The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 08, 1941, Image 2

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The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspa
han ical College of Texas and
ts published three times weekly from September to June,
sued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings; and is pub
lished weekly from June through August.
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station,
Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Subscription rate, $3
upon request.
a school year. Advertising rates
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service,
, at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and
San Franc:
ew 1
Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone
1941 Member 1942
Associated GoUe6icite Press
Don Gabriel
E. M. Rosenthal
Ralph Criswell ...
Mike Haikin
W. F. Oxford
Mike Mann
Jerry Gleason, D. B. Gofer
Sports Staff
C hick Hurst
Circulation Staff
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
..Senior Sports Assistant
Junior Sports Editors
..Junior Sports Assistant
Gene Wtlmeth— Circulation Manager
Bill Hanger Senior Circulation Assistant
F. D. Asbury.„ .... Junior Assistant
Bill Huber, Joe Stalcup Circulation Assistants
Photography Staff
Jack Jones ;
Bob Orane, Ralph Stenzel
Staff Photographer
..Assistant Photographers
Saturday’s Staff
D. C. Thurman_ Managing Editor
Charlie Babcock Junior Editor
Jack Lamberson Assistant Advertising Manager
Reportorial Staff
Catvtn Brumley, Kenneth C. Bresnen, Arthur L. Cox, W. J.
HamHto-n, Jr., N. W. Karbach, Jack Keith, Tom B. Jounneay,
Tom Leland, Charles P. McKnight, C. G. Scruggs, John May,
Douguass Lancaster
Speaking on the Campus
Don't Let This Tradition Die
A recent Open Forum letter grabbed the bull
by the horns when it stated that one Aggie
tradition seems to be slipping by the way-
side. All the more important because it is
one tradition which makes A. & M. distinct
ive, the habit of speaking to everyone on
the campus is well worth keeping.
A cheerful “howdy” or “hello” which
greets a person while walking across the
campus is a tradition worth hanging on to.
Take any other college in Texas and analyze
it to see if it has that same friendly, demo
cratic atmosphere. A. & M. seems to be
unique in this respect; our custom of speak
ing represents more than a mere verbal
greeting; it is indicative of a greater Aggie
At times there seems to be a gradual
decay of this tradition. You still hear greet
ings on the campus, but that spirit is lack
ing. The Aggie way of doing things is ex
emplified in the manner in which every ca
det, senior or fish, speaks on the campus.
Of all A. & M. traditions, few are more
valuable than this habit. Some of those stu
dents, the upperclassmen, who should more,
fully realize the benefits of this tradition are
the ones that fail to live up to it. This tra
dition can not be based on compulsion; it
must be a free expression from all.
Next time while walking across the
campus remember that a friendly greeting
is a tradition worth preserving and one that
helps you.
All greatness is unconscious, or it is
little and naught. —Thomas Carlyle
The World Turns On
By Dr. R. W. Steen:
Theg Sag
=A. C. Payne;
For a generation that prides itself in its
search for knowledge, the present group of
college students is biblically illiterate. They
might easily be classified as seniors in chem
istry, juniors in engineering, or as soph
omores in biology; but in the area of religion
many of them haven’t even left the stage of
True, the “textbook” of our largest re
ligious groups, the Bible, has been a peren
nial best-seller, but unfortunately, all Bible-
A large portion of the non-Russian people in
Europe fear communism, and the German
propaganda agencies have been working over
time to make the attack of Russia appear to
these people as a crusade against Commu
nism. If successful, this propaganda cam
paign would reduce opposition
to the Germans in the conquer
ed countries by uniting all
Europeans in a campaign with
the Germans as leaders. The
plan has not as yet succeeded,
and it is doubtful that it will.
The people fear Nazism also,
and it is human nature to worry
more about a present evil
than a prospective one.
The world cheered the he-
steen roic resistance offered by the
Finns when they were attacked by the Rus
sians. America’s sympathies were almost
entirely with the small country, and there
were many Americans who made themselves
believe that Finland might win. She was
finally crushed by overwhelming numbers.
