The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1941, Image 4

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    Page 4
Official Notices
Regular meeting of Math, club, Monday,
November 3, 7:30, Room 212 Acad. Dr.
Gross will be the speaker and his subject
“Short Cuts in Figuring.” Freshmen and
Sophomores come out and learn some
short cuts.
come. The topic is “What’s Wrong with
A. & M.? (Student’s Eye View). Interest
ed non-members are invited to attend.
Church Notices
The A. & M. Entomology club will meet
in Room 5, Science hall after yell practice
Tuesday night. Reports from the Publica
tions Committee should be in at this time.
18-23 club members are reminded of
their banquet this coming Monday night.
Meet in Sbisa at 7:45. No. 2 uniform is
JR. CH. A. V. M. A.
There will be a meeting of the Jr. Ch.
A. V. M. A. Tuesday, ^November 4, in the
Veterinary Hospital amphi-theater at 7:30
p. m.
The fall dance of the Jr. A. V. M. A.
will be staged Friday, November 7 in the
Sbisa Hall Annex with Toppy Pierce’s
Aggieland Band furnishing the music
from 9:00 until 1:00 p. m.
The Campus Study club will meet in
the Music room of Consolidated school,
Tuesday, Nov. 4, at 3 o’clock. The pro
gram under the direction of Mrs. Harold
Garretson will feature folk music. The
Consolidated school Choral club will sing.
Guests and prospective members are wel
If you have pots, pans, dishes, or kitchen
silver which you will donate to the negro
school, bring them to the club meeting.
Mrs. F. E. Hanson, chairman of the
Public Welfare Committee, will see that
they are delivered. The need is urgent.—
Mrs. R. O. Berry.
Y. M. C. A. Parlor (2nd floor)
Kurt Hartmann, Pastor
Bible class Sunday night beginning at
Our regular divine service begins at 7:30,
immediately after Bible class, with cele
bration of Holy Communion. The Lutheran
students who wish to participate please
announce their intention to the pastor
before service Sunday night.
Business meeting of the A. & M. Luth
eran Student Association Sunday night
immediately after service. President, Sid
ney Herzik; Vice-President, R. F. Eisen-
hauer; Secretary-Treasurer, Raymond Ve-
You are welcome!
Pastor—Rev. James Carlin
Student Director—Gene Brackney
Sunday, November 2
9 :00 A. M.—Coffee Hour
10 :00 A. M.—Church School
11:00 A. M.—Morning Service
7 :00 P. M.—Wesley Foundation
7 :30 P. M.—Evening Service
LOST: Abilene High School ring; red
stone set in gold ring ; T. J. inscribed on
inside of ring; return to Fish Tom Jour-
neay, Room 321, Dorm. No. 1 or to radio
station WTAW. Reward.
The first meeting of tne local Chapter
of the A. A. U. P. this year will be Mon
day evening at 7:30 p. m., Nov. 3, Room
303, Mechanical Engineering building. The
program will be conducted by seniors stu
dents in the form of a panel discussion.
Qaestions from the audience will be wel-
Are A Draw For
First Place In
Varsity-Town has left them
with us (the smartest Top
pers for Fall ’41). Now we’re
leaving it to you to choose
the one you like best—both
have the correct shorter
length . . low set pockets^—
both were designed to be
seen, not just read about, so
hurry over and make your
$25 to $35
f ilaldropfl(3
“Two Convenient Stores”
Geologists Discover
Ancient Sea Reptiles
A glimpse into that dim past
of 100,000,000 years ago when
oceans engulfed what now are the
Rocky mountains was afforded as
geologists unearthed remains of a
giant sea serpent near here.
The ancient serpents measured
from 40 to 50 feet, and had broad
turtle-like bodies, long necks and
elongated flippers.
