The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 23, 1941, Image 1
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VOLUME 41 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 23, 1941 Z275 NUMBER 20 Picture Date Extended For Senior Gass Vanity Fair And Senior Favorites Should be Submitted The deadline for Senior Long horn pictures has been extended through Monday, October 27. In order to facilitate the staff’s work, this is positively the last time the deadline will be extended. Seniors are cautioned against waiting until the last moment to submit Vanity Fair and Senior Fa vorite pictures. Vanity Fair pic tures must be 5 x 7, made close up, and have gloss finish. Senior Favorite photos will be 8 x 10, full length, with gloss finish. Camp pictures may be submit ted now to Bennie Hancock, Hall No. 4, Room 128. The deadline for these shots will be announced later. Club presidents will get applica tion blanks for club reservations in the Longhorn from Bennie Han cock, or J. C. Grantham, Legett Hall, Room 86. This should be done as soon as possible. Immediately after the closing of the Senior deadline, the junior pictures are to be submitted. The junior deadlines are as follows: October 23 to October 27— Field Artillery October 28 through November 1—Infantry November 3 through Novem ber 6—Composite Reg. November 7 through Novem ber 11—Cavalry November 11 through Novem ber 14—Coast Artillery November 17 through Novem ber 20—Engineers It is possible for juniors who cannot arrange for their pictures to be made at the designated time, to have their pictures made any time within the time allotted for all juniors. Actual Firing Starts for Aggie Riflemen Thursday With two weeks theory of rifle shooting behind them, the A. & M. Rifle Team will begin actual shoot ing Thursday morning at the old range located beside the Coast Ar tillery Armory. Squadmen will practice on their off periods at which time they are expected to prove their ability and to try methods taught them in theory. Lt. Charles A. Williams, of the Engineers, instructor of the team, said that he was well satisfied with the progress of his men ar*". that the team should be in for a very successful season with the wealth of material that came out. Over 250 boys reported for the team. The whole squad will meet Thursday night immediately after yell practice in the Civil Engineer ing lecture room. If possible, mo tion pictures of rifle shooting will be shown. Marshall, Langford, And Harris Training As Officers at Kelley Second Lieutenants James M. Harris, Robert I. Langford, and Tom L. Marshall are now in the Army Air Corps at Kelly Field. After completing extensive courses in supplies they will be assigned to air fields in the region as sup ply officers. The course which lasted for 12 weeks dealt with the problems of procurement, storage, and distrib ution of air corps supplies. Harris is from Center, Langford from Bady, and Marshall fom Tem ple. The three graduated in 1941 and received their commissions on May 31, 1941. Agronomy Initiation Will be Held Tonight The Agronomy Society will hold its annual initiation immediately after ' yell practice tonight. The society will meet in the meats lab oratory of the Animal Industries Building. Those students eligible for mem bership in the club are all agron omy majors who have had at least one semester in college. Aggies Represented in Collegiate Who’s Who Shown above are the pictures of 19 of the 21 Aggies who were listed in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities for the year 1941-42. First row, left to right, Derace Moser, Don Gabriel, Ransom Kenney, Harry Herrington, and Billy Davis. Second row, Russel Heitkamp, Sam Brown, Fred Smitham, Howard Brians, Joe Gibbs. Third row, Rufus Pearce, Jack Miller, Dick Her- vey, Louis Kercheville, and Jack Taylor. Fourth row, Skeen Staley, Bob Russel, Tom Gillis and Alden Cathey. Not shown in the picture are Roland Bing and Marshal Spivey. Town Hall Lists Helen Jepson Next Helen Jepson, glamorous star of Opera, concert, and stage, will come to Aggieland next Wednes day, to give a concert in Guion Hall in conjunction with the Town Hall entertainment series. Mjss Jepson received her mus ical education at the Curtis Insti tute of Music, and met with unus ual success with several opera companies including the famous Metropolitan. Audiences are touch ed and moved by her performances in “La Boheme,” “Faust,” “Ma- mon,” “Matha,” “Othello,” and the immortal “Triviata.” Ross Volunteers Elect Kercheville To Command; Jordan Second Officer Lewis Kercheville, I Field Ar tillery, was elected commander of the Ross Volunteers for the year 1941-42. Other officers elected at the first meeting were Max Jor dan, D Infantry, second in com mand; C. B. Marsh and G. W. Haltom were elected platoon lead ers to assist the commanders. It was also decided at the meet ing to make all possible efforts to improve the military record of the company and to make it more rep resentative of A. & M. It was de cided that the company would Cosmopolitan Club Will Begin Sunday Afternoon Programs Comment allez-vous? Jok se mas? Wie gehts? Como esta usted? Como le va? No, this is not the Cryptographer’s Club, these are the words of greet ing which you can hear at the Cosmopolitan Club. The function of the Cosmopoli tan club has always been to serve as a clearing house for the ex change of ideas about the social economics, and political aspects of internationalism as seen through the eyes of its members. Many interesting