The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 21, 1941, Image 1

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    DIAL 4-5444
The Battalion
DIAL 4-5444
Activities Committee Allocates $2,000 to Clubs
Agronomy Society to Get
Half of Cotton Ball Funds
Set for Fish
Class to Meet
Votes Counted By
Yell Leaders And
Regimental Officers
Election of class officers is the
prime object of the first meeting
of the freshman class which will
be held Wednesday night after
supper at Assembly Hall. Follow
ing the election the class will make
plans for the coming year.
Tom Gillis, cadet colonel of the
corps, will preside at the meeting
until the new Fish president takes
over the duties. Regimental com
manders and yell leaders will as
sist in counting votes and main
taining order.
In order that a fair representa
tion of all the organizations of the
corps be present, Gillis asks that
as many freshmen as possible be
present. He also requests the co
operation of the freshmen in mak
ing the first meeting a success.
Chief function of the class of
ficers will be to conduct the Fish
Ball which will be held next spring.
Ashton Writes
For Ag Magazine
On Research Study
The agricultural possibilities of
Nicaragua are discussed in a
lengthy article in the current is
sue of Agriculture in the Americas,
an official publication of the Of
fice of Foreign Agricultural Rela
tions of the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture. The article
was written by Dr. John Ashton
of the Department of Rural Sociol
ogy of A. & M. while he was on
a leave of absence to serve as
an exchange professor and agri
cultural adviser to Nicaragua un
der the Convention for Promotion
of Inter-American Cultural Rela
tions, to which most of the Amer
ican Republics are parties.
A native of England and a resi
dent of the United States since
1901, Dr. Ashton gradauted from
Texas A. & M. College and Mis
souri University. He has been on
the staffs of several large agri
cultural publications and has writ
ten a number of books on livestock
production and has travelled exten
sively in Europe and Latin Ameri
ca. At A. & M. Dr. Ashton teaches
Agricultural Journalism, and is
recognized as a poet of renown.
Agriculture in the Americas is
an intensely interesting publication
and may be obtained on request
from the U. S. D. A. It is cir
culated widely among colleges, uni
versities and experiment stations
throughout the United States.
Lucian Morgan
Receives Call To
Active Army Duty
Lucian M. Morgan, director of
the placement office of the Asso
ciation of Former Students, has
been called to active duty as a
First Lieutenant, Field Artillery.
He will report to Ellington Field
for examination on October 20 and
will be sent to the Adjutant Gen
eral’s School at Arlington Canton
ment, Va.
Before his departure Lieutenant
Morgan is starting the year’s-pro
gram and will have all prelimi
nary work completed before leav
During Morgan’s absence' the
work of the placement office will
be handled by other members of
the association staff, aided by mem
bers of the college faculty who
will be called upon for extra ser
vice durig the emergency. There
will be no curtailment of the pro
gram during the period of nation
al emergency.
Morgan will attend the Adjutant
General’s School and will be put
through a two month’s course for
classification officers.
And the Fightin’ Aggies Rolled On
Sparkplug Derace Moser is shown as he carries a T. C. U. punt back deep into Frog territory. Moser took
this T. C. U. kick on the 50 yard line and returned it to the Frog 32 early in the first quarter. Cullen Ro
gers has just blocked Frank Kring of T. C. U. Gillespie, number 40 and Odell, number 54 close in for the
tackle. Photo by Jack Jones.
Twenty-one Aggies Listed in Who’s Who
In Colleges and Universities for 41-42
Activities And
Scholarship Are
Basis for Choice
Twenty-one Texas Aggies made
the Who’s Who in American Col
leges and Universities for the ses
sion of 1941-42 which is published
by the University of Alabama, un
der the editorship of H. Pettus
An original list of 30 students
were selected by a committee of
regimental commanders presided
over by Tom Gillis and this list
was submitted to the faculty mem
bers of the Student Activity com
mittee for them to eliminae those
on the list down to twenty, which
is the number that A. & M. is al
lowed to have.
These men were selected by con
sidering their qualities of leader
ship, activity, popularity, and schol
arship. The scholastic requirements
were a 1.5 grade point average or
better, and this requirement is not
to be waived unless the student is
particularly outstanding in the oth
er three fields.
Also included in the list is Ca
de Colonel Tom Gillis who is not
counted in the 20 since he was
listed last year.
Those students chosen were Ro
land Bing; Editor, Agriculturist
magazine, president, Collegiate F.
F. A., freshman Danforth Fellow
ship winner; Howard Brians; Lt.
Col. Cavalry Regiment, Social Sec
retary Cotton Ball, chairman, Cav
alry dance committee; Sam. E.
