The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 01, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Conduct For
TU-Aggie Tilt
Is Discussed
Aggies Plan To Be
“Good Hosts” For
Thanksgiving Game
Conduct at the A. & M.-
Texas game, regulation uniform foe
meal formations, organization tel
ephones, and Aggie football tick
ets were discussed at organization
commanders meeting held at 6:15
Thursday night in the Sbisa Hall
banquet room.
Those present were the regiment
al, battalion, and organization com
manders, housemasters, and project
house captains. The speaker was
Lieut. Joe E. Davis, acting com
The organization commanders
were told to instruct their under
classmen that proper conduct at
the A. & M.- Texas game shall be
for the Aggies to be good hosts
to all visitors. This subject will
be brought to the attention of the
day students at following drill
periods. Seniors will take such steps
as are necessary to see that no in
cidents which reflect on the school
cccur on the day of the game. Some
40,000 people will be here to wit
ness the game, and the Aggies—
any untoward event will reflect on
the cadet corps either to their cred
it or otherwise. Senior officers
urge members of the corps to
maintain such conduct as will re
flect to the honor of the corps.
For the meal formations fresh
men and sophomores will wear cot
ton khaki shirts and wool pants,
(See COMMANDERS, page 4)
Student Aid Fund Gift
Charley Tigner, manager of the Campus Theatre, presented a check
for $119.75 to the Student Aid Fund. Dan Russell, rural sociology
department, received the check for the Committee. The money was
obtained from a 5-cent tax on passes during the past year.
Math Club Opens
Monthly Contests
The Math Club is sponsoring a
monthly contest open to all stu
dents taking mathematics. The
contest consists of a set of at
least five problems, and a prize
is given for the best solution of
these problems. The prizes are to
be books, which are of intertest
in the field of Mathematics. The
prize for the November contest
is “Mathematical Wrinkles,” by
S. I. Jones.
“Mathematical Wrinkles” is a
book of Math, puzzles, tricks, and
curiosities, which will be of inter
est to freshmen as well as to up
per classmen.
R. R. Lyle, in room 210, academic
building, has a copy of the prize
and also the list of questions. If
you wish to enter the contest, see
Lyle for a copy of the questions.
The Math. Club meets on the
first and third Mondays of every
month at 7:30 p. m. in Room 212
academic building. Dr. Gross of
the Mathematics Staff will give a
brief talk on “Short Cuts in Fig
Student Aid
Fund Receives
Theatre Check
Student Aid Fund officials saw
their general fund increased by
a check for $119, presented by
Ben S. Ferguson, prominent Col
lege Station and Dallas theater
owner. The check represented pro
ceeds from the pass-tax charge
imposed by 'him last March dur
ing the drive to increase funds for
the Aid Fund.
Former Chairman George M.
Fuermann received the check for
the fund officials, thanking Fer
guson for his aid and cooperation
in this work. The check was turn
ed over to the treasurer for de
Ferguson has aided the college
students in many ways since he
purchased the Campus theater
some years ago. He announced
that the tax-charge would be con
tinued, and that future funds
would be donated to the same
cause, although, he said, “federal
defense tax requirements will
doubtless decrease future pay
Former Aggies
Work on MS Degrees
Two former Aggie, Beal D. Har
grove, class of ’39, and E. I. White-
ley of the class of ’41, are doing
graduate work at North Carolina
State College. They are working
as assistants in the department of
agronomy. The work being done
by these A. & M. graduates will
lead to a master of science degree
at the end of the second year.
Two additional openings are
available at this college as re
search assistantship in soil chemis
try, and a teaching assistantship
in field crops. Each of these posi
tions pays $60.00 a month for
twelve months. Anyone interested
and qualified for the positions
should see Dr. Ide P. Trotter, head,
department of agronomy.
12,000,000 Year-Old Fossils
Discovered by Hesse f Turner
Aggie Fans To
See Movies Of
TCU, A&I Games
Members of the Brazos County
A. & M. Club will play hosts Mon
day night to College Station and
Bryan football fans at the first
public showing of movies of the
T. C. U. - A. & M. and A. & I. -
A. & M. games played this year.
The movies will show in the chem
istry lecture hall starting at 7:30,
club officials announced Friday.
