By file Uaikin Battalion Sports Editor “Four Horsemen’’ of Ag Coaching Staff Have Done Great Job With An Inexperienced Team Let’s give credit where credit is due. For five weeks now, the Ag gie machine has been gaining mo mentum and improving with each contest. Sure, much credit should be paid to the players—Moser, Dan iels, Spivey, Sterling, Ruby, Sib ley, Richardson, Simmons, et al. They’ve been doing a swell job, but there are four men in this school that are distinctly in the background—you know they are there but you just take it for granted. Sort of '"‘unsung heroes” you might say. We’re talking about none other than our coaching staff of Head Coach Homer Norton, Line Coach Bill James, Backfieid Coach Marty Karow, and End Coach Dough Rollins. This four some have molded another great Aggie machine—starting out this time with only green and inex perienced material. They have worked hard—as hard as any, of the players, and if you think the players got that hustle and spirit, why just drop around the practice field and watch their coaches. As for their coaching ability, let’s take Coach Norton first. He is in his seventh year here, and in that time has put out two cham pionship elevens. Bill James, un doubtedly one of the best line coaches in the country, up to date has one of the three best defen sive forward walls in the nation. The experts thought our line would be weak, but they didn’t reckon with “Uncle Bill.” Marty Karow has done an exceptional job in turn out some of the greatest crop of backs in the country, while at the same time doing a great job of scouting. Last but by no means least—Dough Rollins. One of the best end coaches in the United States, he has turned out such stars as Herbie Smiah, Bill Stages, Johnny Morrow, and the present crop of Jim Sterling, Bill Hender son, and Boots Simmons. As a scout, we doubt if there are any better than Dough. So when you’re around the gym anytime, why, drop by and give our “four horsemen” a real pat on the back. They deserve it. SPORTS SQUIBS FROM HERE AND THERE Marty Karow, basketball coach, has given this announcement . . . Any player that is eligible and wishes to play basketball come down to the gym at any time and have some equipment issued to him. Grandstand Heroes! All the admiring glances in the stands are not di rected toward the field— there’s many an eye di rected toward the smart new Griffon top coats that we’ve been selling! New are the unusual blends of brown and blue that are the season’s style hit! New is the shortness of the coat which makes last year’s styles look an tique! Drop in and take a look. It’s easy to pick a winner —and there are no losers! $19.50 to $39.50 7JLX COLLEGE WIMBERUY -STONE va/Ict ciocKieas and BRYAN Aggies Leave for Little Rock at Midnight k I V /Mi m n K i v : mi How to Win Friends in one easy lesson Treat yourself and others to wholesome, delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. Swell to chew. Helps keep breath sweet, teeth bright. The Flavor Lasts^ '' -V? ,<<'■ ;> Y- ,» Y' Team to Have Light Workout Before Saturday The Texas Aggies leave Aggie- land at midnight tonight for Lit tle Rock, Arkansas, where they meet the Arkansas Razorbacks Sat urday in their fourth “foreign” game of the year. The cadets have five wins against no defeats and will be trying for their third con ference victory. Upon their ar rival in Little Rock at noon Fri day, the Aggies will go into a final workout on the Little Rock High School field. Few Injuries Four Aggies are on the injured list: Tom Pickett is suffering from a hurt knee and cracked ribs while Alabama Smith, Les Richardson and Lincoln Roman are down with bruised knees. Pickett is not like ly to see service against Arkansas as Coach Norton wishes to allow him to fully recover before put ting him back on the firing line. Martin Ruby is still bothered with a fractured hand but the protec tion of the plaster cast will allow him to deal lots of misery to the Razorbacks. The scrimmage sessions have been featuring punt and kick-off returns. Derace Moser, Leo Dan iels, and Bob Williams have been shining