The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 06, 1941, Image 3

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t- i i
olorado Prof Plans
lecial Math Courses
Special courses in mathematics
make easier in later years the
ores of figuring the family
dget and the cost of a tankful
gasoline for the car are advo-
ted by a Colorado professor for
?h school students who do not
an to go to college.
Two separate curricula in math-
latics are the plan of Dr. Harl
Douglass, college of education
rector for the University of Colo-
do and author of several mathe-
atical texts.
Russell Sage college has added
L new faculty members.
Prices That Will
Fit Your Purse
WPA Funds Boost
National Defense
With More Roads
Military Buildings,
New Airports Receive
Additional WPA Grants
National defense, currently re
ceiving two out of each five WPA
dollars expended in Texas, has ac
counted for much of the construc
tion work performed by the Fed
eral agency in this state during the
past six years, according to a re
port issued today by State Ad
ministrator H. P. Drought.
One thousand five hundred and
fourteen military buildings have
been erected or modernized at var
ious Texas army establishments un
der the WPA program, Dought
stated, listing such items as 245
dormitories, 25 hospitals, 74 recrea
tional buildings, 139 storage build
ings, and 13 community halls on the
WPA physical accomplishments re
“Much of this WPA work, per
formed as it was in the year be
tween 1935 and 1939 when the
army’s appropriations were limit
ed, saved vital military establish
ments from literal obsolescence,”
Drought declared.
WPA military road improve
ments in Texas have included the
construction of 586 miles of such
highways and the rehabilitation
of 737 additional miles of roads
certified by the War Department as
oi military importance.
Airport construction, reaching 32
flying fields from the Texas Pan
handle to the Rio Grande, was list
ed by Drought as an outstanding
phase of WPA national defense ac
tivity. Erection of 13 airport
buildings and modernization of 364
such structures, and the installa
tion of 640 boundary lights were in
cluded in this work.
For Your Every
Drug Need
‘Tf It’s In The Drug Line
We Have It.”
Also Try Our Fountain
Drinks and Short
On The Corner In
Have fun-be friendly
Treat yourself and
others to fresh-tasting
Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum
The Flavor Lasts
. ,
1 Rural Electrification Short Course To
Feature New Types of Farm Equipment
*Mv card!”
Americans Tend to Spend Vacations
Too Hurriedly States Dr George W Cox
“The American way of life is
full of superlatives; we have the
tallest sky-scrapers, the fastest
trains, the greatest number of au
tomobiles. We spend more per cau-
na on vacations than any other na
tion. However, due to the hign
speed, we usually crowd our sum
mer vacations with; we fail to se
cure sufficient real physical relax
ation,” states Dr. Geo. Cox, State
Health Officer.
“For most persons the exac
tions of office, of factory, or of
home for a 50-week stretch reflect
themselves in the need for improv
ing one’s physical tone; However, to
expect the majority of vacationists
to change their habits regarding
the diversions of a summer so
journ perhaps would be asking too
much. The point is if one has burn
ed up additional energies and per
haps called on his physical reserves
to weather through the ‘good-time’
vacation, an excellent opportunity
now exists to make amends by
taking advantage of the stimulat
ing autumn weather.
“In fact, the best season of the
year to recoup vitality lost through
the past year’s work is now here,
its possibilities to build up gen
eral health and bodily resistance
‘o winter’s onslaught can not be
over estimated.
“To recoup some of the vigor and
.•'bounding health which have been
lost due to the strains and stress
es of the past twelve months, the
following program is suggested: i.
a brisk walk every day; city streets
will do, if one is denied the open
country; 2. seven to eight hours
sleep, depending upon one’s per
sonal requirements, in a proper
ly ventilated room each night; oc
casional breakovers will not be ser
ious drawbacks, but the habit
should be established and main
tained. 3. a cut down on stimulants
if at present any are being used
excessively; 4. a reasonable intake
of nourishing food; 5. elimination
of self-drugging of any type, re
lying soley upon the physician for
medical treatment, if he consid
ers it to be indicated; 6 proper daily
elimination; 7 an attempt to keep
worry, even in the days, within
bounds; and finally, to make us.±
of the autumn weekends by being
in the open as much as possible.
“Putting autumn, as well as
plain common sense, to work for
your health in this manner, is an
experiment which should be help
1150 KC
Be sure to listen to the Com
munity Bulletin Board which is
carried on WTAW six days each
week, Monday through Satur
day at 11:55 a.m. This program
includes a newscast by staff
members of the Battalion.
• • •
Thursday’s Program
11:25 a. m.—The Regular Army
is On the Air (War Department)
11:40 a. m.—Pied Piper, Jr. Pre
11:55 a. m.—Community Bullc-
rin Board and Battalion Newscast
12:00 noon—Sign-Off.
Friday’s Program
11:25 a. m.—Federal Music Pro
gram (Works Progress Adminis
11:40 a. m.—Pied Piper, Jr., Pre
11:55 a. m.—Community Bulle
tin Board and Battalion Newscast
12:00 noon—Sign-Off
4:30 - c.30—THE AGGIE CLAM
Course Scheduled
To Begin Today; 150
Leaders to Attend
An opportunity to become more
familiar with the newest develop
ments in electric equipment for
the farm will be given 150 lead
ers expected at a rural electrifi
cation short course here Novem
ber 6-8.
The short course is planned for
rural service representatives of
electric companies, superintendents
of electric cooperatives, county
extension agents, vocational teach
ers, representatives of electrical
equipment manufacturers, dealers,
and others who help farmers with
electric utilization problems. Out
standing leaders in these fields are
being brought to the conference to
serve as shprt course instructors.
