The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1941, Image 3
Ags Show Impressive Offense and Defense Against TCU; Moser, Sibley, and Ruby Shine Another great weekend has gone by—a weekend in which the sup posedly “dark-horse” Texas Aggies showed the football world and the Southwest Conference that they can get along quite well without the spirits of John Kimbrough, Jim Thomason, Marion Pugh, Tommy Vaughn and the rest. T. C. U. didn’t have a chance, and we doubt If they would have kept the score closer even if Kyle Gillespie were in there pitching. The Aggies were hot and they were not to be de nied. They showed a potent run ning game, featuring Derace Mos er and Leo Daniels, plus a passing attack that is destined to rival some of the nation’s best. Their line, coached by “Uncle Bill’ James, cne of the nation’s great line men tors, was one of the fiercest charg ing lines than this writer has wit nessed in many a moon. In fact it charged so hard, that Coach Dutch Meyer had to resort to the old “trap” play in which the line men are let to come in and there trapped in the backfield. Leading that defensive attack for the Ags were Martin Ruby, big husky tackle, and Dub Sibley, pepper-box center. A second Ki Aldrich was born at T. C. U.’s own stadium in Sibley, whose great defensive exhibition at times even outmodeled the former All-Ameri can Frog star. Center situation in peril? Judge for’yourself. As for Ruby, he might as well have been one of the Frog backfield men. He was in the backfield just as much as the T. C. U. backs were. It was either Ruby or Sibley or Sibley or Ruby as far as the making of tackles were con cerned. Both played a remarkable game and are destined to go far in making a name for themselves in the Southwest Conference. Well, that’s the situation. Of course, let’s not look too far ahead because the Aggies still have Bay lor, Arkansas, S. M. U., Rice, and Texas, any of which will prove tough hurdles to go over. The Ag gies still have many rough spots, but we’U just leave it up to Coach Homer Norton to straigthen them out. Teams Can’t Rely Upon One Man and Win Games; Balanced Attack is Key to Victories One thing that the conference proved this past weekend is that teaxhs which center their offense around one man will get stung and stung badly. Prime examples— T. C. U., Baylor, and Rice. Baylor lost Jack Wilson during the first quarter against Villanova, and with that loss went all the punch. The same can be said of the Frogs when they lost Kyle Gillespie, the heart of the T. C. U. offense. Rice’s Brumley was not in the game against L. S. U. and everyone knows the result—a 27 to 0 set back for the Owls. Texas, A. & M. and possibly, S. M. U., are not built that way. For example, if Texas lost Layden, they still have Crain, Doss, Roberts, and BLACK AS NIGHT -THAT MEANS BLUE! Yes sir—under the gay lights of a ball room it takes a “midnight blue” to really look black. And this year’s styles are def initely different—make your old tux look Model T-ish! Coats are longer, waist lines lower with easier fit and drape. They’re built for com fort as well as speed—and they make you look your best. Griffon Tuxedos $25.00 and $27.50 Arrow Tux Shirts Arrow Tux Ties Arrow Tux Collars Hickok Tux Jewelry Hickok Tux Suspenders Interwoven Tux Socks Bostonian Tux Oxfords 7 tT WIMBERLEY STONE vn/TCj CI/OCKIER6 COLLEGE and BRYAN Sanders. Should the Aggies lose Moser, they still can have a pretty fair ball club with Leo Daniels and Tom Pickett. So the conclusion is that the team that has a balanced attack—one in which everyone takes part—is the team that is destined to go places. STAR OF THE WEEK DE PARTMENT ... The honor this week goes to Derace Moser, Aggie triple-threat, and Dub ..Sibley, sturdy Ag pivot man, who sparked the cadets to a 14-0 victory over T. C. U. Moser was never better as he sparked the Aggies all over the field with his great running, passing, and kicking. Sibley led the fired-up Aggie line, which rock ed the Frogs back and forth with remarkable regularity. SPORTS SQUIBS FROM HERE AND THERE Coaches Charles DeWare and Manning Smith request that any freshman that still wishes to go out