Featured games to be shown
are the A. & M. - A. & I. tilt play
ed at San Antonio and the A. &
M. - T. C. U. game, played recently
at Fort Worth. The athletic com
mittee of the club voted to open
the showings to the public, follow
ing several requests by College
Station faculty members.
Copies of the Texas Aggie foot
ball books will be given away at the
door by H. B. McElroy. This new
edition of the book will prove to be
of great value at the home games
to be played here soon, McElroy
The movies will start promptly at
7:30 p. m. and all club member’s
and their families as well as col
lege Station and Bryan business
men and women, have been extend
ed a blanket invitation to attend
the showing.
Members of the athletic com
mittee who are sponsoring the
show are S. A. Lipscomb, chair
man; P. G. Haines, Roland Dansby,
Sankey Park, and C. K. Leighton.
This motion picture show will re
place the regularly scheduled meet
ing of the A. & M. Quarterback
In the gulleys of a pasture near
Burkville, Newton county, in East
Texas, scientists have found fossil
remains that definitely link that
area with the geolbgically impor
tant Miocene period of some 12,-
000,000 years ago, according to an
nouncement of Dr. C. J. Hesse,
assistant curator of the Texas A.
& M. college museum.
Dr. Hesse, accompanied by Dr.
F. E. Turner of A. & M. and Dr.
H. B. Stenzel of the University of
Texas, visited the area a few days
ago; and Dr. Turner discovered the
lower jaw of a fossil horse.
Further search was rewarded
when Dr. Hesse found the skull of
a rare fossil beaver.
The specimen, of course, is small,
Dr. Hesse pointed out, the entire
skull being about six inches long.
It is the only skull of the animal
chat has ever been discovered, Dr.
Hesse says. It is of an animal re
lated to the beaver, but is larger
and has many points of difference;
but probably lived in the streams
and built dams of the trees of that
far off time. It is one of the larg
est rodents that ever lived and up
to this discovery, it was known only
from a few teeth, two of which
were found in Nebraska many years
were collected in Mongolia more re
cently. Finding of a skull in Tex
as was unexpected, Dr. Hesse point
ed out.
The specimen will be studied in
detail by Dr. Hesse in the A. & M.
Museum, and will be reported on
after the study.
Dr. Hesse stated the skull of the
ancient beaver was the second dis
covery of great scientific interest;
made recently in East Texas. Some
months ago the skull of a small
reptile was found in the rocks of
the same geologic age near Cold
Springs in San Jacinto county.
This little skull, upon which the
studies are now in progress, is a
member of the lizard family, but
belongs to one of the obscure, lit
tle known branches of that group.
It is a very small specimen, not ov
er an inch long, and is the only
thing of its kind over to be found
:n Texas. This specimen is now in
the hands of Dr. E. H. Taylor at
the University of Kansas, an ex
pert on fossils of this kind.
Five New Men
Instruct Math
Porter Announces
Five new members are on the
staff of the Mathematics depart
ment this year, it was announced
by W. L. Porter, head of the de
partment. The new instructors are
Walter B. Coleman, W. Buell Evans,
James R. Smith, Charles H.
Cunkle, and H. W. Grant.
Coleman received his A. B. de
gree from Swathmore College and
his M. A. degree from both Lehigh
university and Harvard. He also
did graduate work at Columbia and
Texas universities. Before coming
here Coleman taught at the Geor
gia School of Technology and at
Texas university.
Grant took his A. B. degree at
Baylor university and his M. A.
degree from Texas university. He
taught at several schools includ
ing S. M. U.
Admiral Waesche Is
WTAW Guest Speaker
Rear Admiral Russell R.