The college agricultural engineer
ing department is in charge of ar
Laboratory work and discussion
will be conducted as follows:
Household equipment—the farm
laundry, L. T. Day of Dallas; fun-
University of Michigan first
undertook inspection of high
schools in the state in 1870.
Defense Program
Should Boost Use
Of New Food Lockers
Farm famlies living in areas
served by frozen food locker plants
can make increased use of them
both to their own and to the ad
vantage of the defense program,
according to C. E. Bowles, organ
ization and cooperative marketing
specialist of the A. & M. college
Extension Service.
A survey shows that on Jan
uary 1 there were approximately
3,200 plants in the United States
with a capacity for 1,050,000 lock
ers. More than 75 per cent are
located in towns of less than
5,000 population and about 71 per
tent of locker patrons are farm
ers. Based upon a sample study
there is an average of 390 lock
ers in each of the approximately
140 frozen food locker plants in
Texas, Bowles says.
Farmers using lockers are like
ly to raise more of their own food
stuffs because foods processed in
the plants make possible greater
variety in the diet and are more
palatable and nutritious than foods
preserved in the home by other
methods, Bowles observes. Use
of lockers also reduces the amount
cf canning necessary and . saves
tin, zinc and other metals vital
to the defense program.
“Because most of the meat,
fruits and vegetables processed in
locker plants are grown regional
ly, transportation facilities, central
storage, refrigerator cars and
handling facilities and manpower
can be released for emergency
A number of frozen food locker
plants being operated in Texas by
larmers’ cooperatives were financ
ed by the Houston Bank for Coop
eratives. In the opinion of W. J.
McAnelly. president of the bank,
they can be made to function eco
nomically where they are tied into
some well established business
serving farmers.
damentals of refrigeration and in
sulation, Paul Barmann, Fort
Worth; problems in electric watei
systems, W. C. Struble of Dal
las; dairy barn equipment, barn
ventilation, Price Hobgood of the
college agricultural engineering
faculty; processing whole grain cer
eals, M. R. Bentley, agricultural
engineer of the Extension Service;
using whole grain cereals, Gwen
dolyn Jones, Hamilton County home
demonstration agent; portable
spray irrigation, Don Christy, ag
licultural engineering faculty; and
electric motors on the farm, Tom
Vernor, Houston.
Among the other program fea
tures will be a talk on farm elec
trification in the vocational agri
culture shop by M. F. Thurmond,
Austin, of the State Department of
Vocational Education, and an ad
dress on “The Future of Farm El
ectrification” by George W. Ke
ble of New York, editor of a jouv-
2,400 Texans
Complete WPA
Refresher Courses
Refresher courses in vocational
training have been completed by
2,400 Texas WPA workers, two
thirds of whom have been graduat
ed directly into private employ
ment, it was reported today by
R. H. McNew, state director of
the recently-created WPA divi
sion of training and reemployment.
Another 1,200 WPA workess
are currently enrolled in such train
ing class in Texas, he said, study
ing machine shop courses, weld
ing, sheet metal work and air
craft mechanics .
Laboratory Work,
Discussions Led
By Ag Engineers
ral devoted to electricity on the
farm. P. T. Montfort, research as
sociate in agricultural engineer
ing will discuss new developments
in electric equipment for the poul
try farm, and T. H. Brannan of
Fort Worth will speak on “Flour-
escent Lighting on the Farm” and
“Yard Lighting.”
Speaker for the rural electrifi
cation banquet which will close the
short course will be Berle Ra-
born, Houston, who will talk on sell
ing electric service on the farm.
And Win A
Texas Ranger Belt
See The Rodeo
Management For
Full Details
North Gate
Ben Youngblood, Mgr.
Agents in most halls or save on
Pants, C. & P 20
Blouse, C. & P 20
Wool Suit, C. & P 20
Suit, C. & P -.-40
Overcoat, C. & P 40
Send To
North Gate
Arrow shirts go the whole
day long without a “sub.”
In the Arrow backfield is
Hitt, a fine white broad*
cloth shirt that is all*
American in its long-
wearing and non-wilting
constitution. Cut to fit
your torso and Sanforized-
shrunk (fabric shrinkage
less than 1%). Get Hitt
today! $2.
Saved! American
Rescues Manuscripts
The original words of William
Shakespeare, endangered in their
English resting place by German
bombers, are preserved through
the long labors of a professor wno
started reading the Bard of Avon
at the age of nine.
Dr. B. Roland Lewis of the Un
iversity of Utah has reproduced
in two volumes the 276 known
documents written by the great
English dramatist.
Behind this publication are some
500 photographic plates of genuine
and questionable Shakespeare man
uscripts. British scholars have ask
ed Dr. Lewis to preserve his pho
tographic plates—believed to be
the only duplication of the orig
About half the original Shakes
peare documents are in England.
When war clouds gathered, Brit
ish scholars secreted the manu
scripts in underground vaults.
“I have received direct informa
tion from England," Dr. Lewis
says, “that some of those vaults
have been penetrated by bombs.
My photographic plates some day
may be the only available source
for reproduction of the documents.
Among the documents preserv
ed by Dr. Lewis is Shakespeare's
deathbed letter, on which the hand
writing grew less and less legible
until the signature was a mere
Win a
Picture Show Ticket
Highest Score Bowled 1 ticket
2nd Highest Score Bowled 1 ticket
Highest 3-Game Total 1 ticket
Highest Game For Week 1 ticket
Highest 3-Game Total For Week 1 ticket
For Each 250 Game 1 Pr. Shoes
.... and
Make Her Week-End Visit to Aggieland
The Most Enjoyable
1 Mi. South of the College