The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 28, 1941, Image 1

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    Helen Jepson
E'— - ^
Above is Helen Jepson, outstanding soprano of the Metropolitan
Opera, who will appear on Town Hall tomorrow night. Miss Jepson
will feature a program of singing that is designed to please music
lovers of all tastes. She. has sung with Paul Whiteman as well
as several of the outstanding operas throughout the United States.
Helen Jepson, Metropolitan Singer,
Will Appear on Town Hall Tomorrow
Helen Jepson, grand opera’s
glamour girl, as she is known to
her devoted audiences, will appear
in a concert tomorrow night at
Guion Hall on the Town Hall series.
The concert will begin promptly
at 8 o’clock. This is one of the
regularly scheduled Town Hall
programs and, according to Fred
Smitham, Town Hall manager, it
promises to be one of the best.
Students will be admitted to the
performance on their Town Hall
tickets. Those students who do not
have tickets may purchase tickets
for this performance at the gate
for $1.00 or if they desire, they
may buy a ticket for the rest of
the Town Hall series for $2.00
which will entitle them to see nine
performances. Reserve seats will
be on sale for this concert for
Miss Jepson will present a var
ied program of operatic songs and
arias that will be of interest to
music lovers of all tastes and pref
erences. She will be accompanied
by Robert Wallenborn, who has
been a great asset to Miss Jepson
in her career. Tomorrow night’s
concert has been arranged by Mr.
“Prima donna 1941 style” is the
description that has been aptly ap
plied to this lovely, tall blond. Miss
Jepson makes it a point to be
punctual in keeping her numerous
appointments and reserves “tem
perament” for purely artistic and
musical uses. Horseback riding,
fishing, hunting, and swimming
are the star’s favorite amusements.
Her hobby is raising rabbits.
Since her Metropolitan debut
in 1936, Miss Jepson has sung the
roles of twelve of opera’s loveliest
heroines before Metropolitan Opera
Bryan Banks Up
Warrant Charges
Beginning October 24th, the
banks in Bryan will charge a rate
of one and one-half per cent on
all state general fund warrants
and will continue cashing warrants
at this rate until further notice.
Banks at all other places in Texas
put this rate in effect on Octo
ber first.
The charge on cashing state war
rants has been raised from 1% to
lMr% because the general revenue
fund against which these warrants
are drawn has shown a steadily
mounting deficit and the warrants
have continued to be outstanding
for constantly longer periods.
M E Seniors Go To
Houston to Inspect
Around 90 seniors of the Mechan
ical Engineering department will
make an inspection trip to Houston
today for the purpose of inspecting
the Gable Street Power Plant, the
Westinghouse electrical shops, and
the Texas Electrical Steels Casting
audiences. She never sings down
to an audience. “The public,
whether it be in New York, or in
a small Texas town, still has taste
and appreciation, and is entitled
to hear the best a singer has to
offer. “I try to give it to them,”
said Miss Jepson.
Born in Akron, Ohio, Miss Jep
son has seen the seamy side of
life in her struggle toward the
fame which she now knows. From
a sales girl in a large department
store, to a singer in Paul White
man’s orchestra, to a great Metro
politan star—this is the story of
her rise. But along the way, she
has not forgotten what struggle
means and perhaps this accounts
for her straightforward, frank,
simple manner. She is always
ready to step in at an emergency
and will attempt anything with the
same quiet courage with which
she launched her career.
Dental Exhibit
Built for Fair By
Architect Seniors
Seniors in the department of
architecture are building an exhib
it at the Brazos County Free Fair
in Bryan for the Brazos County
Health Unit as part of the unit’s
program of health education. This
exhibit is to be devoted to dental
health in conjunction with dental
Health Week proclaimed by the
governor of Texas.
The theme of the exhibit is
“Good Teeth Can Be Planned,”
stressing a good diet, dental care,
and dental hygiene. In charge of
the design are Gordon McCutchan,
Joe Bill Pierce, and Marion Lyle.