When the opportunity came to join with
Germany and regain her territory Finland
renewed the war against Russia, and in a
short time reoccupied the territory taken
from her last winter.
America and Britain were willing to see
Finland regain her lands, but disliked seeing
her as an ally of Germany. America has re
cently been insisting that Finland withdraw
from the conflict. This statement is in
marked contrast to the reports coming from
Berlin when the American request was made
known there. A separate peace with the
Finns would improve the Russian position,
and in the same degree would weaken the
Germans. It now remains to be seen wheth
er or not Finland can make a separate peace.
There is reason to doubt that Finland can
move independently of German wishes, and
certainly the Germans will oppose any Fin
nish peace with Russia at this time. Finland
joined with the New Order proclaimed by Mr.
Hitler, and there has been no evidence that
the New Order is equipped with exits as well
as entrances.
Where The Aggies Stand
Beware freshmen, sophomores, juniors; That shaded section is the senior section! From the 50 yard
line to past the goal line the 6,000 members of the Twelfth Man will watch the Aggie Maroon and
White roll on during 1941’s football season. The senior section will extend from the 50 to the 15
yard line from row 24, just behind the ramps, np. The junior section will encircle the senior sec
tion on three sides. Sophomores and freshmen will be in front of the upperclassmen besides having a
section of their own past the goal line.
owners are not Bible-readers. Perhaps this
is due in part to the out-dated method of
printing itself. It is certainly difficult to
enjoy reading when you continually stumble
over ancient divisions of chapters and verses,
and where naturally beautiful language is
cramped into monotonous prosaic style. The
King James Version (sometimes called the
Authorized Version) is appreciated greatly
for its Elizabethan English, but over three
hundred years of educational and cultural
change have made its important message
difficult for many of us.
There are now available different ver
sions of both Old and New Testaments, each
prepared for specific purposes, and intended
to fill different needs.
Increased study of history, language,
and archaeology since 1611 have necessitated
a number of changes to insure authenticity—
even at the sacrifice of beautiful expressions.
Poetry, drama, and personal correspondence
have been presented as such, and mechanical
separation by verses has been replaced by
paragraph indentations and quotation marks.
Most of us don’t pretend to be scholars, so
this type of aid should increase our under
standing and enjoyment as readers of the
Book of Books.
The Bible is being rediscovered by an
increasing number of people. Besides being
a literary example of the “survival of the
fittest,” it still offers a solution to the
world’s numerous headaches and to the in
dividual’s quest for a satisfactory way of
caps distraclioNs
WITH fc?
“He’s been doing that ever since he started taking that
course in photography, Sarge!”
Charlie Babcock
“Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster
Down the Trail . . . Field Artillery
Senior Joe Dodge was pried with
this question by his date: ‘“What
fraternity do you belong to?”
Dodge came back with the ficti
cious answer, “The Alpha Mega
Chi.” Not recog
nizing the initails,
AMC, the date re
plied, “Oh yes,
I’ve heard of that
fraternity.” . . .
Cong ratulations
to W. A. Gohmert
for his idea of es
tablishing a cen
tral lost and
Babcock found department
for the college. See Gohmert in
Room 328, No. 8 for any misplaced
articles. The department is an en
tirely charitable organization . . .
Freshman W. J. Hamilton received
several Little Rock, Arkansas news
papers from his parents which
carried a few enlightening stories
of the Aggies’ invasion of the hill
country . . . What’s this scheme
that the “Budenny Boys” on the
fourth floor of Legett are cooking
up ? . . . One signal corps soph
omore had the right idea as to how
to persuade his mother to start
sending him cookies and cake. • He
procured some mess hall cake, put
it in a box, and mailed it to her.
The note attached read, ‘“This pro
cedure can work two ways.”