speakers have also con tributed whole-heartedly to make this club the most enjoyable activ ity on the campus. The club is planning to intro duce a new activity to its bi monthly, Sunday afternoon pro grams. In addition to the regular speakers and after-meeting re freshments, we will begin each meeting with foreign and Ameri can music either by solo instru ment players, vocalists, or record ings. (All students capable of tendering such services are cordi ally invited to the meetings; and if they should want to learn any thing else about the nature of these activities, they are urgent ly requested to stop by room 72 Puryear any day after classes or in the evening.) Dr. V. K. Sugareff, better known as “The Count,” will lec ture to the Cosmopolitan Club this Sunday afternoon at three o’colck, in the Y-parlor on “What the Program of a Cosmopolitan Club Should Be.’ This initial pro gram of the club, which is extend ing an invitation to all foreign and American students in this year’s drive for a new member ship high, will also be highlighted by the playing of foreign recorded music, possibly the services of an accordion player or a violinist, and refreshments donated by the Y. M. C. A. The business meeting will in clude the election of officers, the tentative setting of a picnic date, the selection of speakers for future meetings, and any other activities you may think the club should have this year; so please start giving these matters your attention now! For the beneit of those who will be coming into this organi zation for the first time, the club officials should like to tell you (See COSMOPOLITAN, page 6) drill throughout the entire year in stead of only during the spring as has been the custom in the past. In all probability the two platoons of which the company is composed will use the old type of drill regulations, which make for more snap, precision, and show manship. Membership in the organization is extended only to juniors and seniors taking the advanced mili tary training. The maximum strength is limited to one hun dred and fifty members. At pres ent the organizaiton has 75. Plans for the induction of new members will be announced at a later date. The Ross Volunteers is an hon orary military company named in honor of Brigadier General Law rence Sullivan Ross, C. S. A., for mer governor of Texas and a for mer president of A. & M. col lege. Dating back to 1867 it is the only organization of its type at A. & M. Baylor Students Will be Guests Of Aggie Band Saturday The Baylor Band will accom pany the Baylor football team to College Station for (the game., They will arrive at the railroad station at 10:40 and will march immediately to the Y for a Bay lor yell practice. The entire band will leave their instruments in the Y Chapel and the men will make their headquarters in the Aggie band dormitory and the girls will have access to the facilities of Kiest Hall. The entire Baylor band will be the guests of the Aggie band at the noon and evening meals. The Baylor band will eat in the new mess hall. The Baylor special train will leave College Station at 7:00 but it is expected that many of the students will stay over for the corps dance. Third Corps Dance To Have Aggieland A corps dance will be held in the main dining roonn of Sbisa Hall Saturday night from 9:00 till 12:00. Music will be furnished by the Aggieland Orchestra with talented Norma Jean John handling the vo cals. According to Joe Skiles, mana*- ger of student publications, there will be a large number of Baylor coeds present in addition to the 147 Reagan High school Red Coats who will come to College Station from Houston. Sponsors of the dance expect it to be one of the largest of the first semester season. Traffic Committee Closes Crowded Streets For Meals TCU Flag Replaced By Contribution School Officials Accept Letters Of Apology of A & M A new Horned Frog flag and many letters of apology are going to T. C. U. to ease the strained relations between the school caus ed by the flag incident follow ing the T. C. U. - A. & M. game in Fort Worth last Saturday. A telegram expressing the apol ogies of the cadet corps and offer ing to replace the flag was sent to Ronnie Brumbaugh, president of the T. C. U. student body, by Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis and Head Yell Lealer Skeen Staley. Tuesday afternoon a reply was received from Brumbaugh accepting the apology and asking that the student responsible suffer no sever punish ment. Cadet Col. Tom Gillis Texas A. and M. College Dear Col. Gillis: We feel sure that the inci dent that occured Saturday concerning our Banner did not express the sentiment of the Aggie Cadet Corps. The occur ence was just an unfortunate experience. We accept the sin cere apology of the students and the Cadet Corps. We ask but one favor; That the stu dent suffer no severe punish ment because of his action. We want the fine sportsman ship between our schools to continue and are looking for ward to our trip to College Station next year. Sincerely Yours, Texas Christian Univer sity Student Council Ronald J. Brumbaugh President. As stated in the wire to Brum baugh, funds were collected at noon Tuesday to replace the de stroyed banner. Boxes placed at the mess hall doors received $55.71 to replace the flag. Any excess not needed to buy the banner will be placed in the corps dance fund, Gillis said. This is the easiest way to return the money to the corps. In a telephone conversation with Brumbaugh Tuesday night, Gillis told him to order a larger and