Waesche, Commandant of the Unit
ed States Coast Guard, was the
guest speaker on the regular WPA
program heard at 11:25 a. m. Fri
day, over station WTAW. Admir
al Waesche told of some of the
'work WPA has done during the
past several years in improving
Coast Guard stations and equip
The musical portion of the pro
gram, which is a weekly transcrib
ed feature of this station, was pro-
Neither of the specimens is im- vided by the United States Navy
ago, and several more teeth which | Dr. Hesse said.
pressive to see because of the small
size, but they represent unique and
valuable additions to the collections
in the museum at A. & M. college,
Band under the direction of Lieu
tenant Charles Benter. The selec
tions played include “Rustle of
Spring,” “Old Comrades March”
and “Cocoanut Dance.”
Dr Walton Is
“Busy Man” For
A&M & Uncle Sam
President Walton
Will Meet Committees
In Chicago, Washington
Dr. T. O. Walton, president of
A. & M. college enters a busy
month of November in connection
with his numerous appointments to
serve in the national defense activ
ities of various governmental and
educational groups.
Dr. Walton will be in Chicago
November 6 for the annual conven
tion of the Association of Land
Grant Colleges. He is chairman
of the executive committee of this
group. He will leave for Chicago
immediately after delivering the
principal address at Midland on
November 4, before the annual
meeting of the West Texas Cham
ber of Commerce.
Later in November Dr. Walton
is expecting to go to Washington
for the organization meeting of the
Commission on Colleges and Civil
ian Defense, headed by Mayor
Fiorello H. LaGuardia of New
York. In accepting his appointment
to this group, Dr. Walton wrote
Mayor LaGuardia:
“I have placed myself unreserv
edly at the service of all agencies
of the government charged with re
sponsibility for any phase of our
National Defense Program, and I
shall be happy to serve.”
Other recent appointments ten
dered Dr. Walton include mem
bership in the American Academy
of Science, a Fellow of the Tex
as Academy of Science; Member
of the advisory committee of the
joint Army and Navy Committee
on Education and Morale; member
of the executive committee of the
National Committee on Education
and Defense; chairman of the State
Nutrition Committee; chairman of
the Cotton Research Committee and
a member of the State Council on
Boynton Will
Lecture On How
Aggies Get Jobs
A resume of the book, “6 Ways
to Get a Job,” by the author, Paul
W. Boynton, will feature a called
meeting of graduating seniors of
A. & M. college, Wednesday, No
vember 6 in Guion Hall. The lec
ture is being sponsored by the
Placement Bureau of the Associa
tion of Former Students. Boyn
ton at present is supervisor of
Employment for the Socony-Vac-
uum Oil Company in New York.
The lecture will be one of the
first in an educational program
being sponsored this year by the
ex-students association of the col
lege. Plans under way now call
for several other noted busineos
men and lecturers to visit the
school during the term.
Several ex-Aggies will appear
on the same program, which is
planned to give the seniors of the
school a general resume of the dif
ficulties facing them upon gradu
Boynton is widely recognized as
beng one of the foremost person
nel men in the United States, and
is the author of several other
pamphlets on personnel direction
and management in addition to his
book, which will be briefly review
ed at the meeting.
School authorities have announc
ed that excused absences from 11
o’clock classes will be given so that
all seniors may attend the meet
ing. The lecture will begin at 11
a. m., and will be held in Guion
Hall. Officials from the Former
Students Association will he in
charge and will conduct the meet
ME Seniors Make
Inspection Trips
Ninety Aggies made a detailed
inspection trip of the Houston
Power' and Light, the Westing-
house Manufacturing plant, and
the Texas Electric Steel Casting
Co. last Tuesday. Students of the
mechanical engineering depart
ment and men from the industrial
engineering 401 class made the
trip. The Texas Electric Steel
Casting Co. is offering, a prize of
one hundred dollars to the best
paper written on the tour of the
Eco Speaker
George L. Boble
George L. Boble
Will Speak For
Eco Club Monday
Expert Will Talk
On Priorities And
Small Business Man
George L. Boble, District Man
ager of the Priorities Field Ser
vice, Office of Production Manage
ment, will address the Economics
Club Monday night at eight o’clock
in the lecture room of the Geology-
Petroleum Building.
Boble’s subject is “Priorities and
the Small Business Man.” With
more than 20,000 small business
men facing extinction because of
the priority program, this subject
will be of interest to all students
interested in economics.