The fin of one of the sepents
—known as the plesiosaurs—al
ready has been uncovered, and
the neck is in process of being re
moved. The diggings are expect
ed to reveal the head of the
plesiosaur, as well as other bone
The new find, made by Ed Greg
ory, a junior forestry student at
Colorado State College will add
much to the historical record of the
North American continent, in the
opinion of Major Roy Coffin, pro
fessor of geology at Colorado State
(Continued from I'age 1)
and it was the National Champ
ionship team of 1939 that did the
trick then. The full time record of
the two teams favors Arkansas,
the present score is Arkansas 7,
A. & M. 6, and 1 tie game.
From all indications the Aggies
will have a job on their hands with
the Razorbacks if they want to con
tinue undefeated. For the first time
this year the Arkansas team will be
at full strength and will have all
their boys waiting to go, while the
Aggies are probably at their weak
est. Four Farmers are on the in
jured list. Tom Pickett is suffer-
fering from a hurt knee while
Alabama Smith, Les Richardson,
and Lincoln Roman are down with
bruised knees. Pickett will prob
ably not see any service in the
game, and Bama Smith was left
behind. Roman will be replaced by
Skarke, who returns to action af
ter being out with a bad knee. Mar
tin Ruby, the Aggie candidate for
All-Conference tackle, is still both
ered with a broken hand, but the
protection of the plaster cast will
allow him to see service.
Aggies Take Part in FFA Convention
i :
i! 1 gp p
Feeding the friends of democracy everywhere is one of America’s goals for defense. Here at the
National F.F.A. Convention in Kansas City. Texas F.F.A. officers plan an intensive foods production
campaign for Texas Chapters.
William L. Cook, John L. Shipley, A. E. White, Max Carpenter, Angus Dickson, and Eley Yarborough
from A. & M. were among delegates attending the National F.F.A. Convention.
Civil Service
Opens Competition
For Aircraft Workers
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces open compe
titive examination for the positions
of Aircraft Propeller Mechanic
and Junior Aircraft Propeller Me
chanic for employment with the
War Department, Air Corps, Dun
can Field, San Antonio, Abilene,
Ellington Field (Genoa), Harlin
gen, Lubbock, Midland, Mission,
San Angelo, Sherman-Denison, Vic
toria, Waco and Wichita Falls,
Texas; Barksdale Field (Shreve
port), Baton Rouge, Lake Charles,
and New Orleans, Louisiana; and at
such other localities as vacancies
may occur in various branches of
the government service in Texas
and Louisiana.
Applications may be filed until
further notice with the Secretary,
Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex
aminers, San Antonio Air Depot,
Duncan Field, San Antonio, Texas.
Competitors will not be required
to report for examination at any
place but ratings will be based
on information shown in their ap
plications subject to corroboration.
Further information and appli
cation forms may be obtained from
the Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil
Service Examiners, San Antonio
Air Depot, Duncan Field, San An
tonio, Texas; or the Secretary,
Board of U. S. Civil Service Exam
iners, at any first or seend class
post office in the States of Louis
iana and Texas; or from the Man
ager, Tenth U. S. Civil Service Dis
trict, Customhouse, New Orleans,
E W Glenn Called
To Washington Hdqs
E. W. Glenn of the department
of industrial education of Texas
A. & M. college, is the latest mem
ber of the faculty to be called to
Washington by the General Educa
tion Board to serve for the dura
tion of the national emergency.
For the past two years Glenn
has been active in giving national
defense industrial education courses
in the larger Texas cities. He is
on leave of absence from A. & M.
College until September, 1942.
(Continued from page 2)
Showing tonight at the Campus
TON” with Herbert Marshall,
Virginia Bruce, and Gene Reynolds.
It is a story of a United States
Senator, Marshall, and a page boy
in the Senate, Gene Reynolds, with
Virginia Bruce as a newspaper
correspondent thrown in for good
measure. Average entertainment.
(Continued from Page 1)
while the juniors and seniors may
wear either cotton khaki or O. D.
serge shirts.
Organization commanders who
have paid for the installation of a
telephone, and where such installa
tion has not been made, will turn
in their organization name and
the date of payment to the Corps
Headquarters office. President Dick
Hervey and Cadet Colonel Tom Gil-
lis will see if the telephones can
be installed.
Cadet Captain Louis Byrd was
appointed chairman of a committee
composed of Cadet Captain Skeen
Staley, Cadet Major Warren Ring-
gold, Cadet Captain J. B. Han
cock, and Cadet Colonel Tom Gil-
lis to make an investigation con
cerning Aggie football tickets.
The committee will speak to E.
W. Hooker about getting better
seats in future games for Aggie
parents and Aggie dates. The com
mittee will see if it would not be
possible for Aggies in uniform to
buy student tickets for $1.10 at the
box office of games that are play
ed away from home.
(Continued from Page 2)
P. King, team captain, at No. 4.
B. T. Cowden also made the trip as
substitute. The NMMI team ar
rived Friday morning and will be
entertained by the Aggie team dur
ing their stay here.
