The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 06, 1941, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION -THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1941 Official Notices MEMORANDUM NO. 8. 1. The following items were discussed at the organization • commanders meeting Thursday night. The stated action -will be enforced by the cadet officers. 2. Organization commanders and senior cadet officers are to instruct their men that proper conduct at the A. & M.-Texas University football game shall be for Ag gies to be good hosts to all visitors. The subject will be brought to the attention ough' of day students following drill period. Se niors will take such steps as are necessary to prevent any incidents from occurring on the day of the game which will reflect on the school. 3. The throwing of so-called ‘Aggie confetti’ at yell practices and football games will be stopped. 4. Freshmen and sophomores will wear cotton khaki shirts to all meal formations. Juniors and seniors may wear either cot ton khaki or O. D. serge shirts. 5. Organization commanders who have paid for the installation of a telephone and where such installation has not been here made will turn in their organization name and the date of payment to the Corps Headquarters office. Senior President Dick Hervey and the Cadet Colonel will see if such installations cannot be made. 6. Cadet Captain Louis Byrd was ap pointed chairman of a committee com- gations concerning Aggie football tickets. TOM GILLIS Cadet Colonel Corps Commander TUMBLING There will be a meeting of all those in terested in tumbling at the mat room of the gym at 5 this afternoon. iiss e r * f “ r as,ffT?? LA SALLE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Fire Proof R. W. HOWELL, Mgr. Class ’97 Aggies... BEAT S. M. U. ™"*holluujooJ* SPORTSWEAR Wear The Sweater Of Champions.... CHAMPION OF SWEATERS Wear the Catalina Sweat- sr, identical with the Cat- alinas awarded each year to the country’s greatest football stars chosen All- Americans by the All- America Board of Foot ball! This uniquely styled sweater in novel British rib stitch knit, combines two yarns, both 100% virgin wool, a surface yarn that gives a downy luxurious feel and an inside yarn of long staple worsted yam for durability. All-America Sweaters Avail able in Slipons—with or without sleeves—as well as smart coat styles. $3.50 to $7.00 rfialdropflff “Two Convenient Stores” COLLEGE and BRYAN AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY will be a meeting of the student affiliates of the American Chemical so- ...ecy i nursday at 7 :o0 p. m. in the Chem istry lecture room. Dr. Kelley will speak on “A Method of Measuring Intramolecu lar Distances.” All members and interested parties are invited to attend. BIOLOGY LCUB The Biology club will meet in the lec ture room of Science hall immediately after yell practice Thursday night. Dr. J. H. Quisenberry of the Genetics depart ment will speak. All members and others interested in this club are cordially in vited. The Petroleum Engineering Club will meet tonight, October 6 in the Petroleum Engineering lecture room. The speaker for the evening will be F. V. L. Patten, Chief Supervisor of Oil and Gas Division of the Texas Railroad Commission. He will speak on ‘“State Supervision of Oil Pro duction.” All petroleum engineering students, in cluding freshmen and sophomores, are in vited to attend. Refreshment will be served. Called meeting Brazos Union Lodge No. 129 tonight at 8 o’clock. There will be work in the F. C. Degree. All members and visiting brethren are cor dially invited to be present. Harry Boyer, W. M. J. W. Hall, Secretary COLLEGIATE FFA MEETING The regular meeting of the Collegiate FFA will be held tonight in room 317, Ag. Eng. Bldg. A. I. Ch. E. MEETING There will be a meeting of the Student Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in the Physics lecture room Thursday evening at seven-thirty. All chemical engineering students are urged to attend. COATS FOUND I have two coats left in a car by boys picked up for ride from Bryan to Mad- isonviile last Saturday. Owners can get them at my office.