with some brilliant run- backs. The cadet line has been do ing nice work in scrimmage and should be up to the usual high par it has shown so far this season. Running plays have been stressed in an effort to bring the Aggie ground game parallel to the out standing passing offensive. The Razorbacks, with their bean pole ends, will more than likely open up with a threatening pass ing attack and the Aggies have been working on a pass defense designed to stop the Arkansas aerials. With their three cracker- jack backs in the pink of condi tion, the Porker ground play is not being taken too lightly. Norton Cautions Corps Coach Homer Norton reports that the usual squad of about 35 men will make the Arkansas trip. He says that aside from the four men on the injured list the Aggie squad is in fine condition. Norton issued a warning against the corps and the team becoming too optimis tic; stating that five games, all of them against tough teams, are still to be played—ONE AT A TIME. BATTALION^- Williamson Picks Clemson, Penn State to Win Friday OCTOBER 30, 1941 Page 3 Arkansas Coaches! . . .YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE ON A PAID JOB TO PLAY BASKETBALL . . . ANYONE CAN SOME OUT, AND WILL BE GIVEN A CHANCE. ... The new basketball floor in the DeWare Field House has been completed . .. It’s really a beauty, and we want to keep it that way ... So when you want to play some basketball, be sure you have your street shoes off . . . only tennis or basketball shoes are permissible. . . . the boys have been doing a good joo of staying off the floor with their street shoes, and we want it kept that way ... a new moving picture was shown at Rice Institute a cou ple of nights ago ... it was call ed “The Crains Came” . . . any body having a dog and interested in entering it in a dog show can sign up today at 5:30 ... a dog show with prizes will be held at the Animal Husbandry Pavilion from 6 tq 8 in the evening today . . . Admission is 10 cents for adults and five cents for children. Dr. H. W. Hooper Dentistry College Hills Phone 4-8704 University of Arkansas 1941 Football Schedule Sept. 27—Central Okla. State Fayetteville Oct. 4—T. C. U Fayetteville Oct. 11—Baylor Waco Oct. 18—Texas Austin Oct. 24—Detroit (night) Detroit Nov. 1—Texas A. & M Little Rock Nov. 8—Rice "..... Houston Nov. 15—S. M. U. (Homecoming) ...Fayetteville Nov. 22—Ole Miss Memphis Nov. 27—Tulsa Tulsa "... v By Paul B. Williamson Top game among the Friday contests remains the Penn State- N.Y.U. clash at New York. This game will decide between these two neck and neck teams. Another fray which should prove to he interesting is the Clemson-George Washington battle. The Clemson lads should have little trouble here, but one can never tell. Of all the games this week—big and small—this writer would like to be present to see West Texas State top Hardin Simmons. There are two real teams among the so- called “little” schools. The predictions for games of to day and Friday are listed below with the probabl® winners in Capi tals. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 HOME TEAM VISITING TEAM MORAVIAN Arkansas A. & M. NE CENTER FROSH .... Centenary Frosh FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 Apprentice LENOIR-RHYNE CHATTANOOGA Springhill Chico St CALIF. RAMBLERS Cape Girardeau MARYVILLE CASE Carnegie CALIF POLY San Francisco St. Cameron Aggies KILGORE J. C. Erskine Col W. CAROLINA Greely TEMPE TCHRS. G. Washington CLEMSON Hastings Col EMPORIA TCHRS. Hardin-Simmons W. TEXAS ST. Kansas Wesleyan ROCKHURST LOUISIANA TECH SW Louisiana Miami U TEXAS TECH ARKANSAS POLY Ouachita NE CENTER (LSU) Ada St. Tchrs. NEWBERRY Oglethorpe New York U PENN STATE Okla. City U CONWAY TCHRS. Peru Tchrs : WAYNE SAN JOSE Santa Barbara San Marcos DENTON TCHRS. Southeastern La LA. ST. NORMAL SOUTHWESTERN KANSAS Bethel Trinity SOUTHWESTERN TEX. TENNESSEE TECH Youngstown TAHLEQUAH Edmond Tchrs. Westchester WAYNESBURG ENEMY TANKS ADVANCING ON BRIDGEHEAD J THOMSEN fSOSE k AM BERT COLE. INTRAMURALS By DUB OXFORD Attention class A and class B cross country runners! To compete in the