team placed fourth
at the Chicago meet.
Dean E. J. Kyle is shown above as
he talked to the cadet corps at
yell practice Monday night and
mentioned some of the highlights
of his recent South American
trip. Sitting on the steps is Head
Yell Leader Skeen Staley.
American Youth Takes Stand Against Entrance of US
Into Present World Conflict, Survey of Editors Reveals
American college and university
students are definitely not in favor
of the United States participation
in the present European war. This
fact was determined by the Yale
Daily News, college daily of Yale
University, which sponsored a na
tion wide poll to determine the at
titude of American youth toward
several international questions
which have become important in
determining America’s present for
eign policy.
The Battalion has cooperated
with this poll and has received
statistics resulting from the ques
tions asked. These statistics are
not the result of student polls, but
represent the opinions of the edi
torial boards of the nation’s col
leges and prep-schools—which may
reflect the opinions of the Ameri
can student bodies.
Of the 800 letters mailed to the
schools, only 169 have replied to
date. In answer to the first
question, which read, “Weighing
carefully the factors for and again
st intervention do you think the
United States should enter the
present European war?”, 36 per
cent answered “Yes” and 64 per
cent answered “No”. In the south
west alone, 26 per cent answered
“Yes” and 74 per cent answered
“No”. The second question was,
“Do you favor revision of the neu
trality law which will permit Am
erican merchant ships to enter the
war zone?” In answer, 52 per cent
of the nation’s colleges answered
“Yes” and 48 per cent answered
“No.” Out of the southwestern sec
tion, 53 per cent voted “Yes” and
47 per cent of the colleges voted
“No.” The third question was “Do
you believe that such revision will
result in our entry in the war?”
—87 per cent answered “Yes” and
13 per cent replied “No.” The
fourth and last question was, “If
the United States enters the war,
do you believe that we should send
an American expeditionary force
to Europe?” In answer, 36 per
cent voted “Yes” and 64 per cent,
posite Regiment. Tactical offi
cers of this train will be Major
E. A. Elwood and First Lieutenant
C. A. Williams.
Second Section Leave at 7:30
Section two will leave at 7:30 a.
m. and will be composed of the
Cavalry Regiment, the Engineer
Regiment, and the Coast Artillery
Regiment. Tactical officer in
charge of this section will be First
Lieutenant T. B. Strother.
Railroad tickets are now on sale
at the station and may be pur
chased before noon Friday. The
cost of the tickets is $1.52.
The first section will arrive in
Houston at 9:10 a.m. followed by
the second section at 9:15 a.m. Or
ganizations will detrain and march
in column of twos to the assembly
area which will be the parking
space in front of the Southern Pa
cific railroad station. Rolls and
baggage will be marked and placed
in baggage trucks which will be
Parade at 10
Parade time is set at 10 a.m. a-
which time all organizations wi'l
assemble in the respective areas
designated. The order of march is
as follows: corps commander and
staff, Field Artillery Band, In
fantry Regiment, Field Artillery
Regiment, Composite Regiment,
Infantry Band, Cavalry Regiment,
Engineer Regiment, and Coast Ar
tillery Regiment.
The parade will pass up Cong
ress from the station to Main street
turning right on Main and up past
the reviewing stand in front of the
Rice Hotel and continuing to La
mar street. Turning left on Lamar,
the parade will proceed to the res
pective dismissal areas on Smith,
Brazos and Bagby streets.
A. & M. Headquarters
The band van will be at the cor
ner of Lamar and Bagby, Infantry
trucks at Bagby and Walker, Field
Artillery at Brazos and Walker, and
Cavalry at Smith and Walker.
Coast Artillery trucks will be on
Lamar just above the intersection
of Lamar and Smith streets. Engi
neers on Lamar at Brazos and the
composite regiment on Lamar at
the Bagby street intersection.
A. & M. headquarters will be at
the City Auditorium located at the
intersections of Louisiana, Texas,
and Milam streets.
The number one uniform will be
worn on the trip but non-military
students and other students not
having a blouse to wear, are
The number two uniform will be
non-regulation for the parade and
football game, but may be worn
at other times on the trip. Those
students wearing civilian clothes
to the ball game should have their
yellow receipt with them in case the
gate keeper questions their identi
ty as students of the college.
Returning Trains
A special train will leave Hous
ton Saturday night at 12:30 a.
m., November 15 with Lieutenant
Strother in charge. Other trains
will leave Houston at 11:30 p. m.
Saturday, 8 a.m. Sunday morn
ing, November 16, and 11:30 p.m.
Sunday night. Major Elwood and
Lieut. Williams will be tactical of
ficers in charge of these trains.
Williams Appointed
0PM Consultant
E. L. Williams, head of the de
partment of industrial education
at A. & M., has received notice
from the office of Production Man
agement, Washington, of his ap
pointment as a consultant in Dis
trict 18 to assist in the training
within industry program outlined
by President Roosevelt.