Brown, Lt. Col. Infantry regiment,
president Tri-state A. & M. club;
Alden Cathey, Social Secretary of
the Senior Class, Cadet Captain
second battalion Infantry staff,
president of the Junior Class 1941;
Billy Davis; Editor, Engineer mag
azine, president Hill County club,
member Student Engineering coun
Don Gabriel, editor of The Bat
talion, Cadet Major, commander
first battalion Coast Artillery
Corps, president of the Debate
Club; Joe W. Gibbs, Lt. Col. En
gineer regiment, president, society
of American Military Engineers;
Tom S. Gillis; Cadet Colonel, corps
commander, Chairman, Student
Aid Fund Committee; R. L. Heit-
kamp; Editor, Longhorn, Cadet
Captain, Field Artillery regiment
al staff, freshman class historian,
Defense Rating
Slows Completion
Of New Dormitories
Difficulty in securing building
materials, especially plumbers fit
tings, has made it impossible to
keep up with the original cons
truction schedule for the new dorm
itories. However, an attempt is be
ing made to relieve this situation as
quickly as possible.
E. N. Holmgreen, business man
ager of the college, yesterday was
plumbing valves which have been
an A-9 priority rating on certain
plumbing valevs which have been
one of the chief causes of the de
lay. This will help to relieve the
difficulty in continuing the cons
truction work. Everything possi
ble is being done to complete the
dormitories on schedule in order
to relieve the crowded situation
in the old dorms as soon as possi
Not a British Invasion--Just
Reagan High School Redcoats
By Nelson Karbach
Hey, Army, how would you like
a chance to have a date with a
beautiful young girl? You are go
ing to have 147 chances when the
Red Coats from Reagan high
school in Houston come to the cam
pus next Saturday to drill at the
A. & M.-Baylor game. The Red
Coats are going to drill at the game
and after the game—it’s up to
you, Army! Jack Nagle is in charge
of the date bureau and has com
plete descriptions of the girls. He
will announce arrangements for
making dates with the girls in the
next day or two.
The girls will arrive on a spec
ial train Saturday afternoon just
before the game and will go im
mediately to Kyle Field where they
will drill before the game. They
will attend the game as guests of
the college. After the game they
will go to the Assembly Hall where
ihey will meet their dates and go
to supper. They will leave on the
train about an hour after the corps
This year’s snappy edition of
Reagan Red Coats is headed by
Muriel Howell, drum major; Ruth
Doss, drill master; Maggie Jo
Turner and Patsy Porter, assis
tant drill masters. The lieutenants
are Laurel Lee, Joyce Harveson,
Patty Scott, and Margie Fiet. It
is sponsored by Mrs. Bernice Bark
er Gale and has been backed by
ex-Aggie Kenneth Mairn, class of
The Red Coat drum and bugle
corps was organized in 1926 and
was one of the first high school
pep squads and drum and bugle
corps to be formed. Since it was
first organized, it has developed
until it is one of the best known or
ganizations of its kind in the state.
In the past few years, the organ-
ation has made trips to San An
tonio’s Battle of Flowers, Dallas,
Waco, Lake Charles, Corpus Chris-
ti, and other places. Their most
outstanding trip was made to Mex
ico City where they staged a com
mand performance before the Pres
ident of Mexico.
Names of Thirty
Cadets Submitted
For Consideration
Junior Editor of the Longhorn
Harry Herrington; Lt. Col.,
Composite Regiment, president,
Palestine Club; Dick Hervey, pres
ident of the Senior Class, Cadet
Captain, commander of K Infan
try, historian Junior Class 1941;
Ransom Kenny; Lt. Col. Coast Ar
tillery Corps Regiment, vice presi
dent, Scholarship Honor Society,
Junior Class Student Welfare rep
resentative; Louis Kercheville; Lt.
Col. Field Artillery Regiment, first
sergeant Ross Volunteers, president
San Antonio Club, Field Artillery
award; Jack Miller; President Jun
ior Class, Danforth Fellowship win
ner, vice-president Sophomore class
1941, master sergeant Caval
ry regiment; Derace Moser; two
year letterman in varsity football,
varsity track letter, freshman bas
ketball letter, Cadet First Lieuten
ant Field Artillery first battal
ion staff.
Rufus Pearce; Lt. Col. of
Orchestra, member of Student En
gineering council; Bob Russell; Ca
det Major of Aggie band, member
of American Society of Mechanical
Engineers; Fred Smitham; Town
Hall manager, Cadet Major, exec
utive officer Composite Regiment,
president, Y Cabinet; Marshal Spi
vey; two year letterman in varsity
football and track, student repre
sentative on athletic council, cadet
Captain, Coast Artillery Regiment
al Staff; Skeen Staley; head yell
leader, Cadet Captain, commander,
E Engineers, member Student En
gineering Council; and Jack Taylor,
president Scholarship Honor Soc
iety, Cadet Captain, commander,
third headquarters Field Artillery,
Danforth Fellowship winner.