Both games will be refereed by
Major E. A. Elwood, F. A., and
Jack Hays, California.
Fans can get their season tick
ets from Major Stevens at the
military department, or Student
Manager Clyde Raley. These tick
ets cost two dollars for the entire
year and carry with them a reserv
ed parking space for the holder.
Admission fees for both games,
as well as all other match games
played on the field, will be twenty-
five cents per car for parking
space. Individuals may be admit
ted on either student or faculty
coupon books, or by paying ten
cents admission.
Ellis County 4-H
Club Wins 3rd Place
Texas 4-H Club dairy juding
team from Ellis County won third
place in the nation-wide dairy
judging contest held recently dur
ing the National Dairy Show in
Memphis, Tenn., according to in
formation received by L. L. John
son and J. W. Potts, state club
agents of the A. & M. college Ex
tension Service.
The team, composed of Boyd
Couch, Davis Sutherland, and Ed-
wint Prather, was coached by As
sistant County Agricultural Agent
John Whitfield of Ellis County.
First place in judging Jerseys
was awarded the Texas team, and
they placed seventh in the Holstein
and Guernsey divisions. Young
Couch ranked fourth in judging
Jerseys and Guernseys, while
Sutherland was fourth in Ayre-
shires and Prather was eighth in
the Jersey class.
‘Make Haste Slowly’-Health Officer
Warns-Defense Work Causes Strains
“For the last twenty years or
more speed has been one of the
dominant factors in American life.
Today, because of the tremendous
defense needs, assembly-line tech
nique, whenever possible, has been
injected into all activities connect
ed with the emergency. Thus, more
than ever, speed is being empha
sized in the nation’s life. Plain
ly, the need of conserving health
and strength in the face of pres
ent demands is greater than ever
before. It follows that ‘to make
haste slowly’ in the art of living,
at this time not only is basic good
sense but patriotic also. It does not
help vitality or health to ap'ply
a sixty-mile-an-hour pace to unes
sentials. Nevertheless, evidences of
this type of existence are quite ap
parent. One of the numerous proofs
of this fact is the habit many per
sons have of more or less bolting
their food,” states Doctor Geo. W.
Cox, State Health Officer.
“This ‘hasty-lunch’ psychology
is rather general. The speedily
swallowed breakfast is followed by
the equally speedy lunch. For
many, this momentum carries
through the evening meal so that
it also is disposed of in record
time. It is little wonder, then,
that solid food often is insufficient
ly masticated, that self-prescribed
pills for a variety of gastronom-
ical discomforts are popular, and
that in extreme cases definite ill
ness develops.
“Of course time and custom have
changed many things, including
eating habits. But the point is
that nature does not change; while
marvelously elastic, she still has
her limits as well as punishments
for those who persistently disobey.
Consequently, the wise person if
now a speed eater, will realize that
to take a few minutes more time
per meal and to chew food thor
oughly that needs chewing are just
as essential as are the quality and
type of food consumed.
“In short, everyone should re
alize that whether with respect to
the young or the adult, speedy eat
ing with its inevitable accompan
iment of insufficient mastication
is a practice which can give rise
to conditions that in varying de
grees deprive one of maximum
health, and sometimes is directly
responsible for even greater penal
ties. The practice, therefore, should
be discontinued,” concludes Doctor
The “Y” opened a swimming pool
in 1916, and in the dedication cere
monies christened it with a bottle of
Gifts That Last
Why not give her some
thing that she can appre
ciate for years to come?
Bryan Ph. 2-2435
(star of stage, screen
and radio) visits many
training camps in her
job as Chairman of the
Entertainment Com
mittee of the Home
Legion. A carton of
Chesterfields is a
mighty welcome gift
for the men In camp.
Foll°w the lead of Adrienne Ames and send
the men in the camps the cigarette that’s
Everything about Chesterfield
is made for your pleasure and conve
nience ... from their fine, rightly blended
tobaccos to their easy-to-open cello
phane jacket that keeps Chesterfield
always Fresher and Cooler-Smoking.
Buy a pack and try them.
You're sure to like them because the
big thing thafs pushing Chesterfield
ahead all over the country is the
approval of smokers like yourself.
everywhere you
Copyright 1941, Liccrrr & Mye&s Tobacco Co.