The design is of a modern char
acter employing the use of sus
pended panels and colleges.
The Battalion
Arkansas Special Depends on 43 Tickets
Boynton Will Address Senior Class
On Employment Problems November 5
Five Branches
Offer Openings
To R0TC Officers
Excused Absences Will
Be Given for 11 O’clock
Classes; Faculty Invited
Speaking to the Senior Class
Wednesday, November 5 at 11 a.
m. Paul W. Boynton will discuss his
book “Ways to Get a Job” recent
ly published by Harper & Bros.
Boynton is being brought here by
the Placement Service of the
Former Students Association and
is the superintendent of employ
ment in the industrial relations de
partment of the Socony Vacuum
Oil Company.
Boyton is a member of the edi
torial board of the Pennsylvania
Association of School and College
placement. He is outstanding in
employment work and has been in
this field for 25 years. After the
lecture he will interview seniors
who are interested in engineering
work in foreign service after grad
Seniors will be excused from
classes at that time so that they
may attend the meeting, it has
been announced by the executive
committee. Any student or mem
ber of the faculty who wishes to
attend the lecture may do so.
Lucian Morgan of the Associa
tion of Former Students stated
that “the speech will be of inter
est to the seniors and will be on
matters which seniors will ap
preciate. Included on the program
will be Tyree L. Bell, ’13, vice-
president of the Austin Bridge Co.
and President of the Association
of Former Students.
This lecture is to be the first
in a series which was planned for
the education of students in the
field of employment that extends
down through the sophomore class
and was begun by the placement
office in 1939. Other speakers
will come to the campus later and
will address classes other than the
senior class.
Nov 3-8 Date For
EE Short Course
The electrical engineering de
partment announced Monday that
a public utility short course and
special meeting of meter super
visors for electrical metermen will
be held in the E. E. building Nov.
3 through 8 for the purpose of
familiarizing metermen with var
ious meter schemes.
The first three days of the course
will be devoted entirely to lecture,
demonstration, and solutions of me
ter problems, while the remaining
three days will be devoted to prac
tical instruction on connecting and
reading meters.
Crawford Elected
Southern Delegate
To Natl ASME Meet
C. W. Crawford of the mechani
cal engineering department was el
ected senior delegate and chair
man of the delegation from Group
8, which includes New Orleans,
Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas City,
and Colorado at the A.S.M.E.
regional meeting in Dallas October
Registration Figures Total 6,679
To Make 145 Increase for This Year
Six thousand six hunded and sev
enty-nine students are enrolled in
the various departments of A. &
M. college it was announced by
the registrar’s office recently. This
shows an increase in enrollment
of 145 students as compared with
the registration on October 10 of
1940 and is 616 more than were en
rolled at the same time in 1939.
The registration by schools is as
follows: Agricultural Administra
tion 217 freshmen, 172 sophomores,
170 juniors, and 152 seniors; Agri
cultural Education 45 freshmen, 54
sophomores, 60 juniors, 55 seniors,
and three graduate students; Agri
cultural Engineering 36 freshmen,
18 sophomores, 17 juniors, 24 se
niors, and three graduate students,
Agronomy one special student, 326
freshmen, 220 sophomores, 208
juniors, 195 seniors, and 65 special
students; Cotton Marketing 15
freshmen and 11 sophomores;
Landscape Art one special student,
247 freshmen, 151 sophomores, 101
juniors, and 63 seniors; Science 95
freshmen, 58 sophomores, 36 ju
niors, and 25 seniors with 50 grad
uate students.