for football to report down to the gym at 5:15 today . . . Here’s something to consider for those that like to pick teams by com parative scores . . . (1) Texas beats L. S. U. 34-0, (2) Rice beats Tulane, 10-9, (3) Tulane beats North Carolina University, a team which scored two touchdowns on Fordham, 52-6„ L. S. U. beats Rice 27-0 . . . Now the question is what’ll happen when Rice and Texas bump into each other next week .. . by comparative scores you could either take Rice or Texas and have pretty fair choices . . . however, this writer has learned his lesson by picking teams by comparing scores. . . it doesnt work. . . . BATTALIONS— mXZ OCTOBER 21, 1941 Page 3 Baylor’s Offense! Jack Wilson INTRAMURALS By DUB OXFORD ins: Class A Basketball Touch Football Plans are now in order for class A basketball and touch football matches to begin. Basketball will start on Octo ber 27, and touch football will begin on or about November 3. The weather is the only ele ment holding back the begin ning of the foot ball games.' In class B, v olleyba 1 1 matches will begin on November 3. As the volloyball courts are under the stadium games may be played in any sort of weather. As Class B Pinff Pong Volleyball Oxford Patronize Our Agent In Your Outfit. 7\! ^21585^1 DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS JTYOir'xcaLrL CASH & CARRY — North Gate D. M. DANSBY, ’37 Headed To Where THE RESERVATIONS ARE THE BEST Plan To Keep The Folks And Girl Friend Here COLLEGE COURTS East Gate yet, starting time for ping pong has not been worked out. FORFEIT DOGHOUSE Class A— E Coast Artillery, Water Polo A Infantry, Water Polo H Replacement Center, Tennis F Replacement Center, Tennis B Signal Corps, Tennis E Engineers, Tennis A Cavalry, Tennis Class B— H Coast Artillery, Toudh Football B Replacement Center, Swimming Intramural Scores Class A Handball— 1 Hdq. Field, 2; Field, 1 C Engineers, 2; D Replacement Center, 1 D Cavalry, 2; I Infantry, 1 C CWS, 3; H Replacement Cen ter, 0 A CWS, 3; D Field, 0 H Field, 2; A Coast, 1 C Cavalry, 2; B Infantry, 1 Infantry Band, 3; K Infantry, 0 Class B. Swimming— B Signal Corps, 35; 1 CHQ, 10 F Engineers, 26; A Cavalry, 18 F. A. Band, 29; F Replacement Center, 12 Williamson Still Places Texas First; Aggies Rated Fifth By Paul B. Williamson The Texas Aggies defeated T. C. U., as predicted by the System, with a score of 14-0. The Aggies played a far superior game than is indicated by the score. Most of the teams came through in good form last week for the Williamson Rating System, to give the System its best average of the season. The mighty Texas Longhorns buried Arkansas under a 48-14 (See WILLIAMSON, Page 4) Aggies Play Host to Baylor Bears Sat Afternoon; Line Stands Out Against TCU Having chalked up their fourth consecutive victory by defeating the Texas Christian Horned Frogs last weekend, the Texas Aggie gridsters are sighting their guns on the Baylor Bears whom they on Kyle Field Saturday. In the four games, the Aggies have gath ered in a total of 158 points against seven points scored by their oppon ents. The Ags and the Texas Long horns are the only undefeated-un tied teams in the Southwest Con ference after four weeks of play with only a few conference games played. Good Shape Coming out of the T. C. U. af fair with only the usual bruises and bumps, the Aggies should be in much better condition when they meet the Bears than they were when they took on the Frogs. The Baylor Bears with a new coach, Frank Kimbrough, have a system of offense and defense never before encountered by the six other conference coaches. All information on Baylor teams of past years is useless as Kimbrough has introduced ideas which car ried him to high esteem at Hardin- Simmons university. Wilson Injured The sparkplug of the Baylor squad, Jack Wilson, suffered a slight brain concussion in the Vil lanova game last Friday night and there is the probability that he may not see much, if any, action against the Aggies. If Wilson is in the lineup, the Bears threaten to be one of the toughest oppon ents the Cadets will face all sea son. Other outstanding Baylor men are: Jack Russell, a fine end who will be bidding for