race you must have had five preliminary workouts before the meet. If you want to enter a team in the race you must have your men down on or before Friday of this week. So, come on all you fellows who want to join the ranks of the thinly- clads”, see Col- o n e 1 Anderson Oxford and sign up for the big race. Class A football starts Monday and class B football is in the play off stage. With class A football beginning Monday, the rules of the sport will be run in a coming issue so that all participating may familiarize themselves with the new rulings. D Engineers won with ease their class B touch football game Wed nesday. Rice of the Engineers led his team in the winning of the vic tory and in the words of,the ref eree, Bob Yerkes, “Of all the games I’ve refereed this year, this is the best one I have seen.” Good work, Engineers. FORFEIT DOGHOUSE Class A: 4 CHQ, Handball A Cavalry, Tennis B Engineers, Water Polo 3 CHQ, basketball Class B: C Engineers, Football Looking into the class B foot ball situation, G Coast played a whale of a game, and piled up 27 points to A Field’s O. E Coast' beat G Infantry 1-0, and C En gineers won their game with B Replacement Center by penetra tions. I Infantry played a close game with D Cavalry, the Infan try boys coming out on top of a 6-2 score. F Infantry blanked out 1 CHQ 6-0, while I Field beat A Replacement Center 14-0. M Infantry, playing a fast and splashy game, beat B Signal Corps 5-0. Here’s a warning to all teams who plan on winning the water polo championship—look out for M Infantry. I Field proved that they are water ducks by trimming B C.W.S. 4-0. F Infantry took A Field for a ducking and beat them five to one. “Roland Bingville,” B Infantry, tied with F Coast in their game and D Infantry tied with E Infantry 1-1. Ann Rutherford, rising young Hollywood starlet, is honorary sweetheart of nine different col lege fraternities throughout the United States. WANTED! SECOND HAND FISH SLACKS LOUPOT’S TRADING POST NORTH GATE r-r r • You’ve got to be good for the Signal Corps That goes for b°tb men and make the dependable com and defeat. difference between m Y delivering or- Gathering ^XTs tbe job of the field ders in a flash-tba J ^ iliese t ele- telephone. C ° m S“ san d—and many other tvle^f commnnieahon ap P= TeWog P^ucea to armed force y Western Electric. manufacturer Our 60 y ear f a^tributor for the Bell Sys purchaser, and di tbis special worl Wi fits us to ^^ e a _ to step up our prc Auctioti oDlelir elephone apparatus to spec trhole defense program. ilski r r * fc.-jSi . . LA SALLE HOTEL BRYAN, TEXAS 100 Rooms - 100 Baths Fire Proof R. W. HOWELL, Mgr. Class ’97 Interest in Bowling Is Declining at A & M Bowling, heretofore one of Ag- gieland’s favorite sports, has shown a decided decline in popularity this semester. R. D. Hill, manager of the Y. M. C. A. alleys, states that the only reason he can determine for the decreased attendance is the fact that the students this year are spending more time studying. Women howlers on the local al leys haven’t slowed down, however, tut are increasing in number each week. At all hours of the day women can be seen occupying at least one of the Y alleys. The idea of intramural bowling was brought up last year, but be cause of the scarcity of alleys on the campus this idea was given up altogether. Building ten new alleys in the Assembly Hall was also discussed by the Y. M. C. A., but this idea too has been cast aside—at least temporarily. Hill relates that, strangely enough, the biggest week of bow ling on the A. & M. campus is the week of mid-term examinations in January. During this week the alleys are always full, from open ing in the morning till closing time at 10 p. m. You’ll welcome ice-cold Coca-Cola just as often and as surely as thirst comes. You taste its quality, the quality of genuine goodness. Ice-cold Coca-Cola gives you the taste that charms and never cloys. You get the feel of complete refreshment, buoyant refreshment. Thirst asks nothing more. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY k You trust its quality Bryan Coca-Cola Bottling Company