C N Heilscher
Added to IE Staff
C. N. Heilscher has been added
to the industrial education depart
ment as an instructor. He was un
able to report here until after Oc
tober 1, because of a previous com
mittment at Conroe, Texqs.
Heilscher received his B.S. de
gree from Texas A. & M. in 1933.
While he was a student here he
was a member of the Aggie band,
the Aggieland Orchestra, and
the Ross Volunteers.
He first taught in the junior high
school at Beaumont, Texas, and
after three years moved to Con
Heilscher's work here consists of
teaching elementary woodcraft,
ornamental iron-work, methods of
teaching elementary high school
drawing, and a theory class in mod
ern industi'ies. He is also supervis
or of the apprentice teachers in the
A. & M. consolidated high school,
and in the junior and senior high
schools in Bryan.
Headquarters Corps of Cadets
Texas A. & M. College
College Station, Texas
October 20, 1941
President T. C. U. Student
c-o M. E. Sadler, President of
T. C. U.
Fort Worth, Texas
Dear President:
The incident which, occured
following the T. C. U. & A. M.
football game in Fort Worth
Saturday concerning the re
moval and destruction of the
Frog flag is regrettable be
cause it did not express the
sentiment of the Aggie Cadet
We would like to add the
apologies of the Corps to those
of the student responsible, and
we will replace it with a similar
flag, purchased with funds col
lected from our Corps and pre
sent it to the T. C. U. Student
The occurence was not indi
cative of the Spirit of A. M.
and we would like to replace
the banner in furtherance of
the feeling of sportmanship
which prevails between our
schools. Your students were
most kind to the Corps during
its visit, and we hope to return
it next year in full measure.
Tom Gillis, Cadet Colonel
Skeen Staley, Head Yell
Honor Society
Names 68 Seniors
For Current Year
Senior members of the Schol
arship Honor Society for the com
ing year have been selected and
the first meeting will be held in
the C.E. lecture room Friday, Oc
tober 24 at 7:30 p.m. Plans and
policies for the coming year will
be formulated at this meeting and
committees appointed, so it is im
portant that all members be pres
The purpose of this society is
to create a closer understanding
between students and faculty; to
promote the exchange of ideas a-
mong students; to provide a means
of presentation of special topics
of current interest, and to promote
a high standard of scholarship in
the college.
Scholastic standing as recorded
in the college records determines
eligibility for membership in this
organization. The upper eighty;
per cent of the senior class and
the upper four per cent of the jun
ior class in each school are ad
mitted. Additional requirements
are that the candidates have no
grade of F and have spent at
least one year at A. & M.
The grade point average for the
senior class in the various schools
this year is as follows: School of
Agriculture, 2.12; School of Engi
neering 2.23; School of Veterinary
Medicine, 2.05; School of Arts and
Sciences, 2.23.
Any senior who can fulfill the
requirements and whose name does
not appear below should contact
Jack Taylor in room 328 Dorm 4
at once.
Junior members of the society
will be announced as soon as the
list can be prepared.
Following is the list of the sen
ior members for this year:
J. W. Autry, Shitrtey Azar, W.
First Choice Given Clubs Having Members
To Take Part in Intercollegiate Contests
Over $2,000 has been allocated to 22 student organizations on the
basis decided upon at the September meeting of the Student Activities
committee. The basis was that clubs having intercollegiate represen
tatives for whom the college furnishes no funds should be given first
preference. Service organizations were given second choice. Clubs
that send student delegates to state or national organizations were
given third consideration and after these groups all other applications
were considered.
At the meeting held last Thurs-4
day it was voted to give the
Agronomy society fifty percent of
the proceeds from the Cotton Ball
which in the future will be put
on as a corps dance. The balance
of the profits from the Cotton
Ball will go to the corps dance
fund. The committee voted that
all dances should be closed. This
means that only members of the
organizations giving the dance may
attend that dance.
Division of Funds
In the division of the funds items
not considered were socials, speak
ers, equipment, including books
which could be secured otherwise,
inspection trips, printing, stamps
and other supplies. No requests
for speakers were granted at this
time because of the lack of funds.
It is expected that there will
be additional funds available
through the Guion Hall picture
show. At this time there is no
way to tell how much money will
be available from this source but
should it exceed that already al
located the excess will be distribu-
uted to those eligible organiza
tions who have been temporarily
turned down.