All-American honors; Milton Crain, another great back; Dwight Parks, the Bear passing ace; Buddy Gatewood, an outstanding center; and Lewis Self, Corps Trip Experiences Too Colorful to be Forgotten Soon By Charlie Babcock Looking for color and excite ment ? Try the following recipe some Saturday afternoon in Octo ber, preferably on odd-numbered years in Fort Worth. Take 5000 Texas Aggie cadets, mix well with 2500 TSCW-ites, and place in 25,000 capacity con crete container along with 17,000 other rabid fans. Stir the contents well with an exciting football game between two powerful teams, spiced with a lot of action and tur moil. The result? Color and ex citement enough to serve the na tion. However, memories of the color remain long after the taste has gone. Memories like those of the flag-tearing incident . . . when the unknown, too enthusiastic cadet shinnied up the flagpole after the game and grabbed the TCU pen nant. After numerous pleadings, the Aggie came down with the flag in hand and an Aggie-Frog scramble followed, and in the fight the flag was torn in two pieces. The shreds a rough and tough guard'. Wilson and Russell are possible All-Amer ican players while Crain, Gate- wood, Parks, and Self should get lots of votes for the All-Conference squad. Saturday’s Highlights The Aggie-T. C. U. game of last Saturday was not without its highlights. The Quiet line, al though off key at times, showed stellar defense play with Ruby blocking Gillespie’s punt and set ting up the cards for the first Ag gie score. Dub Sibley turned in a whale of a game as a defensive center; the Frogs having trouble keeping him out of their backfield. One of the prettiest punt returns of the day, that by Moser, was called back because of a clipping penalty against the Aggies. The standouts for the Horned Frogs were Bruce Alford, Dean Bagley, and Frank Kring. Alford, at end, was the outstanding Frog lineman against the Aggies. Dean Bagley, Frog quarterback, did a very nice job at the signal-call ing post and also in defensive play. Kring, the only T. C. U. letterman at the fullback position, was the most brilliant man in the Frog defense and was so battered that he finally had to be replaced. were not located, but it is believed that members of both schools car ried away bits. Aggies couldn’t forget their great victory. They carried celebra tion festivities far into the night. Sunday morning found hotels partially demolished. Cafes sold triple the amount of usual steaks. Taverns, dances, and bars did more than fair share of business. Aggies walked, danced, rode, sat, and talked until their eyes would no longer permit proper focusing. Then it was to bed. . . . on floors, on sofas, in chairs, and in beds of all sorts. The Aggies invaded Cowtown, they conquered the Horned Frogs, and they celebrated riotously with every ounce of remaining energy. And Fort Worth merchants couldn’t complain about the amount of business. One enterprising hotel drug store manager, though rushed with cur- Since 1696, Harvard university rent business, looked into the fu- has offered a $500 scholarship for ture as far as Sunday morning, an Englishman or Indian from Chief among the wares offered on “Petaquamscot in the Naragansett the principal counter was a large | country otherwise called King’s display of aspirin. Province.” Cross Country Team Wins Meet in Denton The A. & M. cross country team defeated the North Texas State Teacher’s College squad at Den ton last Friday by a score of 29- 26. This is the first time the Den ton team has been defeated by any group in this part of the coun try in the past three years. The order in which the contest ants finished were: Zeigler, Laney, Meyer, Garrett, Bebbs, and El more. Coach “Andy” Anderson stated that the Aggie cross country men are looking good this year and show much promise for the fu ture. ' Skin Those Bears AGGIES There Is No Substitute For Quality MILITARY CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT • Uniforms • Hats • Shoes • Shirts • Bombay Slacks • Insignias • Trench Coats OUR STOCK INCLUDES ONLY THOSE ARTICLES THAT ARE NATIONALLY KNOWN THE EXCHANGE STOKE “AN AGGIE INSTITUTION” College