better flag than they had before, using any material they want. If the banner can be made and fin ished by next Wednesday at 11:00 a. m. which is the T. C. U. chapel period, Staley and Gillis will go to Fort Worth to personally pre sent the flag to the student body. Staley condemned the unsportsman like act at yell practice Monday (See FLAG, page 6) Ruling Effective Saturday Noon For Noon, Supper Meals According to a recommendation made by the Traffic Committee, ap proved by the President of the College, the campus will have sev eral streets closed to traffic dur ing the noon and supper meal for mations, effective Saturday, Oct ober 25. The traffic committee is com posed of J. T. L. McNew, head of the civil engineering department; Lt. Joe E. Davis, acting command ant; Fritz Hensel, head of the landscape art department; and Tom Gillis, cadet colonel. The measure was taken to re lieve traffic congestion on the streets during meal hours. The streets which will be closed will be Houston Street, from Bizzell Hall to the northwest corner of the old mess hall; Ross Street, in front of the Exchange Store; Jones Street and Dr. Marsh’s; and the west en trance to the campus at the Me morial Monument. A & M One of Few U S Colleges That Teach Geophysics A. & M. has the distinction of being one of the few colleges in the United States to offer courses in geophysics. The course was first offered in 1930 with I. C. Sanders of the physics depart- ment in charge; it was later put under the direction of Dr. D. F. Weekes. Though the course was organiz ed with the view of only offer ing a theorical survey of geophys ics, through the efforts of Dr. Weekes, Sanders, and interest ed students, and by the contribu tions of equipment by various in dividuals, the department now has a laboratory in Pfeuffer Hall equipped with geophones, tortion balance, magnetometer, and allied equipment. A gravity meter is now under construction. Geophysical methods are widely used by the oil industry and by geologists for subsurface explora tion. Most of our more recent oil discoveries are a result of ap plication of the methods. There is an urgent call by the Secretary of Civil Service in Dal las for men with a knowledge of geophysics, especially in the branch dealing with magnetics. Williams to Judge At Eagle Pass Fair D. W. Williams left Tuesday for Eagle Pass where he will judge the the horse division of the Eagle Pass International Fair. Williams is one of the foremost judges of horseflesh in the South west and it is expected that he will work on some very fine animals during the week. He will probably return to A. & M. Friday. No Chance of Getting Out of That Chemistry Lab Because of Shortage of Materials Here By Dub Oxford Many Americans will have to revamp their way of living in thousands of different ways if the preesnt war conditions continue. The American people as a whole will have to learn to do without because of the shortages of im portant chemicals which former ly came from Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, and the Dutch Indies. The situation as it now exists at A. & M. is not serious because of the foresight of T. H. Haltom, technical assistant of the Chemis try Department. Haltom, who speaks in terms of paradichlorbenzene and poly vinylacetate as you or I speak of the price of eggs or the newest styles, is well informed on these vital matters and how to buy im portant chemicals. Many people do not realize how essential these commodities are and how depend ent they are on them. Just think, suppose you went to the chemistry laboratory and there were no chemicals available. The alarming problems of chemical shortages and priorities has not yet been realized by the average citizen, but by the time he can scarcely buy alchol, shaving lo tion, and cleaning fluids he will sit up and begin to study chem istry as well as what the “You- know-who’s are doing to the fel lows with the beards.” Of course, if the shortage be comes dire we will have to resort to synthetics as did the Germans. But the average American won’t stand for “ersatz” foods or neces sities. But that day might soon come. Of course these shortages will call for personal sacrifice and adaptation on the part of the citi zens so that the government may make airplanes and explosives. The shortage in denatured alco hol will be felt soon, says Hal tom. Both grain and wood alco hols are being used in the making of explosives. Also on the priority list are- most all metals and es pecially mercury salts. Uncle Sam is taking up formaldehyde and some thermometers have doubled in price. At present it takes al most six months for an order to be filled. One of the reasons that there is a shortage in alcohols is that these products are produced from grain and there will be a shortage in agriculture this year because of decreased manpower. When your roommate is grouchy in the morning it may be that he misses his favorite skin bracer tonic after shaving. Priorities have thrown the supply six weeks be hind the market demand. Your girl may be disappointed on her birthday when she fails to get her favorite perfume. Again, this is a matter of alcohol shortage. The same thing will apply to all toilet waters. Our t own chemistry department is having a hard time getting carbon tetrachloride as it is al ready been taken off the market. The chemical is in great demand by the army for cleaning pur poses, but its greatest use is in fire extinguishers, and cleaning refinery equipment. Chrome wire (See CHEMICALS, page 6)