• ® •
Best Sign
Third Headquarters battery, field
artillery has been announced as
the winners of the first weekly
prize to be given by J. E. Loupot
to the military organization dis
playing the best all-around football
A committee, composed of Cadet
Colonel Tom Gillis, Senior Class
President Dick Hervey, and Junior
Class President Jack Miller, judged
the various campus pennants on
the following points of merit; clev
erness and originality, neatness,
quality of art work, and ability to
read the sign at a distance.
Dick Hervey will present the
cash prize of $2.50 to the winning
organization at noon meal forma
tion today.
Purpose of awarding the prize
each week is to further the inter
est in creating good football signs,
and it is the hope of the contest
originator that the money will be
spent on the sign for the next
e • •
Keith Kirk, “D” Infantry, sup
plies us with a few humorous ex-
cerps from the 1907-08 A. & M.
Guard Mount Report book.
The guard book at that time
kept a complete file on all Aggies
who were assesed demerits. Some
of the best on the list were . . .
December 3, 1907 — Shrop
shire, T. L.—Blouse continual
ly unbuttoned on campus.
December 4, 1907—Ratliff,
F. A.—Visiting while walking
December 19, 1907—Spenser,
W. W.—Setting off fireworks
in mess hall.
January 3, 1908—Walker, R.
R.—Smoking cigarettes on
January 12, 1908—Dwyer, A.
J.—Turning around in chair at
table in mess hall.
January 23, 1908 — Hall,
J. R. — Deserting mess hall
through window.
January 23, 108 — Minter,
C. J.—Pouring hash into coffee
Mary Martin, the Weatherford
songstress has done herself a fine
BYE,” which is to be shown at
Guion Hall tonight. Don Ameche
and Oscar Levant are the male
stars in the picture.
Mary steals the whole show with
her Southern accent. Of course
Oscar’s irrepressible humor attracts
attention, but not as much as
An innocent Southern girl who
has never been to New York be
fore and is simply overcome by
Saturday—“OUR WIFE,”
starring Melvyn Douglas and
Ruth Hussey.
Saturday prevue, Sunday,
Monday — “ICE CAPADE,”
with Dorothy Lewis, Jerry
Colonna, and James Ellison.
Saturday — “KISS THE
BOYS GOODBYE,” featuring
Mary Martin and Don
Monday — “BROADWAY
LIMITED,” with Victor Mc-
Laglan, Dennis O’Keefe, and
Marjorie Woodworth.
the overwhelming grandeur of it
all is Mary’s situation. She plays
the part most excellently.
Don’t overlook the musical num
bers in the show. Mary sings
four, and Connie Boswell gets in
a good one too. There are just
oodles and gobs of the most beau
tiful girls all through the story.
They may have been used for deco
rations, who knows?
You are bound to enjoy the show
immensely. Although it’s taken
from the stage play of the same
(Continued from page 1) ^
A. & M. in every place I visited,”
he said.
“Without exception these men
are making good. There is won
derful opportunity for students
majoring in engineering, agricul
ture, and veterinary medicine in
these countries,” stated the dean.
While visiting the schools there
the dean said that he realized that
many of the students there are in
terested in coming to the United
States for their education, and that
the number of students coming here
will increase.
Urging all students who are go
ing to work in South America or
Central America to study Spanish
he included “I would like to see
Portuguese put in the curricula of
the college and for A. & M. to
pave the way for Portuguese in
college curricula.”
Kyle is hoping to be able to work
up his notes on the trip so that
he will be able to give a one hour
lecture course on the trip to be
given to students. The course will
be on agriculture in the South and
Central Americas and will be giv
en and illustrated with 25 reels
of color motion pictures taken on
the trip.
Quiz Conscious? Then try your
skill kt solving this coded
message. The solution will
appear in the next issue of
The Battalion.
9 • •
Is Necessary For A
Come In Before The Game
And Dance And Get Yours.
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SATURDAY — 6:45 & 8:30
Mary Martin — Don Ameche
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