—F. C. Bolton, Dean. LANDSCAPE ART CLUB There will be a Landscape Art club eeting Friday night after yell practice, in Francis hall. The speaker will be Day McNeal. All members are urged to be present. A.S.M.E. MEETING The American Society of Mechanical Engineers will have a regular meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Physics lecture room. Feature of the program will be a talk by Harold Ramsden on a new type of cargo carrier, “‘The Sea Otter,” which has been developed recently for our na tional defense. Also on the program will be a half-hour showing of a film on man ufacturing processes and construction de tails within the Curtis Wright aircraft plant. All M. E.’s and Aeros who have not previously attended are cordially invited to tonight’s meeting. Special announce ments concerning the coming A.S.M.E. banquet and dance are also forthcoming, so all M.E.’s who are expecting to at tend the dance December 5 should come out. RURAL SOCIOLOGY CLUB There will be a meeting of the Rural Sociology club Thursday at 7:30 in room 203, Agricultural building. There will be an interesting program and refreshments will be served. All majors and minors are urged to attend. FOOTBALL PROGRAM SALESMEN A. & M. vs. S. M. U. There will be no meeting of the sales men this week. The same students who sold for the A. & M. vs Baylor game will report at the stadium at 12 :45 p. m. Sat urday to check out their programs. If for any reason you cannot sell this time please report to J. W. Wolfe at EX 4-H CLUB There will be a .very important meet ing of the Ex 4-H club tonight after yell practice in Room 135, A. & X. build ing. All old and hew members are urged to be present. Dan Russell will be guest speaker. Cigars will be served. A.S.C.E. MEETING Meeting tonight after yell practice, in the C. E. lecture room. Talks will be made on the trip to Ft. Worth. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING MEETING There will be a meeting of the A.S.A.E. Student Branch tonight at 7:30 in the Agricultural Engineering Lecture Room. An interesting program has been arranged on New Developments in Farm Lighting. All student majoring in Agricultural En gineering are urged to be present. Classified ROUND TRIP TO DALLAS—Leaving college 9 o’clock Saturday morning. Leav ing Dallas 6 o’clock Sunday afternoon. 1939 Oldsmobile with Radio and heater. Price $2.00 round trip, $1.00 either way.— See Gillespie, 40 Legett or McCullough, 29 Legett. LOST: 1 Junior Cap, no stiffener. Find er please return to Penuel, 206 No. 9. Reward. {Jam/jiis Longhorn Staff Requests Juniors To Finish Pictures In order to keep from working a hardship on the photographer and the Longhorn staff, juniors are re quested to have their Longhorn pic tures made during the time des ignated below. Those who have mis sed their alloted time may have the picture made at once to avoid getting farther behind schedule. Longhorn Editor R. L. Heitkamp has also requested that seniors who have made reservations have their pictures made as soon as possible. The photographer will select proofs for those seniors who delay too long in making a selection. Only two senior favorites and vanity fair pictures have been sub mitted at present, Heitkamp told the Battalion. The deadline for sub mission of these portraits has been set at December 20. The seniors are advised not to wait until the last minute to turn in these pic tures. Places in Longhorn for club pictures must be secured by res ervations which may be had from Jack Grantham and Bennie Han cock. The Longhorn editor asks that club presidents attend to this matter at once. All club pictures will be made in uniform except when special permission has been obtained. The schedule for junior Long horn pictures is as follows: November 3—6; Composite Regiment November 7—11; Cavalry. November 11—14; Coast Ar tillery, November 17—20; Engineers 4-1181 TODAY ONLY PRIVATE NURSE j A'20th Century-Fox Picture; , With Brenda Joyce — Jane Darwell Also Porky Pig Cartoon— “PORKY’S ANT” Leon Earl Comedy FRIDAY & SATURDAY A New High For Hilarity! A oun MELVYN DOUGLAS RUTH HUSSEY ELLEN DREW J. ^ A Columbia Picture I- " —■' 1 ' Starring Melvyn Douglass Ruth Husse Melvyn Douglass Ruth Hussey SHOWING THIS WEEK—1940 A. & M. vs. S. M. U. FOOTBALL GAME COMMANDANT — (Continued from Page 1) & T., he was detailed to serve as a student in the Command and Gen eral Staff school at Fort Leaven worth, Kansas. He was graduated in 1924 ag a distinguished student. Colonel Welty served as instruc tor in the Minnesota National Guard from 1924 to 1928 being as signed to the 205th Infantry. Dur ing this time he was commissioned as Colonel of Infantry, and com manded the regiment he instructed. He was a student at the Army War College, Washington, D. C., in 