Clubs submitting applications in
cluded expenditures of the pre
vious year and proposed budget of
income and expenditure for the
current year. These were used
as the base for amounts of funds
Club Allocations
The funds and the amounts which
they are to receive and the pur
pose for which they are to be used
are as follows: A. I. Ch. E., $100
for delegates; Future Farmers
(See CLUBS, Page 4)
Faculty Dance Club
Swings Out This Wed
The Faculty Dance Club will
present its second dance of the
season, a “barn dance” Wednesday
night, October 24 at Sbisa Hall.
The music will be furnished by the
Aggieland ‘“Sextette” which will
play from nine until twelve p.m.
Any old clothes will be in style
for this particular “barn dance,
and according to C. J. Samuelson,
“anything will do provided the
wearer is comfortable and the on
lookers are not shocked.”
If plans go through the champion
caller, of Giles County will direct
the dances in a few selected square
dances. Everyone who enjoys barn
dancing is invited.
Official Holiday
Schedule Released
Official dates of the Thanks
giving holidays at A. & M. Col
lege have been changed from Nov.
20-22, as announced in ,the college
catalogue, to Nov. 27 to Dec. 1,
6:00 p.m., F. C. Bolton, dean of the
college, has announced.
The original dates were set be
fore Governor Coke Stevenson an
nounced that Texas would celebrate
Thanksgiving on Nov. 27 instead
of on Nov. 22 as proclaimed by
President F. D. Roosevelt. The
date of Nov. 27, the day of the an
nual Texas A. & M.-University of
Texas football game here, had been
declared as a holiday of the col
lege but is now included in the
new dates set by Dean Bolton.
Offices of the college will be clos
ed Nov. 27-29 but the students
will be excused from 6 p.m., Nov.
26 to 6 p.m., Dec. 1. Classes will
be resumed at 8 a.m. on December
“Flying Blind”
Program to Honor
Ex-Aggies Tonight
“Spirit of Aggieland”
Will be Played and Sung
On Texas Quality Network
The Flying Cadets at Randolph
Field will pay tribute to A. & M.
and the ex-Aggies who are now in
training there, tonight between
8:30 and 9:00 o’clock on the “Fly
ing Blind” program over the air
The program will originate at
Randolph Field, the West Point
of the Air, and will be carried
over the stations of the Lone Star
Chain from Radio Station KTSA,
San Antonio.
Highlight of the program will
be the playing and singing of the
“Spirit of Aggieland,” almo-mater
song of the college.
Texas A. & M. is one of the col
leges to be so honored in recog
nition of the numerous students and
alumni who have gone into the
air service. Last June over 80
Aggies signed up for the flying
vraining offered and since then
another 40 or more have enrolled
to carry on the tradition that Tex
as A. & M. furnished more com
missioned officers for the U. S.
Army than any college in the Unit
ed States, including West Point.
Each Tuesday night four repre
sentatives from each of the lower
and upperclasses at Randolph
Field vie with each other in a bat
tle of wits as they scramble to stay
on the beam by answering correct
ly questions selected from a group
submitted by members of the en
tire corps. It is possible that
some ex-Aggies now at the train
ing center will appear on the pro
gram but the selections are not an
nounced until the program starts,
Poultry Team Plans
Chicago Trip in Nov
The A. & M. Poultry Judging
team is making plans to attend
the National Collegiate Poultry
Judging contest to be held in Chi
cago during November, it was an
nounced by Coach E. D. Parnell.
The team has just returned from
a successful trip to the Austin and
Brazoria County fairs where they
participated in judging poultry ex
The team is carrying on intens
ive practice and before leaving
for Chicago, they will judge poul
try at the Wharton County Fair
and at Oklahoma A. & M.
Cadet Corps’and Reveille Cave
Cowtown Sample of Ag Power
By Ken Bresnen
In the distance could be heard
the beat of drums, as five thous
and Aggies marched up Main
street in Fort Worth last Satur
day morning. The roar of patriot
ic applause grew louder and loud
er, reaching a climax as Cadet
Colonel Tom Gillis and his staff
reached the reviewing stand.
Revielle trotted along faithfully
behind the corps staff, and when
the staff and Infantry band halt
ed in front of the reviewing stand’
she divided her attention equal
ly between them as if it were her
particular duty to see that the pa
rade went off smoothly.
The Field Artillery and Compos
ite regiments passed in review to
the martial strains of the Marine
Song played by the Infantry Band
The band then moved out and fol
lowed the Composite regiment to
the dismissal area and the Field
Artillery Band marched into posi
tion to play for the rest of the
News photographers from the
Fort Worth papers covered the pa
rade and newsreel cameramen film
ed the parade from atop the
marquee of a large department
After the corps had demonstrat
ed its military strength to the peo
ple of Texas in a parade that took
twenty-five minutes to pass, the
T. C. U. yell leaders had their
own parade of jalopies decorated in
maroon and white to bid the Ag
gies welcome to Cow Town.