Boble is a graduate of Cornell
rniversity. He received his bache
lor's degree in mechanical engi
neering in 1920. During the World
War he served as a member of the
105th Machine Gun Battalion of
the 27th division of the A. E. F.
After graduating from Cornell,
Boble went to Stephens County
and was farm boss and field su
perintendent for the Lion Oil Cor
poration. Later he served as Sec
retary-treasurer and director of the
Houston Production Company for
15 years. From 1937 to 1940 he
was vice-president and production
manager of the West Gulf Petrol
eum Company.
A native of Texas, Boble was
born in Dallas and has lived in
Houston for the past 38 years.
All students and faculty members
are invited to attend this speech.
Texas Electric
Metermen Gather
For Annual Meet
Texas electric metermen will
gather at Texas A. & M. college
for their annual short course Nov.
3-8, Norman F. Rode, professor
of electrical enginering at the col
lege, has announced.
Engineers from several of the
large electrical equipment manu
facturers will be on hand to give
lectures concerning their products
as well as members of the college
staff who will conduct general
theory classes. ,
One of the most important dis
cussions will cover the code for
electricity meters and will be lead
by a member of the National Meter
Committee, whose name has not
been announced.
Senior Livestock
Makes Practice Trip
The senior livestock judging
team will make one of its few re
maining practice trips this week
end. The purpose of this trip is
to give the men practice on fine
animals and to aid in deciding the
six men, who will make the trip
to the Internatoinal Livestock show
at Chicago, representing A. & M.
The men will leave College Station
Saturday at 5 a. m. to visit Black’s
and the Silver Creek Hereford
farms. Sunday, they will visit
Glenn Retreat’s, Hempshire sheep
farm; Nehmeyer’s, Southdown
sheep farm; and Holt’s Shropshire
sheep farm. They will return here
Sunday night.
The men going on the trip are:
Jack Cleveland, Jake Hess, Vic
Loeffler, Gordon Grote, Newton
Craig, W. T. Berry, and Tommy
Stuart. Coach I. T. Edwards and
William Warren will make the trip
with the boys.
Fighting Aggie Team Seeks
Win Over Arkansas Eleven
New Balcony in
Campus Theatre
Has Been Started
Balcoity Will Seat
150 on Completion
By Sat. November 8
Construction of a new balcony in
the Campus Theater is now in
progress and plans are to complete
the project by Saturday, Novem
ber 8.
Workmen have been working at
night after closing hours as an ef
fort to hurry the construction.
When completed the balcony will
increase the audience capacity of
the theatre by nearly 150 people.
An unusual feature of the new
balcony will be the use of “lovers’
seats,” a large cozy chair with
room for two. The policy of the
Campus will be to allow only cou
ples to use the balcony.
The new seating space will be
modernistic in every detail. There
will be two entrances to the bal
cony, both off the mezzanine.
Positively No More
Tickets Left For The
Thanksgiving Day Game
There are no tickets of any kind
left for the Texas A. & M.-Uni-
versity of Texas football game here
on Thanksgiving, Nov. 27. The
phone calls, telegrams and letters
for tickets continue to increase
daily with all departments of the
college sharing in the flood of re
A check up of all departments
which might have saved some tick
ets found them all in the same
shape—not a single ticket left and
that included the office of Dr. T.
O. Walton, president of the college;
the athletic department and all the
coaches and players there; the
office of student activities, the de
partment of information and col
lege publications, and the Associa
tion of Former Students of A.
& M. college.
No reservations were taken for
the game so there is no chance
of any being unclaimed just be
fore game time, E. W. Hooker,
Aggie ticket manager, said.
Short Course
Registers 8813
Persons Last Year
Did you know that during the
school i year of 1940-41 a total of
8831 persons registered at the 30
short courses and conferences held
at the college. It is estimated that
almost that many more attended
the courses but did not register.