Architectural Engineering one
special student, five freshmen, 12
sophomores, 12 juniors, and six
seniors; Architecture 47 freshmen,
26 sophomores, 16 juniors, 13 se
niors, six fifth year men and one
graduate student; Aeronautical
Engineering one special student,
320 freshmen, 96 sophomores, 54
juniors, and 26 seniors; Chemical
Engineering 217 freshmen, 135
sophomores, 90 juniors, 56 seniors,
and seven graduate students; Civil
Engineering 126 freshmen, 87 soph
omores, 74 juniors, 57 seniors, and
two graduate students; Electrical
Change of Units May
Be Made by Applying
At Commandant’s Office
Because of a shortage of train
ed officers in the Quartermaster
Corps, Signal Corps, Air Corps,
Corps of Engineers, and Chemical
Warfare Service, graduates from
other units of the ROTC will be
allowed to transfer from their own
branch of the service to other
branches where they are needed.
No ROTC student in either the
Corps of Engineers or the Chem
ical Warfare Service will be per
mitted to apply for commission
in another arm of service.
The present organization of the
ROTC does not provide a suffi
cient number of qualified Reserve
officers iii certain of the arms and
services of the United States Army.
Although the officer candidate
schools will correct this deficiency
to a certain degree a shortage will
remain. Rather than attempt a
complete reorganization of the
units of the ROTC during the
emergency, it is considered desir
able to authorize the commission
ing of Reserve officers in the arms
and services from the graduates
of other units.
The Quartermaster Corps will
receive a total of five per cent of
all ROTC graduates. The Signal
Corps will take a total of ten per
cent of all ROTC graduates and
the student must show an aptitude
for Signal Corps duty. Graduates
who have majored in Aeronautical
and Mechanical engineering or Bus-
inees Administration may transfer
to the Air Corps which will re
ceive ten per cent of the ROTC
graduates. The Engineering will
take five per cent of the ROTC
graduates and a degree in civil en
gineering will be required to trans
fer. A total of 50 graduates from
all corps areas will be taken by the
Chemical Warfare Service. The Re
serve officers desiring to transfer
to this branch must have pursued
courses leading to a degree in
ROTC students not belonging to
a Chemical Warfare Service unit,
but pursuing courses which lead
to a chemical degree, may receive
their summer camp training at
Edgewood Arsenal with the view
of being commissioned as Reserve
officers of the Chemical Wax-fare
Sex-vice; provided that the cost to
the United States for transporta
tion does not exceed that incident
(See ROTC, Page 4)
Senior Class Has
Already Orders For
569 Rings Ordered
The senior class has ordered 569
rings already this year. The next
'order will be sent on November 1,
and the rings will arrive on Novem
ber 15. So far, the most popular
ring has been the 18 pennyweight
model in antique green.
If necessary the first adjust
ment on all rings is made fx-ee of
charge, but all following adjust
ments cost two dollars each time
the ring is sent back to the factory.
Adjustments go back on the 5tn
and 20th of each month.
All the senior rings are made by
Jostens in Owatonna, Minesnota.
This ih the last year of a three-year
contract with this firm, and next
year new bids must be made by the
various engarving companies for
the ring contract.
Welfare Committee
Meeting Postponed
Until Next Tuesday
The meeting of the Student Wel
fare Committee, which was sched
uled for Wednesday, October 29,
has been postponed until Tuesday,
November 4.
The Committee will eat supper
together at Sbisa hall parlor at 6:15
after which the members will ad
journ to the adjoining room to dis
cuss business for the coming year.
Rodeo Queen
Annabelle Edwards
Rodeo Royalty
Named; Annabelle
Edwards Is Queen
Funds From Rodeo
Will Send Livestock
Judging Team on Trips
Miss Annabelle Edwards of Big
Spring will be in the spotlight at
the A. & M. Rodeo on November
7 and 8, as she has been selected
as Queen of the Aggie Rodeo. Miss
Edwards is one of the top cow girls
of the nation, having twice appear
ed in the Madison Square Garden.
Among the other honors she has
received is the title “Chesterfield
Girl of the Month” for January,
1941. At the present time she is
a student at John Tarleton.
“Shorty” Fuller, last year’s
rodeo director and president of the
Saddle and Sirloin Club will es
cort the queen this year. Other
members of the court will be Duke
Jack Taylor, Dave Shelton and
their duchesses.