1928-29. In 1929 he was detailed to the National Guard of the War De partment until 1932 when he was transferred to Fort Benning, Geor gia. For the first four years here he acted as Assistant Post Exec utive Officer, one year as Executive Officer and the last and 6th year at Fort Benning he was a student in the Infantry Tank school. He graduated in 1938. From 1938 - 1939 he was assigned to and commanded the 1st battal ion, 66th Infantry, Light Tank Div ision, at Ft. Meade, Md. In September, 1939, Col. Welty was assigned to and commanded the 3rd Infantry at Fort Snelling, Minnesota. He stayed there during the 6th Infantry division maneu vers at Camp Jackson, went to Ft. Benning, Georgia, and Camp Beau- reguard, Louisiana. He returned to Ft. Snelling in 1940 and took the regiment to northern Minnesota for maneuvers of the 6th division during August and September of 1940. ■ He was relieved of his command of the 3rd Infantry on November 1, 1940, and assigned to the command post of the Newfoundland Base Command with headquarters at St. John, Newfoundland. He took the initial garrison to this far northern outpost and re mained there until October 25, 1941, when he was assigned as P. M. S. & T. here at A. & M. Colonel Welty was accompanied here by Mrs. Welty and daughter, Mrs. C. E. M. Howard and her two children. Mrs. Howard is the wife of Cap tain Howard of the 24th Field Ar tillery division now stationed in the Philippine Islands. Mrs. Howard was forced to evacuate from the Philippines and recently was re turned to the United States on the U. S. Army transport Republic. FOUND: 1 Regulation cap Monday af ternoon on highway. Owner may claim by paying for this ad. Call at Student Publication office. LOST—Abilene High School ring, red stone, set in gold ring; initials T. J. in scribed on inside of ring. See Fish Jour- neay, room 321, Dorm No. 1 or WTAW. Reward. LOST—Brown wallet with important papers and small amount of cash. Please notify or return to George H. Measley, 414 No. 7 if found. LOST—K. & E. log decitrig duplex slide rule with name Goppert on case. Finder please notify Jean Goppert, 312 No. 11 or write box 4776. Reward. LOST—Black Parker 51 Fountain Pen with gold top. Name JOE HOOVER is engraved on top. Finder return to Fish Hoover, Room 304 No. 6 and receive $3.00 reward. LOST—1941 Fort Worth Paschal High School ring. Reward for return to Chas. Glover, 21 Foster. In Rodeo Spotlight Adding a touch of rare old western glamor to the annual Saddle and Sirloin Club Rodeo are Miss Jo Morris, left, cowgirl from Coleman, Fort Worth, and Colorado City; and on the right Miss Janice Jolly of Uvalde who is a Duchess. RIDE THOSE MUSTANGS BUT SAY, OLE ARMY WHY NOT COME IN AND ORDER THAT PAIR OF COWBOY BOOTS THAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED? You Will Be As Proud To Wear Them As Are The Many Aggies Who Wear Our Boots. HOUCK’S BOOT SHOP NORTH GATE Geologists Return from South Texas Trip Dr. F. E. Turner, Dr. E. J| Smith Jr., and L. Toulmin of the geology department, accompanied by stu dents Arthur Matson, Charles Nu- el and Paul Graham, returned Tues day from the fourteenth annual field trip of the South Texas Geo logical Society. LUKE’S GROCERY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY Ripple Wheat, 2 boxes Red Potatoes, 10 lbs for Tomato Juice, C. & B., 3 for Luke’s Special Coffee, 1 lb. for Trappey’s Cut Beans — Gebhardt’s Chili Beans Chocolate Covered Cherries, 1 lb Maxine Soap, 3 bars — Dash Dog Food, 3 for. x _150 _280 .250 __240 -100 - 90 -230 -110 -250 VEGETABLES & FRUITS Lemons, doz Cranberries, 1 lb. Texas Oranges, 1 doz. Apples, 1 doz. * Cabbage, 3 lbs MEATS Bacon, 1 lb. Hams, half or whole Chuck Roast, 1 lb. Brookfield Sausage, 1 lb. box Spare Ribs, 1 lb .120 ,200 190 190 100 .300 .330 _230 .350 250 Cake Sale Friday Evening and Saturday Morning by A. & M. Consolidated ^0^6^ Club. WE WILL BE CLOSED DURING GAME SATUR DAY. ALSO TUESDAY, NOV. 11, ARMISTICE DAY. Phone 4-1141 WE DELIVER LUKE’S i 1 1 i m v' * > > ' % h. \ GLORIA and BARBARA BREWSTER Popular twins of stage and screen To give you the one and only cigarette that Satisfies.. ki " d8 ° fthe r s fromotrown tobaccos..* tne aromatic tobaccos that money can bay. r ' / •? th «e best c;ga S r etP 0fflb ' nation of Chesterfield the exit '" t0give Pleasure (fi at , tra smoking THE YSAT IS ^ 8Sm0ker s say ^rCh Copyright 1941, Lxccstt ft UrtMt Toucco Co. The Milder Better-tasting Cooler-smoking cigarette