The total enrollment for the full
school year, including the summer
session, was 7767, which was sur
passed by the short course regis
Spotlight Gleams
On Texas-SMU Tilt;
Aggies-Pigs Battle
By D. B. Gofer
(Junior Sports Editor)
The Texas Aggies, half way
through their season with five
straight victories to their credit,
invade Arkansas today to meet the
Razorbacks at Little Rock in the
second feature of the Southwest
Conference card for Saturday. The
spotlight of all Texas will be on
Dallas where the Mustangs will test
the potent Texas Longhorns, but
don’t take too much from the Ag
gies and the Razorbacks, they are
due to put on a first-class pig
skin show.
Counted to battle for the cel
lar position in pre-season picks,
the Aggies and Razorbacks have
shown surprising strength. The Ag
gies, fighting and hustling all the
way, have been the biggest sur
prise, for they have taken Sam
The Texas Aggie-Arkansas
Razorback game will be broad
cast over the following Texas
stations with Cy Leland hand
ling the play-by-play descrip
tion and Tee Casper the local
color at 1:50 this afternoon:
KGKO Fort Worth
KXYZ Houston
KTSA San Antonio
Houston, Texas A. & I., N. Y. U.,
T. . U. and Baylor into camp on
successive Saturdays. But th^ Ra
zorbacks have not faired so well.
They have been defeated by Texas,
T. C. U., and Baylor, but in do
ing they out first-downed the Long
horns and scored more points on
them than any other team this
season. Last week the Razorbacks
knocked off a heretofore unbeaten
Detroit University by the score of
9 to 6, a field goal in the last min
utes of play doing the trick.
The Aggies have won from a
Razorback team only once in the
history of their play in Arkansas,
(See AGGIE-HOG, page 4)
Contest Begun For
Landscape Seniors
Cash awards totaling $75.00 will
be the cause of keen competition
among the seniors of the landscape
department. To compete for the
awards, the students must design
and landscape a five acre estate,
with 75 per cent of the final de
cision depending on design, and the
ether 25 per cent on rendering and
presentation of. the problem. The
money is being donated by Dave
McNeil, an ex-Aggie from San
Antonio. McNeil, the leading
landscape architect of that city,
along with some compitent archi
tect will judge the problems.
Tibs competition will not begin
until the completion of the pres
ent National Intercollegiate com
petition problem, which is now be
ing worked on, and will be due
November 27.
Cowboys, Cowgirls Ride High
For Rodeo Awards, Trophies
By Duke Harrison
Cowboys and cowgirls are again
preparing their equipment in an
ticipation of the wildest rodeo of
it’s kind anywhere. When the gat
es of the 22nd annual Texas Aggie
rodeo swing open on November
7th and 8th, some of the best ama
teur cowboys and most beautiful
cowgirls in the West will be rid
ing “high, wide, and handsome”
for the cash awards and trophies
to be given in the various events.
These events, which include
bronc riding, both saddle and bare-
back, calf roping, wild-cow milk-
. ing, steer riding, and a wild-mule
race, will be contested on some of
the best stock that the manage
ment of this year’s rodeo has been
able to secure. From the looks and
past performances of the stock,
we should say that the cowboys
are going to need a “deep seat and
a tight rein” to stay aboard the
“hurricane deck” of these outlaw
horses and steers.
A new attraction his been added
to the already colorful annual af
fair, in the person of some eight
J beautiful, hard riding, range-bred,
cow girl sponsors. These girls are
not being introduced for color
alone, but to show that they are
experts in horsemanship and to
prove the modern rodeo is not for
the benefit of the cowboys alone.
Most of these girls have appear
ed at the leading rodeos through
out the nation, including the Fort
Worth rodeo and the largest and
foremost of them all, the Madison
Square Garden rodeo in New York
City. Some of the sponsors sched
uled to be on hand and to compete
for the silver loving-cup, given the
winner of the contest, along with
prizes to be given the runners-up
are Jo Morris and Patsy Morrih
Coleman, Texas, Nita Mae Boyd,
Abilene, Maxine Maier, Orange,
and Elizabeth Miller and Billie Lou
Thompson, who hail from Snyder,
From the opening of the first
“Grand Entry” to the riding of the
last steer, this year’s rodeo prom
ises to be the wildest and fastest
to be put on by the Saddle and Sir
loin Club or any other such group
in this part of the great Southwest.