Preparations for the rodeo are
now being made in the Animal
Husbandry Pavilion. This is the
twenty-second annual rodeo spon
sored each year by the Saddle and
Sirloin Club. This rodeo is held
in order to raise funds to send the
livestock and meats judging teams
to Chicago, Kansas City and Fort
Besides the regular rodeo events,
there will be cow girls sponsors
contests between some of the top
ranking and most beautiful girls
in Texas. This is the first time
girls have even performed at an
A. & M. i-odeo. Zeno Hemphill, in
charge of the sponsors, is work
ing to get prizes for the winners
There will be ttiree shows this
yeai\ Two performances will be
held Friday and finals will be Sat
urday night. The high point men
from the Friday shows will be
the only men entered Saturday
Col Welty To
Report for Duty
Before November 3
New Commandant Comes
Here From Infantry Base
Forces in Newfoundland
In a personal letter to Captain
A. J. Bennett, Adjutant, Col. M.
D. Welty stated that he would re
port to College Station on or be-
fox-e November 3 to assume the
duties of Commandant of A. & M.
Col. Welty graduated from West
Point in 1910 in the Infantry
branch of the service and went into
active duty as a second lieutenant
and later graduated from the War
College at Washington, D. C. He
was a distinguished graduate of
the Command and General Staff
School at Fort Levenworth, Kans
as. He is also a graduate of the
Infantry School Tank Corps at
Fort Benning, Georgia.
Col. Welty is being relieved of
his command of the Infantry Base
forces at Newfoundland and is be
ing transferred to A. & M. fox-
active duty as Commandant.
He will reside in the home recent
ly occupied by Col. James A. Wat
son, at 406 Throckmorton street.
Col. Welty’s furniture is temp
orarily stored in the Coast Artillery
Corps armory.
Besides Col. Welty, A. & M. will
receive two new replacement offi
cers in the immediate future.
Lieut. Col. John K. Boles is being
tx-ansferred here to relieve Lieut.
Col. O. C. McIntyre as Senior Ins
tructor of the Field Artillery.
Vanity Fair And
Senior Favorites
Corrections Made
Seniors are reminded that Sen
ior Favorite and Vanity Fair pic
tures for the 1942 Longhorn may
be turned in now to Benny Han
cock or J. C. Grantham. They are
cautioned not to wait until the
last moment to submit their pic
Contrary to previous announce
ments in the Battalion, Senior Fa
vorite pictures must be 5 x 7
close-up, gloss finished. Vanity
Fair pictures must consist of an
8 x 10 full length formal, a 5 x 7
full length street or sport and a 5
x 7 close-up, gloss finish.
Nurserymen to Have
Short Course Oct 30
Again this year A. & M. is of
fering a sex-ies of short courses
for all interested nurserymen ex
tending from October 30 through
November 1.
Common problems on plant ma
terials, culture, design, accounting,
and salesmanship will go to make
up these courses.
Aggies Hearlded Again--This
Time in Poetry By Dr. Lackey
Another tribute to the Aggies!
Texas Aggies on Parade, the lat
est edition to the volumes of trib
utes already paid the Texas Ag
gies, was written by Dr. W. W.
Lackey, author of Flowers and
Fruit, and Five and Thirty Years.
Although Dr. Lackey was never
an Aggie himself he has truly
captured the “Spix*it of Aggieland”
and materialized it in his latest
publication, Texas Aggies on Par
ade. Dr. Lackey served as super
intendent of the Midland, Texas,
public school system for 35 years
and from each succeeding year has
seen boys graduate from Midland
High School and come to A. & M.
In recognition of his immortal
contribution to the famed Aggie
Spirit, it is only fitting to say
Dr. Lackey has come as close to
being an Aggie as anyone possibly
could without having actually come
to A. & M.
Texas Aggies On Parade
’Tis royal fun to witness Texas Ag
gies on parade—
A picture bright in memox-y
which time will never fade
The strength and flower of our
youth in spick-and-span array.
Precision and efficiency, cadets
accustomed way.
Where’er impox'tant game is play
ed, they migrate to the scene
In cars and trucks and bus and
train beloved cadets are seen
While every person in the world
would lend a helping hand
To sons like these with spirit bold
who come from Aggieland
Before the game is ever called,
they’re there ten thousand
It thrills the heart to hear them
yell and listen to their song
When banked together in the stands
they form a thrilling sight;
A spark would quickly set them
off—their spirit’s full of fight.
Supported, marshaled, led inspired
by brilliant marching band
No loyalty has yet compared
with that in Aggieland
Maneuvers of this mighty band, a
a liberal education,
Spell out the names of colleges in
fitting dedication.
With dates from Texas College for
Women, it looks like Romance
(See PARADE, Page 4)
Game Tickets For
Sale at Athletic
Office or Y Desk
Student tickets for the Arkan
sas-A. & M. football game are now
on sale at the office in the old Y.
M. C. A. building for $1.10 plus
one of the regular coupons. At
present there are five hundred tic
kets available but more can be
readily obtained if they are need
ed, according to releases from the
Athletic department. Tickets will be
removed from sale at four o’clock
Thursday evening.
WANTED!—43 Aggies to go
to Arkansas on the special band
train. In order to justify running
the special train, at least 43 addi
tional Aggies besides the band
members must make reserva
tions by 1 p.m. today.
Old Army, let’s show we’ve got
the Aggie spirit by going to Lit
tle Rock and let’s help the band
get there by making it possible to
run this special train.
Reservations must be in Harry
Boyer’s office by one o’clock. The
office will be open from eight
until one o’clock, so that every
one may have the chance to make
his reservation and pay the fare.
Round-trip tickets for the trip
will cost $9.14. Tickets have hot
yet been printed, but will be as
soon as sufficient resevations
have been made.
Let’s Go, Army!
Bob Russell, Band Major
Skeen Staley, Head Yell Leader
Tom Gillis, Cadet Colonel
Regular admission tickets are
available at the athletic office for
faculty members and residents -of
College Station who wish to see the
the game in Little Rock. The price
of these tickets is $2.25.
Authorized Absences
Authorized absences will be
granted to juniors and seniors who
attend the game, the commandant’s
office informed the Battalion last
night. The leave of absence will be
gin at noon Friday and end Mon
day morning at reveille. This will
allow students who make the
trip twenty-four hours to travel
the four hundred and fifty miles to
Little Rock.
In order to get authorized ab
sences from Friday afternoon and
Saturday classes, it will be nece
ssary to fill out a regular week
end pass and take it with a foot
ball ticket to the commandant’s
office to be stamped. It is abso
lutely essential that the ticket be
purchaesd before leaving for the
game and is stamped by the Com
mandant’s office.
Band Members
One hundred and thirty-two
members of the band will accom
pany the team on the trip. The
band fish will not make the trip,
as there are only funds available
to send the upperclassmen. A spec
ial train carrying the band and any
cadets who wish to make the trip
will leave College Station at 7 o’
clock Friday and will arrive in Lit
tle Rock at 8 Saturday morning.
The special will leave Little Rock
for College Station at 1 a.m. Sun
day, arriving at 12 noon.
Elmquist to Serve
As Cryptographer
In War Department
Professor Karl E. Elmquist of
the English department has been
called into the service of the War
Department as a crytographer. He
has been given a leave of absence
to begin November 16 and is to re
port to the Chief Signal Officer,
War Department, on November
Elmquist will act in the capacity
of a civilian specialist and advis
or, but will not be in the uniformed
During his absence, he hopes to
create a bibliography of military
cryptography for the Library of
Congress. Elmquist has already
started work on his book and has
done research on the subject at the
University of Chicago Library, the
University of Nebraska Library,
and other principal libraries in the
No arrangement has been made
as yet for someone to take Elm-
quist’s place as head of the cryp
tography club.